Knight Saber
Oct 7 2010, 05:27 PM
The only downside I can see is that if Lamia's in the frozen north, it'll be harder for her to wear skimpy outfits.
Though I'm curious what the Northern character roster is like... Will she (as a former corporate mage with mostly combat-leaning spells) step on anyone else's niche?
Oct 7 2010, 06:08 PM
QUOTE (Knight Saber @ Oct 7 2010, 01:27 PM)
The only downside I can see is that if Lamia's in the frozen north, it'll be harder for her to wear skimpy outfits.
Though I'm curious what the Northern character roster is like... Will she (as a former corporate mage with mostly combat-leaning spells) step on anyone else's niche?
The character I had made(not actually implemented yet) is a hedonistic hermetic spellcaster that was remarkably similar to yours actually. Mine is pretty much strictly a spellcaster, however, with few actual combat spells. Lots of mind control and plain ol' vanity spells (Makeover, Healthy Glow). With that extra 50bp I might be able to make him fit, come to think of it. Just give him some more face-like abilities and he could mesh pretty well. We'll see.
Oct 7 2010, 06:19 PM
In Northern Gateway, there are a lot of big guns and cargo pants. Lamia is .... different. I had designed this campaign to allow for runs and life in the wilds, as I had not seen much of that in the past and wanted to explore the rest of the world outside the cities.
I hope to continue that exploration, but perhaps intermingling it with some 'Tinsel Town' encounters to put the unshaven woodsy types at unease on occasion. I have only the vaguest idea how to get Lamia from Seattle to Attawapiskat, but I'm sure I'll have fun doing it.
Knight Saber
Oct 7 2010, 06:52 PM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Oct 7 2010, 11:19 AM)
In Northern Gateway, there are a lot of big guns and cargo pants. Lamia is .... different. I had designed this campaign to allow for runs and life in the wilds, as I had not seen much of that in the past and wanted to explore the rest of the world outside the cities.
I hope to continue that exploration, but perhaps intermingling it with some 'Tinsel Town' encounters to put the unshaven woodsy types at unease on occasion. I have only the vaguest idea how to get Lamia from Seattle to Attawapiskat, but I'm sure I'll have fun doing it.
The details might be vague, but the basic reason is easy... she's in a magical group with the Fraternity stricture!
"Sister Lamia, we need you to go up north and take care of this important run for Brother Joe-Bob, who broke his leg skiing and can't help in time. I hope you have cargo pants."
"I don't own any pants at all."
Oct 7 2010, 09:04 PM
Cool idea for getting you north, KS, but I have my own plan. Love the joke.
Knight Saber
Oct 7 2010, 09:25 PM
Sounds like her life will get interested in the Chinese sense then!
I suppose Lamia could pick up one of those skintight speed skier suits as her cold weather outfit. "It's like wearing nothing at all... nothing at all... nothing at all... " "Stupid sexy Flanders!"
Oct 9 2010, 01:46 PM
OK, so at the mining office are Longshot and Chase, with JD being played by me for now. I'm going to have JD, Vixen and Old Wolf be off somewhere else for now. Maybe finding accommodations. If they don't show up (ie. their players don't show up) by the time I get the two partial teams and new people united, I will quietly retire them, without trying to retcon the story line.
Knight Saber
Oct 10 2010, 08:27 AM
QUOTE (Dr.Rockso @ Oct 7 2010, 11:08 AM)
The character I had made(not actually implemented yet) is a hedonistic hermetic spellcaster that was remarkably similar to yours actually. Mine is pretty much strictly a spellcaster, however, with few actual combat spells. Lots of mind control and plain ol' vanity spells (Makeover, Healthy Glow). With that extra 50bp I might be able to make him fit, come to think of it. Just give him some more face-like abilities and he could mesh pretty well. We'll see.
Sounds good! Lamia has no social skills at all, so there'd definitely be distinct areas for the two to shine in. Picking up a mentor spirit from one of the party or seductive types would give you a good bonus to Con. A shaman or Cha-based tradition works out even better as a face, of course, but any mage can benefit a decent Charisma (And bump it up with an increase attribute spell).
Oct 11 2010, 05:43 AM
Lemme dig around and find Chase's sheet and add the BP/karma. It'll let me make him a little more well-rounded a character, and a little bit less a pseudo-NPC driver only type of guy.
I'm still around, still interested, etc, etc...just finding a lot of stuff on my plate lately between grad school and freelancing projects.
Oct 13 2010, 02:33 PM
No problem. All my notes for this run, except for those I've already posted for you, drifted away with the operating system crash. So I'm writing this part again post by post.
Nov 5 2010, 03:10 AM
Is someone waiting for a response or something from me?
Nov 5 2010, 10:01 PM
Unless I missed your last post.
Edit: See, your turn to post *whistles innocently*
Nov 8 2010, 04:18 PM
I'm getting to like Longshot.
Nov 8 2010, 04:24 PM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Nov 8 2010, 11:18 AM)
I'm getting to like Longshot.
Then I have won
Nov 19 2010, 01:34 AM
I think we lost Critias.
Nov 19 2010, 01:36 AM
QUOTE (Critias @ Oct 11 2010, 12:43 AM)
Lemme dig around and find Chase's sheet and add the BP/karma. It'll let me make him a little more well-rounded a character, and a little bit less a pseudo-NPC driver only type of guy.
I'm still around, still interested, etc, etc...just finding a lot of stuff on my plate lately between grad school and freelancing projects.
Last week he still sounded interested.
Nov 19 2010, 01:46 AM
Well, if we are left with Longshot in this game and Lamia in the Trans-global Ghost Cartels game, then when I bring you together, there will be the sex-kitten mage and the .... kitten with a gun.
Speaking of which, a young Longshot is depicted on the Internet
Nov 19 2010, 03:39 AM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Nov 18 2010, 08:36 PM)
Last week he still sounded interested.
October 11 was over a month ago in my own personal timeline.
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Nov 18 2010, 08:46 PM)
Well, if we are left with Longshot in this game and Lamia in the Trans-global Ghost Cartels game, then when I bring you together, there will be the sex-kitten mage and the .... kitten with a gun.
Speaking of which, a young Longshot is depicted on the Internet
Aww, isn't she cute?
Nov 19 2010, 04:24 AM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Nov 18 2010, 10:39 PM)
October 11 was over a month ago in my own personal timeline.
Oh yeah? Oh yeah?
Knight Saber
Nov 19 2010, 08:45 AM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Nov 18 2010, 06:46 PM)
Well, if we are left with Longshot in this game and Lamia in the Trans-global Ghost Cartels game, then when I bring you together, there will be the sex-kitten mage and the .... kitten with a gun.
So we have sex and we have violence... what more do you need?
Nov 19 2010, 08:53 AM
I'm still around, just been ridiculously busy lately, sorry guys. Spy Games deadlines matched up eerily with some major projects at school, and I'm just kind of swamped at the moment. I don't want to hold anything up, but my ability to remember this game seems to be pretty low -- just go ahead and NPC him or whatever, I guess. I don't want to slow anyone down, so I'll just bow out.
Nov 19 2010, 02:06 PM
QUOTE (Knight Saber @ Nov 19 2010, 03:45 AM)
So we have sex and we have violence... what more do you need?
Someone smart might be good, but between the two of us we should be able to sleep or shoot our way out of any situation
Knight Saber
Nov 22 2010, 05:56 AM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Nov 19 2010, 07:06 AM)
Someone smart might be good, but between the two of us we should be able to sleep or shoot our way out of any situation
While Lamia looks sexy, she doesn't actually have the least bit of seductive skill at all. It'd be a 2 die default if she tried it, so she does use her brains instead of her looks to actually get things done.
Nov 30 2010, 01:48 AM
Sorry to hear you are out for now, Critias. I'll NPC Chase and surrender him to you whenever you want to return.
Nov 30 2010, 01:57 AM
I'm bringing this thread and Trans-global Ghost Cartels together. Over there, Lamia (anybody else still alive there?) is up to 17 September. Here everybody (anybody besides Longshot actually still a PC??) is up to 1 October, so I will try to get Lamia ahead in time to link up with Longshot.
Dec 4 2010, 12:44 AM
I also notice that the Trans-global Ghost Cartels campaign started at 450 BP. This one, I believe started at 400 BP. So, in the interests of staving off internecine jealousy, at the end of this Attawapiskat run, there will be a hefty Karma bonus for those who stick around and survive.
Dec 4 2010, 01:20 AM
Woo! Go potential Jealousy!
Dec 7 2010, 10:25 PM
Karoline, give me three perception tests that I can use ... whenever, please.
Dec 8 2010, 12:16 AM
Visual I'm guessing?
Int 5 + Per 4 + Hawk Eye 1 + Vision Enhancement 3 + Limbic Neural Amplifiers 3 + Betel 1 = 17 dice
17d6.hits(5)=6, 17d6.hits(5)=2, 17d6.hits(5)=8Came real close to glitching on that second one!
Dec 8 2010, 12:44 AM
D'oh! Only one more 1 and I coulda had some fun!
Dec 19 2010, 03:14 PM
*cricket sounds*
Dec 19 2010, 03:56 PM
Yeah, yeah. Planning to post today.
EDIT: What sorts of things is Longshot looking for?
Dec 19 2010, 04:14 PM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Dec 19 2010, 10:56 AM)
Yeah, yeah. Planning to post today.
EDIT: What sorts of things is Longshot looking for?
QUOTE (Karoline @ Dec 7 2010, 05:07 PM)
she begins to pay attention to the shore as the boat moves along, keeping her eyes open for things like animal tracks or anything that seems to be looking back at the boat, not forgetting to scan the sky occasionally, though she doesn't much expect the problem to be an airborn one.
Dec 19 2010, 04:20 PM
Oh yeah? Make me
read my own thread, will you?
Chase's question is still legitimate, though.
Dec 24 2010, 03:19 PM
I'll be away from computer most of today and tomorrow. Merry Christmas all.
Dec 27 2010, 04:45 PM
@Karoline: Having noticed the shadow, is Longshot doing anything besides watching?
Jan 13 2011, 03:44 PM
I'll move things along a bit.
Jan 13 2011, 04:46 PM
Check out the link below for some photos that will give a sense of the mine site and surrounding forest. Also look at the DeBeers link at the side on that page for a few more pictures from the Victor site.
LINK to Victor Mine pictures
Jan 16 2011, 07:45 PM
By the way, is anyone besides Karoline paying attention to this thread?
Jan 17 2011, 02:21 PM
Spotty access to internet next couple of days.
Feb 19 2011, 01:46 AM
See the picture in the upper left of the gallery
HERE for a sense of the mine site buildings.
Other pictures there give a sense of the geographical relationship between the buildings and the open pit mines. More open pits are there in 2072.
Feb 19 2011, 01:53 AM
It appears from earlier posts that 'face'-work will be interesting with you guys.
Feb 26 2011, 12:51 AM
Are you guys waiting for something from me?
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