Dec 16 2013, 04:51 AM
Graciana blushed a bit at the “illegal or immoral” part.
“I would love the updates,” she said as she swapped her commlink for the sandwich. “Thanks. You're very kind. I wish I could give you something that's equally fun. I can't do entire skins for Maze Hunter.”
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 16 2013, 05:07 AM
Todd smiles, No problem.The current interface works fine for me. I enjoy the game for the mental challenges and the hidden prizes
Todd plugged the connection to Graciana comlink
@Graciana [Todd]: Here are you downloads as well as a encryption key. We can communicate more discretely. You say there maybe a problem for some of us next week. have reason to believe you are right
Todd looked around. I have a friend who has an interest in the same game, he should be here any minute
Dec 16 2013, 05:16 AM
Graciana raises her eyebrows at the mention of someone else interested.
“I had no idea Maze Hunter was so popular,” she replies. She takes her commlink back and runs the encryption protocol.
@Todd [Graciana]: Do NOT, under any circumstances, be here on Friday morning. They're going to cart us off to reform school while we and everyone else are in VR. Better yet, don't be where you can be found on Friday. The vice-principal says this scheme is legal and he thinks he's prepared for angry parents. I did a little astral espionage this morning. I'm going to quit school by Thursday afternoon.
Dec 16 2013, 05:17 AM
Andrew drifts in from one side, with a plate heaped in krill and algae, with some sort of grain on the side. Bulk foods, but nutritious. He doesn't sit too close, but he has his gear on and gives Todd a glance and a tiny nod. Then he takes a fork and starts shoveling nutrients into his intake system.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 16 2013, 06:13 AM
Todd look askance at Andrew choice of lunch. after rechecking the encryption protocol he transmits to Andrew
@Andrew[Dare Mo]: Wow I thought you said you brought a real lunch from home.. Todd also transmited Graciana's report to Andrew
@Andrew,Graciana [Dare Mo]: here is the most interesting thing I discovered [insert "Candidates for Augmented Remediation and Resocialisation."] I suspect that your news is not going to be much better.
Dec 16 2013, 06:27 AM
Graciana, after one glance Andrew's way, tries to ignore him. Instead, she begins to devour that spare sandwich of Todd's.
@Andrew, Dare Mo [Graciana]: It isn't. Andrew, did Todd give you the bad news I just gave him? Seriously, the thing to do is to quit school.
Dec 16 2013, 06:41 AM
Andrew glances up at Todd and Graciana, but says nothing. He does however respond electronically:
@Graciana, Dare Mo [Andrew]: What news? Anyway I get hungrier when I'm doing real work; and on that front I have some news of my own. I got into a maintenance and security schedule which says that there'll be a managed transfer of special needs students - with our names in the list, by the way - Friday morning. Didn't give a special time, just said flexibility needed, possibly an all day event. They have an equipment list, too. Restraints, VR immobilisers, and something they call distraction devices for the magically talented. Anything and everything short of straitjackets and heavy meds. They're not fooling around.
The pace of Andrew's eating is leisurely, so he has plenty of time for his input.
Dec 16 2013, 06:51 AM
Graciana eats more of that sandwich.
@Andrew, Dare Mo [Graciana]: Andrew, the only thing I know and you don't is that the vice-principal thinks this whole thing is legal. I think he said it's been done elsewhere. I don't know what to do, other than try to warn everyone on the list and quit school ahead of time.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 16 2013, 07:08 AM
Todd looks down on the table This is not getting any better
@Andrew, Graciana [Dare Mo]: Okay. we have enough information to know we are truly boned. What we need is enough evidence to stop or at least slow down their plans. Andrew do you have information from the administrative part of the system on the hows and whys for their 'Candidates for Augmented Remediation and Resocialisation.' ? If we have enough information and find the right media connection we can cause some problems. Imagine If someone published 'TEA initiates a new test that could sent your children to truant school before they start attending school.' I imagine there would be hell to pay. On top of that we hopefully can get some needed cash out of this. I say needed because I am not sure I want to stay in this armpit of a school after this.
Dec 17 2013, 09:21 AM
Andrew shrugs while he eats - slowly, hesitantly.
@Dare Mo, Graciana [Angelo]: I got data. What it is? I couldn't tell you right now. I need time to go over it. I know that names are in there, I know that the test is in there, I know some other stuff is in there. The exact reasoning? Who can tell? Maybe it's all drek, more excuses for stuff they were going to do anyway.
Dec 17 2013, 03:56 PM
Graciana frowns.
@Angelo, Dare Mo [Graciana]: We have very little time. I don't know a real reporter. Do either of you? Perhaps we should use the Hollies to warn everyone. They just love conspiracies and investigative reporting. If we tell them what's going on, they'll go wild.
Graciana looks around the cafeteria for the documentary crew.
Dec 17 2013, 08:53 PM
QUOTE (Ziathra @ Dec 17 2013, 05:56 PM)
Graciana looks around the cafeteria for the documentary crew.
The hollies are still creating their own kind of noise in the cafeteria. The staff don't care as long as there isn't an actual fight, so the hollies have largely free rein. Right now they're taking trid of the table setup, or something like that. Somehow this excites them - why that would be is largely opaque.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 18 2013, 01:11 AM
Todd happened to glance in the same direction as Graciana and notices the hollies prattling much ado about nothing. The last thought reminded him of another Shakespeare 's play 'As you like it' and a the famous monologue:
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
Todd slowly inhaled Well it seems the TEA wants to put me and others in the roles of Bad children all for the sake of bureaucratic convenience. News for you TEA; if you want bad children you will get your wish and learn the consequences of creating self-fulfilling prophecies with the wrong group of people
Todd exhaled and looked down at the table. Dare Mo looked up at his friends and smiled. And before I exit their stage I am going to set the it on fire, and if the opportunity presents itself I will grab a few souvenirs as I exit
@Angelo,Graciana [Dare Mo]:Well they may be useful later. I do have a blogger friend who says he knows people higher up on the media food chain. I think today is the day he proves it to me. Andrew, somewhere is that morass you call data is the means we can stick it to the TEA and hopefully get some pocket change in the process.
I may not be a hacker but I know enough to data crunch with the best. I even have a agent to help out on that. Up for a evening of crunching?
Dec 18 2013, 03:47 AM
Andrew munches on krill and seaweed, outwardly innocent, but he responds soon enough.
@Graciana, Dare Mo [Angelo]: We can do it this afternoon. Makes more sense to save the evening for talking to people. What's your plan?
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 18 2013, 06:33 AM
Multiple thoughts go through Todd's head. When he started seeing magical raccoons setting the school on fire while singing the Renraku corporate anthem he quickly refocused his mind.
@Angelo, Graciana [Todd] evening would be fine. I have to do some after-school work then I need to make a couple of calls. If I am lucky I may be able to get a hold of Papa G. If I can ,Angelo, I will hook you up and we might be able to useful media contact from him. If any case this evening will be good time to crunch and mine our data to find the shininess nuggets wrap it up in neat media package and get a bigger payday. While the media guys should get the full package ,I thinking that if certain people got anonymous notes on Thursday afternoon with some of the information it could really turn the heat up. This could include a couple bloggers, sixers, and yes Graciana even the hollies. Does anyone know some activists who really care about such things as justice? they could bring some noise came Friday. We will have to see if we get some data that would set their hair on fire. Anyway I think that is it for now I will talk to you all later.
Andrew pauses and then looks at Graciana " I just remembered I have an extra sandwich, would you like it? "
Dec 18 2013, 06:54 AM
Graciana finishes her sandwich. “No, thank you. I really shouldn't eat any more.”
@Angelo, Dare Mo [Graciana]: I know some people who are very concerned about justice for other animals. One of them might be willing to advise me. In the meantime, I can get the word rather untraceably out to our fellow victims. The only problem is that they may not believe it.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 19 2013, 01:07 AM
Todd smiles at Graciana "Okay suit yourself"
@Angelo,Graciana [Dare Mo]: Call me later to let me know when the best time for you is for plotting and planning. Angelo I will let you know if Papa G is available tonight. Graciana if we do this right there will be multiple voices to spread the warning.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 20 2013, 06:56 AM
After School Todd headed out to the Happy Noodle to help with the dinner setup. I will have to ask the Angela about the GED options at the local community college.
He liked Angela Courage, the assistant manager at the Happy Noodle. Despite being daughter of the property manager and part owner of the restaurant. she treated everyone from the Master Chef to the lackeys such as himself with the respect due to each of them.
Before I forget I better leave a message for Papa Gotcha
@Papa Gotcha [Dare Mo]: Yesterday you asked me a question involving student from my school. I believe that a have a very useful and interesting story for you. In addition I have a new friend who would like to meet someone with your unique talent. Is it possible for me and my new friend to meet you tonight with my interesting story.
Dec 20 2013, 08:43 PM
Tuesdays were one of the days Graciana was scheduled to work at the animal shelter. Skunk Robinson will just have to get his pigeons elsewhere or wait, Graciana thought on the way over to the shelter. The only thing I can help Todd and Andrew with is a protest and that's IF Vaness knows anyone who'd be willing to show up and do that. I will have to ask her.
If I am going to quit school tomorrow, I had better talk to Mama today. I wish Tristan would get back to me. I'm going to need that cash for a camper shell.
Dec 22 2013, 04:34 AM
@Dare Mo [Papa Gotcha]: Kid, you have the verbal grace of a drunken buffalo, but you got my attention. Tonight, 8 PM, on the bench in front of the Cafe Frou-Frou on Pacific. Bring your friend, and we'll talk. I'm buying.
Papa Gotcha's message is terse without being brusque. Perhaps Dare Mo's message caught him when he was busy.
Dec 22 2013, 07:22 AM
Their data analysis had yielded precious little. Andrew frowned. It was very slow going, with a quickly approaching "deadline". He reached for his commlink. Guess I shouldn't have expected to take care of this without asking for help. Angelo called Morgan, first. He wouldn't have to be secretive about what he wanted to ask, and the girl had actual knowledge of psychology and politics. LeFey's curriculum was a far cry from what he was putting up with.
@LeFey [Andrew]: Morgan, you there? I need your help with something. When she replies, Angelo will send her the data he retrieved. What do you make of this? He explains the plot against him and his newfound friends. Is this seriously legal? I mean, they're planning to grab us right out of class and toss us in Juvie. Even with proof of Xavier's plans, the whole idea still sounded crazy.
And how did they even decide I belonged on the list? Sure, he didn't take the quiz too seriously, but that was no reason to label him a future criminal. I need to come up with a way to get the word out. People are not going to be okay with this, but they need to find out, first. And speaking long term, I need to find someone to speak out against this. Someone reputable enough that people will listen when they say Xavier's quiz is a load of drek. It occurred to Andrew that her quiz wasn't a load of drek. Not completely. He was a fairly experienced hacker, and his future plans did involve becoming a criminal. He had no plans to get arrested like one, though. What do you think? Any ideas?
Dec 22 2013, 10:17 AM
@Andrew [LeFey]: I'm here, except when I'm not. Then I'm everywhere. I read what you sent me, and it seems ugly but I cannot see how it is illegal. Picking out troublemakers is part of what the school system does. Also, from what I understand, you aren't going to juvenile detention, but a reform school. Not quite the same thing. Juvenile detention requires a judge and a court and all that stuff, while reform school just means that you're a troubled individual, or otherwise unsuitable for the mainstream classes.
The list appears to be based on a personality and socialisation test. Think of it as a high level Emotional Intelligence test, wrapped up in some other nonsense because that's what psychologists do. I did some background research on it, and it seems legitimate - or at least enough that this Xavier woman has a job. On the other hand, there are some dissenting voices in the research community, mostly from the ethical side, so if what you're trying to do is create political embarrassment for the school system you might want to look those up and give them to whichever outlets you might want to use to take your side.
To get you started, I attached a few pointers to some of the most notable objecting papers.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 22 2013, 09:43 PM
Todd finished with his part of the Diner prep at The Happy Noodle. As Todd left he mused "I am not really sure if the live krill Udon will be the hit the Chef think it will be but who am I to argue with a master".
Before heading home he sent a couple mesaagee
@Angelo[Dare Mo]: Got a appointment with Mr G. 8pm at Cafe Frou-Frou at 8 pm . He's buying. If we pull it off he could be buying something else. If you don't like the offer and know someone who could do better we can go from there. See you there.
@Ivan A [Dare Mo]: How are your Metahuman/activist connections? I may have something that interest them. If done right could definitely give you a wider audience. I will get back to you tonight.
Dec 22 2013, 10:20 PM
Graciana gets most of her work done at the animal shelter, then goes in search of Vaness.
“Vaness, I met with two of my fellow victims over lunch. They want to make a huge media stink over this. How should they go about it?”
Vaness replies that it would be best to go make some tactical alliances with metahuman rights activists, anti-government pressure groups and parental rights organizations. She rattles off half a dozen groups without even pausing for breath. “Be sure to tell them something that will make them angry enough to show up.”
“There's a girl who's on the list who got pregnant to celebrate Ork culture. Should I mention her to the metahuman rights groups?”
“Thanks, Vaness. I'll keep you posted.”
Graciana finishes her shift, then fires up the commlink. One reboot later, Max is gone and Graciana gets to work. Without even looking at the Evil List, she knows there are twelve victims, five of whom are metahumans. Southeast Tacoma High isn't almost half metahuman. There's also Breeder Girl to mention.
Graciana carefully composes a note.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am contacting you to inform you of a violation of metahuman rights.
Southeast Tacoma High School recently gave its students an assessment test. From the answers, they chose twelve students to send to reform school by surprise on Friday morning. Five of the students chosen are metahumans. This is a disproportionately high number of metahumans.
One is a young lady who recently became pregnant to celebrate ork culture. Reform school will not be able to accommodate her medical needs, nor the needs of her child when it is born.
A second one is not only an elf, but an elven changeling.
I cannot stress enough that most of the students chosen are not disciplinary problems. Some have good grades. On the basis of one test, these students will be sent to harsh conditions they do not deserve.
The parents of the students have not been informed by the school, let alone consulted.
If you would like more information, contact me and I will do my best to get it.
Most sincerely,
Graciana Acosta
Attachment: Candidates for Augmented Remediation and Resocialisation
Graciana looks over the note. Rather dry, but outrage is their job, not mine.
Graciana then fires off the note to the metahuman rights groups Vaness mentioned and the Sons of Sauron.
Dec 23 2013, 12:34 AM
Graciana then takes the time to compose note number two, this time to the parental rights groups Vaness mentioned.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am contacting you to inform you of a violation of parental rights.
Southeast Tacoma High School recently gave its students an assessment test. From the answers, they chose twelve students to send to reform school by surprise on Friday morning. The students will be removed by force while immersed in their studies.
The parents of the students have not been informed by the school, let alone consulted. Instead, the school is preparing to usurp their role.
One is a young lady who recently became pregnant. Reform school will not be able to accommodate her medical needs, nor the needs of her child when it is born.
I cannot stress enough that most of the students chosen are not disciplinary problems. Some have good grades. This is not an emergency situation, when swift action is required. On the basis of one test, these students will be sent to harsh conditions they do not deserve, away from the love and guidance of their parents, without their parents' knowledge and consent.
If you would like more information, contact me and I will do my best to get it.
Most sincerely,
Graciana Acosta
Attachment: Candidates for Augmented Remediation and Resocialisation
After that, she sends a note to Todd and Andrew.
@Angelo, Dare Mo [Graciana]: If you guys have come up with anything beyond The List, would you please send it to me? I may need to pass it along to various concerned parties. Thanks!
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 23 2013, 02:00 AM
At Home Todd notices Graciana's post. He mused for a moment before he writes a couple of messages
@Angelo [Dare Mo]: Gracaina wants to contact her activist friends and need some more evidence to to send them. I think it would be a good ideal to provide her bits of the information, enough to insure a large event come Friday. Please let me know if you have a problem with this or have anything else that could help her.
@Ivan A [Dare Mo]: there is now a strong possibility of a strong wave of outrage against the TEA. If you want to be on the ground floor of this event contact me soon
Dec 23 2013, 09:17 AM
Andrew had to raise an eyebrow at the beginning of Morgan's reply. But her information looked like it might help. @LeFey [Andrew]: I owe you one, Morgan. Thanks. He shook his head. If Andrew needed anyone else to spell it out for him, LeFey had done so once again. The program was legal. The sooner I get clear of this place, the better. He downloaded the files onto his commlink, and just in case, copied them to a datachip. I gotta get back to work on this mess. Talk to you later.
@Dare Mo [Andrew]: Nice! I'll be there. By the way, a friend of mine sent me some research from people who think Xavier is wrong. Here are the files. I'll send them to Graciana, too.
@Graciana [Andrew]: I've got some papers from researchers trying to disprove the program. Go ahead and pass them on.
Dec 23 2013, 07:13 PM
QUOTE (Happy Noodle Boy @ Dec 23 2013, 05:00 AM)
@Ivan A [Dare Mo]: there is now a strong possibility of a strong wave of outrage against the TEA. If you want to be on the ground floor of this event contact me soon
Ivan responds quickly to Dare Mo now: @Dare Mo [Ivan A]: Deal me in! Give me all the specifics, I'll put it all up. Do you have a time and place for the heaviest protests? I'll be there. Are you expecting any violence? I got cameras. I'll get it all.
Dec 23 2013, 07:23 PM
Morgan gets a reply dashed off to Andrew: @Andrew [LeFey]: No problem, I'm sure a bad boy like you can find me a serious deal on a PlushieFab. I want the extended model with the advanced fabric quality assessment toolset and the foreign object management heuristics.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 24 2013, 01:18 AM
Todd was bemused at the speed of Ivan's response
frag, and I thought I drank too much Caf. Pulling up the data again looking for the bits that Ivan Annoying could use to expose the malfeasance of the TEA, or at least have Ivan interpret as such.
There was a part of the data and correspondence that seem to indicate that part of the reason for moving us and the rest of the others to reform school is a cynical attempt to improve some sort of statistics for both schools. Maybe Ivan could spot something I missed. After doing a analysis of the data
Conspiracy theory Roll he sent his message
@Ivan A[Dare Mo]: You want it, you got it. The TEA is planning to ship off some students to reform school on the basis of one test, most of the kids involved haven't even done anything to warrant the transfer, and on top of that they are planning to implement this program system wide. I am sending a copy of the original list. and their preliminary security plans. I also got some communiques that may indicate they may be corruption at the root (big surprise) see if you can confirm or deny my suspicions on this. Given the TEA is planning to make the transfer Friday morning I think this will be where the action will be. Be careful with this, if the TEA gets word on this too soon they might try to change their plans and do this early. I am going to have to trust htat you know how and when to stick it to the TEA. Enjoy the reading.@Graciana [Todd]: Here some of the communiques on the list and the preliminary security plans. If your friends need more information have them contact a blogger called Ivan Annoying for more information.
Dec 24 2013, 05:34 PM
Graciana, never in a hurry to get home, received the messages and smiled.
@Andrew, Todd [Graciana]: Thanks, guys! I will get this right out to the activist groups I learned about. It takes time to get protest permits; some of these people actually will want to get one. The parental rights groups I contacted may have taken it upon themselves to tell people's parents, so be prepared when you go home.
Graciana then composed with care letter the second, going out to all the activist groups she'd contacted before, including the Sons of Sauron.
Dear Sir or Madam:
I thought you might be interested in some additional information that just turned up about the Southeast Tacoma High situation.
It turns out that various members of the scientific community dispute the accuracy, usefulness and ethics of the assessment test used to choose the students to be sent to reform school. See the attached papers.
I have also attached the school's preliminary plans for the transfer of the students to reform school. As you will see, the school is planning to use VR immobilizers, distraction devices of some sort for the magically talented and other such restraints. Not only does this seem a bit excessive for surprised, unarmed students, this approach may do the students serious psychological harm.
Finally, the attached correspondence suggests that the school officials are less concerned with the welfare of the students than one might think.
If you want more information, contact a blogger named Ivan Annoying.
Most sincerely,
Graciana Acosta
Attachments: various research papers
preliminary security plans
Dec 24 2013, 06:07 PM
When Graciana finally gets home, she isn't too surprised to hear “Graciana Acosta, you get in here right this minute!”
“What are you doing meddling with things over your head?”
“What things over my head?”
“The reform school list!”
“Oh, that.” Graciana shifts to yelling right back. “That isn't over my head, that IS my head!”
“That doesn't concern you!”
“It does concern me, I'm on it!”
“Holy Virgin, how did I manage to raise a hacker?!”
“You should know better, you saw my grades in programming!”
“A hacker and a crook!”
Graciana goes dangerously quiet. “If I am turning into a crook, it is because no one will let me be anything else.”
Mama goes right on yelling. “You learned all these gangster tricks from all the boys you slept with, didn't you?”
Graciana is almost relaxed by the return to familiar territory and lets this slide for once.
“You miserable ingrate, you belong in reform school where you can get some real discipline! For once, that school got something right!”
Graciana goes into shock for a minute. When she recovers, she says, “So you'd rather I got kidnapped out of class on Friday, never to return, while you got told on Friday night, if ever?”
“The school obviously knows what it's doing! I'm calling the cops!”
Graciana's fingers twitch, but the stunbolt is not cast. Instead, she says, “I have no mother,” and leaves, taking her warmest coat with her.
“You get back here! Come back right this minute!”
(more in next post)
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 24 2013, 07:35 PM
After completing all his messages. Todd hurries off for his appointment with Papa Gotcha.
Looks like the stage is being set, a little faster than anticipated, just simply means I will have to keep up. The players have their parts We just have to sell the entire script to the right director.
Dec 24 2013, 10:31 PM
As Graciana goes for her warmest coat, Mama lunges, trying to grab her. Graciana dodges.
[ Spoiler ]
The dodge, at -2 dice for being rear-charged by Mama:
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4342077/Or 6
Mama only gets a solid grip on Graciana's upper arm. Graciana decides that it's time to forget relationships and casts a Stunbolt at point-blank range.
[ Spoiler ]
The Stunbolt roll:
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4342078/Or 6, a 1 and a bunch of garbage.
Only 1 point of Drain to resist:
No Drain!
This results in 4 points of Stun on Mama.
Mama is rocked hard by the Stunbolt, but is still conscious and hoarsely screaming about blood witches. Graciana goes for a second Stunbolt.
[ Spoiler ]
The Stunbolt roll:
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4342091/or 2,5,1,2,5,6,3
Only 1 point of Drain to resist:
No Drain!
Mama keels over like a broken Weeble and slumps against the wall. Blood trickles from her nose.
Graciana frowns, concerned, then remembers that she's in danger here. The first thing she does, while keeping a wary eye on Mama, is sabotage Mama's electronics so she can't call Knight-Errant. Graciana takes the low-tech approach to this and takes out her emotions at the same time by smashing her mother's commlink case with a hammer and then throwing it into the toilet tank.
After checking to make sure Mama is still unconscious, Graciana begins to pack. First thing to go is Mama's jewelry, still in its box to save time, then Graciana's jewelry in its box. Next is some of her clothing in a trash bag. This would be her useful shoes (as opposed to good shoes), some tops, a second pair of pants, all her armored clothing and all her underwear. She takes a second bag for dirty clothes. Graciana also grabs that warmest coat. Finally her jewelry tools and grimoires get packed up. Her car repair tools, such as they are, were already in the truck.
Mama stays unconscious, so Graciana gets everything out to the truck, then considers clean-up. The idea is to confuse the issues a bit. She gets a washcloth and a bottle of rubbing alcohol and cleans off anything she touched on the way to Mama's bedroom, then anything she touched in Mama's bedroom. She cleans off her own doorknob, both sides, but otherwise leaves her own bedroom alone; there is simply no way to clean it up well enough to stop a forensics team. Graciana does grab her hairbrush and toothbrush, just to make their job a little harder. Graciana cuts her finger with her survival knife, bleeds a little on her pillowcase, then grabs the pillowcase. Graciana also aims a kick at the front door's locks from the inside, hoping the result will look like insurance fraud. Finally, she uses the rubbing alcohol on both sides of the front doorknob and the hall closet. Using the washcloth as a glove, she puts the rubbing alcohol away, then lets herself out. The front door is closed but unlocked, in hopes a real thief soon will be there.
The pillowcase, hairbrush and toothbrush go into the nearest dumpster.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 28 2013, 01:43 AM
Todd approaches the parking lot of Cafe Frou Frou. He looks around to see if Andrew has gotten here before him. Todd tries his best stay calm and collected
At some point I going to ask if Andrew if he ever has any moments of doubt.Todd closes his eyes
Dare Mo opens his eyes. In any case there no time for doubt, there is only the task at hand
Dec 28 2013, 08:49 AM
After confusing the crime scene at home as much as she dares (or knows how), Graciana drives twenty blocks away to a parking lot. There, she swaps license plates with another car, which only takes a minute or three.
Graciana hops back into her truck and concentrates on magically changing her appearance to that of an ork girl in her early twenties.
[ Spoiler ]
Casting roll:
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4345113/or a 6, a 1 and a bunch of garbage
Drain roll:
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4345114/or a 6, a 5, 3 1's and some garbage.
Graciana takes 1 point of drain.
Graciana transforms, but feels a little drained. While driving around, debating between Puyallup, the animal shelter and a coffin motel, Graciana fires off a quick encrypted message to Todd.
@Dare Mo [Graciana]: I don't know when I'll be able to repay you for the sandwich. My ex-mother went crazier than I expected.Graciana then sends a quick message to Vaness, wishing she could encrypt it.
@Vaness Wilde [Graciana Acosta]: My mother went super-crazy. I don't know when I'll be able to come help at the shelter again. I'll miss you and everyone else there.
Dec 28 2013, 11:27 PM
There is no immediate sign of Andrew, but Todd spots Papa Gotcha not very far away. He's dressed in some kind of nice looking leather jacket, with a fairly minimal AR visor on. He is standing by a bench, one foot on the seating surface, with his elbow on his knee, apparently poking at his commlink. His ball cap is pushed back a little, and he pauses to raise a hand and scratch vaguely at his forehead.
Traffic is fairly quiet, but inside the coffee shop are a dozen or more customers, lining up for their caffeine.
Dec 28 2013, 11:48 PM
Was that a toy? It sounded like a toy. Some kind of stuffed animal, maybe. @LeFey [Andrew]: I'll see what I can do. Lucky they were communicating by text, or she could see exactly how confused Andrew was. He would run a search for PlushieFabs later. At the moment, he had a meeting to get to.
Angelo takes the bus to Cafe Frou Frou. If he was going to make a career of being a runner, he'd need his own personal set of wheels. But that would have to wait until he could pay for them.
He walks over to the parking lot and greets Todd. "Hey. Hope I'm not late."
Dec 29 2013, 03:31 AM
Graciana finally decides on a coffin motel for the night.
The shelter is too risky and I'm not up to dealing with Puyallup right now. I'll tackle that a little later. She goes for one of the cheapest coffin motels she can find, several miles away from home. For a few extra nuyen, the motel cheerfully accepts a “corporate identity” and Graciana officially checks in as Sarah Jane Smith.
Graciana brings in all the loot from the truck. It fits better into the three-foot high room than she does. She also keeps her survival knife with her, concealed, just in case someone attacks her in the bathroom. Graciana curls up on the twin bed and forces herself to think about securing the truck. She whispers, trying to summon a Watcher to mind the truck.
[ Spoiler ]
Summoning roll:
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4345779/or 3 5's – 3 hours of cheap car alarm.
A Watcher appears. Graciana tells the Watcher while visualizing the truck,
This is the object I want you to watch. Tell me if anyone gets within 2 feet. Also tell me before you return home.Graciana then turns into a ball of misery for a while.
At one point, she sends off a second encrypted message to Todd.
@Dare Mo [Graciana]: Do you know a fixer? I need to talk to one. Thanks.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 29 2013, 07:38 AM
Dare Mo almost finished reading Graciana's message when notices Angelo. Looks like Angelo has his professional face on, It is now showtime
Before heading to the meeting he writes a quick message to Graciana:
@Graciana [Dare Mo]: Working on something right now. Let me know what you need I will do what I can to help as soon as I can.
He looks at Angelo as he says quietly
" Your timing is magical, shall we see if we can make a deal? If you know anyone who might be able to offer a better deal let me know right now.
We can keep that as an option if Papa Gotcha isn't giving us a good deal, otherwise we are going to have to get the best deal we can. Let's do dinner."
With that Dare Mo heads toward Papa Gotcha's Table
Dec 29 2013, 11:47 PM
Graciana reads Todd's reply and mutters, “Boys. I told him what I need.” She fires off an encrypted reply.
@Dare Mo [Graciana]: I need to talk to a fence, or talk to a fixer who knows one. Good luck with what you're doing.
I wish Tristan would get back to me. He knows a fixer, who owes us money.
Graciana then goes through the jewelry, pulling out any pieces with tiger's eye or mother of pearl in them. Skunk Robinson might be interested in those, although a fence wouldn't be. Any such jewelry gets shuffled into her jewelry box.
Happy Noodle Boy
Dec 31 2013, 05:06 AM
Dare Sits on the Bench close enough to be able to talk quietly to Papa Gotcha. He looks around to see if anyone is paying too much attention, but can't sense anything out of the normal
easily distractedBefore he starts speaking Dare Mo looks at Angelo one last time to see if there are any last minutes problems. He then speaks quietly to Papa Gotcha
Greeting sir. Thank you for the invitation.
Jan 1 2014, 08:48 AM
"Howya doin', kid? So, you gonna tell me what's up at school, why everyone's so motivated all of a sudden?"
Papa Gotcha is still quietly engaged in poking at his commlink, and barely even looks at Dare Mo. As far as any casual observer is concerned, he's quite uninterested in the conversation, and a lot more interested in why his commlink isn't doing what he's telling it to.
"You know you're not the first, nor even the second guy to talk to me from there this week, right?"
Jan 1 2014, 09:20 AM
Angelo had followed Dare Mo to the table and grabbed a seat next to his classmate. "Evening." Andrew's greeting to the fixer was simple, and he did not reply to the man's questions. Out loud, anyway.
@Dare Mo [Angelo]: I'm not saying we should spill our guts on the reform program just yet, but it wouldn't hurt to paint in broad strokes. He'll know we're something resembling serious about this, and not just a couple of kids going into this like it's some game. Even if it didn't pay to volunteer information, they had to tell the fixer something. For Andrew, it was the lesser evil. No one was finding out about his father, if he could help it.
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 1 2014, 11:41 PM
Dare Mo notices the activity at Cafe Frou-Frou is provide a natural amount of white noise, making eavesdropping very hard. He nods to Angelo and makes a couple of hand gesture as if he was trying to explain something to him
Well sir, talk and 5 NY will be get you a cup of Coffee or something like it. What we have is information and information is what pays the tab. This information we have could provide savvy media types with an sensational story and with a little work a media event.
Dare Mo take a look around at the Cafe then then glances at the menu as if contemplating making a order.
Perhaps the others who have talked to you may have told you a story, you may even think they have told you the whole story. But sir, did their story include full background information, correspondence from involved parties, expert analysis from both sides of the potential issues involved, preliminary security measures and the other elements that could a make for a messy scandal. We are not offering unsubstantiated rumors here, we are offering the full script here. Done right this story could include an event featuring outraged citizens, embarrassed officials and worried police officers who will have to taken from their regular duties to try to keep a cap on it.
Dare Mo pauses as if he found the perfect choice from the menu
So sir, Do you know anyone who would be willing to pick up the tab for the script?
Jan 2 2014, 12:01 AM
Papa Gotcha pauses in his poking, and coughs slightly as if the sharp industrial smells of Tacoma caught his throat. Tonight the air tastes vaguely of metal.
"I have been told that something is up, by different people. Trouble is, I can't promise a price until I know what the content is, and I can't guarantee the result of an auction. What's more, if multiple groups are shopping this data around, it probably won't be a scoop unless you move faster and harder. So, do you want me to auction it? I can do that. Do you offer the buyers exclusivity? In fact, what precisely are you offering?"
Papa Gotcha's face is fairly impassive, but he does look up now, and leans forward on the elbow resting on his knee.
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 2 2014, 02:44 AM
Dare Mo glances at Angelo
@Angelo[Dare Mo] Okay Mister Cool. I believe that this is now the time we need to put or shut up. Our best bet is probably give him the data and see what deal we can get.
If you know of a better deal , speak now or we will have to what the best deal Papa G can get. After we make the pass we can discuss anything you might need right now.
While waiting for Angelo's reply. Dare Mo rested his chin on his right hand glancing briefly at the sky before continuing.
Well getting a good deal would be good because are we are both interested in becoming more active buyers in certain wares in the immediate future.
Jan 3 2014, 11:14 AM
Angelo reminds himself not to shake his head. @Dare Mo [Angelo]: We'll go ahead with Papa Gotcha. Let's face it. We might have people to forward this data to, but he'll know more. And odds are, they'll be better choices. As far as he was concerned, getting the word out was the goal. If their info turned a profit, that would be a bonus. And we'll give the buyer exclusivity, on the condition they spread the word ASAP. I'll elaborate on what we're offering, then you send him the file. Alright?
If Dare Mo signals his approval, Angelo will reply, "What we're offering is information on the TEA. Details about a policy decision that could cause them plenty of trouble in the right hands. As this is time sensitive, we're looking for a direct buyer, and soon." He nods at Dare Mo. "Show him. And yes, we will to offer them exclusivity if they intended to make this info public."
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 3 2014, 05:41 PM
Dare Mo reads Angelo reply and nods
@Angelo [Dare Mo]: Very well. ProceedHe makes sure the data is loaded on a data chip on his actual comlink, currently in hidden mode, Dare Mo then palms the chip and stands up. Looking around as if he is looking for someone he then puts in chip into a pocket or someone place near and directly in Papa Gotcha's view.
The pass is made If it looks like Papa Gotcha missed the pass Dare Mo will glance at Papa Gotcha, glance to where he put the chip and then fiddle a bit with his public comlink
Jan 4 2014, 09:41 AM
Papa Gotcha has clearly seen it, but isn't taking it.
"OK. Hot property. Quick turnaround. Exclusive from you, but others might be pushing the same news. Educational - well, political news, which means media, political opponents, all that kind. You got a preference for a client, or should I just open bidding wide?" He pauses, and wrinkles his nose at the stench of a passing car on which something is rubbing, something is burning. It stinks of hot rubber.
"You kids got anything else going on, or you looking for any good ideas?"