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QUOTE (PirateChef @ Aug 16 2009, 04:45 PM) *
Yes, there is a game tonight. Once you have a skype account, let me know your user name and i'll invite you to join when it's game time.

I've installed and set up Skype. PM'ed my user name to you.
Lok1 :)
After looking it over it seems like Loki would become redundent (you already have a hacker and a demolitions expert), allright if I make up a adept instead? Though I won't have as much time to set up a backstory I'm sure I can come up with something.
What version of maptools are we useing?
FYI my skype username is Tarktheshark
Server is Up:

Shadowrun 4E - Lowdown Dirty Shame

Lok1 - Our Demo guy is going on an extended trip in a few weeks, so if you would like to stay with that, it will be fine. If not, go ahead and put together an Adept.
Lok1 - You need to accept my friend request on Skype so I can invite you to the game.
Lok1 :)
QUOTE (Lok1 :) @ Aug 16 2009, 11:41 PM) *
After looking it over it seems like Loki would become redundent (you already have a hacker and a demolitions expert), allright if I make up a adept instead? Though I won't have as much time to set up a backstory I'm sure I can come up with something.
What version of maptools are we useing?
FYI my skype username is Tarktheshark If that dosn't work try allenT

Lok1 :)
Ok hears a link to unforgotten realms for those that asked, its pritty funny but watch the orignal episodes first, if you want most of the ones from season three are only found on escapest magazine.
Yo PirateChef,

I just started looking for a game to join, and hopefully you're still recruiting new members. I'm very familiar with with SR4, and I'm fairly flexible with playing different char types. (However I do have a slight preference for magic char.) Let me know!
Uuugghhhh sorry I missed last nights game but I got a nasty bit of sick after too much time in the sun. Irish folks should not be near the beach for long. Anyway, hope I didnt miss too much.

We on for this Sunday?

Lass - no worries. You think you'll be there this week?
Absolutely smile.gif
Absolutely smile.gif
Lok1 :)
I've been thinking, would it be better for me to scrap takedown and play Loki again, or is Lass a hacker?
Lass = Hacker
I've gotta head out quick. I should be back by 7p EDT, but if I'm not, I won't be much later.
Server up - Shadowrun 4E - Lowdown Dirty Shame

I'm not in the room yet though, gotta finish dinner
Unfortunately, I've had a few people tell me they aren't going to make it tonight, so i am going to go ahead and cancel the game for tonight. Sorry for the late notice, if you send me a tell on Skype, I'll give you 3 karma to help make up for it.
Hello hello, I was wondering is there any room for a face or mage and if not are there any roles your missing or could use support it.
Are we on for Sunday?
Mister Book
Is this game full?
exSaint - We are definitely on for this Sunday.

WyldKnight, Mister Book - I am always recruiting, so drop me an email at taopirate @ gmail . com and we can discuss characters.
I'll be there with bells on!
I will be unavailable due to Holiday with the family. Please NPC Renegade or have him take care of personal business. Whichever moves the game along.
Mister Book
Would there be a problem with my playing a Technomancer?
I hate to bail, especially at the last minute, but my girlfriends parents came down for a surprise visit, so I won't be available (until maybe later).
Lok1 :)
We on in a hour?
Server is up
how long do your weekly games usually last?
Are you looking for any specific roles to be filled?

Lok1 :)
Hey I know its a little late but is it if I "tweak" takedown's adapt abiltys just a tad? I've decided to play him for as long as he lives (Wich might not be that long wobble.gif ), and I'd like to twist around a few things. If the group agrees its a good idea sence we lost arrdvarck last session, (Bomb shell for those of you who wern't their) I think I'll poor some of my karma into makeing him a acting team medic.
A medic Adept... hmmmm... I guess that works. Harry D I reckon has some healing spells and the rigger could also get ahold of a docwagon if we needed. We really need some muscles. Where are all the Sammys?

I reckon I'll stick with the Hacker. I like the cerebrial game but definately adding some firepower to her with dumping her rank in pistols and getting wired reflexes for the extra initiative pass. Hack and Slash ftw.
Captain Aardvark
Well Arfy is a medic and a demo man, not a combat oriented character. And I think the group is better suited doing B&E.
Sorry I couldn't make this past weeks game.

Can someone give me a brief summary?

I will be at this weeks.
Lok1 :)
*takes in deep breath*
Ok we were hired to put a stop to activeitys in three neighborhoods
the first, Tacoma had new drugdealers dealing cheaper than normal and undercutting the normal dealers in the area. (contrrolled by a cendicate, I forget wich)
The second Everet had sailers on leave (the major sorce of income for the local vice) being beaten, when we went into action a bunch of asain's in suits had started patrolling the area to keep away the badudes, I got my ass whooped down.
At the same time in Auburn where renegade was hanging out, (Someone was ripping of places that the local mob had protection money out from) Renegade after pocking around got jumped and kidnapped. Only thing we saw was a white sadan pulling up (used a securty cam).
We Hurryed over to the sceen and got in a major fight with a bunch of asains, in wich all but one enemy were killed and he got away in the car with an unconscious Arrdvarck in the front seat.

I think that about sums it up
So Tacoma was cleared out then?
Lok1 :)
Nope, Its still got the dealers. We made some connections with a local dealer, a shamen who sold drugs out of his talismongering shop. The new guys that are cutting into his and another places profits are a dime a dozen, on every street corner selling cheep synthetic drugs.
QUOTE (Lok1 :) @ Sep 8 2009, 05:36 PM) *
Nope, Its still got the dealers. We made some connections with a local dealer, a shamen who sold drugs out of his talismongering shop. The new guys that are cutting into his and another places profits are a dime a dozen, on every street corner selling cheep synthetic drugs.

Ah yes, I was there for that.
Chef, any chance you're still looking for a Razorguy/gal for the team? While, I admit I'm still pretty new to the 4th ed rules, as well as OpenRPG, I am a big fan of the genre (oldschool 1st ed lover here). In any case, I'd be happy to join in, or at least get my name on a waiting list in case folks have to drop. biggrin.gif
I am currently trying to get a list of who is still playing and what role they are covering. Once I have that sorted, I'll be in a better place to determine wether or not I have room for new players.

If you are already in the game, and want to continue, post here to let me know and I'll start a running tally.
Lok1 :)
Yo: I'm in chummer
This Orc chick is still in hacking away
I'm still in!

Jinx - Human Female - Face/Shooter
Lok1 :)
Lass is an ORK? I think I just found takedowns (Not so) romantic intrest. wub.gif silly.gif
Lok1 :)
FWY: I may or may not be at the session this sunday, I'm camping saturday and my entendance dependes on how soon I get home.
If ya'll are lacking for a red shirt or just need a warm body for a role for a night I'd be glad to play.

Seems there are several interested parties

No one ever answered my other question though, how long does each session usually last? hour? 2?
QUOTE (gendred @ Sep 12 2009, 05:29 PM) *
If ya'll are lacking for a red shirt or just need a warm body for a role for a night I'd be glad to play.

Seems there are several interested parties

No one ever answered my other question though, how long does each session usually last? hour? 2?

Normally the game will run from 4 - 6 hours

Official Team list (thus far)

Jinx - Human Female - Face/Shooter
Lass - Ork Female - Hacker
Takedown - Ork Male - Physical Adept
Smiley - Human Male - Rigger

So far as I know, this is the full list of characters right now. It looks like the group could use some magical support, as well as some combat support.
I've put together an Elven Sam, using an SR4 Chargen program. I'd love to join in, just lemme know what to do!
I may be just a wee bit late tonight but will be on. spin.gif
Lok1 :)
Why didn't HarryD make the list?
Because I haven't heard from him in about 2 - 3 weeks. If I do he definitely has a slot.
Pirate if you don't mind I'd like to sit a game on skype & maptools, get a feel for your game

skype name is
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