QUOTE (Jaid @ Sep 9 2013, 10:28 PM)
those look like reasonable changes except that i would consider resonance in programs to be too much (a technomancer could start with 7 running when the best a decker could hope for is 4... i'd make it resonance divided by 2, round up, giving the same starting limit of 4 programs although the technomancer would need a quality for that), but i'd also consider lowering the fading on some of the complex forms too. puppeteer is level +4, most matrix actions are complex actions, so you're looking at 7 points of fading there (which can only be healed by natural healing), assuming you don't leave *any* room for the target to roll a single hit on defence. maybe take a look at some of the other complex forms, too, although puppeteer is certainly the worst offender. for comparison, 7 points of drain on a mind control spell will generally result in controlling average targets indefinitely (those with higher magic resistance will at least get to roll something, but if you're not throwing at least 7 dice on the test, it will never wear off, and that's for the multiple target version... if you make it single target, like puppeteer, you need more than 8 dice on magic resistance to ever break free of mind control, although for most magicians that will mean physical drain as opposed to stun).
You are right and I had originally written a version of the houserule exactly like you proposed. BUT Resonance is Device Rating and to say TM only get half the programs sounds to me about as arbritrary as saying they don't get any.
TMs still have a lot of inherent disadvantages I did not fix:
they can't shift their Matrix attributes, -> less flexibility / somewhat off-set by more programs
they are stronger affected by Essence loss, -> lower dice pools, less options for branching out
they need more skills OR
they can't run agents,
they are hunted individuals by definition,
the only advantage that comes to mind are the +2 on matrix Perception, I don't count Complex Forms or sprite powers, because most of them suck
Fortunately, programs don't exactly stack, so I am not too worried about the abuse of having more. Just less micro management.
A friend gave me his write-up on TM house rules. He has Lightning Bolt and various Illusions as Complex Forms, though both have to be channeled through suitable devices, e.g. a trid-projector. That looks like a whole different game, though a potentially fun one.
Back on topic. I did consider something like a flat discount on drain of -1 or -2, but I haven't exactly playtested this yet and have no idea how that effects the game.
For magic, I was worried about the high drain as well, but through various tricks (Orichalcum, Edge, ...) spells are rarely cast on high Force levels anymore, except those that give high benefit for high Force. Instead I get to see a lot of 2 drain spells. This is somewhat abusive on some spells and contrary to my original impression, I now consider to disallow such tricks on some spells e.g. Improved Reflexes to increase drain.
It is weird that something as broken as the limit system feels the most broken, when it does not work properly.