Jul 24 2012, 07:29 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:52am, Cross-town
Back in his body now, Jovan rubbed his snow white hands together in anticipation as he listened to the backlog of team chatter from his commlink. Ideas were forming in his head for outmaneuvering Archer, Charles, and the Vipers: ideas that put an amused smile on his face. But he needed time to fully flesh them out. That was what the rest of this evening would be for.
<<@team: Leave the talk of plotting and analysis of the conspiracy to me, everyone. I excel at such things, and I am not about to let this conspiracy be our undoing. So now that we are out of that den of vipers and death, I'm going to need to put together a plan for all of us, I suppose. Some parts will have to wait until we receive our newest replacement, who I assure you will come soon. That may not be until morning, however. In any case, shall we recapitulate what we know of the situation and our opponents at this point?>>
Jul 27 2012, 01:00 PM
Fragging Jovie's got some superiority complex, thinkin he'z the only one who shoulda be thinkin about da deal goin bad. Dat bein said were about to get to da tricky par of da trip. Zo takes out the used clips and refills them with spare bullets.
<@team>I'z a thinking dat we take an route north, hit da 405 and blend in wit traffic towards da docks. Da gangs dat run dat portion of redmond are most likely drunk, chipped, high or passed out by dis point of da night.
Jul 30 2012, 10:16 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:52am, Touristville
Ferret pulls the convoy into a lot on the edge of Touristville. Zo's suggested route makes sense and he updates the pilot programs of the trucks and his van to take a roundabout route that will bring them to Oz's warehouse without going through any AAA security zones.
<<@team: Sounds good Zo, but it might be better if we spilt up the convoy a little. I suggest Oz takes the lead in his SUV with one of the trucks following along. His blimp can provide fire support if needed and in any case he needs to be at the warehouse first to disable his security system. Zo and Prof, you should take the second truck. I've programmed in a route to Oz's place but with the two of you in it one can drive and the other ride shotgun just in case you hit any trouble. I'll bring up the rear in my van with the last truck following on autopilot. I'll also provide matrix overwatch along the way. Sound good?>>
He tightens his seat belt and slumps back in the driver's seat. His electronic self rises out of the chair into the van's node. With its more powerful wireless he can see the nodes of Seattle's matrix laid out before him. He quickly identifies the second truck and slaves it to his comm, leaving the first truck under Oswald's control. His silver form shivers with fear/excitement, his body twitching in sympathy, as he prepares to move back out into the connected world.
Jul 31 2012, 04:08 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:52am, Touristville
Professor hikes himself up into the driver's seat of the truck. <<@team: Sounds good to me. Zo should be the shooter. I'll take the wheel. Haven't driven somthing this big in a while, but ... it's like riding a bicycle, right?>>
Jul 31 2012, 03:50 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:52am, Touristville
"We gots two vans, a bike, an three big rigs. We have 4 people, me, prof, ferret, an Oz. As far as I know Jovie cant drive in da astral, so he'd have to get his meat bod here if he wants to be of help. Ferret an I can leave our rides here in Crush Turf. That leaves us wit a van and the 3 big rigs, the question is how we gonna do this trip. One rig at a time? I like dat as we could be close enough ta help each other should things go south. If we take all three at once it'd be suspicious, but again we could still be close enough to help each other out. Seperately, if things go south or one of us gets greedy, aint nothing the rest of da team can do."
An I would so take this load an sell it myself if dere weren't so many heavily armed interested third parties.
"Also, if we wait a bit, till like 4:00 or sumthin close, I am pretty sure da gangers would be asleep or passed out. RIght now dey is just high."
Aug 2 2012, 01:50 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:52am, Touristville
Ferret yawns, stretching his arms and rubbing his eyes.
It's been a long day. A couple of hours sleep wouldn't go wrong... that and maybe something to eat too.
<<@team: I wouldn't mind a short break for food and a quick nap, so leaving at 0400 sounds good to me. I also like the idea of taking one truck at a time, although three runs means three times the chance of someone noticing them, so maybe take two in the first run and one in the second. Should be able to do both runs by 0600 when rush hour starts. But that only works if Zo can get the Crush to look after my van and the other truck without emptying them. My van should be safe as I do some work for them, but don't tell them what's in the truck or they will empty it.>>
He glances in the rear view mirror. Getting Zo's bike and the crate of assault rifles in the back had meant tidying everything off his workbench and rearranging all his gear to fit it in. But he knew it would all be safe with the Crush as long as they paid them some cash up front.
Aug 5 2012, 03:54 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:52am, Touristville
Professor mulls over the options. <<@team: We have to weigh the dangers of traveling all at once against those of doing separate trips. The former can be alleviated to some degree by following Zo's advice and leaving when the gangs are likely to be lulled into inattention or even sleep. If Ferret can get autopilots to work on the trucks, then we can make do with the drivers we have even with all the vehicles. If we split the cargo transport, it will take longer and give more time for those who got away down below to get involved again. Who knows who is being told we have the trucks right now. Of course, that problem could arise if we wait three hours as Zo suggests. But we've been going a long time, are tired, and could use the rest. Jovan could probably benefit from getting back to his meat body for a while, otherwise we could be traveling when he hits his astral time limit.
I think we should stick together and keep the cargo together as well. We can rest a couple of hours here, all together, and then head out. I can keep watch both on the physical and the astral and give warning if something comes our way. Any thoughts?>>
Aug 5 2012, 05:44 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:52am, Touristville
Ferret's stomach rumbles. He can almost smell the soyburgers from inside his van.
<<@team: That was kinda my first idea. The new pilot programs BDLL created are better than the one in my van. The trucks already followed us here to Touristville without any problems and that's negotiating burnt out wrecks and potholes. I can easily program them to follow Oz's car back to his warehouse. I might be able to get them to do more, but need food and sleep first.
I say we wait here for an hour or two, then do a quick dash up 405 before rush hour. Oz leads in his Rover and provides air support, Prof and Jove cover the astral, Jove from the Rover, Prof from my van. I'll watch the matrix. And Zo rides shotgun on his bike and shoots any hopped up gangers who haven't passed out by then. Now can we get some food?>>
Aug 6 2012, 06:47 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:53am, Touristville
<<@team: I don't think it'd be a good idea to flash around so much firepower now dat da star...I mean especially since KE doesn't like tuskers like myself carry'n heavy artillery like my AK. My bike don't have tinted windows and since we got some merc group after us, I'd like ta have as much firepower as possible. Also, I'd it'd be best if we'd have at least some persons in each of da vehicles in case dey get hacked and need a manual override.
Aug 6 2012, 09:57 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:53am, Touristville
<<@team: That driver idea makes sense.>>
Aug 7 2012, 11:30 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:55am, Touristville
Zo directs Ferret and Oz to bring the trucks into a row of decrepit warehouses. Along the row are lines of BTL addicts slumped down enjoying their trip. More than a few gangers perk up at the odd site of rigs in this complex, which hasn't seen a truck since 29. As Zo steps out of the rig he was in, he looks around at the gathered gangers--most of whom he recognize, quickly spotting Smidge amongst them.
Fragging good luck on dat, Throgg must be passed out. It's his night to enforce da peace here.
"Hey Smidge, Gotta favor to ask. Ya mind me parkin dese rigs over dere?"
Zo points to the nearby building with the blackend walls from either fire or acid rain, broken windows, and 5 bays for vehicles to enter, of which only one is big enough for the rigs. Inside more people with blank stares amongst the clutter and a joygirl giving a trick to one of the gangers on an old mattress. A big crimson crush symbol is painted on the wall behind them.
Saint Sithney
Aug 9 2012, 09:11 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:55am, Touristville
Smidge tips up his red fedora and shrugs at ZO. "It's everybody's sprawl. You want a babysitter though, that'll cost ya." Touristville wasn't like the rest of Redmond at all. Touristville had money. This is were all the semi-legit business flocked. Pawn shops that sell "verified" goods. Strip clubs with "backroom" policies. Bars that offer "designer" intoxicants. And gun stores. Lots of gun stores.
Saint Sithney
Aug 9 2012, 09:11 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:55am, Touristville
Oswald pulled up in the lead and directed the trucks into the warehouse.
"I still think we should just wipe out the Hellhounds. I've been meaning to get to that anyway.."
Aug 9 2012, 01:01 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:55am, Touristville
"Oz, I'd sooner not do dat. While I would on a normal day, haulin "goods" that could be spilled on ta da streets by errent gun-fire wouldn't be good for business. Smidge, yeah we may need some extra baby sitting on dis one--but not for more dan half a day. Crush will get its cut when all is said an done. But I suppose if ya wanted a little somethin upfront.." Zo takes out 5 of the grenades he recovered from the truck and hands them to Smidge "Here something dat came off da back of a truck."
Saint Sithney
Aug 11 2012, 12:29 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:55am, Touristville
Oz laughed a dry, coughing laugh.
"Yeah, I suppose the visibility would be too high. It ain't that I couldn't kill 'em all before we rolled the trucks out. It's more that a trail of bodies leading up to my doorstep could be a problem."
Aug 14 2012, 06:16 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:55am, Touristville
"OK, this reminds me of the worst of academic meetings. Five people and seven ideas. Discussed for hours. What the hell are we doing? Somebody choose or I will."
Aug 15 2012, 12:59 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:55am, Touristville
"Let's cut to da bulldrek den. Here's da plan. We iz gonna park da trucks here til 4:00 AM so as to avoid da 405. Den we is gonna take either 1 truck, two trucks or all three trucks at a time. I can get my guys to babysit the da trucks we leave behind. Jovie can also leave a spirit ta watch things while were away. Da big choice is how many trucks we take wit us on each trip. I like Ferrets plan to take two on da first run and 1 on da second run. Also we can get some chow, and some rest Zo nods towards a nearby prostitute that has just finnished. "and if ya want some entertainment--go for it, she's pretty cheap. So we gotz two for dis plan of two rigs, den 1 rig. Oz, Prof and Jovie, ya in on dis plan?"
Aug 16 2012, 04:00 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:55am, Touristville
Professor shrugs. "Sure. I'm in on Ferret's idea. I'll pass on the ... entertainment."
Aug 16 2012, 06:31 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:55am, Touristville
Munching on the remains of a deluxe soyburger, Ferret burps loudly and then replies, "Good choice. taking all three trucks at once had a 64% chance of failing. Taking the trucks one at a time only had a 14% chance of something going wrong on the first run but that went up to 73% for the last one. Two and one has a 17% percent chance on the first run and 32% on the second.
He eyes up the grubby whore.
Been a while since I had some, but these poor girls just make me feel depressed.
Then he notices the needle marks on her arm.
And a little guilty!
Despite a long pause, he takes up the conversation as if nothing had happened, "Admittedly I probably missed a few variables, and this prog is mostly meant for calculating the odds on which team is going to win at urban brawl but the numbers seem about right."
I'm going to grab some shuteye. I'll be in my van.
Aug 16 2012, 07:08 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:58am, Touristville
"Urban Brawl, runnin, dey seem alike enough. Just no 4 team stand offs....."
Aug 20 2012, 02:45 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:58am, Touristville
Ferret makes a choking sound. Small bits of soyburger fly from his mouth, followed by a prolonged session of what can only be described as a mix of coughing and laughing.
Once he regains his breath, he wipes at his eyes.
"Close enough, if you count us, the ghouls, the Vipers and the German's red queen sneak attack. Let's just hope four is the limit and the 405s have all gone to bed when we make our runs."
He climbs into the passengers seat of his van and pulls his blanket over him. He sets the van on passive alert and an alarm for 0350 and falls alseep with BDLL's pilot program running through his mind.
Aug 21 2012, 05:45 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:58am, Touristville
"Well. Somebody's going to have to keep watch." Professor sets up with his back to a wall and a good view of the trucks and the team, and opens his perception to the astral. His pistol is in hand, resting on his lap.
Aug 21 2012, 02:19 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:05 am, Touristville
Zo looks around the warehouse. About 50 addicts of various sorts and about 3 or 4 joygirls were there tonight. Satisfied that there was nothing unusal going on he goes over to talk shop with Smidge.
"Smidge, anythin ya need help wit at da moment?"
Aug 21 2012, 06:42 PM
QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Aug 20 2012, 09:45 AM)

Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:58am, Touristville
"Close enough, if you count us, the ghouls, the Vipers and the German's red queen sneak attack. Let's just hope four is the limit and the 405s have all gone to bed when we make our runs."
He climbs into the passengers seat of his van and pulls his blanket over him. He sets the van on passive alert and an alarm for 0350 and falls alseep with BDLL's pilot program running through his mind.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:05 am, Touristville<<@team: Not quite. The Vipers are going to stay out of the game for a while, so we need not worry about them for now. Their commander is a former military man, if you remember, so he is not going to recklessly send his team after us unprepared. We have time.>> Jovan sat in the back seat of the Rover, now unhooked from the medical chair. He took a sip from a small cup of soycaf that he had ordered from one of the nearby shops and had had delivered to him by his spirit. It was more of a habitual act than anything else, really, since HMHVV had rendered him immune to the effects of caffeine long ago.
<<@team: I'll let the rest of you figure out the details for moving the cargo back to Oswald's warehouse. I have some calls to make and a plan to set into motion for dealing with Archer and the Mad Hatter. Do not bother me for a while, please.>>
He reached out with his mind and Spoke to the air elemental, summoning it to his immediate vicinity.
We have some time to relax and contemplate, now that we are out of the polluted place. Are you feeling better? Shall we begin our planning now?
Saint Sithney
Aug 23 2012, 09:31 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:05am, Touristville
<<@team: Sure thing prof. You do the ghost-hunter thing and I'll soak the area in radar. Everyone else rest while you can. We roll out at the start of dusk. I'll keep an eye on the roads and see if I can't make some trouble south of Bellview between the 1st and 2nd truck runs. As to the V12, they may martial their forces before coming at us again, but part of that preparation is going to be information gathering. So whatever your plan is, Jove, I trust your dedication to counter-espionage techniques will hold. Meantime, rest of us gotta be careful not to show too much skin. Long as our capabilities and position stay largely unknown, the so-called general's not going to risk any sort of half-assed attack.>>
Aug 24 2012, 10:52 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:05am, Touristville
Professor chuckles at that last remark. <<@team: At least, not again they won't.>>
Aug 27 2012, 05:37 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:05am, Touristville
As Smidge nodded negatively to Zo's offer, Zo headed back to the cab of one of the rigs. Climbing in he locked the doors.
<@ Team> I'll get some shut eye den too. Set my alarm for 3:50.
He set his commlink alarm for 3:45, and began to fall asleep.
Saint Sithney
Sep 8 2012, 12:40 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 5:40am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
The trucks now sit crowded together in the center of Oswald's hanger/shop near the old Boeing plant while around them sit the team's assorted vehicles. Everyone is quite stressed out still from the drive, but they disembark and work quickly. Oswald directs the group to grab 4 posts and position them around the trucks. Quickly as possible, they begin wrapping chicken wire around the four posts and then tossing the roll over and under until the trucks are surrounded with a wire mesh. At that point, Oz hooks up the juice and the trucks are surrounded by a makeshift faraday cage.
"Well, that bullshit is handled. Someone tell Jovie to put up a ward. I'm starting to crash hard off this speed and my mouth tastes like it's fulla tinfoil." The old man starts shuffling off toward the offices. "I'm heading to bed. Don't you get into anything unless you like being exploded."
Sep 8 2012, 04:54 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:10am, Touristville
From the safety and seclusion of the Rover, Jovan described the events of the evening in detail and outlined his plan to his spirit of air, communicating telepathically so that he could not be overheard by Oswald or anyone else. Let us start with the ghoul leader, Archer, he said through the mental link, after he had told the spirit about what he had learned so far about Archer and Charles and the job they were on. The man no doubt serves the same cause that the messenger boy Jonathan is said to be serving, namely ghoul rights and providing care for those ghouls whose minds have eroded away under the influence of their condition. Normally this is something I would support wholeheartedly. However, he blatantly sacrificed those feral ghouls that he claimed to care for, thrusting them into ZO's overzealous line of fire so that he could protect himself and create an escape opportunity for himself. He is no pure and good-natured ghoul rights advocate, that much is clear. He is all too willing to resort to terrorism to achieve his ends, which endangers the cause for which my ghoul associates struggle so much, and he is clearly nothing more than a power-hungry monster who uses his condition as an excuse for his behavior and ambitions. He must be eliminated.
Here are my thoughts for dealing with him. I would have you critique it to the best of your ability. Archer can, in my opinion, best be dealt with by attacking him indirectly. I believe that having my two technologically-oriented teammates going into anonymous conversation groups (online chatrooms, they are called, though I do not expect you to know that), particularly those catering to military and paramilitary groups, and having them drop hints that Archer feels slighted by and is secretly plotting to overpower the toxic mage Mad Hatter, kill him, and take the bounty on the Mad Hatter’s head for himself in order to fund his own militant ghoul rights agenda. Since it is clear from recent events that the Mad Hatter and Archer are in league with each other, this would help to turn the insane Mad Hatter against Archer, eliminating at least one of our problems. In addition, I would have my teammates make claims that Archer was last seen with several military-grade pieces of communications equipment in his possession, and may be gearing up for a terrorist strike. This would introduce a red herring for the 12 Vipers, and would simultaneously distract them from their pursuit of my team and potentially also motivate them to go after Archer themselves, to get their gear back. Archer's chances of survival decrease significantly in this scenario. Of course, it's possible that he may try to leak to someone that I am an Infected, like him. That will be easy to deal with, at least as it concerns my teammates, so it is not extremely worrying. If they expect that he will try anything to destroy his enemies, including stooping so low as to accuse me of being the same kind of "monster" that he is, they will be less taken aback and less inclined to believe him if and when he does try such a tactic. Since I have spoken with Archer in person, while the rest of them have not, I will be able to take care of that myself.
There is more to my plan than that, particularly as it pertains to the Mad Hatter himself, but I would hear what you have to say of this part of the plan, spirit. That is what I summoned you for, after all. After I hear your critique and advice on that part of my plan, and I adjust it accordingly, we can proceed with the other part of my plan. So, what are your thoughts?
Sep 11 2012, 12:26 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 5:40am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
By the time they have finished wrapping the trucks in chicken wire, Ferret feels as beat as the old man sounds. As the stress winds down, exhaustion sets in.
He mumbles vaguely coherently, "Sleep..gonna in van."
He crawls into his van's cab, locking the door behind him and barely cuts his matrix access before falling asleep. For once, his sleep is peaceful.
Sep 11 2012, 02:01 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 5:40am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
After helping with the Faraday cage, Zo just feels exhausted. He goes to a nearby sofa in the warehouse and lies down. He sets his commlink's alarm for noon. His AK-97 lies propped up against it, he also makes sure his pistols are still within easy reach.
Sep 11 2012, 02:58 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 5:40am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
Professor finds a comfy pile of tarps on which to stretch out. "Last I saw Jovan, he was having quality time with one of his spirits. A ward of any strength at all will take hours to set up. We'll be gone before it materializes. I'll nap here, keeping an astral eye open. If Jovan surfaces, I'll ask him to put out a watcher or two to patrol." He closes his eyes but stays astrally aware. As much as one can be when nodding in and out of sleep.
Saint Sithney
Sep 12 2012, 07:51 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 1:10am, Touristville
The spirit swirls around Jovan's space in a convection of renewed power. I am very glad to be out of that other place. There was a terribleness there. I can not imagine any creature not born of suffering would dwell there for long. It pauses momentarily. If the man is truly mad, then threats against his person will be of less effect than you might expect. It is the nature of the mad that their priorities are different than most. This is their strength and their weakness. They will act without fear in situations where others would pall, and they will fall apart at what others might see as little more than a pinprick. So, to direct a madman, you must know how to needle him. What do you know about him?
Saint Sithney
Sep 12 2012, 08:17 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:18 AM, Void's apartment, outskirts of Loveland, Puyallup Barrens.
Void waits for what seems like forever for a reply from Oswald's autoresponder. About to give up and go about his daily routine, Void is suddenly surprised by a honk from outside his door. After a moment of puzzlement and several more of paranoia, he checks outside and sees a late model jackrabbit idling out front with no one inside. Its lack of occupancy is made obvious by the lack of a roof. As he's peering out at the vehicle, it honks again, and a message pops up on his comm <<Hop in. It would be best to leave before this vehicle's owner notices its absence.>> At least the acid rains haven't started yet this morning.
Saint Sithney
Sep 12 2012, 10:07 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 11:35am, Oswald's Everett Warehouse
Just before noon, ZO starts to get pings back from his earlier queries.
First from K-P. <@ZO - I don't just have that stuff sitting around, chum. I got some people I could call, but you'd have to pay out the nose if you want it on short notice. Probably get you some knockoff explosive rounds a lot quicker. As to your Johnson family, they don't match anyone I know. Not my crowd. I could put feelers out, but that's a delicate business.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 11:52am, Oswald's Everett Warehouse
Then from Roper <@ZO - Vipers are a merc outfit. They operate where ever there's people hiring mercenaries, so they'd have some sort of mobile command base, likely. There's a bunch of them. More than just 12 of them, at least. They claim that only their best get numbers. That's all freely available knowledge and easy guesses. You want me to find real dirt on these guys, I can, but it'll be my price to name based on what you can tell me of the situation. Less you tell me, more it costs.
As to looking into the guys you're working with, that's a separate job. If you really want me dredging up their histories, I'll need an infodump. Trid, habits, aliases all that. Send me a file. Careful though, runners are at their most paranoid in the middle of a job, and that's problems for me and you. Fact that you don't just ask them about themselves means that you already don't trust them. Fact that you're asking me to snoop on them means they shouldn't trust you. I say take that feeling and go with it.
Sep 12 2012, 04:35 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 11:37am, Oswald's Everett Warehouse<@K-P - No rush yet--just get some in on your next regular shipment, ya know I'm good fur it. Yeah beein out of towners, not sure who's connections the Johnson family come from. Not local from what I understand. Maybe new to town though. I'm guessing dey ain't workin with da Crow. Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 11:52am, Oswald's Everett Warehouse<@Roper- Danks for da tidbit, do ya have a contact number for dem? I may need ta make a to them dats all. Da group I'm workin wit has something dey want badly. We don't care about their stuff, just an accident we ended up wit it.
As ta the team I'm wit, I know Ferret---I'm just checking in ta see if da others have excess baggage, solid reps, an ain't an undercover KE operative or some such drek. Just cover'n my tusker hide. Would you trust me if ya met me in a dark alley in da barrens?
Sep 13 2012, 04:57 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:18 AM, Void's apartment, outskirts of Loveland, Puyallup Barrens.
Void blinks, startled, although it shows as a mere flicker across his impassive face, then he nods (more to himself than in response to the comm), and grabs his duffel. After a brief hesitation, he grabs the case holding his lethal, and very, very illegal, sniper rifle, as well.
Bad if I get stopped - but if I get stopped, I will be in an obviously stolen vehicle, so it would come to shooting, in any event. Hurrrm. Not sure I like how I am being treated. It seems a bit... flippant. And not just because flippant is the word on my Word of the Day calendar. But as Nietzsche says, "The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends." So it is all good.
Void boards the vehicle, having overcome his trepidations. He forces himself to settle back in the cheap car and assume the semblance of a relaxed pose, although the fingers of his left hand still drum restlessly against the dashboard.
Saint Sithney
Sep 15 2012, 07:36 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 11:38am, Oswald's Everett Warehouse
<@ZO - I'll call you with news.>
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 11:52am, Oswald's Everett Warehouse
<@ZO- They've got a Matrix presence, but I ain't got a line on them. As to your pals, I could dig a bit, but they ain't got reps as I seen. Still, you want me to search up on them and grab the V's contact info, I can do that for 300. If you got an undercover on your team, you're already pretty screwed, though. Even if you run..
Saint Sithney
Sep 15 2012, 07:56 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:30 AM, Lower Tacoma, Riding in a Barren's junker
After a bit of driving, the janky Jackrabbit has made it out of Loveland and a ways into Tacoma. Before it can get too deep though, it stops on a mostly empty street and an Autocab pulls up along side, its door opening automatically. <<@Void: Thank you for your patience. I have acquired a less conspicuous transport for the second portion of your trip. If you would like to coordinate your arrival, you might find it helpful to contact this man. [link] He is known as the Professor.>>
Sep 17 2012, 02:36 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 11:52am, Oswald's Everett Warehouse
<@Roper- Sounds reasonable. Which account should I transfer da cred ta?
Sep 17 2012, 04:37 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:35 AM, Lower Tacoma, Riding in an Autocab
Void boards the autocab with no appreciable hesitation - it's a bit late for any qualms now. He frowns thoughtfully, and laboriously composes a comm message to this next link in the chain.
<<@The Professor: I am a professional, designation: Void, who is representing parties who have a greivance with an individual named Charles. I have been in contact with Mr. Dr. Spaceman's agent, regarding how your team might help me locate my prey, and how I might assist in removing this thorn from your side. I am en route, in transportation provided by Mr. Dr. Spaceman, and I wanted to coordinate my arrival, so as to not alarm you or your other associates. I can assist you in expediting your other matters, but my primary concern is my target. As Sun Tzu says, "Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.">>
He nods to himself, pleased, before sending it out. He got to use the word "expediting" and include a good Sun Tzu quote.
Sep 17 2012, 03:09 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:35am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
Professor jerks awake at Void's message. Well, well. Yet more cannon fodder. Our employers never cease to amaze.
<<@team: We have someone incoming, saying he has clearance and contact from Oz. That so, old man? Person by the name of Void. Says he has a grievance with Charles, and is hunting him, so you may be especially interested, Jovan. Void offers assistance in our other pursuits, but is focused on getting Charles. >>
<<@Void: Acknowledged. Wait one.>>
Sep 17 2012, 03:31 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:35am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
There is an insect buzzing in Ferret's ear. He tries to wave it away and go back to sleep, but it ignores his feeble swats. As sleep gives way, he sluggishly realises it's his commlink buzzing. He looks around for a moment, bemused and only half awake. Waking in a strange location is not unusual, but it still takes him a moment to recognise the roof of the warehouse he can see out of the van's windscreen.
He shuts off the buzzing and cranks up the signal on his commlink, revelling for a few moments in the high quality matrix connection compared to the poor or no signals he is used to in the Barrens. Then he remembers the incoming message that woke him.
Void? Charles? Oh, the red queen guy.
<<@Team: If Oz vouches for him then I guess it's okay to let him in.>>
He yawns and rubs at his eyes. He looks in the passenger mirror at a grubby, dishevelled dwarf with bags under his eyes.
Jesus, I look like shit!
<<@Team: What's his ETA? Have I got time to use the bathroom? Get some soykaf? Maybe even take a shower?>>
Saint Sithney
Sep 18 2012, 08:51 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:35am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
A reply comes quickly from the old man's comm. <<@team: Yeah, he's solid. I've got a full background on the guy. Professional operator who specializes in magical threats, and we're doing him a favor by letting him help us. Turns out that Chuckie has a bounty on him big as our original payday. Taking that into consideration I defend the choice to bring him in with the facts that 1) Charles is a priority threat since he can just drop spirits on us over and over, 2) we're all of us wasted right now and we had trouble with the last spirit when we were on high alert, and, most importantly, 3) he has no connection to our Lady Silvereyes. She has no idea. He's our ace in the hole against the heinous bitch who set us up to die. So, who's your pappy?>>
A few seconds pass and then there's another blip. <<@team: Almost forgot four. 4) It's my fraggin house, and I can invite who I damn well please! So, guess who's coming to dinner? It's a murderous Trog bastard from hell! HAHAHAHAHA!!>>
Sep 18 2012, 09:40 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:35am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
Just great! I finally make it out of the barrens and out of the drug business, so why do I feel my life expectancy has gone down, not up?
<<@team: I guess at least it means the murderous Trog bastard from hell is on our team rather than playing for the other side! If Oz vouches for him and it is his place, then let's at least see what he has to say about Charles. Now I'm gonna take a dump and wash up, so at least I'm semi-presentable by the time he gets here.>>
Yawning, the dwarf pulls some clothes and a toilet bag out from under the passenger seat of his van and heads towards the warehouse's bathroom.
Sep 18 2012, 02:33 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:35am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
Zo stirs a little, and send out a comm. Too lazy to get up.
<@Team> Good call Oz, we might need another one.
Sep 18 2012, 10:41 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:35am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
<<@team: Alrighty, then.>> Professor chuckles. What a mix this team is!
<<@Void: Welcome to the party. Come on in, you are expected. Looking forward to mutual help. Follow the astronaut's directions explicitly, though. Otherwise an explosive surprise may ruin your day.>>
Sep 20 2012, 02:34 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:36 AM, Lower Tacoma, Riding in an Autocab
A terse reply comes back quickly.
Void is not as rattled as most people would be in his situation - in a strange vehicle, preparing to be guided through a paranoid security setup. Truthfully, the implication of a heavily defended home base is a reassuring sign to him. And he is content enough to be sit passively for the moment, enjoying a respite from having any vexing decisions to make.
Sep 26 2012, 02:12 PM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, Sometime between 8:35am and 12:00 Noon, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
In his dreams Zo sees hundreds of M23's piled around him. He wanders amoungst the apparent rubble of a warehouse. He notices a robot wandering around with a walking stick yelling "Get off my lawn! Get off my lawn!" Zo goes for his pistols but finds his hands empty. He grabs one of the M23's and smacks the robot in the head causing it to crumble. Out of the piles of M23's, dozens of ghouls appear---Zo freezes for a moment then begins swinging with the M23. He goes to swing one more time, but sees his long lost sister apparently turned to a ghoul. He hesitates, she bites him in the throat--
Zo wakes up, grabbing his pistol quickly looking somewhat panicked. Scans the room for a moment then goes back to sleep as if nothing happened.
Sep 28 2012, 08:52 AM
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 8:35am, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
With the murderous trog bastard from hell already on his way to the warehouse, Ferret decides to skip the shower and settles for a quick wash and a heavy dose of deodorant. He puts on some clean flats and with a vague sense of deja vu, returns to the main area of the warehouse cradling a cup of soykaf.
He puts his dirty laundry back in the van and scoops up his machine pistol and tucks it in his pants.
I guess Zo is right, I really should get a proper holster for his or one day I'm going to shoot off my dick.
He leans against his van, eyes half-closed as he compares the chickenwire around the trucks to online descriptions of Faraday cages.
It's pretty A-team, but I gotta give the old man his due. He does know his physics.
He uses the remaining time before Void arrives to surf the matrix in his AR, catching up on gossip and downloading some of his favourite shows and music for later.