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Full Version: I have got to take Krav Maga
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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Ah, okay.

After having one level in any martial art, spend the BP/karma for the "Disarm" maneuver (Arsenal, page 159). Though RAW it says you have to be on Full Parry and parry an incoming attack (melee or not is not specified), it doesn't seem unreasonable to impose the same -4 dice pool penalty to making an unarmed attack (with an opposing dodge for the other guy) with the intent to take the pistol using this maneuver. Provided you score more net hits than the other guy you've got the gun; ties could result in the firearm in nobody's hands or a prolonged struggle, a glitch discharging a round somewhere, and a critical glitch someone getting shot.

This would be extra useful if you mix with a martial art that gives bonuses to disarm and/or parry (like Krav Maga, Karate, or Kung Fu), all at GM's discretion.
Rotbart van Dainig
Uhm… you really don't need to buy anything from Arsenal.

Just declare a Called Shot at -4, like said in the main book.
Sure, but that just knocks the weapon (or whatever is in hand) away, and the modified DV must exceed the target's Strength.

The above example I gave can allow an elf with a Strength of 2 to snatch the weapon from the hand of an ork with a Strength of 7, where the called shot might result in said ork throwing said elf against a wall.
Saint Sithney
Yet another reason to throw gecko grip on your guns. The #1 reason being that, with a smartlink you'll never need a holster again.
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Mar 5 2010, 04:45 AM) *
Yet another reason to throw gecko grip on your guns. The #1 reason being that, with a smartlink you'll never need a holster again.

Are you suggesting that you are not happy to see me and that is a gun in your pants?
Saint Sithney
Smartlink + Gecko Grip. Stick guns all over your body and fire them with your brain.
Add a self-destruct and you can use them as sticky grenades.
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Mar 5 2010, 09:04 AM) *
Smartlink + Gecko Grip. Stick guns all over your body and fire them with your brain.

They'd better add Gunther Herman's "skul gun" in Deus Ex 3.
"I do not make mistakes of that kind. I wanted ORANGE. It gave me lemon-lime."

Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Umidori @ Mar 5 2010, 10:54 PM) *
"I do not make mistakes of that kind. I wanted ORANGE. It gave me lemon-lime."


"Your hand might have slipped."

~Flatlander Woman
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Feb 5 2010, 07:42 AM) *
You get either...
1 Free Action + 2 Simple Actions
1 Free Action + 1 Complex Action

Simple Actions can be used as a Free Action. No matter what, you can only take 3 actions per IP at best. Meaning you could take 3 free actions.

Not quite, there are exceptions to this 3 actions per IP rule. For example, a TM using Multiprocessing gets 2 free actions per IP plus the standard 2 simple or 1 complex (and Observe in Detail now counts as a free action). I'm sure this isn't the only exception out there.
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Feb 5 2010, 11:48 PM) *

You forgot to link, so here, lemme.
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Mar 6 2010, 11:49 PM) *
"Your hand might have slipped."

~Flatlander Woman

"It's the maintenance man. He KNOWS I like Orange."

All right, let's end the Gunther Hermann quotes here:
As the game more or less proved, verbal cortex bomb triggers (or kink bombs in the case of the game) are a hillariously dumb idea.
The really nonsensical thing is, why did the old augs have cortex bombs that tripped instantly, but the new guys had "killswitches" that gave you enough time to go dick around with the Triads in Hong Kong?

"Let's take him out with us. Do you guys have a self-destruct code? Like, 'Destruct sequence A-1, B-2, C-3...'"
"Thanks a lot, Takei, now everybody knows it!"
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