QUOTE (Edge2054 @ May 4 2008, 04:07 PM)
Point taken on the clean metabolism 'ware.
*IF* the Capo shelled out for the pheromones because he's catering to a client base that requires that sort of investment then I can see the sleep regulator as worth it. Remember though that that's 10k nuyen to squeeze out five more hours of work per day affectively and really... sex is hard work. I'd say a synthacardium would allow her to work more affectively for more hours then a sleep regulator ever would, even a rating 1 synthacardium which is the same price as a regulator.
Sex *is* hard work. On the other hand, symbiotes, etc, ought to keep everything in working order.
I still don't buy into all the healing bio, street doc that owes him or not bioware is expensive and assuming it's put in not just so the Capo can beat her then that makes some sense. If it's put in so the clients can beat her it makes sense to a degree but god forbid someone kill a girl that he dumped that much money into. Frankly if I was in the Capo's position and was shelling out that kinda cash making a high priced Banraku girl I wouldn't let anyone beat on her for fear of losing my investment.
All what healing bio? Symbiotes 2? There is no other healing...and the Capo isn't just doing it to make money, in fact, I'd say that was, at least at first, a very secondary concern.
Further, you know there are prostitutes, today, no less, let alone in 2070, who make their living being whipped, beaten, and tortured, right?
One of my close friends is one of them. Its really not so outlandish. Sometimes they do get killed, too. My friend has had 2 extended hospital stays, and she has security and cameras, so that they can get in and "save her" if stuff gets out of hand.
Also, it isn't cheap. She isn't working for 30 bucks an hour, lets leave it there.
I'm not knocking the character concept as a whole, I just don't see it as justification for a lot of the 'ware she has. Note that I do understand that not all of that came from the Capo, but still.
Can you give a list of all the stuff you think is silly? Just a straight up list?
As far as feedback on her backstory.... I realize that your GM doesn't allow negative qualities but you may want to tweak how long she was in the parlor. Four years is long time to be strung out on p-fixes. As an example, look at the burnout quality for starters. On top of this the character has a low body and willpower... there is no justification in your backstory for her not still being strung out, even if she's out of the parlor she's a junkie.
Her body stat is roughly where its been, hasnt changed much, during her time inside. She gets lots of exercise, and has muscles in some places that many people don't even know have muscles.
Her willpower, though, has taken a beating. I touched on this during the thread, but its a few pages back now, I think. When she started running, her willpower was probably 4, or so. Today, its 2. Thats a pretty big loss, and change, from the strong willed youngster she was before. Some of that might be BTL addiction, but most of it is old fashioned conditioning. 4 years is quite a while. Hope is hard to hold onto.
I'll be rping her as being very frightened of the Mafia Enforcer she works with, and not just frightened, but she'll do whatever he says, whenever he says it. She's going to have all sorts of issues. Even though she's a face, I wouldnt let her negotiate any deals with the Mafia for runs, either.
Mafia guy: "We'll pay you 3000."
Sweetheart: "Yes, Sir. Thank you Sir."
Team: *collective groan*
Just because I am not getting points back for low pain tolerance, or, BTL addiction, for example, doesn't mean I'm not going to hide during fire fights(I am, if guns start firing, I plan to hide, and run, not necessarily in that order) and it doesn't mean I'm not going to go out and try and score BTL, or even p-fixes. I might go out and get a few just for myself. I just don't get points for it, and thats roleplaying stuff, I'll handle the roleplaying stuff, I don't need any help with that angle. I've done the BDSM scene extensively, and I know with great certainty, what effects slavery, cages, beatings, and more have on the psyche.
Again... I'm not trying to knock your character concept so don't get defensive. I think the concept is workable but as written doesn't make a whole lot of sense. As it stands she comes off very Mary Sueish.
As opposed to the Samurai super soldier with wired reflexes who can shoot the eye out of a target at 2 miles. He isnt mary sue-ish at all.
As to the character being a Mary Sue, she fails the first line of the definition in 2 of the 3 categories. "Such a character is particularly characterised by overly idealized and clichéd mannerisms, lacking noteworthy flaws, and primarily functioning as wish-fulfillment fantasies for their authors."
I am fairly sure I can pull this off without overly idealized, or cliched mannerisms, she has a TON of noteworthy flaws, and thats to leave aside the question as to whether or not this is a wish-fulfillment fantasy of mine. I am pretty sure most Shadowrun characters are wish-fulfillment fantasies for their authors to some degree, ie, if it wasn't going to be interesting to step into the role to some degree, we wouldnt do it with our leisure time, and so I wonder at the rest.
We have, at base, a face, who faces well, but isnt a Pornomancer, throwing 35+ dice. She has some issues, self-confidence(has none) and morality(used to have, no one came to help her, now she's conflicted). If this is someone's perfect character, I dunno what to say. I didn't even buy an emotitoy, or cosmetic biosculpting, because both seem cheesy ways to boost dicepools artificially. Her background is the mafia/bunraku parlor, but the 'ware she has doesnt make her some kind of sexy joytoy. It isnt like platelets makes you sexy. Platelets lets someone beat you up more, harder, and longer, without you dying. Further, with sensitive skin, you get to feel it all, still. Trauma Damper isnt some sex kit, it doesnt make her sexier. It lets some of the damage be bruising, instead of deadly. More beatings, for longer, without dying. Symbiotes arent sexy, they just let her heal faster, so she can be beaten more often.
I think its this part that most people object to. Maybe it seems unrealistic to some people. I know a lot of people who would LOVE for their girls body to be able to take more, and heal faster. If I did take it out, though, what now? I either have 20 bp to spend(and nothing to spend it on) or I have to get different 'ware, or whatever. So instead of being a meat puppet that can be beaten, I'm PURELY a sex kitten, which you seemed to object to, previously, I cant be shot, on runs, cuz I really will die, guaranteed, and I have unspent bp I need to find a home for. If I spend it on even more face stuff, you guys will call me a twink, for having a 10 charisma, and 30 dice social skills. I dunno what to tell you.
I'm interested in what doesn't make sense for you. Is it just that she has cyber and bioware? Is there other stuff? Is it that the mob didnt kill her? That she was released? Whats the part that seems nonsensical?
Perhaps in a different vein, I ought to ask, "How would you write it so it would make sense"