It makes a hell of a difference to act 3 times before the mage than 1 before him and 2 after.
and next IP once more .
so its still acting 3 Times before the next Action of Joe normalo. Its just the Sequence thats got changed
(instead of S/S/S/Joe
its been S/Joe /S/S
/S/Joe/S/S .... thats what I menat with
it .did.not.change. at. all !!

and since its not only been slightly better for Joe Normalo NPC but also for any non-combatitive Player Char its been well received (at least from the Players I've known and talked to, even some Streetsam players were OK with that new sequence )
but I think this is a subject for a whole different discussion .
OK, let me get this straight: You believe that that laser sight gets a bonus because the photons it emits report back in-flight telemetry like the throwing knives do?
No ,
I believe that the Laser Pointer gets a Bonus because CGL wants it that way
(and since it makes no sense to me, and the Throwing Dirk Bonus makes no sense to me either....

As I wrote before:
You have to draw a Line with WiFi Bonuses , and this line is either BEFORE the Throwing Dirk or AFTER the Laserpointer
and If You draw the Line AFTER the laser pointer you also have to accept a Bonus to each item inbetween
(its like presuming every car gets a windshieldwiper (= every Item in SR5 gets a WiFi Bonus),so a SMART
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-rggV7dDmbt0/UgFk..._56366eb5d1.jpg gets a wiper and a big Cadillac Limousine gets a Wiper too.That also means that every other car is also supposed to have a wiper too !
I'm NOT trying to make up any ingame Reason (since CGL's WiFi Bonuses don't either) I'm simply regarding this Issue from a Metagaming Point of View and following the Rules as they're already written down.
just to make it clear : I've drawn the line before the Throwing Dirk !

No wireless (and thus exposure to Neo tricks), no bonus. That's the entire point of this idea, and the reason why it can't be fixed.

there is quite an easy fix, give the Bonus no matter if its wired or not,or give no Bonus at all
a Laserpointer helps aiming , so the User gets +1 to hit and +1 Limit.
A Smartlink helps aiming even better , +2 to hit, +2 Limit .
A throwing Knife is just a peace of Metal so no Bonus at all,
Diving Gears WiFi Bonus make no sense and WiFi doesn't work underwater so no Bonus at all, etc.
However, there are pieces of ware and setting that changed substantially. In SR1, you couldn't astrally move through living materials, so buildings would be covered in ivy as a form of protection. That went away (with I think SR2, but I could be misremembering). That's a *huge* setting difference.
the big Astral Change was from Ed 2 -->3
(IIRC you could attack Spells like living beeings in the Astral Space in SR2 that changed too in SR3)
and I too consider this a Main event change !
But I was a Young then and I didn't mind so much
with a dance at the Line in the Sand