Mar 3 2004, 04:54 AM
This week I finally decided between Shaman or Decker. I should have voted 'Mundane' and been a decker. I mostly gave up sleep in order to have more time for games and computer stuff a long time ago, but this week I got a firsthand view of something that others have brought up about deckers before.
A few people have mentioned the problem of deckers losing touch with reality after long matrix sessions, and I now not only consider that possible, but know how it feels. I've been playing computer games so much recently, that any time things are going too slowly for me, I reach for the key on the nonexistant keyboard that I had set to Fast Forward. And anytime I've considered something risky, I reached for the Save key on the still nonexistant keyboard. A couple of times, the risky action was potentially life-threatening, and I caught myself just before doing it when I realized I was thinking "If it goes wrong, I can always just reload..."
Mar 3 2004, 04:56 AM
I've had that happen.
Mar 3 2004, 01:58 PM
Feh -- I caught myself thinking in basic code one morning.
I was like...8.
10 Get up
12 Brush Teeth
15 Shower
20 etc
Mar 3 2004, 02:39 PM
Yeah, I reached for F5 during a real-life car accident once. It didn't help at all.

In fact, it only served to make me feel more foolish when my car ran off the road and I couldn't reload.
Austere Emancipator
Mar 3 2004, 02:51 PM
I reach for the M4A1 SOPMOD all the time when surrounded by PNG's.
It seems the percentage of Awakened folk is growing and growing as we get closer to 2011... By the time the Awakening hits according to the SR timeline, about 766% of Dumpshockers will have already Awakened.
Mar 3 2004, 09:16 PM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
By the time the Awakening hits according to the SR timeline, about 766% of Dumpshockers will have already Awakened. |
We'll all be level 6-7 initiates, then? Sweet.
Mar 3 2004, 10:16 PM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
I reach for the M4A1 SOPMOD all the time when surrounded by PNG's.
It seems the percentage of Awakened folk is growing and growing as we get closer to 2011... By the time the Awakening hits according to the SR timeline, about 766% of Dumpshockers will have already Awakened. |
Of course -- Awakened folks tend to get flocked together, after all.
Ghostly Enigma
Mar 4 2004, 08:39 AM
meh I'm still going put my

on the deal that nothing happens
Mar 4 2004, 10:21 AM
I'd probably be a Disciple of Loki shaman. Chaos and pranks, mon ami. If not, Wolf.
The Abstruse One
Mar 4 2004, 05:41 PM
Spider shaman.
well, you remember a month or so back when i posted that thread about life imitating rpg?

what isn't so fun is when spider calls you and you're a frelling arachniphobe.
Mar 4 2004, 10:07 PM
i'ld want to be a full shaman, but i'ld probably be a mundane human corpdude... i'm such a nerd...
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