So your scheme is to show up to a face-to-face conversation wherein you and an anonymous but middle-to-high-ranked corporate benefactor are to discuss the details of a criminal enterprise that you and your friends -- likely any one of which is packed full of illegal stuff -- are trying to get hired for
First of all he would have been breaking trust if he used tailored Pheromones.
Second of all. If you try to get the combat troll in an fancy restaurant, you may as well call lonestar right away to pick you up.
Sorry, but going with forbidden cyberware and a bunch of freaks to middle or high class meetingpoint is just stupid to begin with.
Yeah, maybe a lot of GM let it fly and does not arrest to hole team.
The question was, if a non or very lightly cybered Face can be of use. The use is, he is able to walk away from this situation.
Letting the Johnson meet the rest of the team is a risk by itself. (But that is another point)
You do not blackmail like: If you do not we will... !!!
Plain stupid.
You go like this.
Your use of tailored pheromones to influence my judgement has been noted and seen violattion of my trust and the trust of my team.
You have to understand, that we are no longer in any way interested to do buissnes with you. This means we will terminate all already provided services immediately. Including our hacker intercepting the feed of the chem sniffer on this table. You are aware that this kind of biological enhancement is illegal I suppose. But this is no longer our Problem, it is yours alone.
Good day Sir.
So, the Mr. J has now two possibilities.
First he excuses and increases the payoff and offers a retribution for his offensive behavior or he is on his own.
And then he has to pray, that the owners of the restaurants have ties with his Companie and not with an other or Lonestar/Knight Errant. (unlikly, because it was choosen as neutral ground)
Because picking up a high ranking member of an other AAA is a very good bargain chip.
(And even if it is the one of his own employer it does not look good for him.)
Everything he knows is, that he produced a huge fuck up. He agreed to meet at a very pricy place where security and privacy are top.
Back then he liked this idea, because it would prevent the runners from doing something stupid. Like lets say kidnap him, because they actually worked for the corp he wanted them to hit.
Put then he tought it would be a nice idea to come to such a place with illegal cyberware and he tries to drug the person he is there to hire.
Well, not so good.
So if this guy leaves now he might be in trubble. No runners for the job, his time wasted and possibly facing criminal charges. This includes beeing possibly picked up by an Megacorp with a special interest in him. (Possibly the one portecting the stuff he wanted to steal, burn down etc)
His bodyguards can't do anything about it.
So what is the only option to correct this mistake? Runners are a bunch of greed criminals with no sense of virtue or honor if it comes down to money.
So offer them money and everything goes.
So he will try to stop the face by making an offer. The runner will bite and Mr J thinks he got the situation back under control. Did just cost him an additional 10.000 now and an other 10.000 when the job is finished. Well, he crossed his limit of 60.000 by 5000. But what the hec. He will be just paying that out of his own pocket.
And he will have a word with the guy who told him this cyberware is ideal for negotiatons and picking up chicks...
How many more jobs will your Fixer send your way once he, your middleman, gets an angry call from Johnson about this? How likely is Johnson to be to still want to hire you? How likely is Johnson to be more scared of the cops than you are, a bunch of cybered-to-the-gills SINless professional criminals? How likely are the cops to be to give two tugs when you make that call (anonymously tipping them off to oh no pheromones, at best, or standing there full of lethal combat augmentation while complaining about oh no pheromones at worst)?
You remeber we were talking about the ups of having no restricted or forbidden Cyberware, since having no cyberware does include this somehow.
If you are in full lethal combat augmentation you would be dead before reaching the table, I guess.
But, I just...yeah. I don't see it working quite like you want.
Well, if you try to work with cunning you have to stick to it to the end.
Anyway: If your GM is a dick these sniffers are there from the start. And if you do not realise that, then maybe after your meeting a Lonestar detective might just step out of the corner an clap his hands several times in an ironic manner.
This makes me think it's a real stretch that a piece of 'ware expressly designed to be a benefit to social interactions can be so easily become a gaping liability during such a basic interaction.
What you think is your thing. But the book says it is illegal. And there is only one thing which it does so to do so would be considered immoral.
As a matter of fact tailored pheromones effect the other person. So it is quite like slipping drugs in his or her drink.
And I guess thats illegal, too.
So your argument is: Emosoft is plain bullshit therefor I have to ignore the rest of the rules and the fluff of social modifiers.
It should only apply to read emotions and to nothing more.
Because knowing that the troll whos bike you burned down accidently is angry does not help.
. Just check out some of the Dumpshock builds, and you'll routinely see 15+ dice to start.
An elf might start with 12 dices. Or even 14. But more than 15?