i'm not sure what the fact that individual spirits come from different metaplanes has to do with the fact that GW was on a metaplane. i'm just saying, if your special skill is manipulating Chinese people, and someone puts you in a prison in China for five thousand years, chances are you're going to come out with more friends than you had going in.
I thought you said something about spirits may only come from a single metaplane, and for all we knew GW might have even been trapped on that plane.
But, back to this current explanation... So when you all break out of your chinese prison, all your friends are going to ignore where they came from, beings and places they left behind, and immediately follow you to Denver? Umm... Okay, that sounds reasonable. NOT! When he escaped the metaplane, why would he even know he might need an army of spirits. Oh, yeah, 'cause great dragons know everything. Who cares if they have been isolated on a metaplane that seems to trap any and all astral travelers - even frickin' Great Dragons for thousands of years.
Here seems to be one point of contention we all do not agree upon: The metaplane that trapped Ghostwalker, and from what has been written about it, anything that went there.
This means total isolation from the home plane. You say a newly arrived spirit gives him a thorough update. I say how does anyone know the newly arrived came from your home plane, especially with the radical changes that have went on. Even if the spirit was from the same plane, the changes to the world it describes would make one believe it was not your home plane.
Ghostwalker cannot summon from the metaplanes. Period.
Another point that is hinky/silly is being able to survive on a metaplane for 5000 years, never running out of essence. And having your meat body surviving the physical world for 5000 years when the slightest damage kills it.
any trick a megacorp could pull with spirits, GW will have had tens of thousands of years to discover first and perfect. if it's a numbers game, GW has more numbers because he's had a hell of a lot more time, and started out with a much higher level of expertise.
This id why these discussions are usually pointless. But, GW is a special case in being isolated on the metaplane, then almost instantly attacking upon "awakening". Before he took his astral jaunt, I am sure he was at the top of the food chain and had contingencies for known threats. On the astral, I do not realistically see how he can know or prepare for much of anything on this plane. According to the rules, it should be impossible for anyone from this lane to even meet up with him. He would know this, so anyone that comes along giving him updates on this plane has to be seen as passing misinformation.
So how exactly is he preparing for the way magic is now performed and modern technology? Is he automatically casting the higher drain codes for spells (especially illusion) because technological sensors were what he was used to? Ditto for the ones that are quickened or anchored.
that's... not how Twist Fate works. DotSW, page 179. there's nothing in there about what you're describing.
Sorry, the being that gets in the hit needs to be the one to allocate Karma Pool to counter Twist Fate.
nothing says he stayed in Denver in between attacks; a dragon with a high-force movement power being used on him can move pretty far pretty fast.
And this leaves at least an astral signature and probably an astral trail (if nothing else then of astral signatures as it is a sustained power.)
as well, nothing says that he stayed in draconic form the whole time. all he has to do is duck out of sight and shapeshift; his masking will be high enough that no searchers will be able to figure out who he is.
??? An impossibility? No. This also goes back to having a nice fat free spirit of your own. The free spirit is going to see him as easily as you seem to think he can hide from most searchers.
Aside from that tactic, the Masking test is opposed, and though it favors GW, it doesn't mean he will automatically win as you seem to want think. Throw in the hundreds or thousands seeking him and soon someone breaks the masking and then he doesn't have his great dragon stats to defend himself.
if he's being pursued too strongly to duck out of sight, shapeshift into the form of a mouse (if his magic is strong enough to go from a bod 25+ dragon to a bod 3 human, he can certainly eke out the 2 extra successes he'd need to turn into a bod 1 rodent), drop through a sewer grate, and then shapeshift into a frog or something. poof, gone.
Different types of shapeshift, ones a power and the other is a spell, but can still be overcome the same way.
it's also worth pointing out that nobody officially had any military hardware in or around Denver. the forces they were allowed to maintain were, basically, heavy security. of course, all the players had military hardware secreted around, but nobody wanted to pull theirs out until everyone else had. and when they did, they certainly didn't work together--Aztlan and CAS forces, for instance, would have spent as much time eyeing each other as hunting GW.
I have read this a bit on this thread. Can you point me to it? I skimmed Denver looking for it.
woo, double post! i missed this one:
only if you don't take into account where the action is taking place. 10k astral security mages and 40k spirits suddenly crowding Denver's astral space--i can't think of any way that the other sectors wouldn't view that as a military invasion. Aztlan didn't want a war over Denver; even when they got kicked out, they chose to cut their losses and retreat, rather than fight for it. and that's ignoring the vanishingly low probability that AZT would be willing to leave a gigantic chunk of their facilities unguarded in the first place. i mean, seriously, you could drive a cruise ship through that big a hole in AZT's global strategy. convince one location (via Matrix infiltration, if nothing else) that it's under attack by a GD, and suddenly a large number of other AZT facilities lose their awakened defenders.
only if you don't take into account where the action is taking place. 10k astral security mages and 40k spirits suddenly crowding Denver's astral space--i can't think of any way that the other sectors wouldn't view that as a military invasion. Aztlan didn't want a war over Denver; even when they got kicked out, they chose to cut their losses and retreat, rather than fight for it. and that's ignoring the vanishingly low probability that AZT would be willing to leave a gigantic chunk of their facilities unguarded in the first place. i mean, seriously, you could drive a cruise ship through that big a hole in AZT's global strategy. convince one location (via Matrix infiltration, if nothing else) that it's under attack by a GD, and suddenly a large number of other AZT facilities lose their awakened defenders.
My numbers were taking into account all the sectors, not just Aztechnology/Aztlan. Since you didn't dipute the first number coming from a single mega, surely you are not going to say that deploying 10-20% of that number is leaving all their other possessions wide open for attack.
I am just going by how it is said Lone Star (therefore Security forces in general) responds. Then multiplying it by the several security forces that would get drawn into the events during Ghostwalkers rampage. Each sectors security forces, each megas security forces, each contracted security provider in each sector... Then throw in sightseers, some shadowrunners in Denver wanting to know what is going on and how they can take advantage of the situation...