To tag on a question:
What do you need for BTLs?
p.250 Second Column first paragraph:
...The second format, which is much easier to get, is the "direct input" chip. These more complex chips contain all the necessary electronics, so a user merely needs to slot the chip directly into an old-fashioned chipjack or datajack (no simdeck required).
Now since no sim hardware is required shouldn't this be usable in the chipslots in a commlink?
BTL (2nd edition) > Datajack > Brain
BTL (2nd edition) > Commlink slot > Datajack > Brain
BTL (2nd edition) > Commlink slot > Trode/ nanopaste trode > Brain
p.320/ 321 last and first paragraphs under Knowsoft and Linguasoft:
...must be accessed with a direct neural link (either a sim module or datajack)
This clearly differentiates Knowsofts/ Linguasofts from BTLs.
But logic stats that if they can design a BTL that doesn't need a simrig but can operate with RAS or without, then both the afor mentioned chips should also operate this way.
Second part of my question:
Now that nearly everything has a DNI, what is required to control a Commlink? (aside from AR gloves or manual and so on)
Datajack> Commlink
and /or
Trode/ Nanopaste trode > Commlink
If my Cybereye has a DNI (which it does) can that be modified to control the commlink? sounds far fetched, again logic states that a DNI is not omnipresent in the brain, but rather specific to the 'ware being controlled. Which leads to the reason a DataJack DNI or Sim Module DNI is required for the more intensive (read) Overall type controls.
Which also means for example:
p.101 Street Samurai
Does not have a datajack or simrig but does have a smartlink in his eyes. So he can control each of his cyber pieces though each of their internal DNI, but cannot control his Commlink except for manually or AR gloves.
ie: If he wanted to transmit data to his runner friends or search teh matrix he would again have to do it manually.
(please correct any and all of the above as necessary)