May 7 2012, 01:23 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:18 AM, Crosstown Depths
<Oz, any word from Jovie on where da Ghouls went? I'm headin in dat direction right now.>
"Professor, ya got Ferret covered? I'm goin ta get da trog--maybe he'll be willin ta talk."
May 9 2012, 04:10 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:19 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
<<I'm happy to cover, but I'm better at talking. Want me down there with our quarry?>>
May 9 2012, 12:07 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:19 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
<<Hey, no splitting the party.>>
Ferret sighs at the questioning looks from Zo and the Prof.
"I take it neither of you play online games? First rule of MMOs, well and stalker trids too, is 'don't split up'. So if you are going looking for BDLL, I'm coming too. Anyways, we are going to need either him or Oz to get these trucks running again. They've been disabled and while I might be a wiz with electronics, I'm no vehicle mechanic."
May 9 2012, 02:51 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:20 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
"Good point about da stalker trids--the ork always bites it. I'z got a little experience with fixin vehicles--maybe I figure what iz wrong wit da trucks."
<Oz, Can you tell Jovie to summon a spirit ta bring BDLL here?>
Zo begins examining the truck he is next to. He pops into the cab and presses the button for the cab to tilt at an angle and reveal the engine. Hopping down onto the ground he starts to examine the engine. Frag, dis is a bit more complicated dan my bike...... After a minute of looking aroud, and not even figuring where the carborator is, Zo gives up.
<Oz, you better get here.Dese trucks ain't like my chopper.>
May 9 2012, 06:36 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:19 AM, Inside the Flipped Roadmaster
"Hmm. It is no problem. I am sure your lucidity will fully return to you after you come down from your drug high. In any case, I shall wait here with Long Legs until the boy arrives, then search the surrounding area in pursuit of Archer. It will be a cold day in the metaplane of Hell before I let an enemy slip through my fingers after he has seen my aura."
Crosstown Depths
Jovan sighed inwardly. The troll was clearly too sick to make sense of his surroundings anymore, and there was no way for Jovan to magically ease his mind toward lucidity without being physically present. He turned back to his elemental servant as he waited for the others to arrive. We are going to need to hunt down that ghoul and neutralize him once my co-workers get here. I'm sure we'll be able to catch up before he can leave this hellhole. Do you have any thoughts on which path would lead us to him fastest?
May 12 2012, 04:12 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:20 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
<<Professor@team: Alright, then, I'll keep a watch over things here in the big room while you guys dig into the mechanical innards of the trucks. If I'm needed elsewhere, someone let me know.>>
Saint Sithney
May 13 2012, 07:07 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:20 AM, Inside the Flipped Roadmaster
"Guy's been down there a week. Don't know why he'd need you babysitting him now. That said, I'm not sure about chasing ghouls through strange tunnels. Tight spaces play to their advantage. Either way, I don't suppose we could really back you up, so it's your call."
Oz pinged Zo back. <<I guess the time for necessary caution is past. I'll bring the car around so you don't have to get an escort for my wrinkly ass across this toxic shithole.>>
Saint Sithney
May 13 2012, 07:18 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:19 AM, Crosstown Depths
The spirit, having dealt with the dog above after it slipped Jovan's mind wipe, replied. I see one path before us. It may branch and snake all through this earth, but I do not know how or where it leads. As such, there is no way to guess where the quarry has flown. I will say that I do not like the confinement of this place. It is sick like above. Not the slaughter house sickness of the warehouse, but the poisoned sickness of the grounds. This is a toxic place and I do not like being here.
May 14 2012, 06:49 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:20 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
Zo closes the trucks engine compartment, as he waits for Oz to show up. Looking around at the back of the truck Zo takes stock of what the trucks were carrying.
<Hey-do we uz got a list of what is supposed ta be in the trucks?> And more importantly could I swipe a few samples and get away with it?
Saint Sithney
May 16 2012, 01:47 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:21 AM, Inside the Flipped Roadmaster
Oswald was deep in VR juggling duties driving his blimp and his SUV. Still he wasn't too busy to respond. <<Only thing I knew about the trucks was that they're full of small arms from Ares. Nothing beyond that. If we knew where they were headed from or to, I could probably give you a better guess as to their contents. If you found any of BDLL's personal effects, we might be able to check his comms to find a manifest. Speaking of which, anyone found the gear the Vipers were after? Wouldn't mind a bit of military-grade comms gear myself.>>
May 16 2012, 05:49 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:21 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
Ferret yawns as the adrenalin begins draining out of his system now that the immediate threat is gone.
<<None of the dead ghouls looked like trolls, so unless we trip over BDLL's corpse we're out of luck.>>
He scurries round to the rear of the truck.
"Guess we can check the trailers while we wait for Oz. Maybe the comms stuff the Vipers were after is still here. And if the ghouls already filched some of the guns, I guess Ares won't miss another couple."
He pulls the pistol out of his pants and points it at the rear of the truck.
"Hey, Zo. Want to open the trailer doors. I'll cover you."
May 16 2012, 07:58 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:21 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
"Jovie's got a bead on BDLL. He can summon a spirit and bring em here or something. I'd like ta talk ta em, may be important. As ta dese trucks..."
Zo pulls out the hand held monofiliment chansaw and begins cutting through the maglock off the back of the truck he just examined.
May 16 2012, 10:17 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:20 AM, Inside the Flipped Roadmaster
Jovan considered the words of the old man and his spirit servant and sighed. "Indeed. I suppose we do have a bit of time to find him before he can escape this viper's nest. Very well, I will refrain from pursuing him for the moment. For now, though, I'd like you to keep track of what time we lost track of Archer and use our map of Crosstown to keep a running calculation going on your commlink of how far he could be from here, assuming that they are running with no vehicular transportation. We can use that after we're done with the trucks to guide us in our hunt for him."
12:21 AM, Crosstown Depths
What is taking those metahuman fools so long? he thought to himself, slightly irritated. Moving at the speed of thought, he backtracked up through the sewer entrance and was back in the astral space of the warehouse. Seeing that no one was making a move to head into the north passage, Jovan whizzed through Professor's aura repeatedly until the tense dwarf opened himself up to the astral plane. The first thing that Professor noticed, of course, was that Jovan's astral form was shining much "brighter" than it had the last time he had assensed the young Infected. It was easily just as magically potent as his own or ZO's, despite being enveloped in the slaughter emotions of the background count. The second thing he noticed was that Jovan was accompanied by a spirit of equally strong magic, which seemed quite displeased that it had to be in such an emotionally tainted place.
You seem to not be terribly busy, Professor. Why is no one coming to fetch Long Legs? I told Oswald that the troll is deathly ill and needs treatment so that we can get information before he leaves this world. Long Legs is not lucid right now; he is too weak. Did you three not receive my message?
May 17 2012, 02:18 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:21 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
Glad to see you, too, Jovan. Word I got here was you had the situation under control and would extract Big Daddy with the help of a materialized spirit. If that's not the case, of course I'll come down.
"Hey, Jovan is just now telling me my medical skills are needed immediately with Big Daddy. I'll go down there to see what I can do. Jovan and his spirit will accompany me, so I won't be alone."
Professor heads into the north tunnel, looking for the hole that opens into the sewers. Once there, he drops down into the sewer and follows Jovan's directions. He keeps aware astrally. No point in being surprised, eh chummer?
Saint Sithney
May 18 2012, 06:01 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:21 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
Professor braces himself against the wall and pushes the dead form of the pale white Barghest off the metal access hatch with his legs. It's a short climb down into the foul, chemically-soaked pit that is the area's sewer. North-west of the ladder down, the ceiling is recently collapsed, with the earth above it filling it in. The smell of the explosive is still fresh. It occurs to him that Archer probably collapsed the tunnel to get away. South east, about 30 meters down the tunnel, Professor sees the Troll, arms bound at his side by the pipe he's stuffed in. The cover grate is held in with a nut and bolt only, which could be undone by hand.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:22 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Ignoring the handle on the container's rear doors, Zo breaks out the chainsaw and starts to cut the restraining bolts on the bottom of the truck's rear doors. With them severed, the top bolts slide down enough that the doors can now swing open. Keeping them closed while driving though, that might be a problem.
May 18 2012, 02:04 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:22 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
Having reached Big Daddy, Professor brings his perception back to the material plane. The low-light function of his goggles along with his flashlight reveal a nasty, unclean place, as any sewer should be. "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten into, Big Daddy. Let's see if we can help you out of there."
Professor works on removing the nuts that keep the cover on, pulling out a handkerchief and wrapping that around his hand, making sure to touch nothing with bare skin. While he works the cover grate free, he studies the metal of the grate and bolts, wondering how long these things have been here.
May 18 2012, 03:10 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:22 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Ferret steadies himself, pistol held in a double handed grip just in case there is a surprise waiting for them in the truck. However, the only surprise is the chainsaw that Zo takes to the restraining bolts.
"Erm, I don't think that's a... ah never mind." he mutters as the bolts clang onto the floor and the doors swing open. "I'm sure Oz can jury-rig something to keep them closed when he gets here. Let's see what we've got."
There is a gleam in his eyes as he moves towards the open trailer, not greed as such, just the lure of shiny tech.
Saint Sithney
May 20 2012, 06:31 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:22 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
The troll was in terrible shape. That was perfectly clear. The sewer itself wasn't too bad though. It had been used for chemical and organic waste years ago, but not for long before the place was shut down. Since then it has had over 5000 days of Seattle rain to wash it relatively clean. The upper walls and ceilings were pretty gross, but the rest was relatively spotless, so Long Legs wasn't likely sick from the environment. Either way, he was still incoherent and stuck in a pipe.
May 21 2012, 01:18 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:22 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
Zo starts to slowly open the door, as he opens it a glint of loose wire catches Zo's attention before he pushes doors wide open. Zo mutters "Fragging amateurs....". Unhooking the wire carefully, Zo looks at the line of grenades.
"Ferret, two bits of good news. One, you're not coverd Zo bits, an two I think I got replacements for da grenades I used.
May 21 2012, 01:18 AM
Double post...
May 21 2012, 03:28 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:22 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
Professor surveys the situation after the cover comes off. "Well, big fella, I'm not going to be able to do much for you stuck in there as you are. I don't know what damage you have, but I'm going to have to risk aggravating it to get you out. Hope you don't mind."
Professor momentarily opens his senses to the astral. Jovan, I believe that was a spirit of air you had floating around with you? If I can't get BDLL out of the pipe on my own, I might need some extra muscle.
He lays hands on Big Daddy getting as good a grip as he can. Days worth of excrement make the task odious, and maybe more difficult with the crusty bits gluing BDLL in, but Professor grabs a hold anyway. "OK, here we go! Uuuughh!"
Saint Sithney
May 22 2012, 06:49 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:22 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
Professor graps the straps of the Troll's overalls and starts to pull, realizing pretty quickly that he doesn't have the leverage. Pulling himself up he manages to plant his feet on either side of the pipe and slide the 400lb troll out far enough for gravity to help the process to completion. The troll was out of the pipe and on the ground, but still quite out of it.
May 22 2012, 12:52 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:22 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
Zo untapes the grenades.
<@team>Gots da first truck opened. Deys tried ta fragging frag it wit frag grenades<chuckles>. So uz we should be careful da next on we openz. Looks like dey took about 20 crates of da stuff from dis one.
An here's hoping that the cases aren't trapped. Zo examines each of the boxes, checking to see if there are any trip wires, sensors or anything suspicious that might indicate that they are trapped.
May 22 2012, 02:15 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:22 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
Picking himself up off the sewer floor, Professor checks over Big Daddy. Not looking good. He quickly sets up his medkit and connects it to BD. There are a couple of suppurating sores that he tends to as the machine does its analysis. The first thing the machine flags is a dangerous imbalance in electrolytes. No wonder, being stuck without food and water so long. Professor prepares an injection of the appropriate chemicals and hits up BD. A bit of colour returns almost instantly to BD's cheeks. Well, his blood still flows, anyway.
Professor continues to wash and dress wounds as the machine runs on.
Saint Sithney
May 23 2012, 05:20 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:22 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
Long Legs was looking better, but still disoriented. At this point though, he did realize that Professor was there and helping.
"Healer. Shaman. Please. I'll pay you. Please. Get me to a Healer. Not too late."
May 23 2012, 01:25 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:23 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
"Frag a trog's dandelion eating breeders son of a bitch. Ferret, we gots some colts brand new in da box assault rifles--we needs ta check the other trucks for da commlinks da Vipers were looking for. That aside we got 15-maybe 20 missing from dis truck. If ya catch my drift.
Zo slots the chip in the case into his commlink, trying to access the specs.
May 23 2012, 01:48 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:23 am, Deep inside the Annex in Redmond
Ferret's grin is hidden by his respirator, but he gives a knowing nod.
"About twenty missing you say. That's a fragging shame. However, if my maths is right and I have the headware to check it, what's in this truck alone is worth way more than we're getting paid, even at street prices. So Mr J should be happy. Let's take a look in the other one and see if the comms gear is there. Do you mind doing the honours again? Just in case. You seem to know a lot more about explosives than I do."
May 23 2012, 02:11 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:23 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
"I'll do what I can for you, big guy." Professor packs up his gear. "Let's see if you can walk to the exit over there. I hope so, 'cause I sure can't carry you."
As Professor starts toward the hole leading up, he turns to see if Big Daddy follows. "Just so I understand your hurry, have the ghouls been at you?"
Saint Sithney
May 24 2012, 06:33 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:23 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
The Troll tries to move his grotesquely large limbs, but he's not getting up yet. He's moving enough to make you think that he can get up, though, given enough time to return the circulation back to his arms and legs. "Yeah. Infected. Still not too late though. Gotta clock in my head, so I know." He sort of coughs and short of laughs. "If you promise to help me to a healer, I'll tell ya how to get them trucks runnin a'gin." He wiggles a bit more, some of the movement coming back to him.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:24 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
The sound of Oswald's SUV pulling up to the building's door is followed shortly by the cantankerous old man's presence.
"Oh god! Oh! Oh fuck! Grab that damn tarp over there and help me cover up these half-eaten people! God damned savages walking around in a bloody corpse-pile! This is vile. I'm gonna need so much bleach..."
May 24 2012, 07:49 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:24 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Ferret had been deliberately not trying to look at the pile of dead bodies, keeping the bulk of the trucks between him and bloody scene. Now, he sidles up to Oz to help him with the tarp, all the while trying not to look directly at the dead.
"Sheesh Oz, they're dead. There's nothing we can do for them. Plus, we don't know how long we got before the ghouls come back. Go help Zo get the trucks running. I'll cover them up."
Taking the utmost care not to get any blood or gore on him, Ferret begins slowly draping the tarp over the dead while trying to keep his last meal down.
May 24 2012, 01:01 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:24 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
"Oz get over here to dis one." Zo points to truck he is at. "Its been detrapped. The others I'd need ta take a look at. Anywayz, da lock on da back of dis one is busted, so we'd need ta jury-rig somethin to keep it closed."
May 25 2012, 04:06 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:24 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
"You've been down here a few days. I can see your desire to get to some help. Sure, let us know how to get the trucks going and I'll do what I can to hasten you to some healing." Professor signals the team, <<@team: Big Daddy about to tell us how to get the trucks going again. He's been infected and needs to get to a 'healer' before the virus transforms him. I said I would do what I could, which prompts him to give us the info.>>
"In the meantime, let's see if we can get you moving. Shake those arms and legs while you tell me what needs to be done. Get the blood flowing again."
May 25 2012, 01:35 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:24 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
<@Team--I got a .44 Magnum. Dat will stop da disease....oh ya wantz him ta live. I know street doc dat may be able ta help. He got cred?>
May 25 2012, 04:27 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:24 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
Jovan, who had been listening to the conversation from the astral, manifested discretely inside a nearby sewer pipe so that his disembodied voice could be heard by the two. "My elemental servant can help you walk as well, if it would hasten your trek up to the main level." Spirit, would you be so kind as to materialize and help this large metahuman walk up to the main warehouse floor? No magic should be necessary; he seems to just need something to lean on.
Jovan's voice became more serious now - a bit colder and more predatory as he mentioned the ghoul's name. "Long Legs, I must know where Archer and his companions have fled to. I am not about to permit him and his to escape this place in one piece. You know this building and this area better than we do, and you may know his capabilities better as well. What can you tell me about where he might be heading? Does he have vehicular transportation? Would it be possible to intercept him before he can escape the Crosstown sewers?"
Saint Sithney
May 27 2012, 07:05 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:24 am, Sewers beneath the Cross-town Warehouse
"I don't live in a toxic waste pit because I'm in the habit of trustin people. Recent events haven't done a thing to change my mind." He wiggles a bit more. "Notwithstanding your contributions so far. I do appreciate that." He adds as the spirit helps lift him up so that he's now standing. Well, standing as best a 10-foot tall troll can in a sewer. "I gotta make a condition though. I never gave up those trucks to the ghoulies, and I'm not just handing them over to you for a promise." By this point, the Troll was mobile and headed with Professor back toward the warehouse grate.
"If I end up like that piece of shit, Archer, I'm going to blast the backside of my skull out anyway, so you ain't saved my life till I got a shot at beating this fragging sickness. Meantime, those trucks were my payday, and I can't afford a healer. So, you want those trucks to run again, you need to put me on the line with a healer and pay the fee in advance." By this point, he's squeezed himself up through the grate with a large amount of effort. "Two grand donated to the Bear Doctor Society ain't much to ask, considering the worth of that cargo."
Finally out of the sewer, he spreads out on the floor of the underground passage north of the warehouse. His limbs unfurl like telephone poles as he stares at the few lights lining the ceiling. "I don't know where Archer went. Don't use the sewers, for obvious reasons. I've got some blueprints of the local infrastructure in my system. If you want, I can plug in and send them to you."
Saint Sithney
May 27 2012, 07:30 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Oz was happy to have something to do with all his energy and immediately forgot the pile of half-eaten bodies by the southern entrance. Looking at the back of the truck, he blinked a couple of times as he scanned the cargo. "Couple of bolt rings and a piece of chain will hold it closed. Won't hold up to scrutiny if we need to pass the trucks off as normal though." Wandering around to the front cabin of the vehicle, he flipped a few things and lifted the hood. "On-board computers have been removed. No wonder the vehicles aren't broadcasting anything. We slap those things back in, and we're out of here." He looks from side to side "Anyone want to help me look for th-"
Just then, a towering woman in ostentatious garb appeared, all wrapped in flame, and screamed "Off with their heads!"
May 29 2012, 03:52 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
"Holy Shit! Flaming spirit over there!!" Professor points with one hand and draws his pistol with the other, knowing full well how futile such a puny weapon is likely to be.
May 29 2012, 12:56 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25 am, BDLL's Cross-town WarehouseQUOTE
Just then, a towering woman in ostentatious garb appeared, all wrapped in flame, and screamed "Off with their heads!"
Ferret jerks back from the bloody bodies, the hairs on his neck snapping to attention. While his body is momentarily frozen with fear, the tarp slipping from numb fingers, his mind spins as his logic processors spool up!
What the frag? Did one of the bodies...no, behind me. Red Queen. Alice 2060. End boss, third level. What were her abilities? NO MATRIX ACCESS. Frag, not important. He peeks over his shoulder at the flaming spirit as the Professor calls out his warning.
Shit, some sort of spirit! <<Prof, tell Jove to get his mage ass down here before that fragging fire elemental cuts off our heads!>> Are they bulletproof like in the original SRO? Or just heavily armored like the patch? NO MATRIX ACCESS Either way, pistol's not going to be much use. FIRE MODE: BURST * GAS VENT: ACTIVE * SAFETY: ON <<Zo, tell me you spotted some clips for those Colts.>>
May 29 2012, 01:46 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Zo while listening to what needs to be done by Oz. A split second before the spirit materializes, the hairs on the back of his neck begin to stand up, he quickly readies his Ak-97 and just as Professor gets the first words, and cutting off Ferret mid sentence a spray of gunfire heads towards the spirit.
Saint Sithney
May 30 2012, 12:22 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Without knowing what was going on, only that it was bad, Oswald drew his pistol and ran towards the safest place he knew, his Rigger Cocoon.
May 31 2012, 01:24 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Zo looks at the bullets stopping in mid air and dropping to the floor, with a disappointed look on his face.
Zo yells back over the gunfire "Ferret, dat's not goin ta help. Jovie if your here do something useful!"
May 31 2012, 02:44 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25 am, BDLL's Cross-town WarehouseNoise. Yelling. Surprise. Alarm. Fear. Murderous aggression. Jovan's astral senses suddenly were receiving an unusual spike in emotional input from the surrounding environment. Something was happening, but Jovan's mind couldn't immediately figure out what it was. Then gunfire.

"Holy Shit! Flaming spirit over there!!"
Oh. Perhaps that was a bit premature. Jovan's disembodied voice yelled back up the tunnel,
"Break line of sight! Now!" From where he had nestled himself safely out of sight in an unlit corner above Big Daddy's head, Jovan's faded image moved in a translucent blur towards the warehouse before disappearing completely into the astral, simultaneously launching a powerful wave of magic towards the flame-wreathed spirit.
Jun 2 2012, 05:44 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Hell, why not.
Professor draws mana into himself and channels it into his muscles. Like they have just been oiled, they respond, and his arms sweep together, holding the pistol steady, aiming for that particularly thick mass of flame in the middle. He squeezes off one shot.
Wonder if Alice ever thought of this.
Saint Sithney
Jun 2 2012, 12:50 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25:01 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
As he's taking aim at the burning malevolent entity, professor notices the shine on its crown and figures it for a point of spiritual concentration. His pistol barks out a single bullet, traveling straight through the large fire opal in the center of the crown and producing a burst of flame out the back of the spirit's head. It turns angrily at the foolhardy dwarf and lashes him with a whip of flame.
Jun 2 2012, 09:49 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25:01 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Professor ducks as the gout of flame hurls towards him, only to stick his face into the blast. Pain sears through him and he stumbles backwards, smoke rising from his armor... and his exposed skin.
Am I to become number nine?
Jun 4 2012, 01:51 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25:01 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Seeing the spirit focus its next attack on Professor, Zo lines up another shot. Good point, Prof.
"Hey Joygirl, off wit yur head!"
Using the truck as cover Zo aims and shoots his assault rifle at the spirits head, hoping to do something more than waste bullets.
Saint Sithney
Jun 5 2012, 03:30 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25:01 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Zo's burst was tight and right on target as it lit up the Red Queen's head. The bullets fragmented explosively on impact tearing chunks out of the spirit's visage until it screamed and dropped to the ground in a puddle of quickly evaporating goop. The volume of the rifle fire served as a stark juxtaposition for the silence that followed. Until Oswald radioed in from inside his car. <<@team: Are you dead or are they?>>
Saint Sithney
Jun 5 2012, 03:30 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25:01 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Zo's burst was tight and right on target as it lit up the Red Queen's head. The bullets fragmented explosively on impact tearing chunks out of the spirit's visage until it screamed and dropped to the ground in a puddle of quickly evaporating goop. The volume of the rifle fire served as a stark juxtaposition for the silence that followed. Until Oswald radioed in from inside his car. <<@team: Are you dead or are they?>>
BDLL, who was mostly immobile for the short exchange managed to get up and lumber back towards the warehouse. He seemed upset.
"Oh you miserable piece of shit! I am going to gouge out your eyes you stupid Ghost-damned breeder!" He wobbled a bit and came down sitting on the hood of a half-chopped car. "I told those idiots to keep a gun trained on that crazy little kraut bastard! I told them he couldn't be trusted!" He started coughing violently and crumpled into a large heap on the ground.
Jun 5 2012, 05:16 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25:04 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
<<@Oswald: I'm seriously singed but we're all alive so far. The spirit is gone. Zo did it in. Big Daddy seems to think it was the work of the German. Have to admit, even I'm starting to lose track of the players in this game.>>
Professor sees to Big Daddy, pulling some paper towels out of who knows where. "Here. Cough into these."
Jun 5 2012, 07:28 AM
Ferret watches the firefight, runnig through plans and discarding them until Zo's burst takes down the spirit.
Thank frag for dumb-ass trogs. All action, no planning.
"Who's the German? And just how many people are after these trucks anyway?" he asks only slightly hysterically.
He hurries over to the Prof and BDLL, pulling out his medkit.
"I don't have any real training in using this thing, but if no-one else does, I can at least follow the instructions it gives. We need to get the trucks started and get the frag out of here before someone else turns up!"