And I think that Adepts with 1-2 points of essence spent on bio/cyber are better than either a straight Sam or a Straight Adept.
And Worse, is a Mage who does the same thing.
Well, actually essence is bigger issue for mages then for adepts.
Adept powers are mostly independent from Magic rating. (Yes, theit max level is up to magic, but what the hell?)
So for an adept Bioware to increase his INI-passes is better then the adept power. (1.5 Points to 4 Points)
For a mage on the other and low magic attribute comes in many forms to bite you.
Physical drain, less dices on Spellcasting, less dices for masking, less dices for summoning/binding, max level for spells to be masked, limiting your time you could stay astral, helping you to pass wards etc.
So if you rule that a mage with two essence less will always(as long as they use their Karma for the same things) stay behind two points behind in magic, then I would say, that one point is quite a good idea, but two points become critical. And 3 points will make you a much worse mage.
Lets for example take a mage with 3 Initiations and a Magic score of 8. (Why 8? Becaus two low scores will just cripple the mage using essence but I guess no player would try to get higher. Too expensive for the effect)
So you get a mage with magic 8 and one with 5.
The one with 5 will have a lot of cyber and bio. I would guess about two points of Bio and 1.5 of cyber.
So yes, he will have higher drain stats, he will have 3-4 passes, he will have any basic visionenhancement and some other gimics. Yes, he wil be superior.
But what is it, the other mage could do?
Quickening comes into the mind. He is capable to quicken and hide 3 spells at a force of 8.
Detect Enemys/Lifeforms (extended radius), Combat Sense and Increase Reflexes. (Even with the strict ruling he will get about 8 hits each and will be ableto use them)
Which means he wil be aware of Enemys half a mile away, gets 8 dices on evading and suprise test and 4 INi-passes. (Costs: 3*8=24 Karma)
These spells will be close to impossible to break. (A mage trying to break a force 8 increase reflex will have to roll against 24 dices and have a draincode of 6.
There are close to no wards with the ability to break them. Would need a Force 9 Ward to stand a Chance, which would ask for 9 Points of drain.
So yes, the cybermage will be worse in the beginning(if you are limited to force 4 or 6 spells(overcast) but he will come out ahead when he reaches a magic of 4 and he will be a top for a while. But as soon as the initiation rating reaches about 4 to 5 the pure mage can pull up some insane stunts.
I would guess it will take up to 200 Karma, so it is more a theoretical in nature but since some here seem to start with this amount I guess I should include it.
If you rule it by the book a cybermage with 3 points of ware will soon be just 1 point behind. So he is alway superior.