What a waste of money.
Take the car apart and sell the parts (rent a workshop if none of your group has one). Unless the heat is on you (then burn it), this disposes of the evidence that is the car effectively, especially if the parts are being sold on the grey market, and it makes you some money on the side.
Take the car apart and sell the parts (rent a workshop if none of your group has one). Unless the heat is on you (then burn it), this disposes of the evidence that is the car effectively, especially if the parts are being sold on the grey market, and it makes you some money on the side.
While technically true that it is money wasted, it doesn't necessitate that they SHOULD do it. They have bigger fish to fry.
Also, they like to play the "Criminal With A Heart of Gold". They dump the car in a manner so that it will be found in a day or two and end up back with it's owner, minus reasonable traces to themselves. I can't recall, but I think they may have even left a credstick in one that got shot up to pay for repairs. Course, that ended up as a LoneStar bonus.
My point being, their goal is obviously different them yours, so your style and methods probably wouldn't work for them.