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I know how to use OpenRPG very well and it has map funcationality, you just have to do some organization ahead of tiime to setup your maps and if you use minis etc.

I'm not interested nor do I have the time to learn other software at the moment and if it costs any $ then its a no because Open is free and I've used it for over 5 yrs without much hassle.

I can play at 6 CST/7 pm EST pretty much every Sunday without fail unless something comes up with myself or the family and I will always try to give some notice for sure.

Maptools is free, and I've been using Open (and WebRPG when it was free, I switched over to Open when they made it pay in 1999 or 2000, I forget which) for a while as well, and can honestly say that Maptools looks like it has a lot more options, especially when it comes to the mapping situation. The fact that you can use tokens to display info about pcs and npcs, as well as have mouse over information, change states, use lighting to reveal portions of the map, these things are all way beyond the capabilities of OpenRPG, especially combined with the fact that Open is no longer being actively developed.

OpenRPG was a great program when it was launched, but is beginning to show its age and lack of development in the light of newer programs.
I used WebRPG too before it went pay and OpenRPG has open source so if you or anyone would like to continue its development you're welcome to do so. OpenRPG has a fog/hidden map feature, a SR 4 dieroller, SR nodes made by folks like myself who still support it and whatnot. Sure, its got room for improvements, but developement was done on it by folks who weren't being paid professionally so its understandable that support for it slowed and died.

Its your game so use whatever software you like. If you change over I'll likely withdraw my pc, but if the majority wish to use MapTools, go for it. In time I might check it out, but I'm involved with over a dozen online RPGs and run several of my own on Open and pbp sites so I got plenty to do. Also forming a f2f SR group meeting in 2 weeks. I'm interested in seeing how tonight turns out and see how it goes. smile.gif

Now of course it starts storming here, so I might or might not be online much longer, power flickering.. my luck it seems.

Room is up

Server: Veav I

Room: Shadowrun 4e - Hitting the Streets
Hey guys...hope everything went well yesterday. I got stuck at my inlaws so I wasn't able to make it obviously. Can someone fill me in on what happened? Are we planning on running this Sunday?
It was a pretty short game due to storms/weather and some other things. Three of us showed up. We talked and worked out a plan, mostly due to my suggestions. One of the mages convinced the driver of the Roadmaster to leave and do some stuff to cause a distraction which got Lonestars' attention and they pursued it. Xavi made it to his limo and we assume he got away. We all bugged out once the distraction with the Roadmaster/Lonestar worked.

That's about where we wrapped it around 9 pm when Tao's power went out, so we talked a bit amongst ourselves and hopefully we'll be playing again this weekend.

Just found out that my wife is going to be induced on Sunday night, so I obviously won't be able to make it Sunday if we're still gaming. Let me know if you prefer if I just drop out since this will be my second week in a row to miss....sorry for the short notice frown.gif
No problem Spazz, take as much time as you need, when / if you are able to make it, I can work you in. Zenile, the same goes for you.

I am still planning on having game this sunday, on OpenRPG,. We'll see who shows up and take it from there.
Just got called in to work at the last minute... and can't say no to a paycheck, so I won't be able to make it tonight. Have a good game, everyone!
zenille, Happy mother's day to your wife and the newborn!

Card, sorry to see you go, but I understand all too well. Survival does come first.

So Tao are we still meeting? I'm on Veav in the lobby.
We're still meeting.

Server: Veav 1

Room: Shadowrun 4e - Hittin' the Streets
I've decided to withdraw from this game and if it continues I wish the best to whomever wishes to play in it.

If everyone is okay with it, I'm going to go ahead and move the game over to using maptools instead of openrpg. I have been working quite a bit with maptool, and think I'm getting the hang of it, and it seems pretty nice. Combine that with thte issues we've had with the Open map system and it seems like a good time to switch over.

You can find good tutorials for maptools at:
Captain Aardvark
Are you guys still recruiting people? If so I hope that I can join in. Sundays works good for me so that will not be a problem. Will create and send a character asap if I get a yes.
I am still recruiting. As for right now i'm not 100% on who is playing what, so put together a character and meet up with us sunday and we'll see how it goes smile.gif
Captain Aardvark
Standard character creation?

Does CST mean Central Time?
Us crazy Europeans are used to the GMT way of telling what the clock is.
Yeah, standard 400 bp creation.

CST means Central Standard Time, or GMT -6. I usually don't do things by GMT b/c most europeans aren't available at the times I am.
Captain Aardvark
Sunday Nights should work. I usualy don't have to work then, and I don't have to go to school Monday mornings.
See ya Sunday.
QUOTE (PirateChef @ May 11 2009, 09:08 AM) *
If everyone is okay with it, I'm going to go ahead and move the game over to using maptools instead of openrpg. I have been working quite a bit with maptool, and think I'm getting the hang of it, and it seems pretty nice. Combine that with thte issues we've had with the Open map system and it seems like a good time to switch over.

You can find good tutorials for maptools at:

I'm game for the move. Which version are you using?
I'm using the latest beta build.
MapTools looks good if the GM can actually implement the tricks properly, otherwise it's the same as OpenRPG. I'm up to see what you can do though.
I'm still learning the program, so don't expect too much from me the first session. I agree though that it seems to have more potential.

Doea anyone have a character portrait they would like to use? If so I can go ahead and try to put together a few tokens.
Captain Aardvark
I am not good enough to draw my character, but I think this would be close enough to what he looks like.
This one or that one.
Captain Aardvark
Just wondering what server we are going to play on.
We are supposed to meet at five right?
We're meeting at 6 pm CST tonight. I'll post server details in a bit, since we're using maptools.

In the meantime, if anyone needs to contact me, my AIM name is Piratechef and my Yahoo is pirate.chef


I've got the server up now, under Shadowrun 4e: Hitting the Streets, but have no way to verify it's working, so someone test it and let me know.
Captain Aardvark
I have a character, an Ork Wizard. This is my first SR character in quite awhile. So I might need to make a few on the fly adjustments if that's allowed.

Harry D. Ork Wizard. built using SR4Chargen excel sheet.

I'll IM it to you next time you're on AIM
Is this game still open for players? I'm usually available most Sunday afternoon/evenings (I'm in California). If so is there a particular role that seems to be lacking in the group?
As of now the game is still accepting new players.

I think the main thing we need is a hacker or a full mage.
I'm interested.

What do I need to do?
Night Jackal
Interested in the Hacker slot....sent PM
If you are interested in playing, and can be there on Sunday nights, the best way to contact me is to email me at taopirate @ gmail .com.

Night Jackal - I got your character sheet, but I haven't had time to full ylook it over. If it's by the base rules it should be fine.

We will be playing tomorrow night at 6PM CST. I'd like to get a general idea of how many people will be able to make it.
I'll be there
Server is up

Shadowrun 4e - Hittin' the Streets
Server is up

Shadowrun 4e - Hittin' the Streets

I'm afk for a bit though.
Night Jackal
Can't seem to connect to server
Try it now
Night Jackal
Can't find it at all now
Translucent Wolf
Hello Pirate,

I'd like to join, if there's still room in the Sunday game.

I can be reached at:

AIM: translucentwolf
email: translucentwolf at aol dot com.

I couldn't make it to the Sunday game, but I haven't received approval for the character. I'd like to know how/when can we do a revision and see if its legal, since I have lots of gear from arsenal that need approval.

I didn't realize that today was Father's day until this morning, but I'm only going to be available for about an hour tonight b/c of familial obligations. If anyone wants to drop by around 6 pm CST and work on characters / discuss the game / anything, I'll have the server up.

Inncubi - your character looks good.

Also, I am still getting people interested in the game, but I'm not 100% sure on what we have covered, so if everyone could post their character / role, that would help out a bit.
If there's no game tonight, that's fine. Real World obligations must always take priority.

My Character:

Harry D. Ork Street Magician using the Hermetic Order Template.
Captain Aardvark
My character.

Aardvark. Human. Works demolitions, and has good knowledge about first aid. Not very people friendly.

I'll show up to see if anything is happenin though.

Gunslinger Street Samurai
Night Jackal
My Character


Dwarf Hacker - Paranoid Hacker
I'd be interested in playing, desperately so; despite my love, I've never been able to play Shadowrun.

I have plenty of ideas, and I could run w/e you guys feel would fit best.

Balor, Irish Troll expatriate, Shaman Magician, using one of the god totems from Street Magic most likely.

Hardware, human hacker/cyborg, near full body cyberlimb replacement, even torso, excepting his head.

Mister Merrlyn, human Welsh gentleman and hermetic mage, always in immaculate 3-piece suits and never without his sword-cane weapon focus.
Well, if it's your first time playing. I'd recommend to keep it simple. We have a mage, a hacker, a street samurai, and demo guy. We could use an investigator type or maybe even a rigger. Though you do have some interesting char-cons, any one of them could be a big help.
Interested in playing an investigator. Already wrote him up.

Should I just show up tonight?
Anyone who is interested can show up tonight. The team is about to start on a new job, so this is a great time to get involved.
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