Jan 14 2004, 06:24 PM
Hello again,
I think the converstion guide is way of on its availabilty for Strato-9 and Steel Lynx. Theese two drones are with their availability of 8 the most powerfull drones a player can start the game with. IMHO as a gm they are too powerfull compared to other drones with a similar availability.
Looking first at the Strato-9.
It has a sensor of 5 a external hardpoint with recoil stuff and a MMG. All this for 34500 newyen and at avail 8. Sure it does not have armour, but i mean why bother with other spotters, it has a sensor of 5. Btw does it include the gun? I rule that it does not, otherwise it is totally out of control.
then at Steel Lynx.
This baby has armour 9 (and yes that is hardend), a signature of 6 and it comes with a mini turret. Put a ingram valiant in that and you have a small tank that is way overpowered for its availabiliy of 8.
So what should the Availability of theese babies be? I am not sure, thats why i am askin

Jan 14 2004, 06:28 PM
It includes the gun, thats why it says it includes the gun unlike pretty much every other drone.
What would be more reasonable? Maybe 12 on each of them. The strato-9 should probably cost twice as much as well (and have a hefty street index).
Edit: not that you should not feel free to say it doesn't include the gun.
Jan 14 2004, 06:30 PM
The final say on a character is for the GM. If a player has bought something you don't agree they should, or realistically could have, then say no. Explain why, but stick to your decision. If it will unbalance your game, don't allow it.
Jan 14 2004, 06:33 PM
I'd say they're just fine. Lone Star uses Strato-9s like popcorn for exactly the reasons you describe.
There are dozens of threads on this subject, but suffice it to say that the ease with which these drones can be obtained is more bad news for the players than good news.
Jan 15 2004, 12:26 AM
Then perhaps you would do well to consider this: If a rigger charactor is played by a new player and that new player is not familiar with the customisation rules, so what does he do if he needs to provide fire support? He needs to buy a drone or two with existing weapons or firm/hardpoints, especially if you DO NOT ALLOW custom/customised vehicles or drones. So tell me again why you are so intent on screwing your rigger PCs?
Go create a viable rigger charactor by the book, see how difficult it is in the first place. Or for that matter create all the PC archetypes and see how difficult it is for each type. Personally, I do not think people should GM(at least do not mess with Chargen or Avail) unless they have created and played all the archtypes in SR3. Sorry if this sounded harsh but I feel most of the SR3 rules are (for game balance purposes) balanced on a knife edge.
Jan 15 2004, 12:30 AM
Heh, what is a fun things to do, is buy a Strato-9 and then take the MMG out of it for your troll to carry around.

Replace the MMG with a sniper rifle or something and use the Strato as a spotter/assassin's tool.
Jan 15 2004, 01:03 AM
Which is the point at which you add in some common sense and rule that the MMG was never ever designed to be used by a metahuman and requires extensive modification to add grips, stocks, a manual trigger, etc.
And yes, drones+rifles=pain.
Jan 15 2004, 01:07 AM
Sure, but if you have Heavy Weapon B/R you can add the grips, stocks, and manual trigger back onto it.
Jan 15 2004, 01:43 AM
Or buy a gunsmith contact, and in any case it allows you to have an otherwise unobtainable weapon at character creation. Meus, you might want to swap the MMG for a LMG, just to keep things consistent within the rules.
Jan 15 2004, 05:24 AM
Yeah, both the Steel Lynx and the Statos-9 are obscene. Especially the Steel Lynx... that thing is a Tank. Nothing short of a Panther Assualt cannon is going to stop one of those things, and since the Rigger operating it gets BOTH his Control and his Combat, the thing is nearly impossible to hit. The Steel Lynx isn't that big, so it can go inside most buildings and reek havoc.
I even have problems with giving players Doberman since even Armor 6 is enough to make most vehicles invincible (because of vehicle rules, you need to hit them with over 12 points of power to even get a chance to dent them).
If you are uncomfortable allowing them, you have the right as a GM not to allow them.
Jan 15 2004, 05:36 AM
sidekick, I don't understand what you mean by "the Rigger operating it gets BOTH his Control and his Combat". What's this?
Jan 15 2004, 05:43 AM
Don't forget the Ares Guardian! It may cost a bomb (100k) but it's a vectored thrust drone that's indoors-friendly, has 12 armor, sensor 4, pilot 3, sig 7, and a mini-turret. Now that's a nasty all-rounder, all with an availability of 5/5 days...
Jan 15 2004, 05:53 AM
QUOTE (OurTeam) |
sidekick, I don't understand what you mean by "the Rigger operating it gets BOTH his Control and his Combat". What's this? |
He is refering to the Rigger's Control and Combat Pools.
Jan 15 2004, 06:51 AM
QUOTE (Lilt) |
Don't forget the Ares Guardian! It may cost a bomb (100k) but it's a vectored thrust drone that's indoors-friendly, has 12 armor, sensor 4, pilot 3, sig 7, and a mini-turret. Now that's a nasty all-rounder, all with an availability of 5/5 days... |
Check the Official Errata. The Avail is now 11/11 days...
Know your errata...
The Jopp
Jan 15 2004, 08:10 AM
The Steel Lynx is quite balanced actually because once the opposition sees it they will go AV all over it's ass. And remember, Drones have LOW body scores. A SL have a body of 2, that's a maximum of 4D6 for soaking if you have any combat pool/control pool left.
So, If I use a basic Ruger super warhawk with Ex-Explosive that thing will be toast. With 6 successes we have a D wound on the SL and it will have a TN of 3+ to stage down, it CAN'T stage it down because of that low body so it will take damage. Then you fire a second time. An average streetsam would probably use 12D6 on the first attack with a TN of 2+ so we should count my example with a few more successes.
That's one of my aggravations with vehicle rules, you can't improve the actual hull of the vehicle and increase it's body rating.
Jan 15 2004, 11:31 AM
QUOTE (The Jopp) |
And remember, Drones have LOW body scores. A SL have a body of 2, that's a maximum of 4D6 for soaking if you have any combat pool/control pool left. |
I'd have to check, but I don't think the amount of COntrol or Combat Pool you use for Dodging or Damage Resistance is limited to the Body of the vehicle.
Jan 15 2004, 11:42 AM
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Jan 15 2004, 03:10 AM) |
So, If I use a basic Ruger super warhawk with Ex-Explosive that thing will be toast. With 6 successes we have a D wound on the SL and it will have a TN of 3+ to stage down, it CAN'T stage it down because of that low body so it will take damage. Then you fire a second time. An average streetsam would probably use 12D6 on the first attack with a TN of 2+ so we should count my example with a few more successes. |
You know this would be a nice scenario if it weren't for the fact that Steel Lynxes function like vehicles for damage (all drones do). Hence that 12D from your Ruger with Ex Rounds becomes a 6S because vehicles always half power and lower damage level by 1. And guess what, that 6 isn't enough to puncture the Steel Lynx's Hardened Armor of 9, so it just richochets off harmlessly
To take down a Lynx you either need to use AV (and an initial base power higher then 8 ), or hit it with an attack with a power higher then 18. These things are mini-tanks.
The Jopp
Jan 15 2004, 12:26 PM
QUOTE (sidekick @ Jan 15 2004, 11:42 AM) |
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Jan 15 2004, 03:10 AM) | So, If I use a basic Ruger super warhawk with Ex-Explosive that thing will be toast. With 6 successes we have a D wound on the SL and it will have a TN of 3+ to stage down, it CAN'T stage it down because of that low body so it will take damage. Then you fire a second time. An average streetsam would probably use 12D6 on the first attack with a TN of 2+ so we should count my example with a few more successes. |
You know this would be a nice scenario if it weren't for the fact that Steel Lynxes function like vehicles for damage (all drones do). Hence that 12D from your Ruger with Ex Rounds becomes a 6S because vehicles always half power and lower damage level by 1. And guess what, that 6 isn't enough to puncture the Steel Lynx's Hardened Armor of 9, so it just richochets off harmlessly
To take down a Lynx you either need to use AV (and an initial base power higher then 8 ), or hit it with an attack with a power higher then 18. These things are mini-tanks.
DOH! My bad, i made a miscalculation.
About combat pool and control pool VS soaking damage.
Why shouldn't it be limited, it is for characters isn't it? Should be the same for vehicles.
Jan 15 2004, 02:21 PM
Mmmmm, AV Rounds.....
If people are running a Lynx in enclosed areas (Office buildings are a favored death-trap) why not toss a couple of HE Grenades along at it? Or as the cheap-ass demolition experts favour, a nice (4-10 kg) wad of plastique at it?
At $80 a kg at character gen, most players have a couple of kg's tucked away "Just in case" (In regards to the pyro-demolition nut, about 800 kgs.<-NEVER ask.)
Your average troll can bounce a wad of this fun-sized goodness (Stairwells are favorite) with the ever-so-sophisticated "White Phosphorus Grenade as a detonator" quite a ways - and believe me, you don't have to get too accurate with the aim. Just far enough (and around a corner or two.)
Of course, the main advantage is always position and location - you're not going to cut it open with a combat axe (unless dikoted and wielded by Krondor Dur Barbarian).
Well, that was quite a ramble - In any case, the right tools make the job easier. Hello AV rounds and HVAR. No more Lynx. And you've got an easy way out, too!
Jan 15 2004, 04:28 PM
Yes, a hefty block of C4 would do it (I am talking in game terms here, not RL explosives), 10kg to make sure. Just how hefty a block of C4 you'd need depends on wether a bounced shockwave adds to the 'base power' in vehicle armor terms (rather than a BF/FA/Ammo type mod), and wether you let the demolitions expert increase the power against the drone using a demolitions roll.
I'd be weary about letting someone increase the power using the demolitions skill as IMHO that represents taking time to place explosives on the target being damaged strategically. I'd probably still allow it, but at a penalty.
Jan 15 2004, 04:40 PM
"White Phosphorus Grenade as a detonator" |
That wouldn't work. You can light Compound on fire and it will ignote, but it won't explode.
Austere Emancipator
Jan 15 2004, 04:51 PM
Yup, just plain heat/fire won't ignite much else than gunpowder, using real life sense.
And if you don't like making sense but enjoy the SR rules, plastic explosives still can't be detonated that way because they need electricity (I have no idea why, but that's how it seems to be by canon).
My group carries HEAT grenades for the GLs and a few LAWs on all the high-threat jobs just in case something armored shows up. No AV ammo for small arms in my games (because it just doesn't make sense), otherwise they'd probably be packing that too (they've got several HC weapons fixers and several army logistics contacts at level 2).
Jan 15 2004, 04:55 PM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
And if you don't like making sense but enjoy the SR rules, plastic explosives still can't be detonated that way because they need electricity (I have no idea why, but that's how it seems to be by canon). |
Well, that's how it works in this world as well.
Austere Emancipator
Jan 15 2004, 05:02 PM
No. It's not. Plastic explosives are not detonated by electric current. The only way that could possibly work would be to hit it with something akin to a lightning bolt -- quick, extremely high voltage and amper rating shock. That might cause enough heat and sudden pressure change to detonate it, but it'd still require insane luck.
Plastic explosives are detonated by secondary explosives, for example some forms of gunpowder, which are generally detonated by heat/flame (I can't think of a single exception, but I'm not an explosive expert and there could be some).
Jan 15 2004, 05:19 PM
Right Austere. Im not sure why everything thinks that voltage dentonates compund x in real life. I wonder where they got that from...
Jan 15 2004, 05:23 PM
So based on that AE was i right in being able to use a Hi Ex heavy pistol rnd to detentate some Plastic?
Also how about firing a Hi Ex rnd at a Assault rifle clip full of Hi Ex rnds?
Austere Emancipator
Jan 15 2004, 05:26 PM
It might work. It might not. It's very easy to push a detonator cap too far into an explosive device so that the detonator only throws a bit of the explosive around and doesn't detonate it. You could empty a mag of EX-Ex into a block of C-4 and achieve nothing but bits of hot C-4 all over the place.
The latter would be even less likely to work. I'd give it about 1% of detonating a single EX-Ex round in the mag, and 0.000001% to detonate more than 1.
This all assuming that you consider (EX-)Explosive rounds to have significant amounts of explosives in the bullet, which not all do.
Jan 15 2004, 05:48 PM
Ok, but don't Hi Ex (or EX EX) rnds have a chance of cooking off by canon rules?
Ie, there considered to be slightly unstable? which is why the militray only use standard Ex rnds as standard issue (besides cost)?
Jan 15 2004, 05:50 PM
I think that was a 2nd ed thing. I was reading up on EX EX a few days ago and couldn't find any mention of that. Perhaps, after some time, the developers figured out a way to stablize them.
Neon Tiger
Jan 15 2004, 05:57 PM
Back to topic, eh, boys?
What about using good old Levitate spell for destroying them high armor drones? According to R3, both Steel Lynx and Doberman are Body 2 drones. On page 62, the vehicle weight table gives us a range of 75-300 kgs of weight and 150 kgs on average.
So Levitate would have a TN around 5-7, and as non-living objects do not get spell resistance tests. Using F6 Levitate and getting 4 successes, you could lift the drone 24 meters in the air in one Combat Turn(or is it Combat Phase?). Dropping a human from 24 meters gives him a damage code of 12D with half of impact armor helping. Now, as getting dropped from such distance is pretty much the same as getting rammed by a huge vehicle, the drone should not get any benefit from it's armor as vehicles do not get to use their armor in collision/ramming damage resistance tests. Having only 2 body, it's a very slim chance that the drone gets two successes even to stage the damage down to serious.
Jan 15 2004, 06:07 PM
Why stop at 24? Also a good way of dealing with multiple drones; drop them on each other.
Austere Emancipator
Jan 15 2004, 06:08 PM
Good idea. And it won't matter even if it does get half impact, the TN is still high enough to make soaking the damage pretty darn hard.
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc) |
Ok, but don't Hi Ex (or EX EX) rnds have a chance of cooking off by canon rules? |
But by canon rules explosions do not detonate (plastic) explosives. So I was going with the "making sense" logic, not with "canon" logic.
Jan 15 2004, 06:22 PM
Slight sidetrack:
About combat pool and control pool VS soaking damage. Why shouldn't it be limited, it is for characters isn't it? Should be the same for vehicles. |
No. Combat and pool usage is only limited for offensive uses. For dodging and soaking, you can use any number of dice. See p 44, SR3.
Jason Farlander
Jan 15 2004, 07:36 PM
QUOTE (Neon Tiger) |
Back to topic, eh, boys?
What about using good old Levitate spell for destroying them high armor drones? According to R3, both Steel Lynx and Doberman are Body 2 drones. On page 62, the vehicle weight table gives us a range of 75-300 kgs of weight and 150 kgs on average.
So Levitate would have a TN around 5-7, and as non-living objects do not get spell resistance tests. Using F6 Levitate and getting 4 successes, you could lift the drone 24 meters in the air in one Combat Turn(or is it Combat Phase?). Dropping a human from 24 meters gives him a damage code of 12D with half of impact armor helping. Now, as getting dropped from such distance is pretty much the same as getting rammed by a huge vehicle, the drone should not get any benefit from it's armor as vehicles do not get to use their armor in collision/ramming damage resistance tests. Having only 2 body, it's a very slim chance that the drone gets two successes even to stage the damage down to serious.
Comments? |
Heres why this otherwise good idea wouldnt work: object resistance.
page 182, SR3
The Force of the spell must be equal to or greater than half the Object Resistance, rounded down, for it to affect an object. Vehicles add Body and Half armor to object resistance before dividing in half. |
All drones are at least as complicated and processed as a computer, which give them a base OR of 10. the steel lynx has a body of 2, raising that to 12, and an armor of 9, raising that by 9/2 = 4.5, round down to 4, so the final OR is 16. So... you would need a force 8 Levitate to affect the drone... or, for that matter, any spell except lightning bolt/ball would have to be force 8 ( L bolt/ball would have to be force 7, since there would be a -1 to the targets OR).
The Jopp
Jan 15 2004, 07:40 PM
How can you get an object resistance test when the TN is based upon the WEIGHT of the object? The base TN for levitate is 4+ 1/100KG.
Jan 15 2004, 07:51 PM
Bah thats even worse than the invisibility thing. Why not just levitate people too, even magicians. By the rules they get no resistance test. Of course the thing to do is to change the rules at least living things should get a shot to resist. Maybe it is ok if drones are just screwed in this way.
Jan 15 2004, 07:55 PM
The TN is based on the weight (P182, SR3: "Other spells have specific [TNs]"), but the spell still needs to be >= 1/2 the OR to affect the vehicle. We have a final OR of 14 (8+2+4) meaning you'd need a force 7 spell.
Jan 15 2004, 07:57 PM
QUOTE (Rev) |
Bah thats even worse than the invisibility thing. Why not just levitate people too, even magicians. By the rules they get no resistance test. Of course the thing to do is to change the rules at least living things should get a shot to resist. Maybe it is ok if drones are just screwed in this way. |
Actually people can get resistance checks. It's in the spell decription on P197, SR3.
Jan 15 2004, 08:24 PM
Unless I misunderstand, there's a contradiction here:
SR3, p. 182 (under "Sorcery Test"): The target number for spells cast against inanimate objects is based on the material from which the object is made. The more "high-tech" or processed an object is, the harder it is for magic to affect it. |
SR3, p. 197 (under "Levitate"): Target: 4 The target number of the Sorcery Test is increased by +1 for every full 100 kilograms of mass of the object. |
So which is it?
Jan 15 2004, 08:31 PM
I would go with the spell description on this one (or at least I do in MY games) since the first is a general rule and the second is specific to the spell...
ie. if the spell doesn't give TN for objects, then use this (p.182), otherwise go with spell description.
-Mike R.
Jan 15 2004, 08:31 PM
Oh good. I will have to see what it is when I go home.
Jason Farlander
Jan 15 2004, 08:42 PM
QUOTE (Velocity) |
So which is it? |
Check out Lilt's post... he mentions a quote further down the same page that clarifies your question.
You think a drone is closer in complexity to a chunk of "advanced" plastic or a cell phone than to a computer?
Jan 15 2004, 08:50 PM
Telekinetic manipulations shouldn't go against OR. Otherwise, they would be virtually useless, or at least their base target numbers would be. Magic Fingers, for example, spefically mentions using skills such as picking locks, and only states a +2 modifier for using such skills. Since it has a base TN of 6, then OR would actually be beneficial in this regard.
Since they do have standard target numbers, it seems pretty clear to me that those are what you use, and not the OR. Otherwise, it would simply say Target: Subject's Object Resistance.
...but the spell still needs to be >= 1/2 the OR to affect the vehicle. |
Where are you getting this rule?
Jason Farlander
Jan 15 2004, 08:57 PM
The Scamp:
I already answered that question. Page 182, SR3, fourth paragraph under the Sorcery Test heading if you want to try to find it yourself. (Note: I am using the corrected twelfth printing of SR3)
Jan 15 2004, 09:08 PM
Your are all forgetting one thing. MIJI. Steal the sucker from its controlling rigger, and watch it crawl up his *edited for content*. However, electrical based attacks are otherwise great for stopping drones. Or at least the controlling rigger.
Jan 15 2004, 09:16 PM
TheScamp wrote: Since they do have standard target numbers, it seems pretty clear to me that those are what you use, and not the OR. Otherwise, it would simply say Target: Subject's Object Resistance. |
True dat. Thanks!

Lindt wrote: However, electrical based attacks are otherwise great for stopping drones. Or at least the controlling rigger. |
After a
shocking encounter between an underwater drone he was rigging and a small group of Storm Dolphins, the rigger in my campaign has developped a serious aversion to dolphins of
any kind.
Jan 15 2004, 09:19 PM
9 armor? Why the fuck would you stick to the 9 armor on a stock Steel Lynx? You can put 2 more on it with absolutely no penalties
Steel Lynx's become high-tech paperweights once you include the concept of ladders or stairs in your building's design.
Hint: Back-figure what a Steel Lynx's guns, armor, and modifications would weigh. There's actually a chance that even a troll couldn't carry one up a flight of stairs.
Oh yeah. Stuff on vehicles.
Pg. 149 SR3. Emphasis is all me baby.
The vehicle's controlling player makes a Damage Resistence test for the vehicle, rolling a numer of dice equal to the vehicle's Body Rating, plus any available Control Pool dice up to the character's Driving Skill rating. The test target equals the modified Power weapons attack |
No, a rigger does NOT get both Control AND Combat pool for soaking AND he's subject to more stringent limitations. It goes on...
Compare the number of successes generated by the attacker and the vehicle, and determine the damage. Standard staging rules apply. Rigger may attempt to dodge any ranged combat attack using Control Pool instead of Combat Pool dice (see Dodging Test, P. 133). The target number for dodging is the vehicle's handling rating, plus any standard modifiers for Driving Tests and Dodging Tests. |
I'd like to re-emphasize the INSTEAD part. They're not saying you can add both for one attack - Instead means one or the other. This means if you blow 8 of your 12 Control pool on one attack, you can't take 4 from there and 4 from Combat Pool. You either drain your Combat pool or just use 4. Of course, in many cases the Rigger may be rolling against a TN of just 2, so...
There's also nothing about Dodging Tests on pg 133. They probably meant 113, which is where dodging tests are in fact discussed.
Other Fun Ways To Screw With The Steel Lynx.
1. It has tires. 'Nuff said.
2. Armor has no effect whatsoever on collisions. Ask your GM if you can make a drone(Which happens to look an awful lot like a bullet) with a launcher(Which happens to look an awful lot like an Ares Predator). Fire the 'drone' at the Steel Lynx. The 'drone' is going to get totaled, but the Steel Lynx will also be. If your GM isn't kosher with this, just run it over with your truck and say that it should count as a pedestrian(Pg. 148 SR3). Or design small speed-demon drones and control them yourself. Jump out of a drone just before impact.
3. There's an extremely peculiar passage in Rigger 3 regarding vehicles and electrical attacks. It's quite lengthy, so I'm not posting it all here, but it's the left column of pg 27. Anyone able to figure out how that is able to be correct with the Doberman having 6 armor and pg. 150 of SR3, right column? I'm inclined to just say that the example on pg. 27 is totally incorrect, but I'm not sure.
4. Keep an emergency clip of AV rounds handy. They're a relatively cheap investment for a lot of peace of mind.
5. The MIJI rules are great. Once you cut a drone off from its Rigger with your Jammer, it's absolutely helpless. Chances are good that it can throw 4 dice MAX at attack tests with no combat or control pool. In fact, it might not be capable of doing ANYTHING if he hasn't given it orders and has just been directly controlling it.
The Steel Lynx isn't anywhere close to how stupifying the Rigger rules can get. Out of boredom, I once designed a Drone with 30 armor and availability low enough for a starting character too IIRC.
Jan 15 2004, 09:19 PM
Regarding Levitate, please consider the following:
QUOTE (MitS p. 146) |
Lock Spell (Telekinetic Manipulation) Physical Spell, TN 4, Sustained This spell telekinetically holds any door, portal, closure, or other similar object closed with a Strength equal to the successes (up to twice the spell's Force). |
Unlike Levitate, this spell is only used on inanimate objects, and the authors do not use the Object Resistance Table to determine the TN. So clearly certain types of magical affects can be used on inanimate objects without the OR table Target Number and Force requirements.
It appears to me that a physical pushing or lifting affect can be made with a Spell such that other real-world effects (gravity or someone pushing back) determines whether the Spell achieves its intended affect. And that works regardless of what the object is made of.
It seems to me that levitating a 0.1 Kg. computer circuit board should be no harder than levitating a 0.1 Kg. carved wooden statue.
Jan 15 2004, 09:29 PM
Modesitt wrote: 4. Keep an emergency clip of AV rounds handy. They're a relatively cheap investment for a lot of peace of mind. |
Preach on brother, preach on.
Jason Farlander
Jan 15 2004, 09:58 PM
I've never stated that the TN for spells with set TN's (such as I. Invis, Levitate, or what-have-you) should be the OR. Nor do the books. On page 182, SR3, it says very specifically that "Other spells have specific target numbers" -- meaning that you disregard the general TN rules in those specific cases. You would use the OR as the TN of a wreck or a powerbolt spell, and the standard, specific TN for Levitate or Lock.
The Object Resistance rules always apply when determining the minimum force of a spell required to affect something. There is no instance of any passage in any book that indicates otherwise. For your improved invis to affect a sensor spell, you would have to overcome its OR of 8 (your spell must be force 4). For your Levitate spell to work on a heavily armored drone, such as the stock model steel lynx, it would have to be force 7 or 8 (depending on whether you believe the drone is closer in complexity to an advanced plastic or a computer). Your Lock spell would have to be force 2 to affect a wooden (or non-alloyed metal) door, or 4 to affect anything more complex.