QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Mar 21 2012, 09:37 AM)

Why are you assuming everyone has the same BP to work with, that their only goal is to monospecialize, and that there's no cap/significant diminishing returns on investment of those resources?
Because this is a roleplaying game, and all of those things are true. The current system incentivizes you to make Logic 1 retards if you like playing Hackers, because there is absolutely no mechanical benefit to being a "smart" hacker, and doing so actually hampers you considerably.
Agility comes from 'ware. As I said, expert hackers still need *skill*, just as real skill can beat skillwires in anything. I didn't say it replaced Agility. (Irion specifically mentioned this above me.)
Agility can be *enhanced* by 'ware, and so can logic. The difference is that 'ware stacks on top of your existing Agility, so points spent on natural agility still give a benefit. Comparatively, investing in logic does nothing for a hacker. So all things being equal, if an Agility 7 Elf and an Agility 3 Troll get the same Agility 'ware, the Elf is still a better shot. But if a Logic 6 Dwarf and a Logic 1 Ork get the same commlink/programs, they're entirely equal.
God forbid multiple people be hackers in a world of ubiquitous matrix, especially if they invest significant resources. If you're worried about replacement, meet the unlocked Agent hack-in-a-box.
This isn't about being able to function on the Matrix; we're talking about hacking. Bending the matrix to your will. It's a simple question: who do you expect to be better at hacking: a genius, or a drooling man-child? In SR4, the answer is always "The drooling man-child, because he spent his points on *useful* things".
Does punching programs in the face sound like Logic to you?

And that's totally unlike what I said. I said that, unlike in the movies where they apparently do *programming* in mid-hack, you don't do that in SR (or real life, for that matter).
Perhaps, but working with computers, hacking code, etc. are things associated with mental effort of some kind. Yet mental attributes mean nothing in SR4 for hacking purposes. Again, you could stick skillwires in a baby and reasonably expect him to handle all of your hacking needs.
I didn't say 'best', and as has already been said, you can get very good with just cash. No one said foci were for everyone. The sentence says 'gear for everyone', and I included foci because even Awakened benefit from throwing money at the problem. I'm sorry if this confused you.
The point is that only the Hacker role can be completely supplanted with money.
So. Hacking takes significant investment even without Logic, and many people like to get a high Logic anyway.
It's not that significant. All you need is exploit to break in, and Stealth to avoid detection long enough to give yourself admin privileges in the system.
If you find the programming rules inadequate incentive, you could make *them* better, though many people are happy to use them. The inclusion of Logic is a matter of *taste*, not righteousness.

This is like saying that the inclusion of Agility in the use of firearms is a matter of taste, or the inclusion of the Magic attribute in spellcasting.
As I've repeatedly said, you should do that if it makes you happy… you just shouldn't act like the current rules are wrong or broken because of it, and you should make sure your 'fixes' don't break other things.
But it *is* broken. It makes the role of the Hacker completely useless and unnecessary. For a few extra points you can give anyone the level of skill they'd need to a group's hacking.
Alternatively, you could look at it as Hackers being able to skimp on attribute spending because attributes do nothing for their core skillset. According to these rules, the average Hacker in Shadowrun should be a well-built, drooling moron.