QUOTE (crizh @ Jun 29 2008, 09:37 PM)

That's the optional version in 'To mook or not to mook,' Unwired p101.
The basic version simply bans any use of the Hacking skill.
Okay, so a Node by itself can't run Attack, and a conventional Agent can't run attack.
So how would a nomral person's commlink (and a shadowrunners commlink) be set up to respond to detecting being hacked. Choices I can see:
1) Most hackers are so good that a normal commlink won't detect them, so there is no norm...
2) People buy a service that provides a backup hacker to take the alert when their commlink is hacked?
2') Shadowrunners better have a hacker on the team who can respond to such alerts
3) People's commlinks turn off when hacked?
I am trying to understand what the normal set for different types of people would be.
Your midrange person? A corporate exec? A Johnson? A normal runner?
This has bothered by with BBB, and seems to be made harder by the descriptions I have seen of Unwired.
Any clarifications would be appreciated.