QUOTE (Cain @ Mar 2 2009, 11:27 PM)
What happens if he's got a gun? You're standing in the open at close range. No, you want to be a safe distance away with cover between you.
If he's got a gun and able to fire it, he's not very disabled, now is he?
See, you keep changing the situation and moving goalposts all over the place.
And disabled can mean many things. "Unable to chase" is a good definition, for our purposes.
See what I mean? You've turned "disabled" into "unable to chase but armed with a gun." Why? What makes you think anyone here would think that's what disabled means? And heck, if he's unable to chase but armed with a gun, and you just made him that way, then you're very close. Running gives him an easy shot at you, whereas continuing to attack him until you can take his gun (you after all were able to take him down, I'd guess you're now able to get that gun) leaves you much safer. Then you can withdraw from your now actually disabled opponent, and you've got his gun... so NOW you call the police (and make damn sure they know you have this guy's gun and will surrender it immediately when they arrive).
Have you even been reading my posts?!?
Yes, you say that anyone who does not think running is always the best idea is spouting macho BS.
I've actually responded to your silly story several times, but I'll do it one more time. Neo-Nazi's aren't bullies, they're bottom-feeders. If your sister had faced a credible threat, such as a bunch of second-graders, she would have started a rock-throwing war that could have left her in the hospital. Come back when you have a story with a threatening opponent, such as a kidnegardner with a whiffleball bat.
First of all, she's not my sister. She's my friend. Second, people who throw rocks at students are bullies, but thanks for shifting goalposts again. Third, you have no idea that a rock throwing war would have been started had it been someone else. And yet even still, you haven't been able to say why running would have been better.
But at this point you've shot down the story because a group of neo nazis throwing rocks is evidently not a credible threat. How interesting. Shifting those goalposts even harder, are we? Okay, so running is always the best policy, so long as the threat to you is a more credible threat than a group of neo nazis. Great. Your position makes more sense now, since it would truly be macho BS to take on the hordes you evidently are talking about. Personally, I was thinking, you know, a bully. Or a mugger. Or an abusive spouse. Or someone having a psychotic break. Or something else where fighting back might be a possibility that someone would consider.
But I do agree that if it's something even bigger than hordes of rock throwing neo nazis, you should run.