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I'm still alive, everybody. Howver, work's had me busy, and last weekend saw me getting a new laptop with which to replace my desktop.

And my 3GB plus collection of RPG PDFs (including my copy of SR4) is on the desktop. And all I have to transfer it over is a 2GB thumbdrive. Sadly, the zip file seems to always be corrupted.frown.gif

So you will get a post soonish, but no bets when.
Good luck, Merry Christmas and keep up apprised.
Have things calmed down or is this game DOA?
Sorry guys, I've kind of dropped off the internet over the Holidays. This is primarily due to my schedule changing as a result of no longer being in school and being back at home. I'll try to check back here at least once a week, but I probably won't return to my old frequency of checking untill I return to school 2 weeks from now.
I'd really hope that we're still ready to go... I'd hate to see this game vanish before we really got anywhere.
I'm currently suffering immense hell trying to get my book PDFs to my new laptop. 9 GBs of stuff to transfer. Can't carve it up in 2 GB chunks for my thumbdrive. No -idea- how to transfer it otherwise...frown.gif
USB transfer cable? Share the drives and use ethernet (a crossover cable)?
I used an online backup service to circuitously transfer everything...Took me a few days, BUT. I now have my books, and I have Corporate Enclaves on the way from BattleCorps!

Now, can someone dig up the IC thread and bump it for me, and we can get this thing going again?

Hope you're all rested, cuz I plan to work your brains.
QUOTE (Penta)
Now, can someone dig up the IC thread and bump it for me, and we can get this thing going again?

Duhhhh....I forget, whats the Capn tryin to do again?
QUOTE (Redjack in IC @ Dec 11 2007, 10:53 PM)
He brought the sled to stop and began scanning for a signal from the ship. He activated an agent on the stormcloud to begin the search.

Loading an agent with his scan program.
Scanning for nodes (BBB pg 225). Rolls.
[5,5,3,5,4,1,3] = (3 hits) (3)
[6,1,5,3,1,6,1] = (3 hits) (6)
[1,2,4,3,6,1,4] = (1 hit) (7)
[3,6,3,2,5,2,4] = (2 hits) (9)
[6,5,1,1,2,3,1] = (2 hits) (11)
[1,4,3,1,3,6,6] = (2 hits) (13)
[1,5,4,5,4,6,4] = (3 hits) (16)
16 hits should be enough to locate any hidden nodes. Already having the team's com links cataloged and given the range we are at I figured it would be easy to identify the ship's signal.
Hacking the System on the fly (BBB pg221): Hacking(2) + Exploit(5) + Full VR(2)
[2,5,2,4,5,5,4,4,5] = 4 hits
[6,2,6,3,1,5,5,5,2] = 5 hits

My target is firewall rating + admin(6). If the firewall is rating 3, I am in.
Johnny's Stealth rating is a 5.
Do we have a full team with the restart? Everyone still here?
Aye aye cappy.
Link to rolls
Create System Account #1: Edit [1,3,6,1,3,3,4,4,2,3,2] = 1 hit
Create System Account #2: Edit [1,3,1,1,6,5,2,6,3,6,3] = 4 hits
Edit the icon to look like a valid system icon: Edit [3,6,4,1,3,1,6,1,3,1,4] = 2 hits
Whip up a script to cause chaos with the engine diagnostics: Edit [4,4,3,5,5,3,6,6,5,3,2] = 5 hits
In the medbay waiting for casualties...
I thought everyone but Cuda had on SCUBA gear and was en route to the Benito Juarez...?
Oh, ok...swimming to the boat...
We didn't want you to miss the fun. nyahnyah.gif
Poor Redjack...We're running the Hacking now over IMs...He'll be turning it into a
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