It obviously wouldn't be life, but what would you call it?
We'd have to make up a term, I'd guess. Though if it doesn'T replicate, and doesn't uphold complex shapes against entropy, it's probably just rocks.
We don't know, but considering that we are made primarily of the 4 most abundant elements in the universe (5 minus helium since its inert and doesn't react chemically), there's a good chance that other life will at least be carbon based (ie organic) and will be able to metabolise at least some earth food.
Quite a stretch, since there are an awful lot of ways these elements can combine.
we are starting to run low on workable, non-protected land for agricultural production. As population increases, and dwellings take more space, we get LESS land for food production.
No. Not only will climate change result in a net plus of arable land (sucks if you live near the equator though), a lot of arable land is very badly developed, if at all. Africa, this means you. And it's much cheaper to just expand conventional farming upward than trying to colonise the sea floor.
Which means less food for that rising population. They will have to expand. Either that or continually destroy themselves with bloody wars. And sending them off to try to colonize an inhabited planet solves that problem both ways.
Oh, it's that argument again.
Nobody says population growth is inevitable. Many developed nations are models that disprove this claim. China shows you can stop population growth - or at least, slow considerably - as a top-down order too. And who says Aliens don't go the cheap route and euthanasise? And that is assuming their way of procreation si a carbon copy of ours, which already is *quite* a stretch. Finally, interstellar expeditions are incredibly ressource intensive. If you're on a string ressource wise already, wasting more ressources you will never see again instead of enforcing a one-child policy equivalent is idiotic.
Assuming this race first expands to its own solar system, colonizing the other, likely dead planets, and breaking others open for their mineral rich cores, they will have an abundance of material for large vessels.
They will also have no real reason for interstellar colonisation that spends those ressources for the most expensive way to execute excess population possible. Seriously, if they need population reduction that much, there are much more effective ways to ensure that while keeping all these ressources for themselves. They could build giant space stations for their excess population, too, which keeps most of those ressources intact that otherwiese would have to be burned up for fuel on their interstellar colonisation shenanigans.
Because we're talking on the concept of such a race attempting to invade earth. Such a suffeciently advnaced race isn't going to apply their great intellect to trying to take earth by force using less advanced weaponry.
If all your points lead up only to ID4 in SR, why do you even try to justify them? Any god-like, perfect scifi race isn't going to waste their ressources on such a lousy endeavour, PERIOD, because they're sufficiently anthroporphic to think in such terms. The idea defeats itself, realistically.
Their main weapons are going to be their logistics
What logistics? Burning up the other half of their solar system for reinforcements that arive in a few decades? Please.
You really display a lack of understanding in logic. theory /= fact. idea /=fact
Ideas are something you have in your own head, similar to an opinion.
Your location says "midwest". Kansas?