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QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Jul 20 2011, 01:40 PM) *
While they could certainly stand some clarification they seem to work. I've just been going witht he interpretation that usign resonance trodes is a non action, the power would be pretty worthless otherwise. The answer is just not to let a technomancer hug you.

So if you wrestle away from a TM using Resonance Trodes on you, do you get dumpshocked?
And where do you *go*? You can't enter the bionode, because only resonance entities can. So you're in VR… nowhere. It's irresistible, and you have no stats. What's your Response? Etc. It's unusable, except as an extra-magic instant-win. (And yes, DWC.)
Yes, but once he's got you resonance troded unless for some reason he's only giving you AR you have likely lost your motor functions anyway. The interesting question is what happens if you try and log out from a resonance trodes. For me it never comes up because I have a sprite with blackotu waiting in my homenode to give the offending party what for with blackout.

So i guess to answer your question, if you get resonance troded and pulled into hot or cold sim vr and then the technomancer gets pulled off you you are taking dumpshock.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jul 20 2011, 02:36 PM) *
And where do you *go*? You can't enter the bionode, because only resonance entities can. So you're in VR… nowhere. It's irresistible, and you have no stats. What's your Response? Etc. It's unusable, except as an extra-magic instant-win.

To some extent yes, for what it's worth I alays presume that your in the TM's bionode bypassing the normal rules.

Also it's not exactly an instawin, the TM needs to get a grapple going and then beat the target with an opposed resonance + will (I think i'm away from books) vs your will + cha. To get that ability they had to invest a bare minimum of two submersion grades in that path.

So is it powerful once you've reached that point? Sure, but on the other hand it's no more (in fact in many ways it's a lot less so) then stunbolt.

Addendum: Also I would give those with implanted links access to those programs and links. But I like tossing a bone to people who do cyber rather then being AR using adept #17964.
So... what are your matrix stats when you're in the bionode? Not that it matters, because you're 100% screwed anyway.

VR isn't 'no motor function'. It's -6.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jul 20 2011, 04:03 PM) *
So... what are your matrix stats when you're in the bionode? Not that it matters, because you're 100% screwed anyway.

VR isn't 'no motor function'. It's -6.

Except with safeties on. The sfae limits override your body, making you not have motor function. But, that can be removed, in which case, it is -6.

If you are inside a Bionode, I would use the same Attributes for the same things a Techno would, except the techno still has an advantage, because the non-techno couldn't do a whole lot wihout programs. The exception is the cybered guy (with a headlink), as has been mentioned.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jul 20 2011, 02:03 PM) *
So... what are your matrix stats when you're in the bionode? Not that it matters, because you're 100% screwed anyway.

VR isn't 'no motor function'. It's -6.

It can be 'no motor function' and that is in fact the default setting to protect most clueless users. However that can be turned off and thus the -6 dice penalty. 4A pg 220.
That's my point. It doesn't make sense. Either this power makes people Emergent (in which case they're just plain screwed), or it doesn't work. It's lose-lose.

I guess you're assuming that a magic Resonance power that effectively turns you into a technomancer temporarily, with hot VR… has the safeties on?! Either way, you're wrong. It's -6 to physical actions *while the RAS is on*, per p220 (the -6 bit is on p226).
This means that your physical body is limp while you’re online, as if you were sleeping. With great difficulty, you can still perceive through your meat senses or move your physical body while in VR.
Unless you're reading that 'with great difficulty' refers to making a Hardware test to override the RAS?
QUOTE (Miri @ Jul 20 2011, 04:18 PM) *
It can be 'no motor function' and that is in fact the default setting to protect most clueless users. However that can be turned off and thus the -6 dice penalty. 4A pg 220.

I couldn't find it there. I did however, find it under Sim Module, page 328.
Also remember that Technomancers don't have cold sim.
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