QUOTE (hermit @ Jul 5 2011, 10:28 PM)

It's more like a hideout. And the game's in London, so I'll not take it onto open water. I've actually been fiddling with other boats before to path a houseboat together, but wasn't quite satisfied with the results before.
However, rules how to integrate this into a lifestyle would have been nice - say, as in "the houseboat counts as a permanent middle commodities (3 LP) in a lifestyle". That would at least make sense, going by the numbers.
Well, it has Amenities...
QUOTE (Critias @ Jul 5 2011, 11:29 PM)

Killing Glare, and yes, I have.
Yeah, Glare, right. And I even rechecked, heh.
QUOTE (Critias @ Jul 5 2011, 11:29 PM)

What was confusing me was your post made it sound like Urban Brawlers never had loud civilian vehicles on the field, when in fact they've got (normally) an armor-plated, up-engined, Harley roaring around on pretty much every single play of the game.
Which I wouldn't call a civilian vehicle, minding that it's purpose-built for the game.
QUOTE (Critias @ Jul 5 2011, 11:29 PM)

The only "limitation" on what the Outrider can do is that they can't carry the ball;
There are also limitations on who and when can and can't ride it along with the outrider.
QUOTE (Critias @ Jul 5 2011, 11:29 PM)

in terms of using it as what you might call a "distraction," then (albeit a lethal one), I don't see what the problem with the comment is -- at least as far as Urban Brawl is concerned.
While it's true that the Outrider's bike is still pretty souped up and modified, it's still at heart what I'd consider a "loud civilian vehicle," for sure.
The problem, as I said, is that the bike is not a civilian vehicle, not any more than the brawlers themselves during the game are civilians. And since using even that is limited, using what you think first of when you read about civilian vehicles - cars or bikes left in the game zone, - is right out of the question, as a distraction or otherwise.