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QUOTE (ophis)
Grinder, do you use MSN or similar as Metatron will find discussing it easier and quicker over that.

I wrangled him on to MSN sometime ago, and it did all sorts of nasty to his system. We both chat on ICW now, although I have n idea what my 'nickname' is on it. biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Grinder)
Any news in this field, oh mighty Fisty o' Doom?

No, but weve been swamed ATM. Her especially with getting Miami Vice and CapeTown going again, plus our RL concerns. I'll ask her.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
QUOTE (ophis)
Grinder, do you use MSN or similar as Metatron will find discussing it easier and quicker over that.

I wrangled him on to MSN sometime ago, and it did all sorts of nasty to his system. We both chat on ICW now, although I have n idea what my 'nickname' is on it. biggrin.gif

Your nickname's Ben. wink.gif

Yeah, MSN slowed down my system very much, it was no fun to run it. ICQ on the other hand is sleak and nice. biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Fisty o' Doom)

QUOTE (Grinder)
Any news in this field, oh mighty Fisty o' Doom?

No, but weve been swamed ATM. Her especially with getting Miami Vice and CapeTown going again, plus our RL concerns. I'll ask her.

If she's in too many games, we can bring Fortune in.
QUOTE (Grinder)

If she's in too many games, we can bring Fortune in.

That's actually the result of our discussion today.

Fortune wants to play a Warrior named Ug. Have fun! biggrin.gif
Ug is merely his nickname ... his full name is Ugfin Darnal. nyahnyah.gif biggrin.gif
What race?

I just wish to know, but having a warrior is a happy thing, something for the rest of us to hide behind wink.gif

Fisty wants me to play a Troll, but they're so ... ick! biggrin.gif
Osidimen are pretty cool...

In a mash the opposition way.
They're icky too! nyahnyah.gif

I'm already branching out in a big way by stooping to playing a human. wink.gif
Well elves are almost as good as Drop Bears...

So far I think every DS character I've had has been an elf. Nice to have you on board.
Am I on board? I'm confused!

If'n I do be on board, as it were, then I'm thinkin' I already need a life jacket.
Okay, so I started thumbing through my Glorious Books O Earthdawn and have a few preliminary ideas for characters.

Fist3.0 please let me know if any of these do not fit into your campaign or if one in particular fits quite well.

Troll Shaman
Elven Horror Stalker
Human Journeyman
Dwarven (or Troll) Elementalist

I do also like the idea of a Beastmaster but it looks like there is already one, unless that is for the other game.

What say ye?
Why can't I download the Disciplines thingie? frown.gif

And why doesn't the damn character generator match up with what the books say? frown.gif

And why can't I find anything that actually describes Knacks? question.gif

I'm still confused!
laiced - These would be the best two:
Human Journeyman
Dwarven (or Troll) Elementalist

Fortune :
Why can't I download the Disciplines thingie?
-I can't either. frown.gif I just read it on line. It is a free pdf from, so you can at least open it as many times as you like.

And why doesn't the damn character generator match up with what the books says?
- Mine doesn't. But Pencil and paper listen to me a lot better.

And why can't I find anything that actually describes Knacks?
- Knacks are neat little variations of talents. Unarmed combat can also be expanded to include throws and headbutss with the right Warrior knacks. Just get the required Talent Rank, have the right discipline for the knack, and pay the karma. It's that easy.

I'm still confused
- If it all made sense immediately, none of us would be here!
For MY game, we currently have confirmed :
laiced - char type unknown
Doc Funk - Char type unknown , leaning towards nethermancer or swordmaster
Plan B - windling nethermancer

Fortune - unless he's staying just in one game. In which case, join Grinder's 'cause he was here first and stealing players is just rude.

Nerfherder- if he ends up having time to post, has a troll beastmaster already

We've got thre at this point, so the game will go on as soon as we have those characters in.

Doesn't matter to me which game I'm in. I know that Kagetenshi would still like to play as well ... time permitting.

As for the Disciplines thingie ... it won't open online either. I blame Grinder though, 'cause I saw him on the site, probably sabotaging things. wink.gif
Ol' Scratch
Are you referring to the Discipline Design PDF that was referenced earlier? I didn't have any trouble downloading it. If you like, you can PM your email address(es) and I'll send you a copy that way. Assuming your email can handle a 6-meg file. If not, we can do it some other way.

And as a side note, if I do end up playing a nethermancer in Fistandantilus' game, I'm totally going to kick him in his railroading ass. <angry fist of doom and despair>
Thanks Doc. I think you inadvertently gave it to me via Fisty anyway. smile.gif
Ol' Scratch
Okay, so I think I am leaning a bit more to the Elementalist but now I have started considering the Purifier.

Could you give me a bit of an idea about how your campaign is going to be set up and what the overall feel for it will be.

My initial feeling is to play a character that is a wanderer (umm, lame, I know); someone who sets out across Barsaive and knows the low and high roads quite well. A survivalist who is weathered and a bit rough around the edges. Perhaps s/he has been a guide for a while or perhaps s/he has just be fortunate enough to travel frequently with his/her family and explore the continent.

Any thoughts/ideas?
Actually, a Purifier would be Perfect. I'd considered asking for one, but didn't want to pigeon hole anyone. Youll be starting with lots of out doors and traveling. So go with that idea, looks perfect.
Okay, now for the creation part of the character; how do you want that done? Are we starting at first circle or are we going ot be starting higher?
55K , 4D6 drop lowest for attributes, one free roll (as in, roll 7 sets for the six attributes, drop the lowest one).
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)

It just keeps going up. nyahnyah.gif wink.gif

Oh, and I forgot to do the 'free 7th roll thingie', but I'm thinking it might be a tad superfluous. biggrin.gif
With your rolls, yeah, and I told you 55K. not my fault you thought it was 15k. Even if it was. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Aug 7 2007, 12:06 PM)
... and I told you 55K. not my fault you thought it was 15k. Even if it was.

Uh huh! So how do you explain the '45K' that you mentioned yesterday? biggrin.gif
I told you 55K!

Geez, take 45 K if it'll make you happy!
Okay so I have to admit to being an idiot and I cannot figure out how to roll dice here. Can I get some help?

Then just post the result!

also, if your GM really cares there are sites that allow you to specify for the results to be emailed to an email address as well, so your GM can verify you are only rolling once and it is a fair roll smile.gif

Such a service:
I'm also ok with you just rolling dice on your desk and posting the rolls. Use a spoiler box so it takes up less space. Just list the roll of each dice, and the totals.

Or if you don't like typing so much, use invisible castle as the previous poster with the great name suggested. wink.gif
Okay Fist3.0, try this link...I am not sure if you need to register to view this or not, if so let me know and I will roll somewhere else for you to see.

Just run your cursor over the graphic of "Stat Rolls" and they should appear.

My rolls

The numbers are 17, 15, 15 , 14, 13, 11, 10(dropped).

Is the 55k for money or for LPs?
QUOTE (laiced)
Is the 55k for money or for LPs?

LP! Money is another matter.

As are the availability of Thread Items and the like, which is still in question. wink.gif biggrin.gif

And you did say 45K, 'cause I wrote it down! nyahnyah.gif

But I like the sound of 55 better. biggrin.gif
laiced - good set of rolls. BTW, you look suspicioulsy like the guy that plays Shepard Book. wink.gif

One thread itm. Max ranks 5. Be creative.
Do we have to pay for the Thread out of the 55K?

Blood charms? Miscellaneous minor magics? A fleet of Sky Galleons ...? biggrin.gif

Some more guidelines would be a Good Thing™.
Yes, the threads you do have to pay for. Give me a ballpark of what you're looking at for an item, and I'll give you the costs. It's not a difficult system, working out itme thread ranks costs.

As for blood charms and such, let me know what you would like. In all likelihood I'll approve them, because Blood charms aren't very overpowering.

A couple of minor items such as hot plates, or healng potions are fine. Again, I'll have to see what youre asking for, as there's no real way to say "limit 3 +1 weapons" or something to that effect. No Galleons. No airships for you louts. smile.gif

I'm trying to think of what else I haven't covered. Questions are always welcomed.

Grinder said, to me at least ,that he was taking you in to his game Fortune. Now I have no problem with you playing in my game and his. But if you're playing in jsut one, pick soon please. Planning time is important. smile.gif
Now you are putting me on the spot, which is something I have actively tried to avoid for a few days. Either way I choose I would feel somewhat traitorous. frown.gif

That being said, you have spent a fair amount of time with me on this character, so if I had to choose (and I do ... I can't play in both), then I'd have to pick your game (even if Grinder is giving more LP and stuff! biggrin.gif).

No offense, Grinder. smile.gif
Hehe, no offense taken. Wonder why you can't play in both games, though. Don't wanna spend too much time here? biggrin.gif
Hey Fist3.0,

I was wondering how the math breaks down for 55k LPs; what circle does that get us near. The reason that I ask is because I have never dual-classed a character and the thought of a Purifier/something (Elementalist or Shaman most likely) appeals to me.
I could sit down and do the math, but if you have done so awesome! I happen to be an English major.
Ol' Scratch
I was able to get to 5th Circle with it as a Swordmaster and still have points left over for a few skills, attribute points, and a thread item. If you're really stingy with the latter, you can probably get to 5th with a multidiscipline character, though 4th seems more practical if you want to really take advantage of the process.

So sayeth another noobie to the rules.
With two disciplines, you should be able to do around 4/3 or maybe 4/4. The jump from ranks 4 to 5 can be expensive, so it depends on how you build the character.
For Grinder's game, all I really need is to figure out what to do with my pattern items. Haven't got that part down just yet. Everything else is set.

Ophis, metatron, are you guys waiting on me? Grinder? I don't really know where this game is at in relation to starting.
We're both good to go I believe.
Awesome. Then I'll just bang out a thread item and a small gear list, and as soon as Grinder gets in, I guess we're good to go!
Yup, good to go when GM is ready...
I have been working on my character and will be able to do the final decision making/stuff tonight or tomorrow perhaps. I am still undecided about the dual-discipline thing so I will probably look into building both and seeing which one I like better. Are you opposed to a Purifier/Elementalist or Purifier/Shaman?
Shaman doesn't fit as well with the obsidiman as elementalist does. It's usually a rougher cut, mroe tribal discipline, which doesn't jive as well with a Purifier or obsidimen in general. ELementalist makes sense however.
Chamber is open for OOC cooments BTW
Still working Fist, but tomorrow night is looking more do-able. I see a swordmaster, a warrior a nether/wiz....maybe we need a scout type/ Scout5/Purifier3 might be do-able as well. Just trying to cover the basic bases is all.
Ol' Scratch
In my experience, "unbalanced" groups are always far more fun and interesting than ones that try to cover everything. smile.gif I vote you play something you'll enjoy rather than what you think the group needs! biggrin.gif
I'm with Doc. Screw the Scout. Besides, the one missing person of this party who will be joining in assuming he can get his comp working ,already has a Beastmaster written up and ready to go. Play what you want, nto what you think should be there. One of the best games I ever had was all fighter types. not a single mage or healer among them. Good times, good times.
My experience with PbP is that people want he gaps filled in; I am much happier that ya'll would rather it wasn't (or rather that I just play what I want)!
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