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Intitiative is 15. Crud. Well, at least it's physically attacking me. I will burn up my entire Combat Pool on dodging, and then soak it with my Body. I may spend Karma at that point. After it attacks, if I am still standing, I will cast another manabolt, and I might spend some Karma there, too. One re-roll can make a big difference when you have a lot of dice.

I considered using my Sorcery to help counterattack, but then I would have to stop perceiving on my next action. Even if both spellslingers made it, we would still be nailed down, surveillance-wise, locked out of the astral, and Dub would probably have to shut down all of his foci when he's already hobbled by injuries. This is partly Dub's reckless nature, but it's also good tactics - tough as this elemental is, as bad as the odds are, we have to take it down, or the whole group will be messed up.

I'll wait until you post to roll, in case this elemental makes any last-minute changes in tactics - plus, Jamal probably goes before me.
Well, since the fire elemental gets a 26+D6 (Including it's wound modifier) it gets a...


Haha! Astral Melee combat! Woohoo!

The elemental attacks Dub, jacking some of it's own combat pool into the attack. It also has +1 reach. It has -3 for it's wound for a total target number of 6.


Glyphy, if ya get 1 or less sucesses on your counterattack then ya need 8's for your dodge test and ya need 3 successes.
Then resist 14D
Um, I'm confused. Combat spells are a straight up dice test between the caster's dice and the defender's Willpower. So how can this elemental have a Serious wound from a Deadly manabolt? If he got equal or more successes than me, he should be completely unharmed (which would give him 9 successes instead of 3). And if he got less, then he's dead, since I cast it at Deadly. Unless you handle Combat spells differently than normal, which is cool.
Jamal is ripcording back to his body as quickly as astrally possible.
Glyph, according to the description of the MAna Bolt spell on page 191 of the Shadowrun book, "Manabolt and Manaball channel destructive magical power into the target, doing physical damage. As mana spells, they only effectliving and magical targets and are resisted as Willpower (or force). Manabolt affects a single target. Manaball is an erea spell."

So, that's how. wink.gif
combat spells have a special "feature" where if you get more successes than the caster then it misses you entirely
QUOTE (3Threes)
combat spells have a special "feature" where if you get more successes than the caster then it misses you entirely

Page number, please...I think I've completely missed that! All I'm seeing as I look through my book is that it ignores armour and non magical external protections.
Oops...found it. On page 183 under "spell effect." Looks like a totally unharmed elementals!
Okay, originally, I spent some team Karma on the Dodge test, but that was when I thought I only needed one more success (I had rolled two successes on the dodge after none on my counterattack). Since I wouldn't be able to dodge successfully even with 8 successes (vs. the elemental's 9), I won't bother doing it vs. the revised # of successes. So bye-bye Dub. His Body test was 5, 4, 3, 1, 1. Since he had a Serious already, the Deadly wound puts him at 6 overflow, which is more than his Body, so he is dead.

It was a great game, Mikey. I had fun, even though I had about the worst die rolls that I have ever made for a character. smile.gif At least he got to go out in a (literal) blaze of glory, and give Jamal a chance to escape.
Does Dub have any personal Karma left? I do use the Hand of Gawd...

Anyways, don't give up quite yet. Any dodge successes are added to damage resistance dice and you'd need target number 8. 2 successes would automatically stage it to a serious wound. Dub can be saved if you have the desire, Glyph...but you'd need a heal spell from an NPC or a treat or heal from Jamal (if he has one)to be viable as a PC anymore. If ya decide that this was indeed Dub's swan song, he'll be remembered as the guy who rumbled on with 9 boxes of damage!

Remind me never to play a Dragonsalyer shaman.
I used up my Karma point in the first encounter. Plus, I spent all of my Combat Pool dodging (which only reduces net successes), trying to make it a clean miss, so I won't ret-con that now. Besides, even if he reduced it to a Serious, that would still put him 2 points into overflow (since he already has 6 boxes filled in), meaning he would be more or less baggage for the rest of the run. Better to let him go out with some style, I think.
Allright, then, Glyph. It was good to have ya in the game. The dice fell where they would and ya took it like a man!

Everyone else can start calling dibs in Dub D's stuff!
I call his "courage"!! biggrin.gif

But I'll leave his "judgement" for someone else smile.gif

It was nice working w/ you, Glyph.
If I survive, I want all his talismans/foci/magical related stuff.
Oh BTW you may have put in a typo in your last IC post. I don't think I just died.
Yeah, I think he meant Dub, not Jamal. By the way, I had a Force: 1 Sustaining Focus, a Force: 6 Manabolt Focus, and a Force: 3 Combat Spell Focus. I'm only mentioning it because these are supposed to be characters who have worked together for a good while, so I imagine there's a possibility Jamal would know about them (or at least have an idea where they are from occasional glimpses of Dub when assensing). That's the upside of the Priority: A Resources shaman biting it. biggrin.gif Of course, his foci may or may not have survived him being immolated.
Allright...typo corrected. smile.gif

Now if only Jamal had the karma to bond those foci! nyahnyah.gif
Oh that can wait.... Does Jamal get back to his nearly burned out corpse in one piece?
Yes, Jamal gets back to his body. However...poor ticker!

So ya know, the taxi has the standard armoured glass between the front and back seats.

I dare someone to shout "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" I qualify as an evil GM yet? biggrin.gif
Turning backwards to face the crew, Wilsays, "We need to decide what to do. I have some rough ideas forming, but would prefer to hear from you guys first."

Wil was in the front with Ticker I think . . .
You're all in the drive through lane at Mc need to shoot out the tires.
Just wanting to clarify something - since Wil was up front with Ticker - is Wil crispy too?
Neither are crispy. BUt they will be soon if they don't do something.
QUOTE (last_of_the_great_mikeys)
Neither are crispy. BUt they will be soon if they don't do something.

::points to Sloan's IC post::
Allright, everyone needs to make a 6M damage resistance roll. Combat pool is allowed. Impact armour helps, ballistic does squat.

Heh...raging fire elemental that seems to want to kick ass, plus now the McCops probably see you as a threat. Methinks you guys are gonna be on the news tonight!
2 combat pool added, body 6 - impact armor = 2 from lined coat

11 04 05 07 04 02 02 02
Total of 4 points of Impact making it 2M

Body: 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5

No damage. cool.gif

Whats the last vehicle in the drive through line?
Okay, you want me to die don't you?

Since Jamal doesn't wear armor at all, lets see if this mage can die as well.

05 01 01

Whoop, no success. To bad for Jamal, he's in overflow damage, and likely collapses over from the pain and all.
Why don't you wear armor!?
How many boxes of overflow?
2 Overflow.

And Jamal doesn't wear armor because he's a mage.....

and thus superstitious. He thinks if he wears armor, he'll expect to be hit. Too bad his philosophy is proving horribly wrong.
Yep...This oughta learn 'im!
**shakes head forlornly**
Well, I determined the elemental, being at ground zero, had to take double that (12M) and got half it's normal armour (because it's considered an elemental attack). Ya all wanna know what I rolled on 8 dice?

Let that IC post be a lesson to you all...never, EVER roll all 1's!
Two things:

1) is Jamal dead?


2) is it just me and 3Ts?
Biotech(First Aid) roll - using a medkit - gm decides mods

03 03 11 01 01 05

if it fails then i will spend a karma for rerolls if we have any team karma left
QUOTE (kevyn668)
Two things:

1) is Jamal dead?


2) is it just me and 3Ts?

Jamal is not dead. He'll need magical healing to get back into it, I suspect.

3Threes, you got 1 success on your biotech test. You got him stableized.
Okay Jamal, I need you to make a charisma test, straight up. NO skill in this.
This could be interesting...
My dice pool penaltys don't affect this, right?
That's right. Straight charisma.
Roll 'em up, Maxxi!!

And meanwhile back on the ranch....

Negotiations (Fast Talk): 4, 4, 8, 10

Remember, I have the "Friendly Face" Merit.
16 11 02 01


AKA, I rule well enough.
QUOTE (Maxxi)
16 11 02 01


AKA, I rule well enough.

Hey, them's thar pretty good rolls!
It had to be a little old lady, didn't it?

That complicates thing....

**shakes fist**
Maxxi, I don't wanna tell you wha to do but I would like to quote a line from the film "Ghostbusters"


**edited for putting more emphasis on YES**
But he's saying Lifeforce.... So the obvious In-Character assumption is that, if he's being healed, then it's somehow not natural to have some of his lifeforce taken. Will his magic be weakend? Is it a faustian pact? *Rubs chin* Spirits are not to be trusted.
To quote "End of Days"

"You'd be surprised at what you'll agree to when you're on fire."
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