QUOTE (lokii @ Jul 28 2013, 11:52 AM)
I had a look at your North America 2075 map. I assume you'll still put the new northern coast of the Baja California ex-peninsula in. So the only other thing I noticed Newfoundland should be part of the UCAS (unless I missed this territorial change). It belongs to Maine to be specific (originally in NAGNA, recently confirmed in Dirty Tricks).
Newfoundland should be in the UCAS.
One thing these maps show is how illogical the CAS complaint about "pliant Canadian politicians" was. Canada got reduced to a
tiny little fraction of its former land.
And one more from my resurfacing memories: A few roads I considered using as a border but never got around to try it out, are Trans-Canada highways for the AMC-UCAS border. I think that border was originally meant to follow certain Trans-Canada highways from the east up to the point were the border turns south to connect with the Sioux Nation border. In order from the east it should be described by:
The AMC northern border follows the roads where possible. I made a similar change to the UCAS/CAS border.
The Sioux/UCAS border was similarly modified a bit to follow the natural features and roads that it was obviously attached to. (I suspect the first Shadowrun map was sketched on a road atlas.) I'll double-check what roads I used.
I made some small changes to the Denver western border to fix any egregious differences from the roads that it follows, but kept it a bit abstract as it just gets washed out at the lower resolutions.
South Florida: At least the map that accompanied the Second Edition shows that the border reaches up to West Palm Beach. It also hugs close to the coast. I think the solution of MJBurrage is better since it considers the description in Cyberpirates!
This is a question I have in queue with the line developer.
Aztlan/Amazonia: I would still be interested in the historic border (2050 to mid 2070s). Aztlan p. 106 has the description I based my
correction sketch on, but it also has a map that shows the start of the border line from Lake Maracaibo, not the complete border though.
The SWA borders don't appear to even include Cali (and I used the SWA for these borders). Obviously this entire area gets a massive change in 2075. I'm not entirely sure where the 2050 border would be, I will have to look that up.
German coast: The Westphalia map looks as if it would fit better, if it is slightly rotated. I don't know if you tried that. Some of the Shadowrun maps appear to be rotated for optics or something.
I'm basically brute forcing some of these graphics as I don't know what projection they were created in (if any). If it was just scale/rotation then two tie points would fix it, but some of the smaller maps are in local coordinate systems of unknown type (probably based on atlas maps or road maps that were then redrawn in Illustrator). That's why you can see some of the georectified images get shifted into "trumpet shapes" and such - they're being shown in Web Mercator (which is my editing coordinate system).
Finally, if you are up for it, at the end of this process I would really love to have a list of changes in comparison to older maps (and descriptions of borders). Something that says these changes are retcons, but these changes are the result of events in the Sixth World, even if they have not yet been described.
Aye, I can do that.