3rd time through now - had a restart due to the fucked-up "Cloak and dagger" quest that made my 4 hours of sneaky-sneaky void and useless (Warning: Some of the gangers you've got to "remove" from around the murder witness Big-T or Jay -T warp into walls/next floor up/water tower next door (!))
..I swear, I'm double the amount of Praxis points that I was in my first two runthroughs.
Non-deadly takedowns and hacking every goddamned thing makes for some decent cred (56k...and I can't buy a thing with it!) and XP. Knowing how the weapons work also makes it an easier game, although I was about ready to shout at a lone civillian running for an alarm after I missed her for the 3rd time with the damned taser.
"I smash through walls" arm upgrade also gives you an extra 2 praxis points and a ton of xp from just wandering about the place, opening up windows of egress. And some hilarious takedowns.
Hacking: Yeah, get some skills, makes life easier. Interestingly, I've found that the level 3 zones are hardest overall. You don't get many level 4 (and even fewer level 5, I think 3 in detroit 1, 3 in China 1) but you just hoover up the extra Stop! and Nuke virus oneshots from the level 2 and 1 devices.
Turrets are fun, but far between. Robots are awesome fun. Cameras are teh debil. Subhume them all.
Guns!: Stick to a weapon and upgrade it. The Assault rifle with all the tricks I'm using as my sniper for 1 hit headshots atm. The 10mm is your go-to Predator clone, the Revolver with ExEx is the crowd-control tool of choice. I've found everything else either comes too late, has no ammo or simply takes up too much inventory real estate for the times you use it. Weapon choices as follows:
*The Heavy rifle is only to be used to sell to the gundealers. It has no real use apart from making everyone very aware of your presence during the wind-up 1 second gap between you pulling "fire" and the bulletstream flowing to your target.
*Plasma Rifle: it's the GEP gun, same high damage output, same looooong fire times.
*Laser Rifle: God, I so wish I could have got this back in detroit 1. Upgrade that thing and you turn into the terminator. Keep it and upgrade if you can for the end-endgame.
*Crossbow: Scoped, silent, has about 30 crossbow arrows total in game. Would be awesome if you could recover arrows ("Black Arrow, fly far, fly true!")
*Tranq Rifle: Ulgh. Oh,
yes, once it's got the sighting guide installed, it will hit things. Who will run and scream before falling over. I think there's 80 rounds total for this elephant of a gun.
*Sniper/Silent Sniper: The D/L silent sniper is a nice weapon, 5 round mag (Versus the unupgraded 3-round in normal sniper), a little more shaky in the sights. Both have too little ammo, too much inventory realestate requirements.
Shotguns: Ok, I'll be honest here - I don't use them. As in
Rocket-Launcher: Inventory hanger queen, only comes out to play when doing a screenshot
Grenades: God, loving these now. Gas grenades, ohh, save those little suckers, take out a guy, toss his body somewhere conspicious and then lob a grenade in there when his buddies start running. Lotsa fun.
Gameplay: ...you DO turn into a B/E Street Sammy, even if you really wanted to go all "Invisible Hulk Smash" on everyone. I've found that capping the guys I take down with non-lethal methods prevents their friends from slapping them into conciousness...it's very "Leon, the Professional" now. Find a guy, take him down, find a hidy-hole, drag him back there, equip the silenced pistol, iron-sight headshot, check for witnesses, rinse, repeat.
I used to headhsot them in the open, but looking back on a level, I was struck by the number of odd red splotches lying about the place...Ohh...
Tir Out:)