Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 4 2014, 08:40 PM
Sir, We want this to go to a media source Dare Mo replies
We didn't got all this just to give it to someone who will hide it
Dare Mo sends a quick to Graciana
@Graciana [Dare Mo]: I might be able to connect you with someone who could help. I think I could get a also get a quicker response if you specify what category of item(s) you need to fence.
He looks toward the traffic before speaking again
"I think I may, but first you mentioned something about ideas.I have been told I should always listen to my elders. After this week I think I may have some free time to contemplate one or more of your good ideas; however, for the right ideals me" Glances at Angelo and perhaps my friend could be convinced to act on one of them sooner."
Jan 4 2014, 09:07 PM
@Dare Mo [Graciana]: Thanks. I've got some jewelry that I need to sell.
Jan 6 2014, 02:22 AM
Papa Gotcha takes his foot off the bench, stretches a bit, and moves to sit on the bench in a way which lets him pick up the data chip with a sweep of his hand. A mere second or two later it's slotted in his commlink. "Media, you got it. Tell you what, if this checks out, and the auction goes the way I think it will, I may have someone in media who wants some investigative work done. Mightn't pay too much, but the risk is low and the contacts are good. You boys like that kind of thing?"
While he speaks, Papa Gotcha's hands twiddle casually with his commlink. Something in the wrinkle of the crow's feet around his eyes suggest that biz is happening, and happening fast.
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 6 2014, 05:47 AM
Dare Mo briefly glances at his Com link, In for a penny in for a pound
"Well sir, I would like to think I am very good at helping people getting answers, It all depends, who, where and what toys are required to get the job done"
Jan 6 2014, 05:55 AM
This is it. First job offer. Angelo tries to keep his expression impassive as he thinks. He'd heard some negotiation over the price was normal, but...no. Gotcha was already going out on a limb with them. "Yeah. That sounds like the kind of thing I'd be interested in. Go on."
Jan 6 2014, 06:17 AM
Papa Gotcha chuckles softly. "One thing at a time, kiddo. Let me see here ... looks like a politically sensitive story." He hums a bit. "Gonna put out the word. Bidding starts at five thousand, but I bet you the election season means it'll top ten within an hour."
He shifts a bit in his seat, and pulls a credstick out of his pocket. Old school, but still functional. "Let's see how much reporters want to do biz with you after this story, not before, but I give you even odds of getting a gig right now. Hey, can you get me a big coffee and a big glazed? And get yerself something, it's on me." He absentmindedly hands the credstick to Dare Mo. Behind the bench the lights of Cafe Frou-Frou blink invitingly. It's also out of the wind, in there.
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 6 2014, 06:33 AM
Dare Mo nods and takes the Chip. He looks toward Angelo and says "what would you like?
So far it's looking good for our first job.
Jan 6 2014, 05:35 PM
Shit! Hop glanced again at the floating text in his peripheral vision
@Hop [Zoe]: I’m sorry, we’re leaving town before this blows up. Maybe Gracie can still help with PG’s job?
So, he was on his own again…dammit, he’d got Gracie’s message about Friday…that didn’t leave a lot of time to deal with stuff so it looked like Papa’s job would have to wait for the weekend, if it got going at all. He certainly had no intention of trying to solo it. Whilst he was sure Gracie was dealing with things, and sounded like she was in contact with others on the list, Hop felt he’d be better off spending today making his own arrangements and perhaps call on Gracie this evening.
@Cypher [Hop]: Hi Cyph. I’ve just started school and I’m on the shit list already! I swear I didn’t do anything to screw things up, I know Mum and Dad have worked hard for us to disappear here! Looks like they intend to cart off a bunch of us to a special school, let me tell you, I’ve no intention of getting grabbed! So, I need to disappear, and in a way that won’t mean that Mum, Dad and Catherine need to uproot. I’d just ask Pulse to get the Stillwater crew to wipe this SIN and just walk away but it’d be too suspicious. I’m not worried about the data trail but real people have memories. So, any ideas? I’m thinking an accident might be the best bet.
Hop spent the next few hours vaguely paying attention to the classes he was meant to be attending and deleting notes he constantly rewrote to Beth. He missed her! Meeting in VR was great and in some nodes could feel as real as the real thing, but there was something about knowing you were touching each other… he drove the thoughts from his mind, he needed to focus on how he was going to get himself out of this hole!
@Gracie [Hop]: Hi. Sorry I didn’t get back to you earlier, I’ve been trying to make arrangements for a worst case scenario… I don’t know if you’ve made any progress yet but I’d like to help if I can. There’s also Papa G’s job, I’ve had word from Zoe that she’s skipping so that just leaves me, maybe you, and anyone else we can draft in. It should be easy money and I have a feeling we’ll need it post Friday!
Jan 6 2014, 06:19 PM
Off in the coffin motel, Graciana is pulled out of a dark reverie by her communit. She reads the message, then sends a reply.
@Hop [Graciana]: Worst case is that you show up for school Friday morning and get grabbed. They're serious about carting people off – VR immobilizers, distraction devices for the magically talented and other such things. The vice-principal thinks this whole scheme is legal. Do not show up on Friday!
Thanks for the offer of help. So far, two guys are selling what they managed to grab to the media. I contacted about half a dozen activist groups and tried to get them motivated. Want me to pass your contact information to the guys?
I had to leave home, so I need money now. Quick question before we start work, though: do you know how to contact this Papa G? I'd hate to spend a week getting up at dawn to summon spirits and not get paid.
I wish Zoé the best of luck. I hope Rio and Daiyu will make out okay.
Jan 6 2014, 08:33 PM
@Hop[Cypher]: If you want to disappear, and you are sure that is what you want, then your best bet is doing so someplace records don't get kept. Get seen going into the barrens wearing clothes you don't want. Have the clothes show up bloodstained, and get someone spinning stories about how you got geeked by a gang. Otherwise, too many questions get asked.
Jan 7 2014, 10:59 PM
"That's good news. We appreciate your help getting the news out." Gotcha's estimate for the value of their data surprises him, to say in the least. The fixer would undoubtedly take a cut of that, but even so. Angelo never had anything close to ten thousand nuyen in his life.
"Just a small black coffee. Thanks," he tells Dare Mo. So what was their next move? He supposed they should wait for the job Gotcha predicted, then work on that while they waited to see if alerting the media did any good.
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 8 2014, 07:12 AM
Dare Mo went to the counter made the order and then paid for it . While waiting for the order was when Todd began to feel the cold. He rubbed his hands together and wiggled his fingers for a bit. Best to be careful, wouldn't want to freeze something off and have get it replaced, especially if I can' t afford the cybereare
Todd recalled how his mother tried to get the doctors at the Renraku corporate hospital to install a sleep regulator into Todd so he would have more time to study and get good grades. She was outraged that the doctors refused because they said it was unethical to install that sort of cyberware into a eight year old child.
Mother always knew best, especially if it was in her own interest. Which why she left us
When the order finally arrived he thanked the server and picked the Coffees and pastries.
Todd walked back to Angelo and Papa Gotcha and gave them their order and then gave Papa Gotcha his credstick back.
Todd sat down a took a quick sip of his real coffee and a bite out his almost real apple fritter. He allowed himself a smile remembering the last time he had a real apple.
The smile diminished a bit as Dare Mo looked at Papa
Anything change while I was gone?
Jan 8 2014, 07:23 PM
Papa Gotcha nodded absent-mindedly. "Nothing big." He paused to gently slurp at the mouth of the cup, and added: "Bidding is up to eight grand, japanese. How long do you want to wait before pullling the trigger? Some of the potentially interested parties are late to the game."
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 9 2014, 05:58 AM
Dare Mo looks to at Papa Gotcha in a effort to gauge the fixer's confidence
Judge IntentionsIf you talking moments here then I don't see the problem sir; however, as you pointed out, This type of information my have a limited shelf life. Do you think the late comers understand the value of what they are bidding for?
Jan 9 2014, 06:21 AM
Papa Gotcha pauses to take a bite of glazed pastry, and says through a couple of crumbs: "Well, we could wait a minute. Maybe net ten grand, maybe not. Or we could wait three hours, maybe net fifteen. It's all up to you. Of course, time's wasting and you seem to be in a hurry. I could just drop you a guaranteed ten grand and pocket the difference in two hours, that works for me, too." He grins while he munches, and then swallows it down with some coffee.
"Of course, before you run off, I should mention some people are interested in what else you might dig up, if you're good at digging up dirt. Might even pay for some specific dirt."
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 10 2014, 04:50 AM
Dare Mo took another sip of coffee and slowly exhaled. Sorry sir, did we come across as a little hyperactive? As for myself I don't mind a little digging, especially if I have the right tools to do the job. I am also interested in getting some electronic and 'theatrics' supplies, So if you think you can get more money for the information the more we can spend.
He glances at Angelo and said quietly Do you agree?
Jan 11 2014, 11:19 AM
Angelo nods. "We've got no problem with waiting a little while for the bids to rise. We just want to make sure the news gets reported soon. And yeah, I'm up for some more digging."
@Dare Mo [Angelo]: What do you think? Should we stop the bidding in an hour or two? Maybe less if the number stops rising? Ten thousand is just fine with me.
Jan 11 2014, 07:42 PM
Papa Gotcha nods somewhat, and his fingers keep poking at his commlink. "It's OK. Papa Gotcha. I gotta go, but I'll getcha back in ... say, before eleven tonight. I'll probably also have a contact for you when we get to that stage, ok? Now get outta here, and try not to look too suspicious.
Papa Gotcha drops his commlink so that it hangs loose from the loop on his belt, and stands, placing his left hand on his hip before stretching a bit, then picks up his pastry and coffee. "Latest bid is nine grand. Not bad for a coupla kids." With that, he starts to stroll off down the street.
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 11 2014, 08:53 PM
@Angelo [Dare Mo] I think by eleven pm would work for our purposes. Getting the word out and a little money would be a good thing
As he begins to stand he says to Papa Gotta: By eleven pm is fine. When we get back together I will need a reference to someone who who can sell jewelry Dare pauses then continues
And I just might be able to get some magical support for whatever digging your contact has in mind"
Jan 13 2014, 01:13 PM
QUOTE (Ziathra @ Jan 6 2014, 06:19 PM)

@Hop [Graciana]: Worst case is that you show up for school Friday morning and get grabbed. They're serious about carting people off – VR immobilizers, distraction devices for the magically talented and other such things. The vice-principal thinks this whole scheme is legal. Do not show up on Friday!
Thanks for the offer of help. So far, two guys are selling what they managed to grab to the media. I contacted about half a dozen activist groups and tried to get them motivated. Want me to pass your contact information to the guys?
I had to leave home, so I need money now. Quick question before we start work, though: do you know how to contact this Papa G? I'd hate to spend a week getting up at dawn to summon spirits and not get paid.
I wish Zoé the best of luck. I hope Rio and Daiyu will make out okay.
@Graciana [Hop]:
Don't worry, no intention of being around on Friday, working on a disappearing act now! I get the media angle but I suspect the Man has this sown up tight! Rio was my link to Papa G but I know someone who can probably find me the right number without too much persuasion. I've gotta go now but I'll start a shopping list for Papa G's job and see if I can winkle his contact details out. Stay safe! H
Jan 13 2014, 08:30 PM
@Hop [Graciana]: Good luck with the disappearing act. If all goes well tomorrow, I may take possession of a bolt hole. Also good luck getting hold of Papa G. Stay safe yourself - G
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 15 2014, 02:08 AM
As Papa G walked away he Asked Angelo: 'Have anything you need help with, Just hang around, or shall we just meet again at pm?
While waiting for a reply he sent a message to Graciana using the encryption he gave her.
@Graciana [Dare Mo]: I believe I can get you a contact at about 11 pm. In addition I might have a chance of getting a 'research' job, would you be interested in helping out?"
Jan 15 2014, 05:40 AM
@Dare Mo [Graciana]: I'm not sure what help I can be, but if you promise not to vanish on me without telling me how to get paid, I'll be glad to help.
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 16 2014, 06:49 AM
@Gacaiana [Dare Mo]: By 11 pm I should have answers to both of your questions. If you want I could meet you either before or maybe after that
Jan 16 2014, 06:56 AM
@Dare Mo [Graciana]: There's not much point in meeting you if you don't have answers. I'm not planning to stay up all night. Unless you want to meet at 11, we should probably try to meet tomorrow after school.
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 16 2014, 06:59 AM
@Graciana [Dare Mo]: I could meet you at eleven. besides can you still go to school?
Jan 16 2014, 07:01 AM
@Dare Mo [Graciana]: 11 is fine, where do you want to meet? And no, I need to stay out of school.
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 16 2014, 07:09 AM
@Graciana [Dare Mo]: I will be at Cafe Frou Frou at 11 pm. If it looks like me and Angelo are talking to someone. please wait til he leaves or me or Angelo invite you in
Jan 16 2014, 07:15 AM
@Dare Mo [Graciana]: See you at 11 at Cafe Frou-Frou, traffic permitting.
Jan 16 2014, 08:04 AM
"Think I'll stick around." Angelo said with a shrug. "Not much point in going home right now." It would have been weird, to be honest. Sure, he had the excuse of meeting with his friends, but Shane might be worried. "You go do what you need to. I can kill some time here." He took another gulp of coffee, thinking about the uncertain feeling he was having. Was he having doubts? About the step they were taking, or perhaps the ease with which they had taken it? Angelo smiled inwardly. A little too easy? Maybe. But that was no reason to be paranoid. They'd covered their tracks pretty well. It wasn't as if people working for the school were lying in wait to capture them before they got the news out. Hopefully. "Go on. I'll see you later."
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 17 2014, 07:39 AM
Dare Mo finished looking down the street. He straightened himself as if he was about to leave then his shoulders slumped at bit and he sat back down.
Todd cocked his head gave a rueful smile and sighed.
And what would I be doing right now, my fucking homework. Last Year my papa san asked me to concentrate on my school work, and like a good son I did so. I got my grades up, hell I was starting on college level electronics this month. He wanted me to a good son, stay away from gangs get into at least a community college in order to have a better future. Now members of the so called proper society who were supposed to be helping me with that better future have decided to throw you, me and the others away. We are being thrown away just to make their jobs easier, much like what Renraku did to my loyal father.Todd paused checking around to make sure he did draw any attention
Looking around As usual it seem nobody noticed
While he didn't think he was shouting
keeping his cool he decided to pause and cool down for a few seconds before continuing.
Well in any case I have now used some those little skills I learned over the summer just to keep having a future. I was hoping to have a little more time to hone my basic skills before having to use them in real life. Taking another breath he smiles
what I am trying to say is that I have nothing better to do either. So I might as well hang here too.
Jan 19 2014, 04:49 AM
At 11 P.M. Graciana parks her truck in Cafe Frou-Frou's parking lot. Out of habit, she's parked near the front door of the cafe, near but not under a lamp post. She's feeling paranoid, so she's dressed in her gray armored clothing. Her belongings are bundled into the back seat of the truck. The jewelry is down on the floor, amply hidden by all the clothes she took.
This had better be worth it. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day. I didn't check out of the motel, so I can go back later.
She looks around from the warmth and safety of her driver's seat, trying to spot Todd.
Jan 19 2014, 10:57 PM
Oh, right. With school being an obstacle instead of an obligation, there really wasn't much for them to do at the moment. Andrew listens intently to Todd, but doesn't say much in reply. Not because he couldn't relate. Actually, Angelo felt he could relate very well, having also been raised by his father. As well as the Horizon Group. But rather than kicking him to the curb, they had planned on using him as, basically, a lab rat. No wonder Dad left the company.
"Things could be a lot worse. Considering what those members of society had planned, we should be glad we're leaving them behind. And that we have the skills to do something not involving those people." Or at least something resembling said skills. Andrew tossed the commlink to himself. "How'd you want to kill the next hour or so, then? Gotta trid show you want to watch?"
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 20 2014, 01:53 AM
If you know a good comedy I could use a good laugh right now While speaking with Angelo Todd directed his agent Hana to check to find out if Ivan or any of the groups Graciana contacted were making any noise yet. On the TEA's plan for friday. Go now brave Konohci and find out if what the virtual streets tell you With a bow the avatar fades as the agent begins to browse the systems. Still not sure how fast things are moving so she may find anything on matrix.
While Angelo was working on his comlink he said to Angelo "By the way Graciana may be showing here around eleven. I trying to get some information for her. I was going to talk to her after our meeting. However if a job offer comes up and if magic backup could be useful I thinking she could help. What do you think?
Jan 20 2014, 03:54 AM
By eleven o'clock the agent has returned largely empty-handed barring a few semi-coherent rumours.
On the other hand, Papa Gotcha was as good as his word. Nearly fifty thousand UCAS dollars is sent electronically - of course, it amounts to a much less impressive twelve thousand nuyen - along with a note to the effect that he has a contact interested in some investigation work.
Mere minutes later, SPIN is showing a microphone being shoved into the face of a TEA member coming out of a fancy restaurant, with answers demanded to questions such as: "What will the budget implications be of implementing ork segregation in Tacoma area schools?"
The media promises to be positively alight with electoral fireworks in the next several days.
Jan 20 2014, 04:55 AM
Graciana would be laughing maniacally if she were paying attention to the news. Instead, she pays attention to the parking lot for a minute. Reassured that Knight Errant doesn't want her badly enough to eat doughnuts all night, she double-checks to make sure her ork girl illusion is down. Then she hops out of the truck, locks it up and goes in search of Todd.
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 20 2014, 05:43 AM
Todd nods and allows himself a smile. The last time I was this happy was when Senorita Satan actually thanked me for helping her with the final training exercise and that she actually tolerated my existence, of course I only smiled when she wasn't watching. I could send Angelo's share by wireless by I am not taking chances
After getting his hard wire connector Todd he says Hey Andrew I got another update after connecting he starts transmitting first sending Papa Gotcha's note and then types in
@Angelo[Dare Mo}: It is now payday. I assume you want your half of the 12 thousaInd Newyen now?
Jan 21 2014, 10:05 PM
"Graciana's a mage?" Andrew looked surprised. "Could have mentioned that sooner." He actually didn't think they would have anyone Awakened on their team. The closest he had expected was some occasional help from Nightshade. "Yeah, definitely. Ask her along. No reason to say "no" to some magical assistance." A mage would be a definite edge, and they needed as many as they could get.
Angelo smirked at the news of their auction. @Dare Mo [Angelo]: Yeah. Lay it on me. It looked like the wait had been worth it.
Jan 22 2014, 12:56 AM
Papa Gotcha doesn't show back up in person, but instead sends a recorded message:
@Dare Mo, Angelo [Papa Gotcha]: I got you a contact, just like I promised. Johnson wants an electronic address for arranging a meet. Hand it to me, I'll hand it over to Johnson. I recommend you pick neutral ground, maybe somewhere in public, somewhere quiet. Johnson has something cooking, so it won't be a long time waiting. Better hustle if you want yer cash.
He sounds as calm and self-assured as ever. Evidently this is all in a day's work for him. Is it in a day's work for three high schoolers?
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 23 2014, 07:07 AM
After making the transfer Todd took a look around to see if Graciana had arrived yet. Then he turned toward Andrew She was one who confirmed that the TEA was making their move on Friday. I am making that assumption she is a mage since she mentioned that she got the information by doing a 'Astral reconnaissance'.
On receiving the message from Papa Gotcha Todd felt mildly annoyed Great I was hoping to get ask him about getting some more electronic equipment as well as the information for Graciana. He sighed I guess I have to leave a message for later. Come to think about it I may also need a reference for a cyberdoc to make sure Renraku didn't put any tags on me while I was young
Anyway Graciana should be here shortly. shall we see if we can figure out a good meet point to talk with Mister Johnson?
Jan 23 2014, 09:23 AM
Andrew nods. "Then it looks like we owe her one." He stares at the message from Papa Gotcha for a minute, taking a deep breath to steady himself. Here we go. "So, public, neutral, electronic." Andrew considers his options. "Library?" He suggests. "The Seasource Archives, that is."
Jan 23 2014, 03:41 PM
Graciana arrives at this point, looking a little nervous. She's wearing the same black shoes and charcoal gray cargo pants as before, but she's changed tops to a silver-gray plain top. Her hair is back in a ponytail and she's not wearing any jewelry. “Buenos nochas. I hope you're still okay. Todd, did you get that information I asked for?”
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 24 2014, 12:09 AM
Todd muses on Andrew's Suggestion The library would work depending how soon Johnson wants to meet.
At this point Todd notices Graciana approaching. His shoulders slump a little then he looks with a meek smile. Hello Graciana, sorry but my contact hasn't come back to me to with you information. however he did come back with a job offer. Magical backup on this job may be very helpful. Would you be possibly interested?"
Jan 27 2014, 02:53 AM
Graciana frowns at Todd for a moment, tben raises her eyebrows. “I'd be interested in a job, if I got paid. I haven't gotten paid for my last one. What kind of a job is it?”
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 27 2014, 07:55 AM
Todd smiles at Graciana We got a offer to do some investigation work, it may be related to our last job. We about to set up the meet with the prospective Mr. Johnson. Todd Pauses a second "You didn't get paid for a job? What happened?"
Jan 27 2014, 07:51 PM
Graciana replies, “It was a job for a friend of Tristan's. We were supposed to get paid when we brought back some information. I did all the work and I haven't heard from Tristan since. That's why I want to know how to get paid if something happens to you.”
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 29 2014, 06:26 AM
Todd looked upward briefly as if he looking for an answer in sky, he then returned his gaze to Graciana. We just got our contact information from Papa G just as you arrived, I suspect we will get information on payment assuming we agree to the job Todd then switches his glance between his two associates By the way, any ideals on an alternate meet site in case our Johnson either doesn't like the library or wants to meet before the library opens?
Jan 29 2014, 11:16 PM
Graciana thinks for a moment. “Public parks are always nice meeting places,” she says. “I've never met with a Mr. Johnson before, so I have no idea what one would like.”
Happy Noodle Boy
Jan 30 2014, 06:46 AM
Todd smiled back "Join the club Graciana. Todd begins to work on his comlink again I think I better get some clarification from our fixerr
@Papa Gotcha [Dare Mo]: We are interested. How soon does Mr Johnson want to meet?
Jan 30 2014, 08:17 PM
There is a pause before Papa Gotcha responds to Dare Mo. Perhaps he's busy, perhaps he's talking to Johnson. Either way, in a short while the response comes:
@Dare Mo [Papa Gotcha]: Johnson can meet you tonight, but not before midnight. A location in Seattle would be preferable, so if I were you I'd start moving while you decide on a place. If you need anything else brokered, let me know. I can pass the location on to Johnson.
The traffic is light by now - quite light. Nonetheless, Seattle's downtown area is a good forty minute drive away at least, assuming no hitches. Add surface street travel for making it to a destination, and time is tight.