Dec 4 2013, 07:58 PM
@Graciana Acosta [Vaness Wilde]: You're not making any sense. The school is the problem? Why would you have to quit? Are you being expelled?
Dec 4 2013, 08:19 PM
Graciana sighs and decides she'll have to trust someone sometime.
@Vaness Wilde [Graciana Acosta]: Not quite. The school wants to send a bunch of students, including me, to reform school. Rumor has it that they're doing this to improve the school's statistics. The vice principal says it's legal and the school's prepared to deal with angry parents. The only way out of this I can think of is to quit before they do it. I'll just have to go to community college, if I can earn enough money to go.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 5 2013, 05:05 AM
At 8:56am Todd set for a bathroom to start his mid-morning run.
Looks like my original plan stands
1. Go to the camera blind spots
2. Check for security then climb into the crawlspace
3. climb down into offices
4. Check for useful information, and climb out.
5. Repeat this until 9:50am
6. Get out of admin area before staff meeting ends.
To this list refined the final points:
7. Keep an ear out in case they end the meeting early and prepare to leave quickly
8. Check Melinda’s Xavier office first, I just might get a lucky break
9. Check the crawlspace for exploitable communication access points
10. Check for the same in storage areas and recently vacated offices
11. Barring security measures peek into computer rooms to look for exploitable security lapses
12. Review emergency escape routes in case this mission goes pair-shaped.
In the bathroom he checked out his equipment including his disposable Comlink
Let see I can find a good home for you. If I can find a good place to stick this I could provide Andrew or another hacker a backdoor to their system.
With disguise and equipment ready Todd set out for the Administration area.
Dec 5 2013, 05:35 AM
Dare manages to avoid particular notice on his quick step from the bathrooms to a nearby unsurveilled spot where he can stand on a chair, lift away a section of the drop ceiling, and then hoist himself up into the roof. A moment to replace the section of ceiling, and make a particular note of where it is, and then he can look around.
The ceiling spaces are open, in the sense that they reach from one exterior wall to the other, but cramped in the sense that there are many bits and pieces - air conditioning ductwork, conduits for electrical and other utility lines, cable trays and of course automated sprinkler systems for fire control. It's a cornucopia of utility access.
Dare hears a buzzing some distance off, and sees what looks like a maintenance drone crawling along a section of piping, obliquely away from him.
Dec 5 2013, 06:09 AM
@Graciana Acosta [Vaness Wilde]: Reform school. That's crazy. You're a good kid. But you can't fight this within the system, but maybe community college will work for you, if they'll accept you with this hanging over your head. What does your mother think of community college?
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 5 2013, 07:01 AM
This just keep getting better
Todd did not recognize the drone model but it definitely not going to make his infiltration easy.
I could try sneaking around it, but would eat up my time and can’t guarantee that it wouldn’t make any sudden moves. I could try to jack into it, but I couldn’t guarantee that someone might not notice.
For some reason he almost sense the annoyance of his sensei at his hesitation.
Time to stop thinking like Todd and start letting Nobody (Dare Mo) is in the house
Dare Mo assessed the situation again
Okay We have ourselves a repair drone how do we get past it…it’s a repair drone if it was busy repairing something than It would stay in one place long enough for me to hopefully complete my mission
Staying in the drone’s blind spot Dare Mo went forward of the pipe that the drone was surveying and proceed to minor bits of damage to the pipe.
I need to do enough to keep it busy and not enough for it need to call for human assistance.
Dare Mo then waited to see if his plan worked
Dec 5 2013, 07:05 AM
@Vaness Wilde [Graciana Acosta]: I haven't told my mother any of this yet. I'm afraid to.
Dec 5 2013, 08:13 PM
QUOTE (Happy Noodle Boy @ Dec 5 2013, 09:01 AM)

Staying in the drone’s blind spot Dare Mo went forward of the pipe that the drone was surveying and proceed to minor bits of damage to the pipe.
I need to do enough to keep it busy and not enough for it need to call for human assistance.
Dare Mo then waited to see if his plan worked
Fortunately, laser cutters, held steady, have a decent bit of range for minor vandalism. Dare Mo can carefully steady his hands against a pipe brace, use the tell-tale guide laser to aim, and then put a couple of gouges in the pipe which the drone is following. It almost looks as if someone had been careless with a cutter somewhere else in the roof.
It doesn't take long for the drone to come up against Dare Mo's handiwork, and then it clamps onto the pipe and starts working. Yup, that'll take it at least ten minutes per gouge. Dare Mo has bought himself some time to do business.
A swift few steps, a double-check of the count, and he knows that he is above an office kept by one of the school's IT staff.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 6 2013, 06:15 AM
That seem to work, time for me to work.
Dare Mo lowers himself into the IT room to look for clues. An unlocked computer would be perfect, if not a search could supply some useful thing left lying about.
1. Hardcopy left on the desk
2. Passcodes or passkeys
3. Schematics
4. The Red Candy like button that destroys the villain base
5. Data obtained from any electronic device left unattended
Let’s keep track of time and keep an ear for an early end to the meeting.
Dare Mo sighed I when I started this I thought forty three minutes would be plenty of time.
Dec 6 2013, 06:32 AM
QUOTE (Happy Noodle Boy @ Dec 6 2013, 08:15 AM)

1. Hardcopy left on the desk
None in the sense of paper, but there are dozens of AROs lying around, including rewritable ones and read-only. There's also a box of storage chips to one side, some of which appear to have been labeled.
QUOTE (Happy Noodle Boy @ Dec 6 2013, 08:15 AM)

2. Passcodes or passkeys
No. The IT staff know better.
QUOTE (Happy Noodle Boy @ Dec 6 2013, 08:15 AM)

3. Schematics
Some of the AROs appear to have schematics, of one sort or another. Whether they reflect reality is largely unknowable at this moment.
QUOTE (Happy Noodle Boy @ Dec 6 2013, 08:15 AM)

5. Data obtained from any electronic device left unattended
The ARO data can be quickly copied by a commlink for later perusal. No terminal was left unlocked, so that is less helpful. The storage chips will take a minute or two to open and copy.
QUOTE (Happy Noodle Boy @ Dec 6 2013, 08:15 AM)

Let’s keep track of time and keep an ear for an early end to the meeting.
So far, it's clear.
Dec 6 2013, 06:34 AM
Graciana decides to give up on her classes for a bit. She looks up the nearest branch of the Pentacles talismonger chain on her commlink. Then she settles herself into her recliner, puts the VR set on her head, but goes into astral space instead of VR.
After taking a moment to get her bearings, she goes to the Pentacles store. She arrives at nearly the speed of thought. A quick look confirms that the store is warded, but not completely warded. Graciana drifts through the unwarded front door and manifests in the front of the store, near the incense collection. She tries to sniff the frankincense and sighs.
A clerk walks over. “May I help you, miss?”
Graciana replies, “Yes, do you carry handcrafted telesma?”
“I'm sorry, miss. We don't. Handcrafted telesma usually don't meet our standards. Everything we do carry is carefully checked by our magical experts. You can rest assured that everything here is precisely what we say it is and meets the highest standards.”
Graciana asks, “Can you refer me to someone who does carry handcrafted telesma?”
“We have an excellent selection of telesma in stock, miss. No matter what kind of enchantment you have in mind, I'm sure we have at least two or three telesma that will suit your needs. For instance, we have a wide selection of virgin quartz points...”
Graciana is forced to explain that she in fact needs a handcrafted telesma because she is a Chaos Magician. At that point the clerk helpfully provides the name of Skunk Robinson.
Graciana smiles more brightly at the clerk than she has all week. “Thank you very much! You've been very kind and helpful!”
Graciana then stops manifesting, drifts through the door and flies back to her body in a hurry, hoping that she can continue to get away with playing astral hooky.
Dec 6 2013, 08:03 AM
@Todd [Andrew]: Where are you right now? Angelo realized he hadn't contacted Todd for a while. Plus, if there was anything else to be learned about the school, he wanted to know. Seating himself among the nearest group of VR goers, he pulled out his commlink and donned a baseball cap with trodes on the inner lining.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 6 2013, 05:31 PM
Dare Mo wasted no time and started copy data giving priority to and labelled data take looked relevant or at least valuable.
planning to sort through the raw data later.
The IT people seem to be otherwise security savvy. I might have better luck with the vice principal, I recall he left his door open this morning.
After recording the ARO data he climbed up, still keeping track of time, to make his way to the vice principal's office
If I get lucky I might find a open computer or another exploitable link, if I do I may risk a encrypted burst or some other way to contact Andrew to see if he still wants to help.
Dec 6 2013, 09:32 PM
Graciana returns to her body. So far, her running around seems to have gone undetected.
I should probably try to look up Skunk Robinson before trying to talk to him.[ Spoiler ]
A little chibi-style elf with chrome eyes, a blonde forelock, a friendly smile and datajacks in his temples appears in the commlink interface.
In a husky baritone that should be used for crooning love songs, the elf announces,
Hi, Graciana! I'm Maxwell, your personal secretary. Your very personal secretary. (eyebrow waggle) Please call me Max. About Skunk Robinson – touch here to learn more about skunks.Graciana tries to get the interface back to normal. Nothing happens.
Are you sure you don't want to learn more about skunks? No? Graciana manages to learn that Skunk Robinson does business in West Tacoma. The address seems to be in a nice part of town, near the harbor in a light industrial area. Graciana tries to get rid of Max again. Again, nothing happens.
...Touch here to get driving directions. Sure! Tell me your departure point. Okay, you can get there by driving out of the main parking lot, turning right....Graciana tries to get rid of Max a third time after getting the directions. She fails yet again.
...Touch here to learn more about Tacoma. Skunk Robinson is a magician and talismonger. Touch here to read his resume. No? Sure? How about Yelp comments? Yes? One moment...
Oh my. There are fifteen comments here calling him a black magician. Want me to read them to you? No? Touch here to learn about the black path of magic. No? How about black magicians in fiction? No? Black magicians in history? It's a short entry! No?
There's one comment here that looks particularly juicy. Want to hear it? No? It's really good. Summarize? Yes? One moment... The writer says that Skunk Robinson eats the souls of unbaptized babies because he hates all that is pure and good. Touch here to learn about souls. Touch here to learn about baptism.Graciana puts the commlink back into snooze mode.
I might just go visit him before school gets out. I suppose I really should try to study some more.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 7 2013, 01:31 AM
Before Dare Mo Dropped in on the vice principal's office he decided to risk a encrypted burst message to Andrew
@Andrew[Dare Mo]: You said were interested in helping. I currently hanging around interesting place. please contact me now, it could be a very educational experience"
I should able to find a good connection in the office if not I can hook up via a ceiling connection, either way between us we should be able to get some answers"
Dec 8 2013, 05:01 AM
@Dare Mo[Andrew]: Right. He frowned. Todd should have mentioned it earlier if he was going to go leaping into any lion's dens. I'm here and waiting. What do you need?
Dec 8 2013, 05:16 AM
Graciana takes a few moments to calm down after her last session with Max. Then she goes back to her commlink after getting an idea.
Why hello, Graciana! I'm always happy to help you. Organizations of Chaos Magicians? One moment... My word, these are some very progressive, liberated magicians. Organizations that are accepting new members? One moment.... None of them are advertising that, Graciana. Organizations that are accepting apprentices? One moment.... None of them are advertising that, Graciana.Graciana puts the commlink back in snooze mode and considers her options.
I should probably stay put for a bit. I know! I'll send a watcher to Skunk Robinson's shop. It can tell me if he's in. Well, maybe I'll double-check the address first.Why hello, Graciana! I'm always happy to help you. What's at that corner? One moment... The answer turns out to be a cheap eatery for local workers, a place which does temporary office space leasing, a shipping office and an outlet mall.
Oh, you want to go back to the Yelp comments? One moment... Search the reviews for how they contacted him? One moment.... Skunk works out of his van, Graciana. He doesn't stay parked anywhere for very long. He also drags orphans and strays into his van for experiments, dissection, desecration, necrophilia and necromancy. Touch here to learn about dissection. Touch here to learn about desecration. Touch here to learn about necrophilia. Touch here to learn about necromancy. Photos of the van? Right here! The van is done up with a stunning set of 3D overlays which make it look as if one is staring into infinity. Armed with the photos, Graciana concentrates and whispers the words of summoning.
[ Spoiler ]
Summoning+Magic = 7d6
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4326303/or 1,5,5,6,2,3,6 – 4 hits or 4 hours of spideryspirit goodness
Graciana tells the new watcher,
Find this van. If it is parked, come lead me to it.The watcher scurries off. Several minutes and another astral trip later, Graciana is chatting with a rather wild-eyed, hairy human male with a somewhat feral look to him - almost paranoid. Graciana says hello and asks if he'd like a new source of handcrafted telesma. He doesn't seem too interested in a source of telesma, but thinks a bit on her offer and asks if she'd consider a few commissions.
“Certainly, although I'm not a very good enchantress. I'm a beginner in that Art.”
Dec 8 2013, 06:03 AM
Skunk cackles softly.
He is human, but not much taller than most dwarves - and not much less broad, nor much less hairy. He also packs two visible guns - big, chunky automatics, one under each arm in a shoulder rig which isn't very well hidden by his open jacket. He also has a knife the length of his forearm in a sheath on his right thigh, and a tomahawk swinging from the left of his belt.
"OK, sweet manifestation, whatever you say, but enchanting I can do myself. I was gonna ask you for a little fetch-and-carry, if you're up to it. Payment on delivery."
He flips a splinter of wood off the workbench in the back of his panel van and starts picking his teeth with it. The splinter must be fine hardwood, because on every release from between his gleaming, rounded, big teeth it twangs softly but audibly.
Dec 8 2013, 04:27 PM
Graciana smiles when called a sweet manifestation, even though all those weapons Skunk is lugging around worry her. I suppose he's got his stock with him and it's very valuable.
“I'll do my best for you. What did you have in mind?”
Dec 8 2013, 06:20 PM
"I need twenty pigeons. Either alive, or very freshly killed, but alive is best. Adult pigeons, not fledgelings. I need fresh pelts, not too picky what they're from as long as it's a mammal, best is good, thick fur. At least three square meters in total. I need teeth. Canines or carnassials are best, but I'll accept premolars and pointed incisors."
Skunk Robinson is numbering things on his thick, stubby fingers.
"I need metal, both ferrous and non, as clean and uncorroded as possible. I want mollusc shells - do you know what mother-of-pearl is? I need a lot of that. Also, all the agates and fibrous minerals like tiger's eye and bull's eye you can lay your hands on. I need hardwood, or resin-impregnated softwood. I need bare or minimally haired skin, but if you can't get any, I'll offer a reduced price for furs I can scrape clean easily. I need various waxes, tallows, and greases, but none of them blended with mineral sources. Mineral waxes and oils, separately."
He looks as if he's about to go on, but pauses and peers at Graciana's ghostly, manifested form. "Think you can swing any of that?"
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 9 2013, 01:37 AM
@Andrew [Dare Mo]: Okay I hooked into a hard wire connection. It should make research easier.I am also interested in who,how and why behind the travel plans for a certain group of people In the meantime I will be looking around for more information of a physical nature.
While Andrew in doing his thing let me see if I have find Opportunities in the vice-principal's office. If I have time I can look into Ms. Xavier's Office.
Dec 9 2013, 08:53 PM
Graciana listens to the list, trying to memorize it.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” she says when Skunk stops for breath. “I can't write any of this down. Let's take it one thing at a time, please. I think I can handle the pigeons. Twenty adult pigeons, alive. When would you like them?”
Dec 10 2013, 01:57 AM
Skunk purses his lips and shrugs. He flips the little splinter of wood back onto the workbench, and crosses his arms, leaning back against the bench's edge in his van. "When? How about eleven o'clock? Or you got someplace to be?"
Dec 10 2013, 05:07 AM
Graciana frowns a little.
“If you mean eleven A.M., unfortunately I do. It'll take a little time to get all twenty anyway. Is it permissible to stun at least some of the pigeons, to capture them?”
Dec 10 2013, 04:13 PM
Sure, stunning 'em's fine. No drugs, though. Alive, no drugs. But are you sure you couldn't scare up some mussels? They scare pretty easy."
Skunks laughs at his own joke, broad shoulders jerking under his jacket, but settles down quickly to his broad, toothy grin.
Dec 10 2013, 06:18 PM
Graciana replies, “Oh, I never use drugs on the pigeons. I have to eat them. For mussels, I'd have to hit the beach somewhere. That's going to take even longer. About payment for the pigeons – do you know any Chaos Magicians looking for apprentices?”
Dec 10 2013, 09:52 PM
"Chaos Magicians? I know dozens of them, manifestation, but apprentices? I don't go giving out names unless I know I can recommend somebody. Otherwise I'd be the chump. How can you prove what you have on offer? Besides filling my orders, of course."
Dec 11 2013, 02:07 AM
Perhaps I should just drift away from it all.
“That's a very good question. It's so good that I don't think there's a possible answer while I'm in this form. I suppose you'll just have to pay me in cash for the pigeons.”
Dec 11 2013, 06:45 AM
@Dare Mo [Andrew]: I'll let you know if I find anything. Andrew had switched to VR. His persona had been inspired by the idealized image of runners presented by the media. The young, strong looking man striding through the digital corridors was dressed in a long, white armored coat and a pair sunglasses resembling Andrew's own. With the Stealth program acted, he was shrouded by a curtain of static. Of course, Andrew given his avatar a few personal touches. Electricity surged up Angelo's arm and into his surroundings, searing a glowing silver hexagon into the nearest wall. With a flash, it disintegrated into a cloud of similarly colored feathers. Angelo stepped through to where Dare Mo had installed the hard wire connection.
His sunglasses flashed briefly as his Anayze program confirmed the connection's presence. Then Angelo began working on the office node. The area around him glowed faintly, and when the light had faded, a trio of dark, flat, vaguely triangular shapes remained. Without even a command, they floated over to the "surface" of the firewall. In unison, they began releasing a steady stream of electricity, slowly burning away the node's protection.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 11 2013, 06:48 AM
After making another check for addition security carefully lowered himself into the Vice Principal's office. He quickly set about gathering information.
Dare Mo looked over the cluttered office. Okay let see if I can find what I need from this mess
Dare Mo managed to find and copy a couple of data chips and a some AROs. Dare Mo also managed scan a few of the bulletins on his desk.
I suppose hoping for a password or pass-code left out in the open was asking to much. We will see if anything of use comes from the loot,
Dare Mo checked his timer Drek, I took ten minutes on this office. I better be careful or they will find me and they will actual have a reason to send me to reform school, other that that damn test
Dare Mo quickly put everything back in it's original place and quietly ascended to the crawlspace.
I think I will need to check Ms Xavier's office next and probably have to call it a day. I hope Andrew is having better luck.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 12 2013, 07:27 AM
This should be a largely a repeat of what I did in the last office. The difference is in the obstacles and opportunities.
Obstacles and opportunities seem to be the heart of the B&E game, Dare Mo hoped that he was up to the challenge. Up until yesterday morning he thought he would have more time to cultivate his skills. His original plan was to simply survive the school year and hone his electronic and athletic skills and graduate from this scholastic armpit. He was hoping to find a way to get in touch with Sensei Castillo and get more training, even if that mean working with Senorita Satan again. Dare Mo smiled at the memory of last summer; while she seemed to do her best to beat the drek of him on every opportunity, this competition made him excel in the other parts of his basic shinobi training.
Well so much for original plans, so instead of staying out of trouble I now have commit a crime in order not to be sent to reform school.
He looked at his timer Drek , I have ten minute left on my timetable. I going to require one minute for exfiltration and one minute to remove to hardwire tap, leaving me with eight minutes. This assumes they don’t end their meeting early .
After again checking for extra security on Ms. Xavier’s office he lowered himself down
Dec 12 2013, 05:30 PM
QUOTE (RdMarquis @ Dec 11 2013, 09:45 AM)

His sunglasses flashed briefly as his Anayze program confirmed the connection's presence. Then Angelo began working on the office node. The area around him glowed faintly, and when the light had faded, a trio of dark, flat, vaguely triangular shapes remained. Without even a command, they floated over to the "surface" of the firewall. In unison, they began releasing a steady stream of electricity, slowly burning away the node's protection.
Angelo doesn't have too long to work before he gets in - as with many poorly administered environments, it has candyball security with a crunchy outside, but a soft, chewy interior. The connection which Dare Mo obtained turns out to feed directly into a system run by the school maintenance team, and the security facing him is for appearances only.
Once he is in, Angelo discovers that this machine is essentially a jumping off point for drone management, and a swarm of panels with streams of data from drones appear before him. A quick count tells him that there are twenty-four active drones currently running around the school, most of them on some kind of autopilot or routine maintenance cycle. Angelo can see what appears to be a set of drone management operations available, but without deeper inspection doesn't have a clear view of what's possible. On the other hand, no sign of any countermeasures is visible, and the only other user currently connected is engaged with one of the drone management panels, and paying Angelo no attention whatsoever.
Dec 12 2013, 05:32 PM
QUOTE (Ziathra @ Dec 11 2013, 05:07 AM)

Perhaps I should just drift away from it all.
“That's a very good question. It's so good that I don't think there's a possible answer while I'm in this form. I suppose you'll just have to pay me in cash for the pigeons.”
"No problem. Come on back when you got something and we can talk more." Skunk turns back to his work bench and starts using what looks like a dentistry laser to carve away at a bit of bone.
Dec 12 2013, 05:44 PM
QUOTE (Happy Noodle Boy @ Dec 12 2013, 10:27 AM)

After again checking for extra security on Ms. Xavier’s office he lowered himself down
Melinda has obviously spent a lot less time in this office than the Vice Principal in his - not strange for a recently hired contractor. In some ways this makes Dare Mo's job easier. She has only one piece of hardcopy on her desk, which appears to be boilerplate instructions for activating her new connection to the TEA's computer systems. There are two datachips lying there, but her desktop computer is locked up tight.
Other than that is an institutionally ergonomic chair, an institutionally ergonomic desk, an institutionally efficient waste disposal receptacle, and not a whole lot else.
Dec 12 2013, 05:55 PM
What does one say in these situations? Oh yes.
“Sure. Thanks for talking to me. I'll get back to you with the pigeons.”
Graciana then stops manifesting and zips back to her physical body. Once there, she checks her commlink.
Still nothing from Tristan. I hope he's not out sick today.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 13 2013, 03:54 AM
Not much here. at least this mean going through this office will take less timeDare Mo quickly copies the datachips and checks the instructions. Not finding anything useful on the paper he turned his attention on the Desk.
Maybe I have played too many of those ninja/secret agent games but the first time I underestimate a target could result is something worse than 'Game Over'. Dare Mo quickly sets to opening the desk
opening the deskDare Mo again checks for any exploitable sources of data or information. Pausing briefly, he check for footfalls or voices then quickly goes through the desk
The timer is ticking so I make good time on this
Dec 13 2013, 06:23 AM
This wasn't the node he was looking for, but at least getting into the school system hadn't been too much trouble. He didn't plan on staying. Odds were, the other user was just some faculty member, but there was no point in risking detection. Angelo put his Analyze program to use once more, looking for a route to anywhere administrative records might be kept. He examined the controls to the drones, as well. Just in case one might have spotted Dare Mo at work.
Dec 13 2013, 07:14 PM
QUOTE (RdMarquis @ Dec 13 2013, 08:23 AM)

This wasn't the node he was looking for, but at least getting into the school system hadn't been too much trouble. He didn't plan on staying. Odds were, the other user was just some faculty member, but there was no point in risking detection. Angelo put his Analyze program to use once more, looking for a route to anywhere administrative records might be kept. He examined the controls to the drones, as well. Just in case one might have spotted Dare Mo at work.
The drone controls don't show anything particularly exciting as far as Dare Mo is concerned. One is sweeping sector 39 of the floor, and polishing it as well. One is doing electrical conduit examinations. That sort of thing.
The computer environment has one way out - leading straight to the central administrative system, apparently - or perhaps some intermediate machine. But it has a way out.
Dec 13 2013, 07:35 PM
QUOTE (Happy Noodle Boy @ Dec 13 2013, 05:54 AM)

Dare Mo again checks for any exploitable sources of data or information. Pausing briefly, he check for footfalls or voices then quickly goes through the desk
The timer is ticking so I make good time on this
It's easy to make good time on the desk. Dare Mo's autopicker makes quick work of the pathetic, institutional locks on it, and the drawers pop open.
The drawers contain neatly packaged blocks of office equipment, unopened, and various bric-a-brac which probably weren't even used by the previous occupant.
Dare Mo can't even state for sure that Melinda ever opened these drawers herself.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 14 2013, 02:03 AM
That seemed a bit sparse, Hell. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't find any of Ms Xavier prints, not that I have time.
Dare Mo noted that he only about three minutes on his timetable. He quickly put everything back in place. and climbed back up
I better hook up with Andrew. I hope fifteen minutes was enough.
@Andrew [Dare Mo]; I going have leave in a short time. So unless you can totally spoof the maintenance to ignore the hardwired connection I going to have to disconnect in 45.357 seconds to remove evidence of our intrusion.
Dec 15 2013, 07:01 PM
There's a slight pause, and then a response:
@Dare Mo [Angelo]: Go ahead and disconnect. I have ways back in. No need to push your luck.
Dare Mo, now in the ceiling spaces, can hear the slamming of doors and shuffling of feet which means the meeting is over. He didn't have much time to spare, but it was enough now that he has made his exit.
In the ceiling, the drone is nowhere to be seen, but that probably means that it has finished its maintenance run. It should be easy from here on out, to grab the commlink, disconnect, and get back out of the ceiling. And look innocent.
Back in a comfortable chair, Andrew shifts gears into AR, just confirming that the back door which he set up in the maintenance system is still there. As long as it is, it's a way into something, which means more electronic intelligence in any case. It might go undiscovered for a very long time, since it's a poorly defended back end maintenance system, but the way things look a couple of days might be all they need, or get.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 16 2013, 12:30 AM
Todd Pulled his Agent 'Hana' AKA 'PHNG'
Pink Haired Ninja GirlOK Hana I need you to check through the data I just obtained. your Primary keywords will include [insert students on list], Melinda Xavier, and impending student transfers. as a secondary search see if there to be any potential pay-data, If need be we will do a more refined search later in the afternoon.
As the virtual agent nodded and the image faded Todd reflected that When he got the equipment from Johnny the comlink was previous reformatted and uploaded with a upgraded Operation system as well as Hana. While Hana seem to be just a mass produced mid-grade computer agent he couldn't help but notice the resemblance to another Kunoichi he knew.
Other than the anime outfit, anime hair ,the well developed cleavage and she's not trying to beat me up Hana kind of resembles.... never mind maybe I am imaging it.In any case I better get my head into the classwork, with luck I should have some information to work with. I will to contact Graciana and Andrew at lunchtime and trade notes and we can start figuring out what to do from there.
Dec 16 2013, 01:01 AM
Lunchtime rolls around, with no signs of outrage, no school-wide manhunts or other evidence of ruffled feathers among the authorities.
The cafeteria is serving a krill casserole with algae base today, opposite genetically enriched wheat sandwiches topped with soybeef - just like the real thing, if you're an anosmic vegan.
The kids generally self-segregate, as has been the way since time immemorial. The only real exception is some hollies who are trying to do some sort of documentary on integration in the modern high school, and they are running around trying to convince various metahuman kids to mug for the camera. It looks perilously close to starting a fight.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 16 2013, 01:26 AM
Todd walked into cafeteria with a group, as usual he blended with it. Before his training he was sad at being alone in a crowd, but he now viewed a crowd as an asset for infiltration and evasion.
Todd looked around the cafeteria for Andrew and Graciana, using his glasses to help with the search.
Okay Hana It's almost time for show and tell, did you find anything on the search?
Dec 16 2013, 01:28 AM
Graciana enters the cafeteria with an appetite that would befit a starving wolf. She's so hungry that the casserole looks good. After grabbing a serving of the casserole and a side of qinoa for the local wildlife, Graciana looks for Todd and a place to sit. Only then does she notice the Hollies trying to do interviews and the emotional tone of the lunch crowd.
Oh no, not a food fight. Wait... I'll bet they'll clear the cafeteria if there's a fight in here.
Smiling evilly, Graciana changes tactics. Now she's looking for Todd, a place to sit, and Kittenburner.
Dec 16 2013, 01:34 AM
Hana doesn't have a lot to report. Only one item which is more revealing than a simple list of staff or pupils at the school, in fact, and that is the list of pupils designated for removal, under the heading: "Candidates for Augmented Remediation and Resocialisation."
Graciana won't have too much trouble finding a seat, nor will Todd but not near the ork of sadistic habits - he's living the dream, with a camera in his face and his arm around the shoulders of a giggly human holly girl. Graciana can't make out what he's saying over the noise, but apparently he turned on the charm.
Dec 16 2013, 01:52 AM
Graciana spots the current interview and almost swears aloud.
Now how am I supposed to start a fight in here?
Graciana takes a seat and begins to eat her vile lunch while considering that question. She tries to save a spot next to her for Todd, should he find her. Perhaps she'll look for him more later, when she begins to notice the taste of the casserole...
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 16 2013, 02:07 AM
Thanks Hana
while taking a quick look to confirm his suspicion that he was on the damnable list He had the comlnk to do a repeat of the search, just in case.
He glanced at the students 'enjoying' the cafeteria fare. I remember reading a book by James Clavell called 'King Rat' and I think that the British POWs ate much better than this. Damn, if it weren't for my possible deportation and becoming a 'Prisoner of the Tecoma Education Authority' I was looking forward to setting a business to provide alternate fare'
He first spotted Graciana and then Andrew. He then send a quick message to Andrew
@Andrew [Todd}: Care to talk about our recent game. I will be sitting near Graciana, I suspect she may have more notes on the game herself
He quietly approached Graciana with sandwich in hand. "You don't exactly look happy with your lunch, I have a spare sandwich, would you be interrested?
Dec 16 2013, 02:17 AM
Todd finds Graciana just as the taste of the casserole is beginning to shine through the clouds of her hunger.
“The only thing this casserole is really good for is throwing,” she tells him. “Thanks. Here, have a seat. Yes, I'd like the sandwich; how much do I owe you for it?”
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 16 2013, 04:43 AM
Todd smiled No charge for this one, let's call this for a favor later, and it won't involve anything illegal or immoral without full and complete mutual consent
Todd produces a comlink with a hard-wire interface. I have the latest upgrades for 'Fantasy Shooter' and 'Maze Hunters' would you interested?
As Dare Mo bend past Graciana's ear he whispered I also have an encryption key if you want a quieter conversation.