QUOTE (Gingivitis @ Oct 27 2016, 07:56 PM)
Called it.
Gee, not exactly hard when you flamebait like that.
Both sides in this have been nipping at the other so I can not say either side is blameless, but please don't try acting the martyr in this.
You wouldn't get this past FJ on the ShadowGrid without getting at least a warning, why do you feel it's acceptable here?
And for the record, before you chime in with some back hand comment about MY play preferences, I also happen to like Anarchy and have been looking forward to it for some time.
But even as an experienced SR player some parts of it do leave me scratching my head and won't deny that I am still working through some bits to try and smooth it out for better play.
Which is why I am here as well as the other forums, looking at both sides to sift through the bickering to find those gems to help me refine my game and make a better experience for my group.
@ people who think I am "Starry-Eyed" with Anarchy, I submit to you my first post in this thread:
If you saw how many posts I made in the errata forums, you would also know I am not starry-eyed, I am hopeful.
No, you give people the impression you might be a
bit starry-eyed when you open
another thread where you very much give one the feeling they are only to post praise (it's in the thread title afterall) and any other opinions/issues/concerns need not apply.
If this thread is soooo horrible, why are you still here?
*looks in at the other thread*
Yeah, not a lot of chatter there, funny that.
In case you haven't noticed, DS doesn't play yes-man well.
It was built by folk who are passionate about the game and they poke and prod at something like a sore tooth, not because they are bitter but because they want to find the best out of it.
Do they kvetch a lot? Sure.
Will they nitpick at the littlest thing? Guilty.
Can they sometimes be too opinionated and a bit of a grognard set in their ways? Absolutely.
But when you need something Samsonite tested to see how things shake out, they are the 800lb gorilla the game devs should have been using to stress test the product prior to release, rather than the weak sauce quality control we have seen to date in several of CGL products.
Is CGL the only culprit in this? Of course not. Many games, both PnP and electronic have fallen into the cycle of churning out incomplete product to keep afloat with the intent to fix it later, whether in errata or in future editions.
It's a cutthroat business, not too unlike that of college professors whose manta is Publish or Perish. Except there is no equivalent of tenure for a gaming company, so there is never any resting on their laurels unfortunately, because you are only as good as the next projected item on the horizon.
And yes, we are grateful there are folk like Patrick Goodman and Co. who are sifting through the mounds of chaff to set things aright once more via the errata, thanks largely in part to community input like your own and others on the errata threads.
Will everyone ever be able to agree on things? Probably not, but we can agree to disagree without the subtle and not so subtle jabbing at each other.
We, and by we I mean all of DS, is better than this, though spirits help me it doesn't seem like it some days.
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman @ Oct 27 2016, 09:27 PM)
So if anyone's curious about why I don't come in here very often anymore...it's threads like this.
And there is that to top off my night.