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I gave you a CP for the other too. Did you forget?
no you didn't. smile.gif unless I totally missed it.
Just wanted to say that the story , in regards to the part with the grenade, actually happened. Vietnam. My dad was a sargeant. That was a story that always stuck with me. The guy lived though. smile.gif
Awesome story man! OK, assuming that no one wants to do anything else on the ship, I will get you out of hyperspace.
Fisty, Loved the story. Hope theres more of that.
Fisty glad to here that it's the grenade bit thats true, I've been thinking there were Jedi in 'Nam since you mentioned some of it's true.
You might want to regroup and talk about your fake IDs and plan for how you are getting to the space station or the catina if that is where you want to go.
QUOTE (Ophis)
Fisty glad to here that it's the grenade bit thats true, I've been thinking there were Jedi in 'Nam since you mentioned some of it's true.

Are you saiying I wasn't?

I'm not feeling well. I hope to be able to post by the end of the day but it may be tomorrow.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
QUOTE (Ophis @ Jan 19 2008, 05:17 AM)
Fisty glad to here that it's the grenade bit thats true, I've been thinking there were Jedi in 'Nam since you mentioned some of it's true.

Are you saiying I wasn't?


Man that pts a new twist on Reagan's Star Wars Initiative.

OK guys, what are we doing here? And where the hell is Meriss? Meriss!? You out there?

I'd like to recap who/what we've got in the way of capabilities if you all don't mind, so we know who can do what.

Daylin - Failed Jedi - social type (social skills) - poor ship's mechanic - F3.0
Rand - Swoop racer - rebel - Ophis
Jeryk -ka Jerky biggrin.gif - ex-noble? I don't know what the hell you are. smile.gif - SinN
Meriss' character - I know nothing about your character Mer. smile.gif

Let's fill in the blanks here folks.

We need to figure out some of what we're doing, but there's really only so much we can do on the ship while in hyperspace. We should get our covers established though so that we're all on the same page.

I personally think that SinN and Meriss' characters should be lovers as part of their cover. That always works. No one wants to question kissing men. wink.gif

I think we should each do a little 'stroy tell' moment from our characters. Something to broaden the group out a bit, understand the characters better, since we really no nothing about each other, and IC would have a really long transport ride to get to where we're going, with nothing to do but talk.
Rigt here fist. Slowly weaning my various other media addictions. And you suggest the kissing men IC and you may have to use all yer Jedi skills to keep Jannel from killing you. biggrin.gif

Jannel is a nobleman who..... ya know what I'll do it IC.
Sorry to break in for a moment here, but Ryker Majere ?! How in the world did you decide to combine those two names?

... who's Ryker Majere?

I've got a character (NPC) in another game because it's an assumed name. When he was a runner he went by the name "Raist" because he was orignally part of the Atlantean Foundation, and murdered his "brothers" in the Crusaders to steal the items the'd discovered. He was a big fan of Weiss and Hickman. wink.gif When he went 'legit' later, and created a new persona, he kept part of the old joke.

Edit: NM, SinN used the name for his alias. That explains the 'Majere' then since SinN was in the games Raist/Majere was played in. Bonus points for Chris for spotting it though. You really hsould have known that Fistandantilus would have been involved in there somewhere. biggrin.gif
Heh, I assumed Fistandantilus was guiding things from the shadow somehow, or at least plotting retribution against SinN for stepping on his Dragonlance toes. =P

HAHAHAHA.... that's funny, because Sinn was SinN's character's name in the game that I ran that had Majere in it. And Majere stood aside and let Sinn get killed because he had crossed him. biggrin.gif Sinn was an awesome character, but he'd just burned too many bridges.
Wow, that sounds like an awesome game. I'm sad that so far no one in my group has tried to burn any of the other players. I think they are losing their edge.

QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
... who's Ryker Majere?

Ryker is the leader of that task force Bahamut calls on that helped Hood in London. remember, drake hunting? And Majere is non other than Raist. Im suprised you didnt catch the first one Fist.
QUOTE (DTFarstar)
Wow, that sounds like an awesome game. I'm sad that so far no one in my group has tried to burn any of the other players. I think they are losing their edge.


Check out the now defunct In With the Family game that's on here.

We have a whole slew of PCs, all killed off mainly by one other.
[ Spoiler ]

Really fun game. vegm.gif
Im wondering what to do with him if he ever gets free. I cant hence the IF enough though. Im wondering if he should continue as he his, even-tempered, calm, and continue making the turn that he started before he was sold out. Or should he return to his old ways of chaos, and darkness.....I guess we'll find out sooner or later. devil.gif
Seriously twisted there fistandantilus3.0.

You folks need anything?

I saw an IC remark by Meriss about Stone Face. I assume that you are referring to the CO? If so, let's say he fronted you 10,000 credits but explained proper paperwork and receipts are required.
wow tha 10K will definetly come in handy. That makes the second cover option a lot more helpful.

I think we should flesh out our covers, maybe a few sentences each, in the OOC, and move on to in system, where we can do a little more ressearch before heading in.

Alex, can I do a Planetary Systems roll to see what Dalin knows about Fondor?
Hey Meriss, is Jannel Force Sensitive?
QUOTE (Fist)
I didn't kill any of the PCs. They did it all for me.
Heh, sounds more like Alysha got really bloodthirsty. Good for her. I keep wanting my players to get a little fractious, I give them opportunities, but it's like they feel weird RPing with each other in person. I guess I'll keep trying. Maybe the DnD party mentality, they rarely played evil characters, maybe I should explain that it's ok.

@Alex: Yup Jannel was refering to the CO. He has nicknames for the entire team He uses them more often then actual names.

CO = Stone Face or Old Stone Face
Daylin = old timer
Jeryk = the kid
Rand = swoopie

And no he is not Force Sensitive. He is just very good at what he does. biggrin.gif
Alex man, I know you've been sick. Getting any better over there?

As to my own quietness lately, well we just found out that my wife Alysha (Plan B) is pregnant, with TWINS! So yeah, been a bit of a to-do up this way. biggrin.gif Working this week, but I should still be able toget some posts in if we can keep rolling.

Roll for Planetary Systems : Fondor 4D - (4),6,4,1= 15 - moderate, jsut shy of difficult success
Rise Lord Vader

*Alex gets up and looks around.*

I still feel like someone pours sand down my throat at night but yeah, I'm getting better. I don't have my notes at work, so I'll answer your roll when I get home.
Twins!!! That'll make twenty kids right? Trying for a full football team?

In less abusive tones, congrats. You seem the sort of people I want to see breeding.
I'll second that, if someone has to be passing on their DNA, I'm glad it is you two.

That'll put us at 5! Yowzer. But we're still excited, despite being appropriately terrified. smile.gif
As indeed you should be terrified of twins. *smiles knowingly*

I'll be back in a bit ... I am taking the Jeopary on-line test tonight.

Wish me luck!
Well, Jeopardy just kicked my ass. Oh well. Better luck next time right?

On to business:

fistandantilus3.0: Unless you are looking for something truly secret, I would say that you rolled well enough to know just about whatever you want.
There is no winning Jeopardy. Stick to Wheel of Fortune.

Alex, would you permit a reading of Fondor from Wookiepdia then, as I personally know jack all about it? biggrin.gif
Fisty any chance you can get one weedy twin and one big tough one? That would be cool.
I dare him to try and get Alysha to agree to name them Raistlin and Caramon.

Of course, fistandantilus3.0.

Also, please read:

Shapani Sector
Tapani Sector

as well.

RE: Names

Good luck there buddy!
QUOTE (Ophis)
Fisty any chance you can get one weedy twin and one big tough one? That would be cool.


I'll see what I can do there. There's also the helpful 'Kitiara' if there's a girl. But I don't think Raistlin and Caramon are really the way to go. I'd hate to have one son kill the other in his power hungry quest for magical power. That's just not good for morale. Maybe go with a more 'Wonder Twins' angle, teach one of htem to turn into water, the other one various animal forms. That'd be fun.

Alx:Tapani and Shapani I know pretty well I think. It was Fondor I didn't know jack about. thanks though. smile.gif
The Wookieepedia article is a little sparce. Let me know if you have a specific gap you want me to fill in.
Are we going to go ahead and jump to Tapani from here? Everyone seems to be satisfied with what we've discussed thus far, as no one's added to it.
"Make it so, Number One."


Also, the handy-dandy Tasslehoff if you have a kender... I mean, midget... I mean little person. Sorry.


Heh, Tasslehoff should completely be the inquisitive ones nickname until they hit like 10 or so. All children are basically kender.


I have three kinder - currently sleeping. The oldest are twins so I have some idea of what fisty and PlanB are about to experience.
Heh, sounds fun. Sadly certain genetic aberrations and current medical conditions make having children extremely inadvisable for myself and my girlfriend- we will very likely be married eventually, but seeing as I am a persuasive and extremely rational individual we are waiting till we won't be seperated for several years by school first. We've been together for over 7 years. Anyway, good luck with everything, both of you.

QUOTE (Alex)
"Make it so, Number One."



Woohoo! I'm number one! I'm number one!
QUOTE (Alex)
I have three k[b]i[bnder

What, you tryin' to say your kids are nicer than mine?! Them's fightin' words! I'll teach you to say that I don't teach my kids to be kind! You're goin' down!
[ Spoiler ]

All children are basically kender.

@ fist

I can't spell. You know that. However, if you want to fight ....

"Mr. Worf, please escort Commander Riker to the brig."


Being the captain has advantages ....
Man miss one day and miss all kinds of stuff.

@Fist: Congrats! Awesome news! I hope you and the kids gave Alysha a huge hug when you heard the news. As to names may I suggest Luke and Leia biggrin.gif
Also you may wanna chat with Redjack a bit, looks like spoilers are malfunctioning.

All children are basically kender.

Maybe it's my ADD; however, I am not seeing needed GM input at the moment. I know that we are headed planetside soon.

Is everyone ready for a Fast Forward Post ™ to get us there?
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