Hogwarts Wizardry
Concept: Magic can be controlled by self-confidence and study. It has always been around and is usually inherited, but sometimes randomly expresses.
Combat: Fire
Detection: Air
Health: Earth
Illusion: Guardian
Manipulation: Water
Drain: Willpower+Logic
This form of Magic is rumored to always have been around hiding among the common people, but only with the Awakening they revealed themselves to the public. This of course has not yet been proved. Other conspiracies say some Immortal Elves follow this tradition.
Those who are chosen to follow this way are called Wizards and Witches. One can only become one when early puberty awakening occurs and then one has to immediately find others to get taught in the ways and traditions of Hogwarts Wizardry. Nobody so far was able to find this way on his own, instead every Wizard and Witch (term not to be confused with traditional Witchcraft) was chosen by a Mentor Spirit representing the School and Path he will have to follow. There are: Griffindor that values courage, bravery, loyalty, nerve and chivalry (use either Lion or Wise Warrior). Hufflepuff values hard work, tolerance, loyalty, and fair play (use Dog with Great Mother Advantages). Ravenclaw values intelligence, creativity, learning, and wit (use Eagle with Sun Disadvantage). Slytherin house values ambition, cunning, leadership, resourcefulness (use either Adversary or Gryphon).
Each House corresponds to one type of spirit and usually only summons that particualr type. However every Wizard and Witch is used to call on a Guardian with whom he/she has a very personal relationship. It always comes in the shape of a protective animal inherited with the family tree and will help when in need and danger. The other spirits shape humanoid representing former ancestors. They have to be treated the with the greatest respect and no sane magician dares to ask powerful spirits for their help.
Magical duels are a common form of sport, although very dangerous sometimes. Other deep rooted traditions are the arts of Divination and Craftsmanship, be it potions or artifacts. They always make use of magical tools, usually in the shape of a wand. You can identify a young Wizard/Witch by their incantations when using spells, however as their studies advance they will be able to practice magic without.
While the routes of this traditions are rumored to origin all over Europe, it has now spread to other western civilizations due to globalism and the Wizards' and Witches' search for advancement.
The pokemon franchise never really vanished, but only with the Horizon Group buying Nintendo and all its brands massive world wide popularity was brought back to the world of Pikachu and his friends. The biggest success was the introduction of the Pokemaster MMO AR game, that one will find on 2/3 of today's kids' commlinks. With children being raised by trideo in general and by their Pokemon AR pets in particular it was only a matter of time till some started believing them for real. For those awakened during puberty and randomly summoning spirits, it was obvious to believe they were summoning actual Pokemons. A new magic tradition developed and soon got picked up by Horizon, of course.
POKEMON, Gotta catch 'em all!
Concept: Followers call themselves Trainers and believe to summon actual Pokemon, which rank between pets and friends. Summoning is an act of great self-confidence and ambition, only then can one get control of a spirit. Every Pokemon represents a specific element that are believed to have a weakness against another element.
Combat: Fire
Detection: Air
Health: Plant
Illusion: Water
Manipulation: Earth
Drain: Willpower+Charisma
For obvious reasons, this tradition is mostly found among freshly awakened children and many of them might get reeducated sooner or later within the corp apparatus. This is especially common for those who also have the ability to use sorcery, as they usually cannot explain what to do about it. Therefore most Trainers are Conjuring or even Spirit Type Aspect Magicians, some might even be gifted with a Spirit Knack only.
While many Trainers try to meet up with others to let their Pokemon fight against each other, the true goal of so called Adventurers is to meet and maybe even catch all different kinds of Pokemon. They will live up to that Code of Conduct with no one stopping them.
Although most Trainers treat their pets as good friends who don't mind fighting for their master, some toxic followers are known to abuse their pokemon as mere tools. Statistics suggest they usually suffered a bad childhood.
It's common for Trainers who are unable to live an Adventurer's life, to settle down and advertise as a Gym leader. Gyms come in an indefinite number of appearance and are usually set up via AR decorations as children can't really afford a real volcano for a fire gym. Adventurers may drop by, if they can find it and may challenge the leader to fight him to increase their reputation. There are even rumors about Gym leaders using Geomancing techniques to aspect their Gym for their distinctive element, making it extra challenging for guests.
Although a Trainer can only summon five basic pokemon by himself, these will change their appearance and advance as the summoner's training advances. By using the metamagics Invoking and Ally Conjuration initiated Trainers can control even more powerful or personal Pokemons. To get a hold of the missing types, they use the techniques of Banishing plus Summoning spirits from different traditions inconsiderate about their believes.
Following up is a vague definition of the elements, as they can be summarized, but keep in mind, that every tradition, even every single summoner, has different believes.
Fire Spirit (Fire, Smoke), Spirit of Air (Ice, Flying, Electric, Smoke), Water Spirit (Water, Ice), Plant Spirit (Grass, Bug, Poison, Smoke), Earth Spirit (Rock, Ground, Smoke), Spirit of Man, Guidance, Task, Guardian (Normal, Electric, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost), Beast Spirit (Normal, Fighting, Ground, Bug)