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Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:25:04 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"Ferret, get some first aid in on Prof first. He took a hit from da spirit. Was dat a toxic spirit of some kind? And who iz dis german guy?"
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:26 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"I already did the First Aid thing down below. I don't think any more can be done right now, except maybe by some magical healing. Big Daddy here needs to get to someone who can heal him of the HMHVV before it turns him. Not much time left. We get him there and he will tell us how to get the trucks going again.

"The German is that guy Jovan is hunting. Some guy in a top hat if I recall correctly, who had been seen talking with our steel-eyed lady by ... Amber. He is mixed in this affair in a way we haven't discovered yet. Maybe if Big Daddy here can get coherent, he could fill us in on some details."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:26 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Jovan spoke unhurriedly, with his air elemental materializing as an ethereal, whirling silhouette of air currents to act as his physical voice. The spirit, on the other hand, gave off an air of impatience with being in the warehouse, almost to the point of vehemence.

"'Celerity is never more admired than by the negligent.' Our time may be limited, but reckless and unguided haste will only burn it up more quickly. We require a plan of action. This Mad Hatter German is apparently aware of our location now, which suggests that he is in some sort of alliance with Archer. How else could he have known that we are here, when only a few minutes have gone by since Archer fled?

"Long Legs, the rest of your team was disabled by dear Charles, our little Mad Hatter. I will call him that instead of his first name, if you don't mind, as he seems to be quite a Lewis Carroll fan and it appears to be a fitting name anyway. They were hit with a barrier spell outside the Crosstown mall after you had retreated. Your fire support woman, Sandy, was able to escape into the mall, where we found her near death less than an hour ago. We have found no signs of the hacker child, and it is a strong possibility that he has become food for Archer's ghouls. Now, we need to know how much time you have left before the virus takes hold of your system. We do not have wireless signal out here, so if you have a wired line to the outside world, give us access to that and we will make the necessary arrangements with the Bear Society. Professor, if you could take care of that call, that would be excellent. Questioning Long Legs can come later. Ferret, I would recommend that you give Professor some medical attention at the moment. ZO, you should probably check the rest of the trucks for traps and disarm them - check with Long Legs on the traps first. Where is Oswald?"
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:26 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"Yes, Ferret, I could use a little help, myself. If you bring the machine over here, I can help you apply the sensors and interpret the instructions. Big Daddy, how do we get in contact with the healer you seek?"
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:26 am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Ferret notes the look of concern on Prof's face as he sets down his rather dated and shabby-looking medkit. He gratefully accepts the more modern one that the burnt dwarf offers instead.

"Guess I should really think of updating mine," he mumbles as he begins treating the Prof's injuries. After a few moments of initial hesistation as he queasily examines the extent of the injuries, his manner visibly changes as he becomes focused on the task at hand. At one point, he even 'tsks' aloud when the Prof isn't quick enough to follow his instructions. In a surprisingly short amount of time, the grubby dwarf deftly cleans, treats and dresses his companion's wounds.

"There we go! Might not look pretty, but you should be as good as new in a couple of days."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:27am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Seeing the condition of BDLL, Zo looks at him as if looking at a dead man. BDLL, you better hoop dat trog heritage works in your favor.

"Hey trog, ya mind tellin us where da cpu's are an save us da trouble of lookin for dem? Or do you wann wait any longer till we get ya out of here."

<@Team> We should grab the trucks and drop them off. Moving this amount of gear is tough. I have some contacts that could probably move it, but that would take a while, and 10K each of cred and a happy Johnson is better dan goin dat route. As to da vipers comms, Ferret do ya know how we could offload dem?>

"Jovie, I wuz gettin to it." Zo smiles pulling out the monofiliment chainsaw. "Ferret, my choice is dis" revs the chainsaw up "or ya can pop the maglock"

<@Oz> Yeah its safe--for now. Prof got singed, but the da queen lost her head .
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:27am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"Ferret, you are one miracle worker. I feel way better. I'll have to remember that combination of ointments you and the medkit cooked up. It works like a charm.

"So, Big Daddy, let's see if we can get a hold of that healer, OK?"
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:27am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

While Ferret's smile is concealed by the respirator, there is a happy twinkle in his eyes.

He shrugs, "It was nothing really, the medkit did most of the work. I just followed the instructions."

Huh... No! Zo, wait! Big Daddy can you tell the crazy ork over there what the codes for the truck's maglocks are before he starts cutting the doors off with that chainsaw."

Saint Sithney
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:27am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Oz responded <@ZO: So, Prof needs medical attention? And who's the queen? Should I be concerned?>

As Professor walked over to the convulsing Troll to hand him some towels to cough in, BDLL looked at him like he was crazy. However, he stilled himself as best he could and gingerly took the towel before slamming it to his mouth to cover a new fit of coughing. The fit lasted through most of Jovan's explanation of the situation, and occasionally the big Troll nodded or made conversational noises, but it kept him from commenting much besides. Once the coughing subsided, he responded. "Don't know how long I have. Shoulda turned by now already based on what that piece of drek Archer was saying. Guess I'm fighting it off better than most. Probably better than your friend will, coming near me with those open wounds.." He began coughing again, violently. "I could call the Bears myself if... Well, ghost-damn. I'm getting a Matrix signal in Cross Town.. Must be a dangerously big antenna hidden around here somewhere. Simplifies things though. You got a cred stick with 2 grand, and you got your trucks. Them comms too. Don't know any booby traps on the vehicles. Never intended to open them."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:27am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Professor thinks for a moment. The singeing would have cleaned everything living off of me. I didn't touch him or anything else infectious since Ferret fixed me. I should be alright.

"Well, if I need the same kind of help, I'll know who to call, based on what you've just told me, Big Daddy. Here. Here's a credstick, set to transfer 2000 nuyen. Give the Bear Society a call." Professor proffers his own credstick with somewhat more than 2000 nuyen on it.
Saint Sithney
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Long Legs slotted the stick into a jack on his wrist and stared away for a moment. "Iz don't mean nothing by it 'cept to be careful. Mebbe like to pay you back for this sometime, and don't wanna owe my life to a ghoul." Lumbering over to an old computer terminal, he jacks in, seconds later pulling out a data chip and setting it on the desk along with the credstick. "Got the vehicle pilot systems on here. The comms and computers are hidden in a false bottom drawer in my electronics shop." A massive arm swing indicated the direction you entered from as his body lurched again toward another destination. "Red tool cabinet. Fourth drawer down." He finally came to a rest leaning against an old delivery van. "Also dropped my area map on there. Shamblers already set off most of my booby traps, but it should show sewer entrances if you're looking to chase Archer still."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:27am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

<@Oz>Judging by da lack of a corpse, an da fire it toasted Prof with I'd say da queen was a fire sprit ov some kind. Ferret patched prof up so we're all good to go.

"BDLL if ya need a place ta hole up after gettin meds, stay an Crush territory. I can vouch fer ya."

An if ya still go pasty on us I can put ya out of yer misery free of charge.
Saturday, September 12, 2071, 12:27am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Ferret scoops up the chip and slots it into his datajack. He scans it carefully before browsing through the files.

"I'll go get the hardware and install it. Then maybe we can get out of here. Big Daddy needs a doc and we're not geting paid to hunt ghouls."

Nor do I want to end up as one.

"And this place is toxic enough without going prowling through the sewers. Hey Big Daddy, you up to rigging the trucks? I don't have a lot of experience with 18-wheelers and still need to pick up my own van on the way out."

More like none at all! he thinks to himself as he goes to find the truck's comms and computers.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Professor watches Ferret go into action. "No problem. Who knows, we may find occasion to help each other later. Though I have to say your choice of what to do with the trucks leaves a little to be desired. You may want to figure out what to do about your soured relationship with the fat man in the white suit. He wasn't too pleased about the loss of the trucks and was willing to pay us extra for some bounty hunting. We're not into wet work, ourselves, though, and refused that bonus."
Saint Sithney
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Oswald slowly emerged from the Rover and joined in the conversation as he made his way over to where the others were standing. "Trucks shouldn't be a problem once we put their brains back in. Autopilot can play follow the leader easy enough. I wanna assume that the computers were out being scrubbed so they don't go broadcasting 'I AM A STOLEN ARES VEHICLE' at everything in creation. I guess I could double check that."

BDLL chimed in, "That's why this place is Wifi free.. usually. Stolen cars like to call for help. Dead zone is the only place you can chop."

By this point Oswald had shuffled most the way toward the eastern tunnel, but he stopped and turned around to move toward Ferret. "Mmm hmm. Mmm hmm." Oz nodded. "That's why I just chop people. Providing medical attention doesn't draw as much police attention. Speaking of which." He started looking Ferret over. "I thought someone said you got burnt Professor? You look unkempt, but not.. Oh! Heka! Sorry, I got confused again. Hard to recognize someone when their face is only waist-high." He wandered over to Professor and started scrutinizing him this time. "Syn-graft looks good. No leakage, no bubbles and no deep tissue damage. Stuff's actually better than skin. You might even miss it once it flakes off in a few weeks. Don't believe there's anything I could do to help you. Now where's the infected- Oh Jesus! You are a monstrosity! Damn! Errr.. well.." He sort of examines the Troll from a car's length away. "Uhhh, the bad news is you're not out of the woods yet, but the good news is, if you turn, I don't think you'll have to look far to find someone willing to shoot you."

With that done, Oswald turned and started back toward the east tunnel entrance. "I'll be back with the computers. We should be ready to roll by then. After all, when your enemy knows where you are, don't be there."

After Oz was gone for a second, BDLL looked at the crew quizzically. "Where'd you dig up that old fossil? Ya know, nevermind. That is not something I want to know. I just want to see if I can get right." He turns to Zo. "Crushers got my respect, but I'm going to sit this out with the Sidhe. Being a meta has its advantages with the tribes at least. Just gotta drive myself to the border." BDLL opened up the rear doors of the delivery truck and sat down in the back of it. "You tell the Fat Man that if his number two woulda listened to me about the German, none of this would have happened." He laid back now on to the van's floor where he apparently had a mat for the purpose. "Wake me when you're leaving. I'll get you past da traps."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Professor accompanies Big Daddy to the van, keeping a safe distance. "Enjoy your nap. Once we get moving, I'd like to hear what you can tell us about the German. We may.. well, we probably will run afoul of him ourselves, if events so far are any indication."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"Also BDLL, ya got more dan us and dis big fat white guy after ya. Da Vipers from what I unnerstan are gunnin for ya cause of some commlinks. Is dat deal related wit da german?"
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Jun 12 2012, 08:49 PM) *
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
"You tell the Fat Man that if his number two woulda listened to me about the German, none of this would have happened."

Hmm. Interesting. That suggests that Ms. Johnson was already in alliance with the man before Long Legs' team was hired for their job. Perhaps it is Archer who is the mutual associate of which they spoke at dinner.

"ZO, let him sleep for now. We can hear about the Vipers once we are on the move. Right now, we need to disarm those trucks. While you are doing that, try to examine the traps and judge to the best of your ability how long they have been in place. For example, if a weapon is taped to the inside or underside of a truck, check the tape for peeling at the edges, where the adhesive may have dried and lost its ability to stick. Have Professor help you if you need him. I want to know whether they are fresh enough to have been put in place while Archer was holed up here, or whether they are older than that."

"My elemental and I will go now to scout the rest of the building and the surrounding area for anything of note. I will return shortly." The spirit dematerialized, its figure dissipating like sand blown away by strong winds.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Ferret scoots after the Oswald, catching up to the old astronaut and overtaking him. He seems eager to get the trucks running and leave. Or maybe its just the opportunity to fiddle with the truck's comm systems. He scans the workshop looking for red tool cabinet and then checks it for any obvious booby-traps before opening it to recover the truck's computer systems.

He examines the boards as he moves back towards the trucks, mainly out of interest than looking for anything in particular. He waves the boards in the air as he returns to the loading bay.

"Let me just get these installed and we can get the frag out of here. I'll hack them on the way to disable any alarms they might be broadcasting. Might be an idea to contact the Johnson as soon as we have a matrix connection, so we can offload them before someone else comes looking for them."

Wth that, he clambers into the nearest truck and begins reinstalling the systems.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Professor chuckles at the imperious instructions from Jovan. "Heh. We have our orders, troops. I'll look around the trucks to see what I can see."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

<@Prof>I'd geek him for tryin ta boss me around--but bein all spirity and such its kinda like shootin a devil rat. Makes ya feel better, but doesn't accomplish much.

"An, no I'm not goin ta let it rest. BDLL, what do ya know about da vipers? An did you trap da trailers or did the ghouls do that? and are they all trapped da same if ya did?"

<@ferret)Are the locks off? Judging by da way the first trap was set I should prbably cut a hole on the bottom of da truck near da door, but far enough back to give me just enough space ta see whats dere and disable it.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Ferret's head pops up from under the dashboard of the first truck.

<@Zo: Oops, I forgot. Just use the chainsaw same as the first one. I'm sure Oz can fix something up until we hand them over. I don't want to be driving around in a booby-trapped vehicle or have the Johnson blow himself up when he opens them to check the contents. Generally not good for biz to geek your employer, even by accident.>>

With that long speech, he ducks back under the dashboard to finish connecting up the computer and comms systems. After a few moments of deft fiddling with connectors, the truck's icon in appears in his mind. He sets his scan program running to check the node just in case there are any more surprises waiting for them.

"Okay that's number one installed. Scanning it now. I'll get the second one up and running then we can get the frag out of here."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"Ferret, can ya reprogram da ID to say "I'm not stolen an carryin a truck load of guns" ta something more innocuous like dis truck is deliverin "electronics an I'm from Wuxing deliverin goods to da docks?"

Zo looks at the sick convulsing form of BDLL waiting for a response to his questions. Poor bastard.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

From under the dashboard of the second truck, comes a mumbled response.

"Working on it. I need to get the systems up and running before I can edit them. Don't worry they'll be squeaky clean by the time we pick up a matrix connection."

I hope!
Saint Sithney
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"Oh hell. The Vipers. I was talking to those guys when I got ghoul-rushed. The comms in the false-bottom drawer were planning to go to them. Never finalized anything with them, so I don't know why they'd be after me. Buncha pushy assholes for sure. Got this 'code of honor' that reminds me of a damn cult. I'll worry about them once I figure out if the Bears can help me. Feel free to take the comms. I owe you guys my life, or near enough."

Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:30am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Ferret opened the drawer and pulled out a handful of electronics tools, handing them over to Oz who unceremoniously dropped them on the floor. Feeling around inside the drawer for a moment, he found a catch which released the drawers false bottom, allowing him to lift it up. Inside were three vehicle computers and four commlinks marked with the Battle Buddy brand. Battle Buddy Basic links, to be exact. Low end military, but still better than anything in the private sector. Scooping them up and stashing them away, he proceeded back to the Garage where he and Oz quickly installed the empty vehicle computers, flashing them with the new Pilot programs BDLL had provided.

Meanwhile, Zo had been busy with the chainsaw again, slicing off the restraining bolts from the second container. Once again, he opened the doors a crack and saw the wire start to go taught inside. Reaching an arm in, he unhooked the loop from the inside of the door and collected the grenades attached. The tape inside looked pretty foul. Definitely not Ares work. The bits of water damage made it seem more like something the Ghouls would have carried through a sewer.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

After Zo finnishes workinging on the third truck, he takes the grenades. I wunder if da Ms J is playin a couple of sides against each other. She might be the one behind the ghouls are something. The pasties came somewhat prepared to blow about 100K in guns.

<@ Team>Hey, justa randome coveren of my tusker hide, but did anyone get any legwork done on the Ms. and Mr. J.? An could Ms. J be playin MR. J? Too many coincidents from what ya told me about this run, with too many players for just a simple hi-jack job.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Ferret boots up the truck's pilot programs ready to stop them broadcasting for help. He discovers that he doesn't need to. He pauses for a moment to admire the new pilot program provided by BDLL.

<<@BDLL: Nice code, man. Would this work on my Bulldog? The standard pilot on it drives worse than me and that's saying something.>>

<<@Team: Not had a chance too, Zo. I got brought in when the run was already underway. Ms. J seemed on the level when I met her, but given the body count, there sure is something fishy going on. I'll see what I can dig up on the way to the meet. Prof, Oz, if you got any data I can use to narrow my search, send it through.>>

He opens a couple of windows on his AR and loads up Google 2070. He's met the lady in the virtual but has little on her boss. He parses a couple of search queries and fires them off into the matrix. As an afterthought, he also fires off additional queries about the Vipers, BDLL and the German, before returning his attention to the trucks.

<<@Team: Think we're about ready to roll here. We need to swing past Rusty's on the way out so I can pick up my van. I'll set up the trucks to follow Oz's Rover but think it would still be a good idea if Prof and Zo each sat in one of them. Just in case they need to take manual control. I'll bring up the rear in my Bulldog.>>

Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

<@team>"Im not gettin paid enough ta abandon my bike. I'll pick dat up on da way out. Should be able ta load the it da back of yer van Ferret. Does anyone have a pic or description of the J's?"

Zo ponders the situation...What waz the plan once wegot da trucks. Oh, yeah I missed da meet cause I'm a replacement.

What were da instructions from the Mr. and Mrs J regardin delivery?
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Professor chimes in to the conversation. <<@team: We are to contact Ms. J. once we have the payload to arrange delivery. Given what we have learned and now suspect, that may not be the wisest of moves.>>
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:28am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Sitting in the cab of the last truck, Ferret makes a mental inventory of the stuff in his van.

<<@Zo: Is it a hog or a racer? Either should fit but I'll need to move more stuff around to fit in a Harley.>>

<<@Team: So if Ms J is playing us what do we do? Go over her head? That's not likely to go down well. And do we even have contact info for her boss? Look, lets get rolling. We can plan on the way and I'd prefer to be out of here before the next surprise turns up. And I bet BDLL is keen to get to his doctor.>>
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:29am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

While scouting through the rest of the building in astral space and checking the outside for any incoming threats, Jovan was musing to himself as he began to piece together a plan that would help see the team through the coming day in his absence.

Online chatrooms. Those will work. Military chatrooms and regular chatrooms. Oswald and Ferret should be able to handle that, and I'm sure Oswald has a bot or two that can assist him in dropping a few choice morsels of information there. The GLL may able to assist as well. I'll need a way to cover my identity in case the others come into contact with him, though, since he knows something of it now. But that will be child's play.

Charles, Charles, he is going to be an enjoyable dinner to play with. I will need to match his insanity and outdo him in it in order to beat him. Heh. Don't worry, little Mad Hatter. You shall have your tea time. But you should have known not to mess with a caterpillar like me.
Saint Sithney
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:34am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Oswald was busy finishing up the 3rd truck's repairs as he responded. <<@team: Orders were to deliver the containers to a ship parked on the Everett docks in the next 5 days. Don't need to tell Ms. J anything, just deliver on time. I'd say we just stash the cargo at my place, bunker it up with some magical protection and hunt this German down before he surprises us again.>>

Finished up, he walked out toward the rest of the group. "Ms. Johnson is an unknown. If she put Charles on her first team, and is working with him still as he attacks us, then we have to treat her as hostile. No contact, change our IDs and go underground. That brings up another question. If we can't trust the Spaniards lady assistant, then why would we trust him?"

B.D. had been listening in silently as the fever washed over him in disorienting waves. He wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but he felt compelled to interject. "Her? Wasn't no Ms. Johnson on our gig. Our contact was a jumped-up suit wit a James Bond complex, not a woman. Whatever breeder's running your show wasn't running ours."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:29am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Ferret, da Skorpions got some off road suspenshin cause on account of da plexs idea of road matenince in da barrens is high explosives. Also some run flat tires for da sharp things dat other ganger leave around. Other dan that its just stock."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:34am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Professor runs through a few scenarios in his mind, considering options and payoffs.

<<@team:I like Oswald's idea, though when we report our presence at the drop site, who comes first could be interesting. We would do well to be well defended before we call in. I like the idea of clearing out conflicting elements before we let on that we have the cargo. Speaking of conflicting elements, with the comm equipment in our possession as well, we could pick a few choice items for ourselves and use the remainder to try to buy peace with the 'not-nearly-12-anymore Vipers'. As much as the profit from the comm equipment attracts me, I don't cherish the thought of waiting till people with access to military grade hardware find a way to get revenge.>>

<<@team: And no, it doesn't matter that they were the ones who did themselves in. it matters what they think.>>
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:34am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

<<@team: It's a bad idea to stiff the J, even if she is a double-crossing bitch. I vote we send her a message that we have the trucks and when we will deliver them, ideally as soon as possible so she doesn't have much time to plan an ambush. Then as Prof says, we can check it out and see who turns up. Oz can provide air support with the blimp, Jovan can do magic support and the rest of us will handle the meet.>>

<<@team: If things go south Oz can just order the trucks to drive off the pier while we do a runner.>>

He sighs as he examines one of the high tech comms units.

<<@team: You know these comms really are SOTA. But I guess we could give them to the Vipers if it will get them off our backs.>>
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:34am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

I'd say rig it with some explosives, make sure both Mr. and Mrs. J know we iz comming and dat if anything happens to us at da meet we blow it and run. Of course we do get paid first. You guys dealt wit dem vipers before I came in to da picture, but if ya think it will reduce the chance of a 4 person Aztech stand off den I'm all for it.

Here's how I'd plan it. Poke any holes ya might see in it or any details yamight think is important.

One: Delivery, assuming we don't get tagged by KE when getting to the docks is straitforward. We show up.
Two, da comms will be elsewhere, and we will deliver to da Vipers 12 after da meet with da Mrs. J.
Three: Make sure da Mr. J know whats goin down independent of da Mrs J.
Four: Insurance. If things go south, we blow da rigs and run. If da vipers show, or try ta slot us up at da meet dey don't get da comms.

Five: For da vipers, we'll just send dem to a drop box in Renton. Some place not so secure we can smuggle da comms in, but in a neighborhood that KE doesn't consider an area good for target practice.

Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:35am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"Thing is," Professor interjects, "Mr. Johnson left Ms. Johnson onshore as our liaison. We don't even have a contact code for him. Just her. Rigging with explosives is probably a good idea. I'm not sure about letting Ms. Johnson know about our success before we get to the docks. As Ferret points out, the less time and opportunities we provide for double dealing, the more likely we are to avoid it. If we get to the Everett docks with the cargo, we can phone in and imply the trucks are rigged to protect us from interference from third parties with whom we have already come in contact. Like the Vipers. No point in letting Ms. J know we suspect her. Or that we have the communications equipment elsewhere."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:35am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Ferret sends a mental command and the first truck's engine starts up. He repeats the process with the other truck. Part of his mind is examining the code from BDLL's pilot program. It's pretty complex but it is just code. He flags a few subroutines that either show off the troll's programming skills or that he thinks he can improve on, while listening in on the conversation.

"Well, I'll leave the rigging the trucks with explosives to the experts... Right now, make sure those doors are secure and let's roll. I'll be a lot happier when I'm back in my van and these trucks are someone else's problem."

He programs in a course that will take them back past Rusty's garage, then slumps back in the driver's chair, his mind focused on the troll's code.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:35am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Hearing the engines light-up as ferret starts the other vehicles, Zo hops in to the other truck.

<Prof--I'll check in ta dat ta see if one of my chummers knows a thing or two.>

Zo calls ups his friend K-P. <K-P--two things, need some more ex-ex for my Kalish. Lots of target practice. Secondly need some info if ya got it. I am dealing with some Mr. and Mrs J's that may be having marital issues if ya catch my drift. I don't want to get in da middle of one of der spats so ta speak. They are both involved in bulk sales of stuff that falls off the back of the truck, but I'm figurin they're not local. I'll send ya da info and descriptions I got on Mr and Mrs. J. A comm code for da Mr. J would be nice if ya can get it.>
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:35am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Oh, and perhaps Oswald can use his surgical skills to do major biosculpting of Charles's face after we cut off his head. We can arrange to make him look like me or another nosferatu. That would make the ork boy more inclined towards loyalty as well, since I would have helped him hunt down a dangerous Infected 'monster...' and the extra cash in our pockets would be delicious. Ahh, but there is still Jonathan to deal with. And whatever Archer was planning to do with the trucks after he moved them out of here. Perhaps Long Legs knows something about that.

Satisfied that there was nothing outside waiting to go bump in the night (save perhaps himself), Jovan returned to the trucks where the others were just about to depart. Manifesting discretely inside the engine of the delivery van, he let his disembodied voice reach out psychically to the enormous and exhausted troll.

"Big Daddy Long Legs, I know you feel drained at the moment, but I have a few more questions that need answering. We will get you to the Bear Society soon, so do not fret. First of all, you mentioned that Archer wanted you to help him get the trucks in working order. Why? What did he want with them? Where was he aiming to drive them to? It seems that he moved some of the equipment in the trucks to another location - would that be the same place, or do you believe that he would have kept them here on-site? The man is dangerous and must be stopped. Any information you can give will help me to bring about his destruction.

"Secondly, there is a man in Archer's employ by the name of Jonathan, who is also a ghoul. Jonathan is a man who I have been pursuing for much of the evening, but he has been mysteriously difficult to track down. When I spoke with Archer briefly, he mentioned that Jonathan was a sort of 'messenger boy' for him, and that he, too, was wondering where Jonathan was. Do you know anything about the man, and what business he had in the metroplex this afternoon?"
Saint Sithney
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:35am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Never one to keep quiet, Oswald threw his own two cents into the ring as to what to do about the Viper 12.
"You ever seen a war that stopped with an apology? Got no way to contact the Vipers at this point anyhow, unless Bigs can help us with that. I did tell those sons of bitches we'd never gotten word of a truce. Maybe we could use that to our advantage. What say we send them word that our good lady Johnson played us at their expense. Maybe make up a story about how she was trying to push us both to conflict in order to scrub this mission in a way that wouldn't land on her head. Hell, for all we know, that's exactly what happened."

Meanwhile, BD answered Jovan's remaining questions from the back of the van..

"Jonathan? I heard the name. Never saw any of them, and I couldn't hear much except for shouting. Lotsa arguing about my place though."
He forced out choked laugh at that. "They thought it was a good stronghold, maybe, because it's remote and full of hazards. Stupid bone-gnawers didn't think about how 'a remote place' means there's no victims and that 'full of hazards' means they'd be blowing themselves up all over my booby-traps. He asked me a few times for the access codes to my guns and the placement of my mines and wires, but I didn't tell him shit, so he told me he'd wait a week and see if I changed my mind. By that point, I'd already been bit. Guess he figured being a ghoul would make me more sympathetic to his problems. That or he'd use the hunger against me."

"Either way, it played out harder than he expected. Musta been the lack of food sent the dumber ones wandering, because I was hearing explosions like clockwork. And there's worse than me lives in this place, besides. Whatever it was finally soured his disposition on the spot, because he stopped askin' about the warehouse computers and started asking about the vehicle computers. No idea where he planned to go with them. Like I said, all I could ever hear was shouting when they weren't questions for me. Either way, last I heard about his messenger, Archer was sending him out to 'tell that bitch' something or other."
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:35am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"Well, somebody is playing us, Oz. Seems like a good idea to play back. With the right manipulation, we might even be able to get the somewhat-less-than-12 Vipers to do a little retribution on our part."
Damn, I can't believe I'm even thinking in these terms now.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:35am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse
Seeing professor's subtle cringe when he lays out his idea, Zo speaks up.

"Prof, welcome to da barrens, please leave yur civility and morals at da door. Everyone else did. Ya can pick dem up when ya leave.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:35am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse[color="#FF8C00"]

Whoa! It's like Zo can read my mind!
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:36am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"Don't make yourself look like a fool, ZO," Jovan's disembodied voice said out of thin air in a flat, bored tone. "It is civility and morality which separate the metahumans from the monsters. Nothing else."

He returned his attention to the sickly troll. "Was he, now? Excellent. I love it when I am correct. I have one final question for you before we depart, Big Daddy Long Legs. Our Ms. Johnson, as I've been told, is a woman with a pale face and cybereyes that look like steel balls. A very distinctive appearance, undoubtedly. Do you know anything of her?"

Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:36am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

"Jovie--its dose that claim to be civilized are the worst monsters of all. Night of rage anyone?"
Saint Sithney
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:36am, BDLL's Cross-town Warehouse

Big Daddy Long Legs simmered in his pain a moment before responding. "Never seen her. Might need to find those answers elsewhere." He leaned back and lay on the floor of the large van with his arms sprawled above his head. "Only girl I'z seen with the Johnson was at the VR meetup, but that was all digital. Spaniard was in an icon I suppose looked like his normal self, but the one running the node was a blond girl. No silver on her that I saw, if that's your lady's thing."

Oswald was still quite twitchy and ready to head out. "Civilization is every man with a knife to his throat and the words 'or else' tattooed to his forehead like a speech bubble. From here to eternity." He opened the door to the rover and shouted, "Hey Rocky! Lead us outta here!"
Saint Sithney
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:52am, Cross-town

Big Daddy Long Legs took the lead and the convoy was on its way out of that dump. Two vans, an SUV, and three big rigs began moving on a path through rubbish, ruins, and high-explosive death traps. It was quite a sight, and likely to draw attention, both before and after leaving Redmond. Luckily ZO's connection to the Crushers was enough to get the crew through their roadblocks on the way to Touristville, where Redmond meets the world of law and constant surveillance.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2071, 12:52am, Touristville

Haven't heard from K-P---frag, forgot what time it is. Hmm, last night I was slotting that dwarf chica, tonight I gots ta frag some pasties. Last night was slightly more fun, but at least I gots some more vengence in for sis. Hmm, we got alot of loose ends an questions. The viper 12, ok they're a merc outfight with a chip on der shoulder, but who are dey exactly? Dis group ferret is running with? An dis shipment, might dere be more players involved, like da ones dat lost da shipment in da first place.

Zo checked his comm to make sure he had signal, this might be a long conversation.
<Roper>Hey roper, got few questions if ya can supply some intel. I'll send ya 300 nuyen in appreciation. My first question pertains ta some merc group known as da Viper 12, who are dey, how many, an if dey are local, where do they doss down for da night. My second question is about three runners dat I'm dealin wit. Da first is some dwarf dat goes by the handle Professor, some old dude like an escapee from a nursin home old named Oz, den dere's Jovie. Only seen him on da astral. Lastly, I'z got some questions to see if dere were any rumors floatin about a missing shipment of mil-spec gear, some assault rifles an who might be looking for dem.
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