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We on for Sunday?
As far as I know
Lok1 :)
I WILL be on, and to insure this I'm not playing video games within an hour time frame of the session as to insure my arival.
I'll be there though when Loki dresses like a little girl Im gonna briefly tune out to keep an eye on the Yankees.
It doesn't look like I'll be able to make it this Sunday. Sorry guys.
I'm scheduled to work until 930 tomorrow. I wasn't able to cancel hours, trade or give it away. I can try and get off early, but I can't promise anything.

At worst, I should be on by 935, since I now work from home.
Damn, I was hoping to have a full crew, got some things planned.

Ahh well, RL happens. no worries.
I got stuck on a call at the end of my shift. I didn't finish til 9:51, and I got on Skype about 5 mins ago, but no one was on. Sorry fellas. Someone fill me in on what I missed? I noticed we have a new player... who/what is he? And what's Loki's new char?
Only 3 people showed, so no session. I don't know if I should start recruiting new players or not, since that's two weeks in a row without Shepard and Purple, and no word from either...

The new guy was a friend who wanted to listen in.

Loki's new character is still kinda up in the air.
I've got a buddy that would be interested in playing. He's certainly one of the best roleplayers I've ever played with but he's a little rough around the edges in Shadowrun (much like I am/was). He won't be available for a few weeks, but it's something to think about.
I'd love to play if you have an open slot.
For the next 7 weeks, I'm good for 5. One I'm working (and trying to get out of) and another is my family Christmas.

This week is a go for me.
Sigh.. so I'll be late to this weeks session. Hockey tonight was cancelled and rescheduled for Sunday at 7 cause they apparently weren't finished resurfacing the floor. The good news is that I should be home by 8:15.
Hey so I'm totally new to this site but I love Shadowrun and I'm interested in an online game! =] Any room?
Hey, since you're having some issues with players as it were, and I'm busy GM'ing for some friends on otherdays, would it be possible to get in on this as a player? I've about a year of experience with SR4.
I won't be at tonight's session. I managed to get everything running on my laptop, but I can't get internet access on it (oh how I love wireless net and Vista).
Captain Aardvark
I am on for the 27th. Girlfriend has to work the night shift then, so I can stay up playing.
Do you have room for another?
I'm getting a little neurotic out here in Kansas, what with being the only GM in my group of 4 players.
Everyone else in the city only seems to want to play D&D.

Still looking for players.... ?
I'm up for making a character to fill any openings you have, I'll try any sort
though he'll have a twist

Haven't played much since 2nd ed... New to 4th ed

I'll be about 15 mins late tonight. Get off work at 7, but I have to go into the office today, so there'll be the drive home.
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