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To keep things easy, I'll be requesting actions and doing most dice rolling when I want to. If you have something original or simple, post your rolls here.
Question, do you come to the briefing ready to ship out, or is it more of a notice to ship out (ie, you come in fatigues and relatively unarmed, or in full gear)?
Ol' Scratch
I'm waiting to hear back about that as well before I post.
In case it needs to be said... yeah, me too.
You show up in clothes, personal computer and a personal weapon (service sidearm, usually).

The sidearms are "to give the team the mindset of the warrior", but you wouldn't be the first team to use them in an unexpected raid.
FYI - Always assume that my posts are in the Sioux language unless I post otherwise. Everyone does speak it, right?
I do believe so.

However, some discussions will cross into English, as that language performs modern military speak better.

Just type, and I'll be a pain where I think it is important for story purposes.
Ol' Scratch
Note also that English *is* the dominant language of the Sioux language; 90% versus all the others put together.
HMHVV Hunter
I have Sioux Hand Signs as a language, but I didn't take the Sioux language. Not enough knowledge skill points.
<sigh> Alright, fine, he speaks in English. nyahnyah.gif
BTW, you guys may want to go back to your IC posts and remove the signature.
Ak! I just noticed that moosedog already had us walking to the briefing, not getting ready for it. Hope you don't mind me taking it back a step.
No problem.

moosegod, bro.

I'm not a dysletic atheist.
lol, I am dysletic though. I sware I thought I typed moosegod.
Well frag me and call me Skippy.

1) I lost the majority of my SR3 stuff (I really only need the bio. Can you send it moose?)
2) I tweaked and have yet to send it in, once I get the bio the fix will be next in line.

Sorry about this. Must've happened when I upgraded NSRCG.
Always make sure you backup your sr3 files before doing an upgrade. smile.gif

So we can get things moving, I'm going to post that we move on to the debriefing and anyone that hasn't made a post yet is assumed to be there with us. I didnt figure anyone would object, but if there is one, let me know and I can edit the post out.
No objection, I was just going to reply which gun I was cleaning before you woke everybody else up. Once I get the bio back I'll put in a description of him in uniform.
Done and done.
It's not there... Try re-attaching it to the e-mail.
There we go.

I have to go to class, so, uh, yeah.
Thanks. Final final final sheet resent. No more changes until something happens in-game!

Whats our rank?

Generally in a SF type situation you have to be a NCO to join (E-4 at least). The squad leaders are Lt's and the team leaders are e-6's.

At least that's real world (and ARMY). I know Seals have a heavier officer load then SF (that's because all the Seals go through the same training).

Since in the military rank is everything I was curious what mine is.
Check the site. I think I gave everyone one.

Although I may have missed someone...
Check which site?

Edit: You beat me! Curses!
Is there a reason you didn't post my sheet?
HMHVV Hunter
I didn't get a rank.
Arrrgh. I've afraid I'm going to have to drop this game, guys... work has just ramped up to extremely busy, and I don't think I'll have the time to devote as much attention as this thread deserves. Sorry!
Ak, there goes the Rigger... moosegod, you want to pick someone to take up the slot? Grendel is great at playing riggers, maybe he would be interested.

Looks like I've got work to do.

Note- Dark Secrets and such are stories that the players chose.

I feel no compunction to follow those through if they conflict with the story.
Uhm, yeah, I am not listed on your webpage. I am in the game right?
Yeah, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

It can be a real pain.

But I'm about to go fix it.
Ol' Scratch
Gah, we have no rigger now?
No player rigger, no.
Does that mean you are going to NPC one?
Unless you guys can scrounge one up in the next day or so, yes.

Shadow, your secret character is up.
I've got work very soon, so I'll do a bit more posting once I get home.
I'll feed you the requested info a bit later tonight.
grendel's too busy to be a rigger.

So I guess that takes us back to the question, are you going to NPC a Rigger for us, or should we see if someone else wants to play one? At this point, I'm kinda for NPCing our ride and pickup, cause pausing the game to wait for someone to make a rigger would be annoying when we are finally getting started.
If I do NPC one, there is no reason why we couldn't splice a player in later.
Heh, thats a good point. embarrassed.gif
Hey, I'm the GM. I have to be the smartest! rotate.gif

Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm sure you'll outsmart me at some point.
Ol' Scratch
<hopes we get a cool "stealth-Thunderbird" dropship or somethin', just 'cause he's never been in a game that had a T-Bird available before> biggrin.gif

And sure, a stealthy t-bird may sound insane at first, but you can make a pretty good one with Rigger 3. biggrin.gif Electric Fuel Cell, Radar-Absorbant Materials, Improved Signature, Thermal Baffles, etc... aww yeah.
Man, not with moosegod running it.


Now I need bigger engines that allow

Ol' Scratch
Plenty of room for all that, too. Especially when you don't have to worry about making all the turrets and fixed mounts pop-ups/internals and whatnot. biggrin.gif
You wanna make a stealthy T-bird?

Go ahead. If I like it, I might make it the offical "quiet insertion" vehicle for the Sioux Nation.

And give you karma.
Ol' Scratch
<lifts a brow, looks at his unfinished vampire character sheet... lifts his brow a bit higher... then goes to snag Rigger 3>
I should say this-

If you want to make just random stuff to fill out the game, do so. Submit it to me. I might splice it on the site, ignore it, or use it against you.

In any case, you get karma.

And by random stuff, I mean anything that is even tangetially related to the game at hand.
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