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Alright. Off to Tacoma we go!
The club where I used to work is downtown - suggest we head there instead so we can get off the streets sooner.

I have a rating 6 bug scanner - using it now as we talk and continueing while we walk.
03 04 02 01 10 01
The van itself has a tracer in it. Guess the company doesn't want it stolen!
waiting for more input before Wil makes any calls
Stolen? What cads would stoop to stealing a water truck?

3Ts: I like your plan so far but I want to hear what everyone else says, too. We'll probably have to split up anyways, at least for a while....
Hey, Maxxi, I've been wondering: what language is "trillz"? And how do you pronounce it?
It's English slang. Haha. Or as they'd call it in Cyberpunk 2020 "Blackfolk". It's just a useless randomly created word. It's pronounced "Trills".
I thought Trillz was the Star Trek race Trill in plural. cool.gif
Do those spots go all the way down? grinbig.gif
mike - how close to The Office (the club from my bio) are we - also, my contact Mona - how close to her buildings are we (both are downtown - i think you posted above that we are downtown)- do i think i can get ahold of my taxi driver friend this late and could he bring us all? - What do i need to do to get rid of the tracker on the water truck (can i justr break it?)?
Well, it's about 3:45 am...depends on if yer taxi contact got the night shift. At this time of day with so little traffic yo can get anywhere in Downtown fairly quick. THe nightclub is 13 minutes away by car if you ignore speed limits, 20 if ya go at normal speed. Mona's is 17 minutes, 25 mins at speed limit, away in the same direction.
Hey, Tanka? Is Big A along for the ride or does he have some input?

Right now, I'm leaning towards going to the office and splitting up...
I'm, uh, making a Drone Rigger. nyahnyah.gif

He's gonna hop to his place and grab his SMG, then head over to his other place of living.
Heh. Fair enough.

I'll post something IC tomorrow morning.
After waiting for Wil to (hopefully find and deactivate the tracer then) call his cabbie contact:

Perception for finding a new set of wheels: 4 4 5 5 5

For the record: I'm driving the speed limit. wink.gif
There's a fair number of vehicles to be stolen, but nothing troll sized immediately.

Curse you, large-bodied me!
Let me toss something in IC, first. If that doesn't work I'll narrow the search parameters.
Nevermind about the IC...

I really only need a vehicle that can fit me and Dub, unless anyone wants to come along for the ride.

I was under the impression that Sloan was taking Dub to his Street Doc contact. Looking back he seems to still have at least a serious wound, possibly 9 boxes, I got kinda confused in there. So does he still have to seek medical attention or does he just need some vacation time? If we're all going to the Club then we just have to drive around for 10 minutes and we can all go together, then figure out how to get everyone's stuff.

Seems like our crack shadowrun team never put together a "If the drek hits the fan" plan... nyahnyah.gif
mike - Huahing is a girl, decker who handles security/matrix security at the Office
Dub D has 6 boxes filled in - he had 9 filled in, but healed 3 of them. I think, with his Body test, that he could heal with just rest (no medical attention), but I'm not sure if he knows that "in character" or not. I was assuming he would think he was hurt badly and needed professional medical help, but if he's been injured before (likely), then he might have a better idea of what kind of medical care he does (or doesn't) need. Mikey, what do Dub's wounds seem like, from his perspective?
Alright, before I post IC, I'm making a roll for Gang Territory. Don't want to be caught by some tough guys thinking they can get away with something, do we?

Gang Territory: 2, 4, 5, 16

So, what gangs do we have to worry about on our way there? biggrin.gif
There are a couple of gangs in the erea. The Victims, a gang known to perform many acts of theft and robbery, and the Event Horizon. Enter their territory and they pull something, from egging your car to all out violence...but it's always an event.

Dub D needs to maintain a high lifestyle for 10 days to get the wound to moderate. Then he can have a middle lifestyle to heal.
What colors and such do they wear? I'd like to be able to successfully pull of getting them away from us, if necessary.
If ya encounter 'em I'll point it out. wink.gif
Gee, thanks. you're a Prince among GMs. nyahnyah.gif

Perception (scanning the alley): 1 1 3 3 3

OK, I've got a really, really busy weekend here, so I won't be posting unless I can manage my time really well.

Expect something Monday.
Kevyn, yer perception test sucked! Ya don't scan a darn thing.
Hey, theres no need to get personal... smile.gif I'm well aware that 2 ones and three 3s is a below par roll...I had to use my "back up dice" since I seem to have misplaced my 1st line dice. frown.gif

I don't have red dice like you but I do have a pair that actually made of wood. I don't knw how old they are but I acquired them over a decade ago. cool.gif
Backup dice! AAHH! eek.gif *Holds up a cross*
Your cross will not save you, silly mortal...Muw-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha....
Allright you lazy lollygags! Get posting!
hear, hear!
Do we still hear sirens? How close are we to the pickup spot where Ticker is gonna get us? Nobody is a shaman? OMG we all gonna die jk =)
No more sirens. Time to pickup spot has been covered in a previous post.
We should be okay. We got three shooters and two spell slingers...of course one of our spell slingers is shot up pretty good...
As he field strips the MP and puts it back together, he hears Ticker and Wil talking about Hockey. Sloan looks up from checking the action on the Crusader. "Hey, did either of you get the score of the Sabre's game? They were up 3-zip over the Canucks in third but I had to...take care of some biz, ya know? I got the telcom at my doss savin' it but I doesn't look like I'll be back there anytime soon."

Bastard! mad.gif No way some third rate New York team is ahead of my Canucks 3-0!!!
Wow, I was sure the Sabres had it locked up...guess thier luck hasn't changed much in 60 years. biggrin.gif
Not in my game!

Always wanted to say that in dumpshock!
Okay...where is everyone?
I'm here!!

I'm goning to have start making Sloan do stupid shit--like, **cracks knuckles**-- just keep the thread on the first page...

I'm gonna have to stop allowing for roleplay time with you guys, aren't I? wink.gif
I don't mean to be a dck here, but its been over a week since anybody but 3Ts, Mikey, or myself have posted....WTF?

lets get going guys...
Has interest in my game here ended?
Still interested, just getting used to the pacing. I think sometimes you might be waiting for us to talk some more, while we're waiting for the scene change, and it winds up with no one posting for awhile. I think we'll learn to adjust to it, though.
Perception for looking for a tail
07 05 05 05 04 03
Yeah, I'm pretty lost until we open a new scene.
No tail right now, man. If anyone's gonna buy one of the guns or the stims patches, lemme know now.
I need some info before i post what Wil does next

what were the details of our job? did i see what the file was that we planted - where did i plant it - who hooked us up with this johnson - had we worked for him before
The job: sneak into a govornment host, plant an encrypted program into the system. It is safe to assume you still have the optical chips (it was a large program likely) that contained it. Don't get caught. Do it fast. You had not the time to check out the program. The run went like clockwork.

The Johnson: Noone you'd known before. Well dressed in plain clothes. Human. Your team's regular fixer set up the meet. He's solid and has had yet to steer you wrong.
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