James McMurray
Mar 7 2011, 08:39 PM
I added a
quick reference for SR4A.
Please check it out and let me know if I've missed something major.
- The matrix tab is empty because our group doesn't have a hacker and we've streamlined the matrix rules.
- Needs a tab in the combat section for explosives.
- need to add the matrix and magic actions to the table of action types.
- Need to go through the add-on books like Street Magic, Augmentation, etc. and see if there's any charts that are basic enough that they should be on the screen.
Mr Clock
Mar 7 2011, 09:03 PM
Looking good. The formatting doesn't sing to me, but it has common information that will be regularly referenced in a logical layout.
My wants for the Matrix section:
Signal ranges, device ratings, Track modifiers, Data Search table, list of Matrix actions that require programs (and which skill & programs they are), cybercombat summary and maybe the Random Response table.
Wesley Street
Mar 7 2011, 09:28 PM
Mar 7 2011, 09:36 PM
Very nice. I look forwards to seeing the matrix section!
Mar 7 2011, 09:54 PM
As an interim solution (and maybe inspiration), may I suggest this
excellent cheat sheet for the matrix rules?
Mr Clock
Mar 7 2011, 10:15 PM
I'd rather have just the tables and at-a-glance references for the various Matrix actions. The cheat sheet is fine for a cheat sheet, but too wordy for my notion of a screen.
Mar 8 2011, 01:18 AM
James, thank you, my man. This will come in very useful.
James McMurray
Mar 8 2011, 05:06 PM
The combat tab now has grenade scatter distance and direction charts.
Thanks to everyone for the Matrix suggestions. Now to sift through them and see what to add.
QUOTE (Mr Clock @ Mar 7 2011, 05:03 PM)
Looking good. The formatting doesn't sing to me, but it has common information that will be regularly referenced in a logical layout.
Any thoughts on what a nice format would be? I'm kinda married to the idea of the tabbed interface, but I'm not much of a layout guy so if there's anything that will make it more usable or just plain prettier, lemme know.
James McMurray
Mar 8 2011, 08:28 PM
The magical and matrix actions are now on the combat tab.
Mar 8 2011, 08:29 PM
Lookin' good!
Mr Clock
Mar 8 2011, 10:25 PM
I dig the tabs, would need to take another look (just back from work, so not now) to be happy that everything leads clearly from one to the next. My comment on the formatting was more along the lines of looking to optimise the font and table sizes to make sure everything is nicely sized, reduce the white space and such. I'm thinking if I was going to be using this in a game it'd be on a 10" notebook, so the less white space the better.
Mar 9 2011, 09:27 AM
It's great! Thank you!
James McMurray
Mar 10 2011, 07:56 PM
A first stab at the matrix section is up. It's got the device ratings, signal ranges, and matrix search tables.
Mr Clock
Mar 10 2011, 11:29 PM
Nice stuff.
Any chance it could be made available as a downloadable resource?
Mar 11 2011, 04:19 AM
This is awesome! Thanks.
James McMurray
Mar 15 2011, 04:18 PM
I added a tab with an initiative tracker on it. I've tested it out but it hasn't seen any real world use (that'll be this Friday). If anyone finds a bug or has a feature to suggest, let me know.
I'll be updating it to store sessions so people don't have to constantly re-enter the data (similar to my
Scion/Exalted Battle Wheel).
James McMurray
Mar 15 2011, 04:19 PM
QUOTE (Mr Clock @ Mar 10 2011, 06:29 PM)
Nice stuff.
Any chance it could be made available as a downloadable resource?
Sorry, just saw this.
File -> Save As should pull it all in. On some browsers you may need to select "Webpage, complete".
James McMurray
Mar 16 2011, 08:51 PM
A couple of minor tweaks to the initiative tracker. If the next pass link causes a new turn to start, the pass number will flash briefly. I also changed the starting colors of the fields so they wouldn't look different if they'd been modified automatically.
Mr Clock
Mar 16 2011, 10:55 PM
Should, but does not seem to. Tried Chrome and IE, no dice.
James McMurray
Mar 16 2011, 11:11 PM
I'll check it out when I can chase the kids off of the computer.
James McMurray
Mar 17 2011, 12:43 AM
QUOTE (Mr Clock @ Mar 16 2011, 05:55 PM)
Should, but does not seem to. Tried Chrome and IE, no dice.
What's it doing or not doing? I've tried it in both IE 8 and Chrome 10. When you start a new turn the #1 should briefly have a green background (about 1/5 of a second).
James McMurray
Mar 20 2011, 05:36 AM
Couple o' changes:
1) The initiative tracker now saves the info that's on it. It's stored in a cookie, so if you've got those turned off it won't work, and if you clear them you'll lose the info.
2) Changed airburst scatter to 2d6 to match the values in the GM screen.
James McMurray
Mar 28 2011, 07:00 PM
I added the matrix services table from unwired to the wireless world tab. It looked like it would be pretty useful to groups without a dedicated hacker (like ours).
Mar 28 2011, 08:02 PM
Your dice roller on the Initiative tab is borked.
I just rolled a glitch for 5 people all at once. Odds:
10 dice: 0.0155
8 dice: 0.0307
7 dice: 0.0176
7 dice: 0.0176
6 dice: 0.0623
Odds they'd all happen at once:
0.00000000918, or 0.0000000918%
That's slightly less than a 1 in 10 million chance.
That by itself is a bad indicator. The fact that every time I roll I get at least one glitch, and I'm regularly getting 4 glitches (still an extremely low probability) pretty much seals it.
In 38 rolls I hit another: 5 glitches with one being critical. Then another 55 later.
Edit: I just saw it glitch 6 dice with 4 hits. Your problem is probably in how it's counting 1s.
James McMurray
Mar 28 2011, 08:42 PM
Woops! The last upload included some debug code on accident. I had been testing the background color changes and set the starting number of ones at 3 instead of 0. It's fixed now.
James McMurray
Mar 29 2011, 03:57 PM
- Added movement rates
- Fixed visibility modifier link
James McMurray
Apr 6 2011, 12:03 AM
I updated the initiative tracker quite a bit. It will now also track your current action phase and tell you who is acting, who can't act but gets to move, etc.
There's also a minor update to the skills tab: it now correctly reflects the skills that can't be defaulted on. The old version was missing some skills on one tab and had none of them highlighted on the other.
Apr 6 2011, 05:04 PM
Under combat -> actions, you might want something about bursts (unless we consider that implied).
for each action, it might be good to be able to click the action for a drop down list (click ready weapon -> shows throwing: AGI/2).
Other than that, WOW.
James McMurray
Apr 6 2011, 07:05 PM
I added those to the todo list.
James McMurray
Apr 6 2011, 08:41 PM
Added a calculator to the movement section.
James McMurray
Apr 7 2011, 04:38 PM
Some of the combat actions now have descriptive tool tips if you hover your mouse over them. The matrix ones still need to be done but that will have to wait until I understand the matrix rules.
James McMurray
Apr 8 2011, 02:32 AM
Added the matrix actions and repositioned the tool tips so they're less likely to fall off the side or bottom of the screen.
James McMurray
Apr 21 2011, 03:47 PM
I've given the initiative tracker a bit of an overhaul. The functionality is the same, but I've made several bug fixes and added the ability to get confirmation dialogs before changing turns, passes, or combats. They're only on if you want them, but I found myself cliking "Next turn" or "next pass" when I meant "next action" a lot, so I added them on. :
May 6 2011, 06:30 PM
extremely useful tool. Thank you very much for posting it.
May 6 2011, 08:37 PM
This is really useful. The only thing that I see as being a bit of an annoyance is that the tooltips for items on the far left of the page (see Combat > The Turn > Combat Actions : Call a Shot, Change Linked Device, etc.) get lost to the edge of the screen. This is a much better idea than trying to fumble around with a physical GM screen, the dice, the laptop, and trying to keep your place in a number of PDF and physical books at once. This is being used tonight!
James McMurray
May 7 2011, 11:05 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 6 2011, 03:37 PM)
This is really useful. The only thing that I see as being a bit of an annoyance is that the tooltips for items on the far left of the page (see Combat > The Turn > Combat Actions : Call a Shot, Change Linked Device, etc.) get lost to the edge of the screen. This is a much better idea than trying to fumble around with a physical GM screen, the dice, the laptop, and trying to keep your place in a number of PDF and physical books at once. This is being used tonight!
The first time I set them up the ones on the right did it. I didn't see an easy way at the time to fix it with the javascript library I'm using, but I'll stick it on the todo list (it should have been there all along).
Hope it helps in the game! It's definitely been a big help at our table.
May 7 2011, 09:34 PM
minor detail on the spirits section
under binding you state the drain for it is 2xhits on summoning test, minor quibble, but it looks very nice, possibly adding common spell drains, increase reflexes, stunbolt... I don't know how often such things come up in your games.
James McMurray
May 19 2011, 12:24 AM
I just fixed a lot of the tables. They were built using a non-updated pdf of SR4A. They should now all reflect the values in the printed copy.
James McMurray
May 20 2011, 02:25 AM
I have a hard time remembering who rolled what for surprise, especially if there's combatants entering partway through the fight. So I added a column to store that info.
May 20 2011, 01:53 PM
Link to Expanded Scion Chase rules appears to be broken because capital letters were used in address.
Problem page:
http://www.colugo.org/jmcmurra/generators/...&pageType=1Incorrect link:
http://www.colugo.org/jmcmurra/Scion/Miscellaneous/chase.htmShould be:
http://www.colugo.org/jmcmurra/scion/miscellaneous/chase.htmEdit: pretty minor bug! I will definitely be using this tool in my game!
James McMurray
May 22 2011, 05:41 AM
Thanks! I changed the whole site to be lowercase a while back and it looks like I missed a link. It's fixed now.
May 23 2011, 11:43 AM
Great site, I am using it for my sessions.
Would it be possible to add the modifiers to Astral visibility located on page 114 of Street Magic?
[ Spoiler ]
Background Illumination Modifier
Sterile (clean room, hospital) +2
Barren (city streets) +1
Developed (suburban area, desert) 0
Cultivated (park, light forest) –1
Teeming (jungle, forest) –2
Aura Noise
Devoid (no living traffic) +2
Sparse (scattered, occasional bystanders) +1
Moderate (frequent presence of living creatures) 0
Steady (regular movement of living creatures) –1
Crowded (packed with living creatures) –2
Other Factors
Shadow Clutter –1 to –4
Background Count Inverse of Rating*
Aerosol FAB cloud (p. 126) –2
That would be great, thank you in advance!
James McMurray
May 26 2011, 02:52 PM
The tooltips on the combat tab have been fixed so the ones on the left don't go off the screen anymore. If anyone has any trouble with the ones on the right, let me know.
May 26 2011, 03:44 PM
QUOTE (James McMurray @ May 26 2011, 08:52 AM)
The tooltips on the combat tab have been fixed so the ones on the left don't go off the screen anymore. If anyone has any trouble with the ones on the right, let me know.
No issues in IE8, FF3.6.17 or FF4.0.1, so it should be good. Thanks!
James McMurray
May 31 2011, 08:14 PM
A few updates:
- added a 5th pass to the movement calculator.
- moved some stuff on the vehicle combat tab so that it all fits
- added a tab for elemental damage types
- massaged some layout and presentation stuff
- merged the two different sections for Reaction that were on the skills by attribute tab
James McMurray
Jun 13 2011, 09:28 PM
The matrix section just got a big boost thanks to
Farothel's cheat sheets.
Jun 14 2011, 04:05 AM
I don't seem to see the stuff those sheets listed anywhere, but I did find some other bits that are going to be very useful.
Which tab should the Matrix Actions stuff be on?
James McMurray
Jun 14 2011, 02:10 PM
They're with the magical and mundane actions on the combat tab.
James McMurray
Jun 14 2011, 05:57 PM
Also added a tab for Matrix Perception to the matrix section. (say that five times fast)
Jun 14 2011, 10:19 PM
Oooh, I see. Grouped by their action type. For some reason I was trying to find it as just a list of programs. Duh.
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