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The Addiction thread is pretty helpful. Depending on the version, Foci addiction could be very harsh. I might just go with a Threshold of 2 for most Foci and a Threshold of 3 for Power Foci. To make the Force relevant, perhaps subtracting the Force (or Force/2) from the addiction test? I'm still not sure I want to roll seperately for each Foci - I might try to build in a way to stack multiple Foci into a single test. Hmmm...
QUOTE (HappyDaze)
Your suggestion will be ignored. Defense of a faulty rule just becasue it's there and tolerated is laziness (at best).

a guy who's lazy won't try to fix something that doesn't cause problems. a guy who's lazy and foolhardy will try and fix something he thinks is broken without making sure it is--without finding out why nobody else thinks it's broken. yeah, i'm lazy.
Knock off the attacks. Stop baiting people. Refrain from posting if all you have to add to the conversation is snark.

This is the last time that this thread will have a warning posted instead of a lock.
QUOTE (HappyDaze)
You are totally incorrect. As you said, this is a game, and everyone at the table - including the GM - is expected to follow the rules. However, this too is off topic - please make a seperate thread if you wish to discuss it further.

QUOTE (HappyDaze)
No, what I am doing is dealing with a singular contained problem. Opening up the box to all of the oddities is fine, but do it in another thread.

This community is rife with side discussions within threads. While you may have initiated this discussion it is not your thread to impose your control over. The forum and the discussions that go on in it are the community’s; I hope you can respect that.

Having said that, this from page one does not appear to be answered yet:

QUOTE (HappyDaze)
Could you please point out - in detail - where the rules for damaging Foci are found? I'm having some difficulty finding them, and I'm also pretty sure that 'grounding-out' spells through Foci is not present in SR4.

Here’s an example of something you could have searched for simply enough. I’ve personally posted them a number of times in the past year. However, I’ll go ahead and point them out again.

QUOTE (SR4 p.174)
Spells cast on astral objects like mana barriers or active foci are resisted with force.

So you have how a focus resists a combat spell. Then you just have to see if it survives the damage.

See the Barrier Rating Table on p.157 to help you determine the Structure and Armor rating for the type of focus you have, perhaps that ring you have is a heavy material not unlike a chain link, or maybe that staff is an average material similar to a tree.

Also see the Damaging barriers table on p.158, note that combat spells use their base DV against barriers.

Then you decide if the damage rolled by the casting magician with their manabolt is enough to destroy the focus or not.

You’ll find that the details are not very firm, but SR isn’t about having a rule for every exact situation, it’s about having a set of rules that can be applied to many situations.

QUOTE (HappyDaze)
For this to be a fair comparison, there would need to be a limited form of reflex enhancement that only applies 20% of the time but still costs you 80% of what the full version does. If there were such an item, it would be terribly unpopular and would be unlikely to get many takers.

Yea, it’s called increased reflexes spell and a sustaining focus, and it’s surprisingly popular. It’s almost like an unrelated discussion from what should have been a different thread suddenly has some merit.

QUOTE (HappyDaze)
Your suggestion will be ignored. Defense of a faulty rule just becasue it's there and tolerated is laziness (at best).

In my experience SR4 has adequate rules for balance. When an imbalance appears to exist my experience has shown that the rules already in the game can be applied to the problem, the trouble is finding out how to apply them. So I feel compelled to reassert the suggestion you’re choosing to ignore. While the easier solution may be to further nerf Power Foci, which have already been weakened in SR4 compared to previous editions, you may find through careful consideration and study that a solution already exists. Perhaps if you have elucidated further clarifications and information from those who came to this thread to assist you with your perceived imbalance you would have discovered them. Instead you choose to insult and possibly drive away the help that was offered. Perhaps you were not seeking assistance however.

As to the topic at hand:

I’ve found that an over reliance on foci, regardless of type, and while it usually ends up being sustaining foci that are abuse the same principals apply. If you are indeed using that power foci for everything then you’ve got it active a lot of the time, and if that’s the case it’s prone to destruction.

A power focus is twice the Karma cost to bond compared to a Spellcasting or Summoning focus. How many times to you have to lose that before you realize that perhaps having all your eggs in one basket is a risk. That Binding focus is useful because it will almost never be destroyed because you’re not very likely to ever have it active while a threat is nearby. You can lose/have destroyed your power focus, but still have that extra assistance in binding.

After looking this thread over I’m not sure you’ve given a variety of the drawbacks presented the opportunity of real consideration. And as you’ve systematically disregarded each one individually, I recommend you reread this thread and compile a comprehensive list of what you’ve had presented here and consider them in total.

I also urge you not to overlook the relative usefulness compared to other aspects of the game. While it is easiest to explore the issue as a simple Gedanken Experiment alone in a vacuum, it is really a complex thing that exists in the midst of a complex environment, with a wide variety of rules to compare with.

So you have how a focus resists a combat spell. Then you just have to see if it survives the damage.

OK, so the attacker typically rolls Spellcasting + Magic + any relevant bonuses/penalties vs. the Focus's Force + Counterspelling (I assume that the owner would protect his Foci), right?

See the Barrier Rating Table on p.157 to help you determine the Structure and Armor rating for the type of focus you have, perhaps that ring you have is a heavy material not unlike a chain link, or maybe that staff is an average material similar to a tree.

Let's go with a ring for the example. Armor 6 and Structure 7. I'm not sure how armor is going to work against a mana spell - if I'm reading it correctly, this will only come up against physical spells.

Also see the Damaging barriers table on p.158, note that combat spells use their base DV against barriers.

OK, 1:1 keeps it simple enough here.

Then you decide if the damage rolled by the casting magician with their manabolt is enough to destroy the focus or not.

Can a mana spell actually destroy a physical object? I'd assume that the best that it could do would be to deactivate the Focus, or if you want something more drastic, it could deattune the Focus, requiring the magician to rebond with it. Either way, the mana spell can't affect the physical object, so once it's deactivated/deattuned it's invulnerable to mana spells.

You’ll find that the details are not very firm, but SR isn’t about having a rule for every exact situation, it’s about having a set of rules that can be applied to many situations.

Everything in this seems pretty clear except the actual outcome. I can not accept that the Focus will be destroyed by a mana spell, but whether it is merely deactivated or fully deattuned is an important distinction.
QUOTE (HappyDaze)
Can a mana spell actually destroy a physical object? I'd assume that the best that it could do would be to deactivate the Focus, or if you want something more drastic, it could deattune the Focus, requiring the magician to rebond with it. Either way, the mana spell can't affect the physical object, so once it's deactivated/deattuned it's invulnerable to mana spells.

In general no, but a focus in not a mere physical object.

QUOTE (SR4 p.174)
A spell cast on a non-living, non-magic target is not resisted, as the object has no life force and thus no connection to mana with which to oppose the casting of the spell (note that only Physical spells will affect non-living objects; mana spells have no effect).

I think it’s easier to assume that the non-living, non-magic pertains equally to the shorter non-living statement that appears in the parenthesis, than to assume that they broadened the focus of the statement within the sentence. I would say they were working to save words in a document that they had to make serious cuts from a number of locations, not just magic.

Precedence is that the astral form is linked to the physical form, and damage to one is equivalent to damage to the other. If a projecting mage is hit with a manabolt then the physical damage is also reflected in his physical form.

QUOTE (HappyDaze)
I can not accept that the Focus will be destroyed by a mana spell, but whether it is merely deactivated or fully deattuned is an important distinction.

It may be less difficult to accept that a mana spell can destroy a Focus when you consider that it does have an astral form that can be separated from its physical form.

Perhaps if you prefer to avoid the actual physical destruction of the physical form then consider that if project with an active focus its astral form travels with you and its physical form is unrelated. Then the focus itself is entirely that astral form, and the only time that you can use a focus is when that astral form is active, as it exists whenever the focus is activated. Given that then destroying the astral form is sufficient to destroy the focus nature of the object. Successful destruction of the focus in that case would leave only a mundane object, with it’s magic destroyed.

In either case the value of the object goes from 25k nuyen.gif per force and 8x Force in Karma to close enough to zero to be zero. At best you’ve got the price of a nice ring, at worst you’ve got scrap metal…
On further consideration, the material of the Focus may have little to do with how it resists mana damage. Foci are called an astral construct within a physical object. It seems that each can take damage seperately.

In this interpretation, drawing from the rules for mana barriers, the 'armor' and 'structure' of a Focus's astral construct - the part attacked by a mana spell - would be equal to the Force of the Foci. The 'armor' was already taken into account by the notion of resisting with Force, and the seperation of the astral 'structure' keeps things making some sense. This makes Foci pretty fragile, but it does have the advantage that this damage resets after one turn of not being attacked (unlike physical attacks on the Focus).

There is still the question of whether a Focus overcome by mana damage is truly destroyed or is merely disrupted - which, by the reading of mana barriers, means merely deactivated.

Still looking...
The disrupted that occurs with mana barriers however is basically due to stun damage. You'll note that the same secion on barriers equates disruption with completely filling the stun track.

Physical damage is what we're dealing with here.

It may be that using the astral barriers rule would be best, in which case see the example of how shattershield works. But once the astral form is destroyed I can't accept that there is any thing left of the focus as far as it's magical ability.
The disrupted that occurs with mana barriers however is basically due to stun damage. You'll note that the same secion on barriers equates disruption with completely filling the stun track.

Physical damage is what we're dealing with here.

Good point.

It may be that using the astral barriers rule would be best, in which case see the example of how shattershield works. But once the astral form is destroyed I can't accept that there is any thing left of the focus as far as it's magical ability.

Convincing argument. A harsh ruling, but this explanation is convincing.
That seems to be the biggest problem people have with this. It's an amazingly harsh ruling. Rating 4 Power Focus is 24 Karma and 100k nuyen.gif. Just flat out destroying that is harsh. But is it any harsher than having it stolen? Probably less, a stolen power focus is a material link for an unending barrage of ritual mojo in addition to being a huge loss in Karma and nuyen.
QUOTE (Demerzel)
That seems to be the biggest problem people have with this. It's an amazingly harsh ruling. Rating 4 Power Focus is 24 Karma and 100k nuyen.gif. Just flat out destroying that is harsh. But is it any harsher than having it stolen? Probably less, a stolen power focus is a material link for an unending barrage of ritual mojo in addition to being a huge loss in Karma and nuyen.

You can astrally track down your focus if it is stolen however. At least in old editions bound foci could be used to track down owners and vice versa.
QUOTE (X-Kalibur)
QUOTE (Demerzel @ May 21 2007, 07:52 PM)
That seems to be the biggest problem people have with this.  It's an amazingly harsh ruling.  Rating 4 Power Focus is 24 Karma and 100k nuyen.gif.  Just flat out destroying that is harsh.  But is it any harsher than having it stolen?  Probably less, a stolen power focus is a material link for an unending barrage of ritual mojo in addition to being a huge loss in Karma and nuyen.

You can astrally track down your focus if it is stolen however. At least in old editions bound foci could be used to track down owners and vice versa.

Ahhhhh... that's what GM's like me call "bait." ork.gif
The only problems with foci is in char gen, it seems silly that 1 bp = 1 force binding when there is such a difference in the power of foci.

It should imo be 1 bp = 1 karma for binding, this makes it very explensive to bind foci to begin with, but I dont have a problem with that.

Its true that with the rules for char gen as they are now a mage char would be a little silly to not take a power focus 2 to begin with, unless there is a good roleplaying reason not to.

But then again often there is a good roleplaying reason, its also silly for anyone to not take an Ares Alpha Assualt rifle since it have that neat xtra 2 RC. But still people insists on making chars with AK97 since its cool or something.

But yes from a min/max view you should take power focus at force 2, and you should take the Ares Alpha, and you shouldnt take any specializations since you can spec with you first earned karma instead.

Also always play a human or ork the rest are not point efficient, unless you are going for a max'd single ability like max drain dice or highest agi etc.

My conclusion change the 1 bp = 1 force of foci or just dont worry about it.
The only problems with foci is in char gen, it seems silly that 1 bp = 1 force binding when there is such a difference in the power of foci.

This is where I'm at with the problem right now too. I'm taking the route of making them spend Karma to bond, but that's really only a possiblity if the GM starts characters with some Karma (which I do). Other wise, a new BP cost for bonding really should be calculated.
Well I dont see a problem with them costing much more at char gen than they do now, so make 1 bp = 1 karma for binding, if you think that is to much make it 1 bp = 2 karma or some such.

I dont think giving karma at char gen is the way to go, then you might aswell give more bp instead, since someone might prefer to spend the points in something else. But I dont see a reason to do that.

I just dont think it should be a no-brainer to take foci to begin with, which it is now.
QUOTE (MaxHunter)
I would still make power foci more pricey, or more addictive...

mmm... where were my addiction houserules?



ANd if you are using the power foci for 'everythign you do' this would be exactly the case.

If every time you do magic (save coutnerspelling) you are taking a pull from the power foci stick, you are going to become addict to that foci.

If it is just every time you summon a spirit of man, or cast a heal spell perhaps not as bad (unless you are a medic, then maybe).

Power foci can help with almost everything.... which means you are likely to use them for almost everything, which means you will be an addict

I dont think giving karma at char gen is the way to go, then you might aswell give more bp instead, since someone might prefer to spend the points in something else. But I dont see a reason to do that.

How is having those characters that choose not to bond a Focus spend their Karma in other ways a bad thing?

Power foci can help with almost everything.... which means you are likely to use them for almost everything, which means you will be an addict

The addiction rules are relatively easy on characters as written. Addiction tests are not supposed to made frequently even if the cause of the addiction is indulged often. As an infrequent test, Edge can help to prevent Focus Addiction (or to keep it from getting worse) in many cases.
QUOTE (HappyDaze)
The addiction rules are relatively easy on characters as written. Addiction tests are not supposed to made frequently even if the cause of the addiction is indulged often. As an infrequent test, Edge can help to prevent Focus Addiction (or to keep it from getting worse) in many cases.

Thresholds of 3 or 4 (you'd used 3 earlier for power foci) are pretty hard to make reliably. If you are worried about people avoiding this with Edge, just disallow Edge use on Addiction tests. Hmm...your luck doesn't seem to help you overindulge without penalty...
Thresholds of 3 or 4 (you'd used 3 earlier for power foci) are pretty hard to make reliably. If you are worried about people avoiding this with Edge, just disallow Edge use on Addiction tests. Hmm...your luck doesn't seem to help you overindulge without penalty...

I'd used 3 becasue that appears to be the upper limit of all examples given. Threshold 4 seems to go outside the addiction system as written.

As for Edge, I'd never disallow the spending of Edge for any roll. Of course, there's always something else that will come up later that you'll wish you had Edge left to spend on, so it all works out.
If someone with Edge 6 wished he had Edge left to spend, then whether he had spent that 1 point or not would largely be irrelevant.
QUOTE (toturi)
If someone with Edge 6 wished he had Edge left to spend, then whether he had spent that 1 point or not would largely be irrelevant.

Exactly why I'd consider disallowing Edge for addiction. If you can spend it then a Lucky Human Juicer suddenly becomes VERY good (unless the GM just says you have addictions regardless of rolls).
QUOTE (Cheops)
QUOTE (toturi @ May 23 2007, 04:26 PM)
If someone with Edge 6 wished he had Edge left to spend, then whether he had spent that 1 point or not would largely be irrelevant.

Exactly why I'd consider disallowing Edge for addiction. If you can spend it then a Lucky Human Juicer suddenly becomes VERY good (unless the GM just says you have addictions regardless of rolls).

Why should Edge be disallowed? Why shouldn't a lucky human juicer be very good?
Because drugs just kill you, it doesn't matter how lucky you are.


Because drugs just kill you, it doesn't matter how lucky you are.

Bullshit. Luck can be a lot of things, but in SR it can measure all the intangibles that are outside of your other traits. Edge on an addiction roll might just be because something you ate/inhaled/whatever triggers or blocks the same receptors reducing some of the effect of the drug, or possibly your system deals better than others, or possibly the dose you got was well-prepared (or poorly-prepared depending on how you look at it). Edge certainly can help here without even going tint o the logic defying levels that hand-of-god relies upon.

BTW, properly dosed and administered, most drugs have some beneficial uses. The 'just say no' party line has many people thinking that cocaine and steroids are deadly poison, but both are used in medicine. Why should drugs be outside of the gray area that runners operate in if hacking off limbs and gouging out eyes to replace them with machinery is OK?

Makes me think that cyberware and bioware might become addictive too... cyber.gif
QUOTE (HappyDaze)
Makes me think that cyberware and bioware might become addictive too... 

Although I don't think I'd ever go quite that far, it isn't really that bad of an idea theme-wise, but I think I'd also try to figure out some way to also fit in the rush that a Mage must feel from breaking the laws of physics using nothing but his/her own natural Mojo, even before thinking about any Foci.
QUOTE (HappyDaze)
Makes me think that cyberware and bioware might become addictive too...

The only piece of cyberware that I would consider available for addiction would be the adrenal pump.

Damned adrenaline junkies...
The only piece of cyberware that I would consider available for addiction would be the adrenal pump.

Think about Muscle Replacement and Muscle Toner/Augmentation. They are a quick-fix to being massive and studly. Get a level, everyone's doing it. Soon, you'll want an upgrade. Maybe another. You can't stop now, just a bit more and you'll be world-class.

Easily as addictive as cosmetic surgery - look at the people psychologically addicted to face lifts and other anti-aging treatments.

Likewise, consider the technophile that just has to keep adding that newest feature (and upgrading old features). Before long the character is 'more machine than man'...

There really is no reason why the 'power' of personal enhancements couldn't be as addictive as Foci are to magicians.
QUOTE (HappyDaze)
Think about Muscle Replacement and Muscle Toner/Augmentation. They are a quick-fix to being massive and studly. Get a level, everyone's doing it. Soon, you'll want an upgrade. Maybe another. You can't stop now, just a bit more and you'll be world-class.

This has always been an intended meme in CP, though, hasn't it? The problem I see is that it's rarely made a part of the game, either due to lack of familiarity with the genre, or lack of rules to force the issue.

There really is no reason why the 'power' of personal enhancements couldn't be as addictive as Foci are to magicians.

I could get heavily into theories on psychological addiction, but the general idea is that Focus Addiction is a spiritual addiction, and functions like a physical one. That makes them totally different animals. Losing a focus you're addicted to makes you worse than you were before; losing a piece of cyberware just leaves you as you were before.

That said, I used to have an NPC augmentation addict with the stated goal of becoming a cyberzombie. You can theoretically become psychologically addicted to anything, but it's much more rare than you might realize. According to my research, plastic surgery addiction is closely related to Body Dimorphic Disorder, which affects about 1% of Americans. (Worldwide data is not availiable.) That's hardly a major number.

That high? It's approaching 3 million people, at a rough guess.


Of course the question remains whether they develop this problem as a consequence of experiencing plastic surgery and liking the results. But then I'm no expert.
QUOTE (HappyDaze)
Because drugs just kill you, it doesn't matter how lucky you are.

Bullshit. Luck can be a lot of things, but in SR it can measure all the intangibles that are outside of your other traits. Edge on an addiction roll might just be because something you ate/inhaled/whatever triggers or blocks the same receptors reducing some of the effect of the drug, or possibly your system deals better than others, or possibly the dose you got was well-prepared (or poorly-prepared depending on how you look at it). Edge certainly can help here without even going tint o the logic defying levels that hand-of-god relies upon.

BTW, properly dosed and administered, most drugs have some beneficial uses. The 'just say no' party line has many people thinking that cocaine and steroids are deadly poison, but both are used in medicine. Why should drugs be outside of the gray area that runners operate in if hacking off limbs and gouging out eyes to replace them with machinery is OK?

Makes me think that cyberware and bioware might become addictive too... cyber.gif

The key being properly dosed and administered. The average pusher isn't concerned about what you are doing with the drugs--he'll just keep selling them to you.

I'm no anti-drug fanatic. I've sampled a lot of them and hung out with people who used them habitually. Personal experience to me dictates that there is no luck involved--if you use the drug constantly you will get addicted. Some people sooner than others, granted, but I think that has more to do with biochemistry than luck.

Also remember that there are a lot of different levels of addiction in this game. Just because you fail your Edge-less roll doesn't mean you are going to end up dead in a dumpster with a needle sticking out of your arm. Mild addiction isn't too horrible and you still have at least 3 more levels to go before you are a burnout.
That makes them totally different animals. Losing a focus you're addicted to makes you worse than you were before; losing a piece of cyberware just leaves you as you were before.

I disagree. If I lose a Focus I go back to working magic like I did before. If I lose cyber/bio - assuming we're not talking about a replacement limb/organ/whatever - I go back to living like I did before.

This was the way it worked prior to Street Magic introducing Focus Addiction. There is no reason that Augmentation can't/won't introduce something similar for 'ware.

which affects about 1% of Americans. (Worldwide data is not availiable.) That's hardly a major number.

So what's the chance of something that affects 1% of the population to turn up in a group of runners? About 100% if your group contains a mage. Having someone that goes cyber-psycho isn't any more or less odd.
The key being properly dosed and administered. The average pusher isn't concerned about what you are doing with the drugs--he'll just keep selling them to you.

There is a world of difference between street drugs from a pusher and the performance enhancers that runners will use (including stims). Shadowrunners are going to take calculated risks and performance enhancing substances are morally no worse than cyber/bio/magic enhancements. You can bet that 'professional' runners will check with their street doc for dosage and administration instructions - just like they do when the need help with installing or repairing cyber/bio. These are calculated risks. Edge seems like it would work just fine.
Actually, getting addicted to a piece of cyber or bioware and having it removed leaves you with an essence hole. Admittedly it can still be filled but the hole is there and so is the need to fill the addiction. Same with the focus, albeit it can be more difficult to replace, and yes, heavy reliance on them should probably force crisis of faith on them if they lose it to see if they need to take up a geas.
Big D
Err, focus addiction as written appears to be a physical addition *to more magic than you can safely handle* as much as anything.

That means abusing foci has about the same results as abusing Jazz, or any other modern combat drug. You can probably get away with it more than a combat drug without any problems, but if you use them *every* time, it's going to get you. It's easy enough to avoid, don't use foci out of combat or must-succeed situations. Cast some cantrips from time to time without help. Things like that.

Also, if I were a GM, I would tend to impose less risk if foci were used to undercast rather than overcast (or for focus types that are less related to sheer power throughput), since the idea is that the mage gets addicted to channeling more magic than they should be able to.
Our group hasn't had troubles with powerfoci, except when we brought our advanced characters over from SR3 and the mage had a rating 6 powerfocus. He was addicted, to be sure, but that didn't quite stop the force 20 fireballs from hurting any less.

But, aside from that tangent, I think the most simple solution is to not allow powerfoci at char gen. Let them try and find one after the game starts. Alternately, use the karma costs as BP costs to start with the focus, so rather than 1bp per force, it's 12bp per force.
Yeah, because a Force: 2 Power Focus is soooo unbalancing. ohplease.gif

It's 12 BP for two extra dice - sammies get two extra dice from a smartlink way cheaper.
QUOTE (Glyph)
Yeah, because a Force: 2 Power Focus is soooo unbalancing. ohplease.gif

It's 12 BP for two extra dice - sammies get two extra dice from a smartlink way cheaper.

Just to play devil's advocate for a moment though... anyone can get that smartlink bonus for less than 1bp worth of gear.
QUOTE (X-Kalibur)
QUOTE (Glyph @ May 25 2007, 01:23 AM)
Yeah, because a Force: 2 Power Focus is soooo unbalancing.  ohplease.gif

It's 12 BP for two extra dice - sammies get two extra dice from a smartlink way cheaper.

Just to play devil's advocate for a moment though... anyone can get that smartlink bonus for less than 1bp worth of gear.

Which I think is the point: Anyone could get the smartlink bonus and the magician has to buy Magician and buy and bind the Power Focus but noone complains about how broken the smartlink is.
And they both have their drawbacks. Smartlinks can be jammed if they are in wireless mode or can be hacked (ok, not likely, but still) power foci can cause addiction, can be dispelled and attacked from the astral, and cost an assload. I think the arguement though is that the smartlink bonus is applying only to shooting whereas a power focus adds it's rating anytime a magic test is involved.

Again, I don't think the power focus is unbalanced at all, I'm just playing some devil's advocate because certain other people in this thread are unable to logically compare magic foci to cyber/bio biggrin.gif
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