Nov 5 2008, 02:40 AM
I find myself willing to accept a fast-forward to the interrogation, comrades
Divine Virus
Nov 5 2008, 03:12 AM
Nov 5 2008, 03:24 AM
Thirded, I hadn't actually intended on dong anything before we got there.
Coldhand Jake
Nov 5 2008, 05:52 AM
I'll be honest, the main reason for the delay today was A) to let everyone vote, and B)Because Portia-p was busy manning(womaning?) the polls in New Hampshire, and she plays into this scene heavily.
Nov 5 2008, 07:50 AM
DD will try to hack the cyberdeck while the rest "cracks" the Ork - she's not really into interrogation scenes.
Divine Virus
Nov 5 2008, 07:54 AM
So, am I reading wikinews correctly? Obama won?
Nov 5 2008, 09:18 AM
According to the news sites, yes.
Nov 5 2008, 01:47 PM
Yes, he won. Won by a large margin in the electoral college beating Mcain 2 to 1 (338 to 163) and thats with three big states not reporting final results that will go for Obama 2 to 1 as well. He is up by 5% over McCain in the popular vote as well.
Nov 5 2008, 07:10 PM
QUOTE (Shalimar @ Nov 5 2008, 01:47 PM)
Yes, he won. Won by a large margin in the electoral college beating Mcain 2 to 1 (338 to 163) and thats with three big states not reporting final results that will go for Obama 2 to 1 as well. He is up by 5% over McCain in the popular vote as well.
A result so popular here that spontaneous celebrations and fireworks displays have erupted all over the country.
Nov 5 2008, 07:11 PM
Riots on campus here... granted, there were going to be riots either way. For some reason, people around here like rioting. it's bizarre.
So are we ready to start torturing this monster?
QUOTE (Mickle5125 @ Nov 5 2008, 02:11 PM)
So are we ready to start torturing this monster?
That might be one of the best questions I've seen someone write this year.
Edit: Jake, how big is the parking garage for the club?
Coldhand Jake
Nov 5 2008, 07:50 PM
Enough to hold three stepvans, and there's currently one large car and a motorcycle in it.
So the club patrons have a parking lot seperate from the garage then?
Nov 5 2008, 08:11 PM
How used is this garage, I mean, is it public and used frequently? Maybe we need some place a bit more private.
Nov 5 2008, 08:20 PM
QUOTE (Mickle5125 @ Nov 5 2008, 07:11 PM)
For some reason, people around here like rioting.
It must be like living in Paris...
QUOTE (crizh @ Nov 5 2008, 03:20 PM)
It must be like living in Paris...
The Dead Kennedys said it best.
Coldhand Jake
Nov 5 2008, 09:26 PM
QUOTE (Shalimar @ Nov 5 2008, 02:11 PM)
How used is this garage, I mean, is it public and used frequently? Maybe we need some place a bit more private.
It's the private garage of the residents, and yes, the customers and staff park outside, this is where Mei, Jake and Calista, and anyone "sleeping over" get to park. Nice, sturdy, locked.
Nov 5 2008, 10:36 PM
Jake should be glad Pura didn't try to negotiate on the price. Did he give her the extra five for the info on "Pussy Peddler?"
Coldhand Jake
Nov 5 2008, 10:42 PM
Yes, that would have come already. Her and DD earned it.
Divine Virus
Nov 5 2008, 10:43 PM
Huh, I thought that 15k was for splitting between the five of us. But 15k each! I'm happy.
Nov 5 2008, 11:23 PM
anyone have any suggestions for good sources of info about LA, P2.0 and the like?
Coldhand Jake
Nov 5 2008, 11:35 PM
Corporate Enclaves. It's just about required reading.
Nov 6 2008, 12:08 AM
How would one go about getting a P2.0 account? I suppouse Pura could just seduce one out of someone, but I don't really know how they interact from the shadow side of things very well. Are the linked to a particular ID or what? Ie, how would you guys suggest Pura does it?
Nov 6 2008, 12:19 AM
By invitation only.
Coldhand Jake
Nov 6 2008, 06:26 AM
Everyone, I'll see you Thursday, where this interrogation will go down.
Nov 6 2008, 12:43 PM
I put DD's character sheet up as a wiki page:
DD. It's easier to tweak, and the changes are logged. I added the link to the post on the first page of this thread.
Nov 6 2008, 01:18 PM
On a tangent, did anyone else notice that of four of the six characters going after Vergot are thrill seekers, and the other two are addicts to various substances? Based on that, the run went actually smoother than expected.
Nov 6 2008, 01:36 PM
My characters tend to all have thrill seeker otherwise they wouldn't be running the shadows, they'd most likely have cushy corporate jobs given their skill sets. To me you have to either have been born to the shadows or be a thrill seeker and unable to cope with corp life to accept the risks of being a runner.
Nov 6 2008, 01:54 PM
Oh, I agree, most runners will have some "thrill seeking" part - but not all to the degree of the negative quality (composure tests and all).
I am just thinking about the odds of at least one out of four failing the composure test in the next dangerous situation - Jake'll have a fit
Nov 6 2008, 02:37 PM
Pura can generally make it unless she has penalties (and isn't thinking straight or is really excited). I think Dancer did fail his composure roll though.
Nov 6 2008, 03:27 PM
If my rusty math is correct, then there's a roughly 36 % chance of at least one failing the test out of four (18.9%, 12.5%, 3.6% and 1.5 %). It has been years since I did probability though.
Nov 6 2008, 05:10 PM
Well, you'd have to look at the odds of each indvidual person failing and those would each be different (different dice pools). Than you would add together those probabilities if you wanted to know the odds of at least 1 failing. The odds of 2 failing would be the odds of 1 failing times the odds of one failing.
Divine Virus
Nov 6 2008, 05:16 PM
Celeste has a ceramic knife in his boot that he would have given Portia.
I'll work it into an IC shortly.
Nov 6 2008, 05:24 PM
QUOTE (Shalimar @ Nov 6 2008, 06:10 PM)
Well, you'd have to look at the odds of each indvidual person failing and those would each be different (different dice pools). Than you would add together those probabilities if you wanted to know the odds of at least 1 failing. The odds of 2 failing would be the odds of 1 failing times the odds of one failing.
I just took the odds of (X-1 dice) failing (one die has 66% chance to fail), whith X=(Cha+Will), which gives the probability of each runner to fail. Then added those probabilities together, since I just wanted to know how the odds were of one or more failing our of four.
For example, Dancer has 5 dice to roll, and if 4 of those fail, he fails. The chance that 4 fail is 0,66*0,66*0,66*0,66. What the other Die comes up doesn't matter.
Coldhand Jake
Nov 6 2008, 07:31 PM
QUOTE (crizh @ Nov 6 2008, 01:23 PM)
<<10.40 PM, Monday, October 20th, 2070, Divine Comedy, Garage>>Gecko watched the scene with interest from the seclusion of the stationary hovercraft. Something nagged at the back of his mind. He went back to the recordings he had taken on the way over and fed the Radar data and the Cyberware Scanners data through their individual weapon and cyber identifying algorithms.
I hope this guy doesn't have any nasty surprises...[ Spoiler ]
Cyberware Scanner (Assuming 6+ Items of Cyber):
2 HitsRadar Scanner (Ditto):
2 Hits Explain this to me? I'm lost.
Nov 6 2008, 08:48 PM
Gecko has both a Millimeter Wave Detection System (Cyberware Scanner) and Ulrawideband Radar that can do the same job at a larger range and through walls but has a lower Rating.
I'm checking back through the routine scans he has already taken to check for nasty shit like Explodey Headware.
Assuming the guy has 6 or more discrete cyber systems or weapons he scored enough successes to identify everything he has that isn't Beta or Delta plus any concealed weapons.
Coldhand Jake
Nov 6 2008, 09:34 PM
You detect extraordinary bone density. That's about it.
Coldhand Jake
Nov 7 2008, 01:23 AM
Virus, join us on Yahoo chat. We're conferenced up and having a great time. IM infernalistgamer
Divine Virus
Nov 7 2008, 01:29 AM
I am still having difficulty getting it to work. Give me fifteen minutes, I am going to restart my computer in VISTA (right now using Ubuntu) and I will install the yahoo software and talk to you shortly.
Divine Virus
Nov 7 2008, 11:35 AM
Ok, so to get the joke in my last IC, you need to understand the intro to Dante's Divine Comedy. I'll give you a super quick version. This is something that I am sure that Portia with her education would get, but I don't know how thoroughly you have studied the Divine Comedy, so I figured it would be better to explain.
The whole things starts when Dante finds himself lost in a dark wood, having somehow gotten there while sleeping, representing, more or less being lost in sin, lost on the road of life, forgotten his true nature, lost sight of the Good, etc. Basically his will is not whole, and he does not love properly. It is important to note this happens on Good Friday. Good Friday, of course, being when the Apostles all slept while Christ was being captured. There is some irony here, as Portia's assumptions about life, about how she had been living, who she had been loving, and what was good have all suddenly been thrown up in the air. She has lost this. Further irony in that while she was "sleeping," at least in a state of great niavetly, her family was "captured," or (as implied) killed. Thus the apostle/christ relationship is also mirrored.
Dante attempted to climb Mt. Purgatory alone, from the dark wood, but he was turned back by a Jaguar, a lion, and a starved she-wolf. These represent the three categories of sin.
The Jaguar represents sins of incontinence.
The Lion represents sins of Violence.
The starved she-wolf is sins of malice (a.k.a. sins of fraud).
Sins of Incontinence are sins that result from loving the wrong thing(s) in excess. Here you have the virtuous pagans, lustful, the gluttons, and the miserly. There is nothing wrong with loving sex or money, of food- the problem comes when you love these things more than God. Now, God is the Good (think Plato), so when you love these things more than what is good. These people love sex/food/money so much that they lost sight of what was Good about it.
How Mei could be compared to the sins of Incontience is simply that she could be seen as too protective. By being so protective and shielding, you lost sight of what was truly Good for Portia (at least in Celeste's opinion). You, of course, acted out of love. Many of you could be guilty of this, but Mei and Dancer were the only two examples that Celeste clearly saw examples of, and with Mei was it most clearly out of love that the mistake was made.
Sins of Violence are, well, sins of violence. Blowing two holes in Vassily earned Jake allegorical reference here. I could go into details, but explaining this is taking longer than I thought.
Sins of Fraud are the worst kinds of sin, and land you in the deepest circles of hell. Sins of Fraud use reason for the propagation of Fallacy, instead of Truth. While sins of Incontinence and Sins of Violence do not involve the correct use of right reason, these things turns reason against its purpose. These are they betrayers and deceivers. People who discovered they can get the false Goods they want through artifice. With sins of incontinence, people just took what Goods they wants ('Goods' in this sense does not have to be physical stuff. It is anything the person believes to be good), and did so to excess. With Sins of Violence people used brute force against others (including nature and God) or theirself to get what they wanted. Sins of Fruad involves using reason to deceive and betray others to get what they want. It is also pretty damn clear why Vassily ended up representing this.
There is also an unspoken implication. Based on circumstances, it would seem that Celeste is a kind of Virgil figure. Thing to remember about Virgil is that he is also damned to hell (the part of hell for virtuous pagans, whose only sin was not not recognize/understand the existence of God). Virgil could lead Dante through Hell, and a little bit of Purgatory, but the farther up the mountain they went, the more lost and confused Virgil became. And when it was time for him and Dante to part, Virgil went straight back to hell.
Whee, that took longer than I thought, and my explanations are shoddy then I thought they would be as well. Ah well. Serves me right for making overly complex jokes about literature and philosophy.
EDIT: Please note I gave Celeste knowledge of Humanities specifically because I knew that with a club called "The Divine Comedy" I would not be able to resist making some kind of convoluted joke like this at some point.
Nov 7 2008, 05:09 PM
I'm working tonight so I won't be able to post as frequently as I would like. I can keep up on my mobile and post a little bit.
Gecko will be staying in the background watching and waiting, reviewing the nights action and educating himself with regards the actors involved.
Coldhand Jake
Nov 7 2008, 07:23 PM
QUOTE (Divine Virus @ Nov 7 2008, 05:35 AM)
Ok, so to get the joke in my last IC, you need to understand the intro to Dante's Divine Comedy. I'll give you a super quick version. This is something that I am sure that Portia with her education would get, but I don't know how thoroughly you have studied the Divine Comedy, so I figured it would be better to explain.
The whole things starts when Dante finds himself lost in a dark wood, having somehow gotten there while sleeping, representing, more or less being lost in sin, lost on the road of life, forgotten his true nature, lost sight of the Good, etc. Basically his will is not whole, and he does not love properly. It is important to note this happens on Good Friday. Good Friday, of course, being when the Apostles all slept while Christ was being captured. There is some irony here, as Portia's assumptions about life, about how she had been living, who she had been loving, and what was good have all suddenly been thrown up in the air. She has lost this. Further irony in that while she was "sleeping," at least in a state of great niavetly, her family was "captured," or (as implied) killed. Thus the apostle/christ relationship is also mirrored.
Dante attempted to climb Mt. Purgatory alone, from the dark wood, but he was turned back by a Jaguar, a lion, and a starved she-wolf. These represent the three categories of sin.
The Jaguar represents sins of incontinence.
The Lion represents sins of Violence.
The starved she-wolf is sins of malice (a.k.a. sins of fraud).
Sins of Incontinence are sins that result from loving the wrong thing(s) in excess. Here you have the virtuous pagans, lustful, the gluttons, and the miserly. There is nothing wrong with loving sex or money, of food- the problem comes when you love these things more than God. Now, God is the Good (think Plato), so when you love these things more than what is good. These people love sex/food/money so much that they lost sight of what was Good about it.
How Mei could be compared to the sins of Incontience is simply that she could be seen as too protective. By being so protective and shielding, you lost sight of what was truly Good for Portia (at least in Celeste's opinion). You, of course, acted out of love. Many of you could be guilty of this, but Mei and Dancer were the only two examples that Celeste clearly saw examples of, and with Mei was it most clearly out of love that the mistake was made.
Sins of Violence are, well, sins of violence. Blowing two holes in Vassily earned Jake allegorical reference here. I could go into details, but explaining this is taking longer than I thought.
Sins of Fraud are the worst kinds of sin, and land you in the deepest circles of hell. Sins of Fraud use reason for the propagation of Fallacy, instead of Truth. While sins of Incontinence and Sins of Violence do not involve the correct use of right reason, these things turns reason against its purpose. These are they betrayers and deceivers. People who discovered they can get the false Goods they want through artifice. With sins of incontinence, people just took what Goods they wants ('Goods' in this sense does not have to be physical stuff. It is anything the person believes to be good), and did so to excess. With Sins of Violence people used brute force against others (including nature and God) or theirself to get what they wanted. Sins of Fraud involves using reason to deceive and betray others to get what they want. It is also pretty damn clear why Vassily ended up representing this.
There is also an unspoken implication. Based on circumstances, it would seem that Celeste is a kind of Virgil figure. Thing to remember about Virgil is that he is also damned to hell (the part of hell for virtuous pagans, whose only sin was not not recognize/understand the existence of God). Virgil could lead Dante through Hell, and a little bit of Purgatory, but the farther up the mountain they went, the more lost and confused Virgil became. And when it was time for him and Dante to part, Virgil went straight back to hell.
Whee, that took longer than I thought, and my explanations are shoddy then I thought they would be as well. Ah well. Serves me right for making overly complex jokes about literature and philosophy.
EDIT: Please note I gave Celeste knowledge of Humanities specifically because I knew that with a club called "The Divine Comedy" I would not be able to resist making some kind of convoluted joke like this at some point.
A fine comment. Though, I wonder about your connections to scene. But hey, we all see out our own lenses...
Portia Opfenmeier
Nov 8 2008, 04:55 PM
Divine Virus, if you have YIM or AIM, it might be easier for us to continue the conversation between Portia and Celeste on there. Up to you. I'm signed into both- YIM is sonnet116sweetie, and AIM is rabbit0troop.
Coldhand Jake
Nov 8 2008, 05:13 PM
Great render, Fuchs!!
Nov 8 2008, 05:14 PM
Thanks. Now if I could find more clothes that fitted Jake's model...
Portia Opfenmeier
Nov 8 2008, 06:25 PM
Can I cast my vote for less clothes that fit Jake's model? That's an incredible picture, all perversion aside. Really excellent.
Coldhand Jake
Nov 8 2008, 07:45 PM
Okay, fast forwarding till...say, noon? Also, split the thread into two, one for the club, one for the loft.
Nov 8 2008, 07:55 PM
Noon is fine.
Divine Virus
Nov 9 2008, 02:01 PM
Czrish, in the future, please let me know as you BEGIN to do something like that (i.e. when you first decided to get onto the fire escape). Celeste is a very aware man, I find it hard to believe he would not have noticed you before, and he certainly would not tolerate your presence. Even if you made a stealth check to hide yourself, I would at least get an opposed test. Since you sighed, I will make a hearing based perception test to notice you.
[ Spoiler ]
Intuition 4+ perception 4+ genes 2+ sideways 1+ tech 3= 14 dice
7 Hits So with 7 hits, I am going to presume I heard your sigh, no matter how quiet it is or some sign of your presence. Double check with Thermographics
[ Spoiler ]
Intuition 4+ perception 4+ genes 2+ sideways 1+ observe in detail 3= 14 dice
6 Hits 6 hits should be enough to get your heat sig to pin your location, but it might not be if you have thermal dampening or whatever it is called in your armour. So I will back it up with low light vision test.
[ Spoiler ]
Intuition 4+ perception 4+ genes 2+ sideways 1+ tech 3= 14 dice
8 HitsSo eight hits, considering that I
know someone is there, and that not much stealth is possible when hanging upside down from a fire escape, I am going to presume I see you, and get an ID, This is good by the way. If I didn't manage to spot you at all, Celeste would have gone on the defensive, and PvP sucks.
Nov 9 2008, 06:23 PM
Sorry, meant to imply internal, i.e. silent.
Would be -4 to all those perception tests...
The last one might have succeeded but the first two probably would have failed.
Just colour, didn't mean to give offence.
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