Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 31 2014, 06:23 AM
Todd forwards Papa Gotcha's response to his companions "As this point I believe we should make the contact tonight so we can start planning. Andrew do you know if the library is open late, if not we need a good Seattle location to stage a meet. Graciana since you are the one with a vehicle could we humbly ask for a lift to meet Mr. Johnson?
Jan 31 2014, 04:25 PM
Smiling a little, Graciana says, “Sure. We'll all have to squeeze in the front seats. Everything I still own is in the back seat. Well, maybe someone can fit into the back, but we'd have to pack him in.” She begins walking to her truck.
Feb 1 2014, 10:00 AM
"If it comes down to it, I can squeeze into the back." Andrew takes a moment to check the library hours. "You think we should get going? If not the library, we might have to drive around and find a place that's open late. Heck, Stuffer Shack never closes." He frowns briefly. Having to wait until after midnight narrowed down their choices for a meeting place. And if Shane wasn't working late, too, he might be annoyed. If the library closes after midnight, Andrew will run a search for a place with late hours.
Feb 1 2014, 06:40 PM
Fortunately, the library is open at all hours. Then again, so are several well-lit parks in the area. There's the waterfront, which is well lit and has restaurants and bars. There are beaches, but perhaps the most open and least remarkable location would be along the waterfront, in a touristy area. Nobody would turn a hair at a few kids showing up, and talking to someone.
Happy Noodle Boy
Feb 3 2014, 08:26 AM
Todd Weights the options Andrew has found "I do think a waterfront meet would work best. Andrew checks for a good public place at the waterfront, then he checks the time required to get there.
I have found us a location, we should be there at least 15 minutes before the meet. If there a problem with this let me know now.
If there are no objections Todd will contact Papa Gotcha; attaching the location as well as a time that meets the after midnight request as well as giving them ample time to get there
@Papa Gotcha[Dare Mo]: Here is the meeting place. It should meet the Johnson's requirements. We will contact you after the meeting
Feb 3 2014, 05:54 PM
The location is a sort of overlook on a sea wall. At night it's vaguely scenic, with lights over Elliott Bay and the harbour. During the day the location sees a lot of traffic, but at midnight it should only have a few occasional passing drunkards. Highways get a vehicle almost there, it's just a mile or three from a carefully chosen exit, so access is good.
Papa Gotcha doesn't respond with a verbal message, but with a recognition key which will tell them which commlink is Johnson's.
Feb 3 2014, 11:38 PM
Graciana parks the truck in a lit spot, then helps the guys out of it. Andrew may need the help; the back seat was crammed with things in garbage bags. She looks around for a bench, or a pair of benches. “It's a good thing I rested this evening. How are you two holding up? I hope Mr. Johnson doesn't want this done tonight.”
Happy Noodle Boy
Feb 5 2014, 04:39 AM
With his eyes still closed Todd nodded "I hope our Johnson doesn't require that sort of fast service, or if he does the job better paying some serious New Yen.
Andrew wasn't tired, but he hoped to get some sleep before he had to go to work then school. He also wondered if there is going to School still there by end of the week.
Opening his eyes Dare Mo looked at his associates. Graciana, I think you should stay in the background and keep an eye out for trouble. Angelo do you want to accompany me on the meet and if so did you want me to take the lead on negotiations or did you want that privilege? Or if either of you really feel confident do you want me to hide and you get to talk to the Johnson?
Feb 5 2014, 04:38 PM
Graciana thinks a moment, then nods. “You can talk to Mr. Johnson, Todd. I've had a really bad day.” She retreats to the bed of her pick-up truck. Now how can I possibly define trouble for a Watcher?
Feb 5 2014, 07:21 PM
Andrew grimaces at the thought of spending all night doing a run. His uncle would probably call Knight Errant. If not for the consequences, getting arrested on a job for not being home on time would be almost funny. "I'm not much of a negotiator. But I'll come along to keep an eye out for trouble."
Feb 7 2014, 04:26 AM
While the trio plans in the truck, a woman walks up to the edge of the seawall, and leans on the railing. She glances around, then out at the water, then looks around again.
Not much is clearly visible about her, but even at this range her PAN can be picked up. It's Johnson. Miss Johnson, apparently. She stands perhaps five feet, nine inches tall. Slender, apparently young, dressed in a flowing trenchcoat and a hat which drips a bit at the brim. Boots on her feet with a slight heel.
She's unaccompanied, ostensibly, but the place is out in the open. There might be waiting vehicles, snipers, contracted police agents. Who knows? But not standing there with her.
Happy Noodle Boy
Feb 7 2014, 09:19 AM
Dare Mo Checked his outfit quickly.
I will have to add clothing to my 'tools of the trade' shopping list He recalled his sensei once said that an operative should always have the right wardrobe for any occasion. Dare Mo took another look at himself in the rear view mirror and shrugged
But for right now this outfit will have to do Okay Angelo lets get this done. If we are lucky we can get some sleep before we have to start Dare Mo adjusts his cap and heads out.
Dare Mo remains outwardly calm. He scans and sees no obvious sign of trouble
perception roll .. He approaches the Johnson, he pauses at about thirty feet glances back to see if Angelo is following him. Dare Mo then approaches within twenty feet and puts both hands on the railing. He turns to the woman as if his about to ask for the time
Greetings Ms Johnson. How can we help?
Feb 8 2014, 07:49 AM
Angelo closes the truck door behind him. He follows Dare Mo at a slow pace, pulling his jacket closer. Partially because of the cold. But also to withdraw the drone from his pocket. He tips the red sunglasses over his eyes, tapping the AR display to activate the Flying Eye. Angelo sent it to search the area in a 100 meter radius while he joined Dare Mo and their prospective employer. "Evening."
Feb 12 2014, 04:11 AM
Johnson turns when approached - perhaps a little abruptly. Then she leans on the railing and looks the two young men up and down.
Her disguise, as it stands, is terrible. She's recognisable at a glance as Suzette Arkwright, newscaster of minor notoriety. On the 'trix she's all sweetness, a gorgeous girl next door with the latest gossip. Tonight there's something sharper in her features. Something predatory.
Maybe she doesn't think much of what she sees. "You? You're it?" She looks back and forth, up and down the street. "I was expecting something a little more impressive."
She sighs and examines the beautifully manicured nails on her left hand. They glow softly in the evening. "I'm told that you can get into places and find information. Valuable information, that people want kept secret. Is this true? Because if it isn't, you can leave now."
Happy Noodle Boy
Feb 12 2014, 06:28 AM
Dare Mo glances at Angelo and speaks so that only Angelo can hear She says she want information
Dare Mo then looked back "Ms. Arkwright, while being 'impressive' is a asset in your profession, subtlety is an asset in mine. Our mutual contacts would not have asked us here if they didn't think we could do your task" Dare Mo pauses in case Angelo wanted to add anything then continues: "Ms. Arkwright if you could explain what task you require of us. then we can tell you if we can help."
Feb 14 2014, 07:36 AM
Angelo nods and sends Todd a quick message. He continues monitoring the passerby through the eye of his drone.
@Dare Mo [Angelo]: There are some people around. They might not be watching us, but you never know. Be on your guard.
He was wearing sunglasses, but Arkwright might still have noticed if he rolled his eyes at her comment. Or smirked at Todd's. Instead, Angelo puts his hands in his pockets and maintains his impassive stance. "Precisely. And we can compensate with skill for what we lack in appearance." His voice is barely above a whisper. "Acquiring information is something of a specialty of ours." More like the only work thy had done as a team, but she didn't need to know that.
Feb 14 2014, 03:50 PM
Graciana, back in the pick-up truck, grumbles. What a wonderful ending to this disaster of a day. If I get stiffed again, I'll have to go collect pigeons for Skunk Robinson. I had better take a look around.
She stretches, then slips free of her body one more time. Then she looks around the astral space of the area for trouble.
Feb 14 2014, 05:55 PM
The astral space here is far from dead, but it is dull. The heavily industrialised, consistently mildly toxic environment does the astral space no favours. The spirit activity is muted, and the auras of people and plants alike show signs of the environmental burdens their biological material bears. The most lively sign of activity is two rats squabbling.
From the electronic eye, Angelo gets no indications of overt trouble so far. One of the authorised downtown robotaxis is trying to persuade a pair of drunks who are barely holding each other up that they need to ride. There's a man on the roof of a building, but he doesn't have a rifle - he has a cigarette.
Suzette seems to have heard enough of what she wanted to continue: "All right then, my little newspiggies. I have a tasty trough for you to stick your snouts into. I know there's a story in there, and it's up to you to bring it to me. Money, scandal, dirt. It's in there. And I want the scoop. I want people logging on to my show to hear me give them news nobody else has. If you're good diggypigs, I've got five thousand just waiting for you, and more work besides. If you lose my scoop, you lose the jobs."
This is a Suzette they've never seen before. Her face is a study in the classical sins. Spite and avarice, pride and envy flicker across her features while she speaks. But there's a data stick in her fingers, and her clothing says she's good for the money.
Happy Noodle Boy
Feb 15 2014, 09:11 PM
Dare Mo listened to Ms. Arkwright rant with quiet amusement. He recalled hearing about how french farmers would use pigs to find truffles, a fungus highly valued by gourmands. Dare Mo thought about mentioning this but he doubted that Ms. Arkwright would appreciate the analogy.
So Ms. Arkwright, could you please tell where you want us to sniff around and dig for you?
Feb 17 2014, 11:29 AM
"Yeah. Please, continue. What do you want us to look into?" Angelo supposed one of Arkwright's fans might be shocked at what she was doing. In contrast, the teenager was only a bit unsettled. His former caretakers had taught him long ago not to take people at face value. A friendly smile could just be a mask, after all. Which gave him an idea. Angelo recalled the Eye, maneuvering it just close enough that the camera could see a disguised Suzette Arkwright talking to two unknown individuals in the middle of the night. He allowed the drone to linger for about a minute before sending it back on patrol.
If only the Eye was equipped with a microphone, as well. But with the right person talking (certainly not him), the footage might look like believable blackmail material. Angelo scowled internally. Not that he intended to use the video for such a purpose. But Arkwright had something to lose and probably few compunctions about how she gained the information she needed. At best, the footage would be insurance. Just in case she decided it was necessary to betray them for her goals.
Feb 17 2014, 07:43 PM
The drone hovers around. Between the weather conditions, the highly mechanised urban and dockyard cores and the simple noise of the city one tiny drone is hardly worth remark - or at least, Suzette shows no sign of even paying it any attention. Instead she says: "FullMatrix. It's a downtown charity, handing out commlinks to kids. Very noble. But something stinks. Their donation rate is way too high. Someone, somewhere, is losing a drekton of money, and fragging the market too. Who? Why? They must be on the donor list, but that's kept dark. Find that out, follow the goodie trail, and show me the money. There, a nice soft target, no big risks, and a fat payoff."
Suzette waggles the credstick in the ozone-tainted air, a sneer twisting her mouth. Or perhaps the stench of old petrochemicals and rotting algae from the water is offending her delicate nostrils.
Feb 18 2014, 02:07 AM
Graciana slips back into her body. She probably can't hear the conversation, but she can see that waggled cred stick. Ah, money. Good. I just hope whoever doesn't want results tonight.
Happy Noodle Boy
Feb 18 2014, 06:20 AM
Dare Mo nods respectfully, pausing to allow Angelo to interject if he wished, then continued "Ms. Arkwright we would be happy to look into this matter for you.
Feb 20 2014, 06:02 AM
"We'll keep you updated on our progress." Andrew decided not to say anything beyond that. Just accept the offer and move on. This time. After they had shown Arkwright what she was paying for, they could talk about their fee for the next job. Besides, he had to get home, and soon.
Feb 20 2014, 06:58 PM
Suzette reaches into her left sleeve with slim fingers, and produces a slim datachip. A little antiquated in some ways, but still a favourite of reporters who don't want their signals snooped. She drops it on the sidewalk, and says: "Happy snuffling, piggies. You scoop, I pay."
With that simple undertaking, she turns and walks off briskly down the waterfront, like a late but relatively sober tourist.
Happy Noodle Boy
Feb 22 2014, 07:36 PM
Dare Mo bend down as to check his shoes and scoops up the chip
palming the chip he then stands up and says to Angelo "
Let's call it a nightas they head back to the car Dare Mo hands of the chips to Angelo
The hand off
Happy Noodle Boy
Mar 12 2014, 05:36 AM
Dare Mo gets to the Car. He first lightly taps on the window before entering
"Graciana I think we have a job". After Angelo settles in he explains Ms Arkwright's Job offer.
Mar 12 2014, 10:05 PM
The essence of the job turns out to be, as explained on the data chip, that FullMatrix, the same charity which hands out so many free commlinks to poor kids, is handing out, according to public filings, over a million nuyen's worth of machinery and software every year - much more, in fact. Some months it's over a million, some months are fairly dry, but it's an implausible amount of money for a small regional charity.
The data on offer includes mostly public records - charitable activity filings over time, board member lists, health and safety filings, office locations, that sort of thing. The main office is in Seattle itself, while others are mostly temporary satellite locations where donation events are handled.
Then there are copies of press releases, the usual sort of thing with gap-toothed kindergartners grinning broadly at the camera with simsense nets or goggles on their heads, commlinks clutched in their hands, and board members and local politicians exchanging congratulatory handshakes and professional smiles.
Finally, there's some indication of their fundraising advertisements - mostly predictable stuff, about inequitable access to the benefits of modern communication technologies and educational opportunities. Boilerplate, really.
Mar 13 2014, 01:59 PM
Graciana tells Dare Mo, "Awesome, I need money. I take it you want to go home? I remember Xavier and the vice-principal wishing there were a way to track kids 24/7 through some kind of electronics they'd accept. I thought of FullMatrix right away. We might want to get some of their stuff and take it apart."
Mar 15 2014, 05:43 AM
"Damn." Andrew shakes his head. "I was kind of hoping we were done with those people." Obviously, it was too much to expect. He smirks at the press releases. FullMatrix was so much of a cliche, he'd have been more surprised if the whole operation was aboveboard. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll call a friend and see if we can get a hold of one of their commlinks." Angelo looks a bit sheepish as he continues, "Can it wait till tomorrow, though? It's past midnight. I gotta get home." His uncle's schedule was somewhat erratic, but there was no point in making Shane worry.
Happy Noodle Boy
Mar 15 2014, 08:26 PM
Todd rubs his eyes "sleep would be a good thing. I still need to do my morning shift, after which I get to find out whether someone has burned the school down yet.
Todd chuckles to himself Assuming we still have a school we should meet up again at 5 pm to compare notes if that's okay with everyone. Anyone have a preferred meeting place?
Todd send a private message to Graciana
@Graciana [Dara Mo] Are you in need of some cash?I could spot you some new Yen until after the Job.
Todd turns to Andrew " Sounds like a good ideal. We all should talk to our contacts before we meet up tomorrow.
Mar 18 2014, 12:57 PM
Angelo got home at 12:30. As expected, his uncle was concerned at his being out at the middle of the night, though Shane didn't seem angry. Once he was satisfactorily convinced that Todd and Graciana weren't delinquents, he actually seemed somewhat pleased ("It actually took me a couple of weeks to make friends"). Nonetheless, Andrew found himself answering questions about where he had been (even the type of place Cafe Frou Frou was) until bedtime. Fair enough. His attempt to break into the runner scene could be playing out far worse.
Andrew resented the need to wake up for school, especially since attending was no longer an option. Staggering out of bed, he reminded himself more than once that he was working his first official job. Getting an early start could only help him. Andrew took his usual bus, but transferred to a different line after a couple of stops. The ride would serve to kill time until he knew where to meet with the others.
@Todd, Graciana [Angelo]: Morning. You guys get back alright? We should meet soon and get cracking on this job.
After sending the message, Andrew began checking the FullMatrix node for directions on how to obtain one of their commlinks.
Happy Noodle Boy
Mar 20 2014, 06:45 AM
Before Todd went to sleep he sent an encrypted message to WSG's drop box.
@ WSG [Dare Mo] There is a company called Fullmatrix that is giving away millionsf nuyen worth of comlinks, electronics and software to underprivileged children. These items in the hands of such a group could be used to exploit them and / or those that they walk among. Would anyone know if Fullmatrix is up to something with this act of charity or am I just being cynical?
While to Drop Box belonged to WSG ( Walter Samuel Garvey aka "The world's smartest garbageman) the reply would probably be sent by his local team leader Egg Shen, unless it was something that got the attention of WSG or the Burakumin.
On waking up drags himself out of bed, cleans up, gets dressed, gatheres his gear and heads out. On the way to the Happy Noodle Cart, he checks his mail as well as checking to see if there was any word of something going down at the school. Wouldn't want to walk into a firefight or a school on fire that last though had Todd laughing so hard that he had to pause a minute to catch his breath. Maybe Angela is right and I may bottling too many things inside
When he gets to the cart he helps Charlie with the morning set-up. Before the early morning crowd descends on them Todd grabs a cup of soy-caf and checks his mail one last time before he begins work.
Mar 21 2014, 02:08 AM
Andrew discovers early on that FullMatrix doesn't usually hand out individual commlinks, but if one were to arrive in person with some kind of demonstration of need, they're supposedly quite generous from whatever stock they have on hand. Usually they work with schools, or small children's activity clubs, or even sometimes gangs in the barrens, to get their commlinks to the kids.
WSG responds to Todd with the information that as far as the rumours have gone, the main problem with the FullMatrix give-aways is that they're really weak stuff, just about good enough for hitting the Matrix and running a program or two, and no more. Then again, to kids in the barrens, that's a cornucopia of possibilities, so really, who's counting? Granted, the kids are not skilled enough to defend themselves against any kind of attack, but why would they be? So exploitation has to be happening all the time.
Happy Noodle Boy
Mar 21 2014, 05:49 AM
After the morning rush finishes he says goodbye to Charlie.
I may have give up the morning shift in order to pursue the shadow trade. While Todd had no problem giving up the noodle cart he felt hesitant about also giving up the afternoon set up at the 'Happy Noodle' . I
guess i would miss seeing Angela though I think it would be more on my part than her's. Why is it that I am attracted to women to virtually unobtainable or want to kick the crap out of me?As he approached the school he paused to check for messages. He checked in a few of his classmates likely to be already at school to see if anything usual was going on.He noticed Andrew's message he replied
@Andrew,Graciana [Todd]: I managed to get get home and even got a few hours of sleep. found out that the products our 'friends' are really low end and in the hands of kids who would be walking around with the items and not even know if something wrong with them. Given how much they supposedly paid for these items they must be either giving out a LOT of these, someone is doing something funny with the funds, or there may be some thing about these items they aren't telling anyone. I heading to school, but before that I will check to see if anything might be happening now. Just because your paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you
Todd send a quick message to Ivan Annoying
@Ivan A [Dare Mo] Do happen to know if anything is happen at south Tacoma in light of the latest news?Assuming he hasn't heard anything from his previous inquires. Todd attempts to blend with the crowd
one with the crowd all the while looking for any signs of trouble
Perception +
security procedures
Mar 21 2014, 06:26 PM
Graciana woke up late. She was perfectly happy, thinking it was Saturday, until she opened her eyes.
No alarm clock.
No school.
No school, ever.
No screaming from Mama.
Graciana realized she would miss her ecology class, but nothing else. Since time was literally money in the coffin motel, she took the fastest shower she could in the communal bathroom, got ready for the day as quickly as she could and checked out.
Graciana then drove to the nearest Stuffer Shack to find something for breakfast that didn't involve milk or heat. She also grabbed a few lunches, dinners and snacks that literally could be eaten on the run, no refrigeration, heating or utensils required. I'll get something better after I get a place.
Munching away on the sort of mylar-packaged breakfast pastry that throws dentists, doctors and parents into fits, Graciana looked over her messages.
@Todd [Graciana]: I may take you up on that loan. Let me see if I can find something cheaper than a coffin motel.
@Angelo, Todd [Graciana]: We probably should meet soon and get cracking, but you've got school, unless you already dropped out this morning. I can't tell you what someone at FullMatrix could be doing with the funds, or the items, but I can scout the place out for you.
Graciana checked her commlink's calendar after sending off the messages, paying particular attention to what she had to do that afternoon and whether it would be safe to show up and do it. She also reminded herself of the location of Future Home #1.
A magician is an agent of change, or so I've been told.
Mar 25 2014, 08:38 AM
@Todd, Graciana [Angelo]: Gonna be a bit late, but I'll meet you at school, Todd. It's probably our best bet as far as getting our mitts on a FullMatrix commlink. We made a decent bundle with that data. I figure I'll invest some of it in a fairly decent 'link and offer to trade someone with one of theirs.
Andrew adjusted his sunglasses, thinking. Really, that was the problem. Even if they were offering a better device, showing up out of the blue to trade commlinks like that would seem awfully shady. Morgan or one of the students from his "old school" might be silver tongued enough to pull it off, but he was hardly a negotiator.
Graciana? What do you have in the way of spells? You think you can convince somebody to part with a FullMatrix device? He looks out the window for a computer store.
Mar 25 2014, 12:03 PM
@Angelo, Todd [Graciana]: I could only do that if a dog had a commlink. I can calm animals and control just one of them at a time. I can make disguises and make you invisible. I cah heal you and stun people. I also summon elemental spirits and Watchers.
Mar 28 2014, 02:40 AM
To nobody's surprise, there is a rowdy crowd at the school. Ivan Annoying confirms this, as do Suzette Arkwright, and even a cursory glance at the school. The crowd heavily features orks and trolls, as well as a lot of rather cranky humans. Suzette's show is stoking all sorts of flames about discrimination, privilege, serfdom and so on.
Exactly how much is seen depends on how close one gets, but it's pretty clear that the doors are being blocked, and that Knight-Errant are putting in an appearance, although at this stage they're just standing by.
Happy Noodle Boy
Mar 28 2014, 08:12 AM
As Todd viewed the spectacle before him he wondered if there would be a school to go to. While there is a part of him that wouldn't mind seeing the school go up in flames, he also realized that people would probably be hurt in the process. J
ohnny always said that the difference between him and those he killed was that he now valued the life of the innocent. Even now I am still not sure what his exact definition of innocence was.
@Graciana, Andrew [Todd}; issuing comlinks to dogs, now that's funny. actually Graciana I was wondering if any of your friends in the charity business might know something more about FullMatrix that could help us. Right now I am outside of the school. It looks about even odds that someone will overreact. Andrew I going to check to see if our link into the school is undetected, if so I think you could find out what the clowns in admin are up to. Before Todd sends his message he attaches a 30 second videos of the front of the school then he sends it out.
Todd does a check to see if their hidden link is still in place
Analyze plus computer
Mar 28 2014, 08:04 PM
Graciana laughs and laughs over the video. She also looks closely at the orks, just to see if any of them are Sons of Sauron.
@Todd, Andrew [Graciana]: I can always go ask my friends about FullMatrix. I'm not sure what they'll know.
Graciana stays in the Stuffer Shack parking lot for a while longer, in case there are any replies or more news.
Mar 29 2014, 01:51 AM
QUOTE (Ziathra @ Mar 28 2014, 10:04 PM)

Graciana laughs and laughs over the video. She also looks closely at the orks, just to see if any of them are Sons of Sauron.
There is no immediate development to the news, since an active riot has not yet broken out, but many of the protesting crowd show signs of a lidless eye, somewhat stylised. That said, they don't appear to be letting anyone into the school, so if it goes up in flames casualties should be minimised.
Mar 31 2014, 01:24 PM
Graciana says, "SI!" when she spots the Sons of Sauron. Snickering and making jokes about the Ring, she moves her truck to a spot at the fringe of the Stuffer Shack parking lot, so no one will mind her sitting there. Then she calls up a local newsfeed, so she can watch what happens at the school.
The Ring is mine! I almost hope they do burn it down!
Apr 13 2014, 07:44 AM
Andrew observes what he assumed were the results of their work, frowning slightly. It wasn't as satisfying as he had hoped. Though he didn't have much pity for anyone involved with Xavier, a few innocent faculty members might get blamed for their actions as well. Not to mention the consequences for the students. Andrew sighed heavily. He shouldn't have expected the whole mess with the school to go neatly.
@Graciana, Todd [Andrew]: Either of you recognize that eye symbol? Andrew noticed it when he watched the video a second time. Also, any more thoughts on a way to get a FullMatrix device? Since magical persuasion isn't an option, we could try to swipe a commlink from someone. Maybe leave them a nicer device as consolation.
Apr 13 2014, 11:05 AM
Andrew only has to wait a bit for a reply.
@Andrew, Todd [Graciana]: I think that's the Lidless Eye of Sauron, symbol of the Sons of Sauron. I could always walk into FullMatrix under a disguise spell and just ask for a commlink.
Apr 13 2014, 05:12 PM
The demonstration shows signs of getting angrier when Knight Errant sends loudspeaker demands for the crowd to disperse. Those who are in a position to hear it can hear chants from the crowd, in Or'zet. They don't sound like happy songs of peaceful cooperation.
One huge troll grabs a flagpole in front of the school, and with a couple of wrenching yanks, breaks it off to the cheers of the crowd. An ork rips the flag off the top, and a couple of others quickly tie on a banner with their eye icon. Another chant goes up: "Pinky school closed!"
Looks like it'll be a party to remember.
Happy Noodle Boy
Apr 14 2014, 06:20 AM
Todd continues to record to events unfolding. I am beginning to think there will be no school today
@Graciana Andrew [Todd] More action at the school [steaming video link) .
Todd cues up his agent Dear Kunoichi could you get me a Schedule for the GED program at the local community college. I may be need to continue my education elsewhere Todd thought he heard a discreet snicker from his agent before she went off for her appointed task.
Todd finds out that the access him and Andrew is still in the system and the school system is on alert
@Andrew [Todd]: Looks like the school system is on alert. Do you think it would be worth the effort to check the system in case they may have information on the Full matrix program (before the school burns down) or should we move on and start looking elsewhere?
Apr 17 2014, 11:05 AM
@Graciana, Todd [Andrew]: Actually...yeah, that could work. Andrew didn't want to say anything, out of politeness. But she was the type of person FullMatrix wanted to provide with Matrix access. Leaving the store, Andrew got on a bus headed for their school. Watching the developing situation at their school, he felt his stomach turn a little. Damn. This could end with a lot worse than some of the faculty getting hurt.
Let's give it a look. If it doesn't pan out, we have other leads to look into. He got off at the second closest stop to their school, walking the rest of the way. Andrew stops at a safe distance from the school and checks if their hard wire connection is still in place.
Apr 17 2014, 02:34 PM
Graciana, meanwhile, is still cosily tucked into her truck, watching Todd's streaming feed. "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them/In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie."
@Andrew, Todd [Graciana]: Okay, I will hop over there just as soon as things quiet down at school. I really want to see this.
Hmm, better disguise myself as human instead of an ork or troll after this.
Apr 17 2014, 03:40 PM
The Kunoichi returns to Todd, and bows as she offers him AR scrolls. They are, of course, the schedules of several local community colleges. She also provides the locations, operating hours and catalogues of several local libraries. She's nothing if not thorough.
Andrew steps off and finds out that quite a few kids apparently had the same idea. It's not a crowd of pupils, exactly, but there are faces he recognises here and there, craning their heads to get a better look while a pack of orks suddenly bursts from the mob and overwhelms a Knight Errant rent-a-cop in heavy armour. What they intend to do with him is anybody's guess but it probably won't be nice.
A few gunshots echo off the street and buildings, and the crowd roars.