Wesley Street
May 7 2008, 03:57 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ May 6 2008, 12:56 PM)

I remember reading SOMEWHERE that NASCAR demanded a total lack of cybernetics, for the same reason that they put Restricter Plates on cars to prevent them going too fast. And that F-1 Racing was a for the lovers of Engeneering in both Car and Driver.
But where did you read this? Where? WHERE?!?

If gladiatorial blood sports like Urban Brawl and Combat Biking are mainstream I'm sure NASCAR has taken the Restricter Plates off. Else they couldn't keep an audience. "250 MPH? Yawn."
May 7 2008, 06:42 PM
I honestly wish I could remember where I read this. Probably the restrictor plates are gone (Or at least tweaked so you're getting 350 MPH), but I distinctly remember them being down on Modding the drivers.
May 7 2008, 08:11 PM
I'm curious about collegiate leagues. Had one of my players ask because he's very anti professional sport and I wasn't sure how to respond. Then I burst into laughter after the thought about my hometown's team the Seminoles. We've got permission from the tribe to use the name, but the idea of 80k fans yelling "Scalp `em!" in a combat biker or urbanbrawl game seems to bring a whole new level for our battle cry.
May 7 2008, 08:30 PM
May 7 2008, 08:35 PM
Just saw this in the "
In Character" forum.
It's appropriate to the discussion at hand.
May 8 2008, 02:38 AM
high school and college teams usually are pure or very minor cyber. The idea is the pro teams want to see the raw talent before they start loading you up with cyberware.
May 8 2008, 05:11 AM
I imagine that by 2070 college team players are paid.
If I remember right in the '60's sports and sports fans seemed disturbed by the idea of adepts in sport, but quite thrilled by cyber in sport. I hope the developers completely re-think this for the '70's. Embrace the magic! Heck, you can have spell duel sport! No more stupid pokemon cards when you can watch real wizards tossing spells...or with astral sensitive film available, watch a pre-recorded astral battle! Anyone wanna watch a snooty hermetic duking it out astral mano a mano with an annoyingly mysterious shaman?
May 8 2008, 09:15 AM
May 8 2008, 09:20 AM
You just gave my soul heart burn Stahlseele
Wesley Street
May 8 2008, 03:15 PM
A good reference would be the movie Virtuosity. SID 6.0 visits some sort of televised Ultimate Fighting/WWF event in LA. Tribal drums banged as the combatants wailed on each other and the crowd yelled "Ka-Pow! Ka-Pow!" in unison.
May 8 2008, 03:18 PM
QUOTE (DocTaotsu @ May 8 2008, 11:20 AM)

You just gave my soul heart burn Stahlseele

glad to be of service *g*
May 8 2008, 09:40 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ May 8 2008, 02:15 AM)

Ya know, for a "grappling style" spell duel I could see the entrance music now!
*Sings* "Abra, abracadabra...I wanna reach out and grab ya..!"
May 8 2008, 09:43 PM
improved grapple:
law of grabbity:"i sees it, i grabs it!"
May 8 2008, 09:44 PM
That could get you a sexual harassment lawsuit.
May 8 2008, 09:46 PM
don't show, don't tell? *g*
Hocus Pocus
May 9 2008, 03:04 AM
with all these sports teams, where are the bevy of hot cheerleaders? hot elf chicks, lanky and alluring, not ta mention those psyad babes able to bend and contort in all manner of positions to "get the crowd going". Or maybe those aspected babes that make ya see what ya desire, like that kevin spacey movie with the cheerleader and the roses. hots! I wanna go to one of them spectacles!
May 9 2008, 06:08 AM
Ork cheerleaders. Troll cheerleaders would be TOO distracting, but ork cheerleaders would rock!
May 9 2008, 08:08 AM
Mmm... Ork cheerleaders... Mmm....
May 9 2008, 01:20 PM
NASCAR's rejection of Implants: Sprawl Survival Guide: Page 34.
Oooooooooooooooo, and talk of ARMING F-1 Racing in 2063! Who wants to bet we now have Car Wars as a new form of entertainment?
Wesley Street
May 9 2008, 02:51 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ May 9 2008, 08:20 AM)

NASCAR's rejection of Implants: Sprawl Survival Guide: Page 34.
Excellent and thank you. I own that book and will check out what it has to say.
Kyoto Kid
May 9 2008, 05:34 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ May 9 2008, 06:20 AM)

NASCAR's rejection of Implants: Sprawl Survival Guide: Page 34.
Oooooooooooooooo, and talk of ARMING F-1 Racing in 2063! Who wants to bet we now have Car Wars as a new form of entertainment?
...hot damn! I have the entire set including Truck Stop and Autoduel. Haven't played that in ye- ohh...er...ahhhh...
...beg pardon, thought I was on the
General Gaming forum for a moment, my bad.
May 9 2008, 05:41 PM
QUOTE (last_of_the_great_mikeys @ May 8 2008, 12:11 AM)

Anyone wanna watch a snooty hermetic duking it out astral mano a mano with an annoyingly mysterious shaman?
The mage wins, because his cushy corporate job lets him afford the better deck.
Man, I reached all the way back to middle school for that one...
Hocus Pocus
May 10 2008, 03:48 AM
cheerleaders! me wanty!
May 14 2008, 03:11 AM
Jokes baout Troll cheerleaders for the Dallas cowboys aside there is an interesting element. I think we can agree they would have the usual silicone enhancments they have today but also possibly serious cyber.
I'm sure hocus is thinking Pheromones but they wouldn't really work in a stadium when you can't get close but might for the audition. More probably they have enhanced articulation, synthcarium, muscle tone augmentation. Maybe even wired reflexes.
all stuff to keep them perky and limber and moving.
May 14 2008, 04:55 AM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ May 13 2008, 08:11 PM)

Jokes baout Troll cheerleaders for the Dallas cowboys aside there is an interesting element. I think we can agree they would have the usual silicone enhancments they have today but also possibly serious cyber.
I'm sure hocus is thinking Pheromones but they wouldn't really work in a stadium when you can't get close but might for the audition. More probably they have enhanced articulation, synthcarium, muscle tone augmentation. Maybe even wired reflexes.
all stuff to keep them perky and limber and moving.
Or a move-by-wire system and some cosmetic biosculpting. Cheaper and gets you more.
Or maybe mages that summon spirit cheerleaders. We could call them the "Spirit Squad." They could even do the Perfect Cheer™!
May 14 2008, 05:38 AM
QUOTE (last_of_the_great_mikeys @ May 14 2008, 12:55 AM)

Or a move-by-wire system and some cosmetic biosculpting. Cheaper and gets you more.
Or maybe mages that summon spirit cheerleaders. We could call them the "Spirit Squad." They could even do the Perfect Cheer™!
What a fantastic, in-context pun! I love it!
May 14 2008, 06:00 AM
QUOTE (Beetle @ May 7 2008, 02:11 PM)

I'm curious about collegiate leagues. Had one of my players ask because he's very anti professional sport and I wasn't sure how to respond. Then I burst into laughter after the thought about my hometown's team the Seminoles. We've got permission from the tribe to use the name, but the idea of 80k fans yelling "Scalp `em!" in a combat biker or urbanbrawl game seems to bring a whole new level for our battle cry.
I think Shadowbeat had a reference to 'amateur' urban brawl and combat biking teams. I can't find the book (I really need to organize my gaming books) but I think that it described both as working in much smaller indoor arenas and typically using weapons loaded with gel rounds to cut down on the body count.
Daddy's Little Ninja
May 14 2008, 12:41 PM
QUOTE (last_of_the_great_mikeys @ May 13 2008, 11:55 PM)

Or a move-by-wire system and some cosmetic biosculpting. Cheaper and gets you more.
Or maybe mages that summon spirit cheerleaders. We could call them the "Spirit Squad." They could even do the Perfect Cheer™!
For once somethnig here I can bring RL experience to. You do not want to have move by wire or wired reflex. The group would move too quickly and unless they started from the same level they would be harder to keep the squad members in synch. Muscle tone only to even things out-speed up someone who's a little behind the others.
I agree on enhanced articulation. I would want muscle augmentation to give more strength and orthoskin to avoid damage from scrapes and stuff. anything more solid than orthoskin would break up the line of the skin and make the squad look chunky.
May 14 2008, 12:43 PM
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja @ May 14 2008, 07:41 AM)

For once somethnig here I can bring RL experience to.
Holy crap! You have move-by-wire?
May 14 2008, 02:09 PM
Move-by-Wire does not automatically mean you must move at maximum velocity every second. The implant is supposed to make your actions more fluid, and therefore graceful. You should be perfectly capable of making slow, sweeping movements just as easily as quick ones.
May 14 2008, 02:25 PM
Also, you can then just plug the cheer sequences into the skillwires and cut down on practise time
May 14 2008, 02:35 PM
And, later on, when it's time to entertain the team, just plug in a different set of skills, and...
May 14 2008, 03:25 PM
QUOTE (Fortune @ May 14 2008, 10:09 AM)

Move-by-Wire does not automatically mean you must move at maximum velocity every second. The implant is supposed to make your actions more fluid, and therefore graceful. You should be perfectly capable of making slow, sweeping movements just as easily as quick ones.
Doesn't it age you quicker because of the stress the constant seizure puts on your body, though? Doesn't sound like it would make for very attractive cheerleaders, to me. I mean, think of what every meth-head you've ever met looks like. Now think of them in skimpy uniforms.
Daddy's Little Ninja
May 14 2008, 04:44 PM
I was thinking a really short lifespan does not make it worth being about to do the routines and trust me, you get really pumped up doing this stuff and the common problem is timing as some girls get out of step with the rest of the squad. If yiou had extra stuff causing near fits, I do not want to think how spastic it could get.
May 14 2008, 04:57 PM
I'm sure something could be programmed to wirelessly coordinate it....
Women aren't objects. Anyone with 0.1 Essence taking wireless commands from a cheerleading modified tactical computer is an object.
May 14 2008, 05:05 PM
EmotiToy Cheerleaders?
From what I remember from High School, they might have more of a believeable and unscripted personality.
Wesley Street
May 14 2008, 06:55 PM
Oh, pish-posh. That's just a negative pop-culture stereotype that hasn't held water for years. Real cheerleading is as athletic as any other sport and requires a bit more discipline than jiggling and giggling. Especially if you're on a dance team. Now EmotiToy Strippers, that I could believe.
May 14 2008, 07:02 PM
Not that I really care about offending cheerleaders, but I was only saying they would be objects if they reduced themselves to 0.1 essence and started taking orders from a machine. Much like you or I would be objects if we had 0.1 essence and took orders from a machine.
Also (again, not to say anything favorable about cheerleaders), most high-schoolers don't have believable or unscripted personalities, regardless of which mindless herd they're a part of. Not that anything changes once they get to college and start binge-drinking, or when they graduate and start working at an office farm, or when they move to Florida to die...
Daddy's Little Ninja
May 14 2008, 08:02 PM
QUOTE (Wesley Street @ May 14 2008, 02:55 PM)

Oh, pish-posh. That's just a negative pop-culture stereotype that hasn't held water for years. Real cheerleading is as athletic as any other sport and requires a bit more discipline than jiggling and giggling. Especially if you're on a dance team.
Thank you. Plus cheerleaders are supposed to smile through it all. Think ball players are trying to look chipper and happy?
May 14 2008, 08:06 PM
There is absolutely nothing in the rules that says Move-By_Wire ages you or is harmful in any way. Only that you'd be prone to tremors in certain muscle groups every now and then. I guess by 2070 they worked all the bugs out.
They'd be smooth and, with the skillwires, very co-ordinated. No training needed. Heck, I'd even add in the expert system. Now, combine some nifty AR into it and you could have quite the cheer scene...underwater cheers for the "Sharks," add in some neato flying icons shaped like cheerleaders to the mix, etc.
May 14 2008, 08:09 PM
QUOTE (Wesley Street @ May 14 2008, 01:55 PM)

Oh, pish-posh. That's just a negative pop-culture stereotype that hasn't held water for years.
Probably my personal experience.
Never said anything about their lack of athleticism, I was refering to personality.
Wesley Street
May 14 2008, 08:35 PM
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja @ May 14 2008, 04:02 PM)

Thank you. Plus cheerleaders are supposed to smile through it all. Think ball players are trying to look chipper and happy?
No problem. My girlfriend (and fellow Shadowrun player) was a cheerleader and on the dance team in college. Dance routines she didn't have to smile through but when it came time for flips, pom-poms and pyramids she did. She has never said so but I bet her face hurt at the end of the day. I was never grinnin' like the Joker when I played soccer way back when.
May 15 2008, 12:38 AM
and I'm sure there will be bioware to make them all disgustingly perky.
For those who don't know, DLN is one of those women like Rachel Ray and Felicity Kendal, who seem preternaturally perky. I've asked her husband to check for a caffine drip into her veins but he claims there's none.
May 15 2008, 05:12 AM
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja @ May 14 2008, 10:02 PM)

Thank you. Plus cheerleaders are supposed to smile through it all. Think ball players are trying to look chipper and happy?
Nah, some of us were supposed to snarl all the time though. I played DT in HS & College and "the snarl" became a common adjunct to game prep and a MUST in game. In HS we got laps for every play where we weren't "sufficiently menacing" anytime one of the non coach assistants (who was looking for just that precisely...we even called the moron "Snarl man") noted it.
Was it effective as a psychological ploy against the other team? I don't know. I know that there were times it made ME damned angry, mainly because I couldn't remember if I had snarled the last play, and THAT usually meant I hit someone harder, or "hit and roared", and THAT does have a psychological effect on the opposition.
Hocus Pocus
May 15 2008, 05:14 AM
cheerleaders are hots, second in line only the the hot catholic schoolgirl in terms of fantasy of every red blooded american male.
whatever makes them easy on the eyes for us girls and guys.
i wonder if they don't get paid alot like the ones of tday, but with all those goodies they get to be "all that and a bag of patato chips" i'm sure they can use their... "gifts" on the side to supplement income. Or is it in their contract that they can't? i would think since the world is grittier it won't be too much of a hababaloo. And with loose hangups, mayhaps they won't go all damnatio memoriae if some tired old married guy with 2 kids who happens to live in da big easy...oh let us call him...fortune just for the sake of arugement, an incandescent nonpareil gentleman would happen to partake of their...."side business". can picture the whole team now, "Hocus, Hocus he's our man! if he can't do it no one can! gooooooooooooo Hocus! YAY!!!!! *jump splitz, cartwheels, winks, pom-poms,*. Unleash the springtime of youth!
May 15 2008, 01:25 PM
Ya know, hocus, your own kids might become cheerleaders some day.
May 15 2008, 01:28 PM
Come on man, it's all about the robot cheerleaders.
Are they full body cyborgs? Maybe they have really hot brains in those CCU's...
May 15 2008, 01:29 PM
So, whose on the Soyies box in which year, do you think?
May 15 2008, 01:40 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ May 8 2008, 05:15 AM)

Now Stahlseele,it's not very sporting to pull put a shotgun during a wizard duel
May 15 2008, 01:43 PM
Someone with the mysterious level 5 tailored pheremones and a pet critter that gives him/her +6 dice to their social rolls

Oh, and who is also an elf.

Are you kidding? That's half the fun! Especially when it happens after both mages are stunned half unconscious from drain and are struggling to keep from falling down. It's more fun than drunks with high explosives!
In unrelated news I grow ever more convinced that my progeny will either become communists, cheerleaders, or communist cheerleaders. If only because I didn't turn out like my parents expected and they certainly didn't turn out how their parents expected.
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