Sep 15 2017, 12:30 AM
@Kuirem - For narrative purposes I thought it'd be fitting to recount the events leading up to this very moment. Also, it's a huge helper for OOC purposes because you aren't gonna know what everyone is fighting and arguing about or the why of it all for that matter. A long detailed post was the first/biggest step in remedying this problem.
Sep 15 2017, 12:32 AM
I still think I should be able to Matrix Perception on a Commlink that's recently contacted us, I don't see anything in the rules against that and it makes sense (as much as anything make sense in SR5 Matrix anyway). But well I shall line up on Gilga judgment.
Sep 15 2017, 01:32 AM
While I agree it would make sense (and my hacker would love that...), the problem is that it's far too powerful if you can do that: what's to prevent you then to just contact someone you're looking for, and follow the trail?
Sep 15 2017, 02:43 AM
Hey guys It's me Ennui. Look I know It's been a while I'm terribly sorry I left you guys hanging but I ended up getting very sick and I've spent some times in the hospital having a double mastectomy and some chemo therapy, I'm on some pretty heavy duty painkillers so please forgive any rambling or typos. I'm sorry I missed out on your games and I'd like to rejoin if at all possible. The doctor says I'm in remission so as long as I keep up with my rehab it shouldn't cause any further probably. ON the bright side I receieved my fist piece of cybernetics. My insurance covered 70% of my boob job.
What do ya say, can Kernal strap on her deck and make some movies with ya?
Sep 15 2017, 02:45 AM
Ooch, sorry to hear that. Get well.
Pretty sure there'd be no problems for you to come back in any of your games.
Sep 15 2017, 04:30 AM
First, I hope you get well and feel better!
I will come up with something soon. I left her fate vogue on purpose.
Sep 15 2017, 05:45 AM
you will get -3 dice due to concealment (low light vision is enough to negate the night penalty). You need one hit to spot a pixie flying your ways and 2 hits to spot the second one.
Sep 15 2017, 05:50 AM
Uh, answered before I saw that. The -3 removes a success, so that leaves me at 2.
I've edited my answer.
Sep 15 2017, 10:51 AM
Nice to have you back. Does this game have some kind of curse where people kept being hit by disease and natural disasters IRL?
Sep 15 2017, 11:15 AM
Finestra and Nyx get a surprise round. the vampires are surprised because they did not expect to see people in that wood. They are entirely focused on their pixie hunt.
Fire on vampire:
11d6t5 3Damage is 8+3 = 11
Damage resist:
10d6t5 2Vampire takes 9 damage. (still kicking.)
Sep 16 2017, 04:58 AM
Nyx activates her Attribute Boost (Body)
Attribute boost (Body):
7d6t5 5 so she's up to 9.
Next come her draconic powers (those not requiring an action anyway), starting with the +2 Body (so now 11).
Activating Body +2 (Drain 4P):
14d6t5 5So no drain, and with her willpower of 5, she won't need to roll to resist drain from the other powers (right now, nothing active: thermo vision, hardened armour, and the strength +2 and charisma +1. Not that the last one is really required, but given the rest it seems likely that she appears more impressive).
1d6+7 13
Sep 16 2017, 06:36 AM
2#8+2d6 15 15Intiative:
10+1d6 11Surprise round is over, we start regular combat.
1. Vampire 1: 15 - attacking Nyx.
2. Nyx 13 - (Need an action)
2. Vampire 2: 12 (the one wounded by Finestra) attacking Finestra
3. Finestra: 11
1. Vampire Attack Nyx:
Unarmed attack +Running:
13d6t5 4. Damage is: 9 stun + net hits.
Nyx has 7 armor from her clothes (all the clothes were armored for obvious reasons.)
2. Vampire attacks Finestra:
Unarmed attack +Running:
10d6t5 03. Finestra shooting again:
Shoot vampire:
11d6t5 1vampire dodge:
5d6t5 3
Sep 16 2017, 06:51 AM
Nyx goes full defence, so init takes -10
Full Defence:
15d6t5 7As for her action, it'll be Compulsion (defended by Willpower + Logic).
13d6t5 5
Sep 16 2017, 07:46 AM
Vampire cannot resist. Feedsvon Fellow Finestra fires on second one 4 damage. And then it flees in terror.
Sep 16 2017, 07:52 AM
Damn, what will I do with my pet vampire now...
Sep 16 2017, 08:08 AM
Is it a long-term power?
Sep 16 2017, 08:09 AM
Nah, Sustained. But releasing a pissed off vampire seems like a bad idea
Sep 16 2017, 08:15 AM
Okay, I wasn't next to the book. I will let you re-establish control over it if you wish to simply kill it (without rolling dice).
Sep 16 2017, 08:16 AM
Nah, doesn't matter, it's good enough as it is. Having him flee is a good enough result as far as Nyx is concerned.
Sep 18 2017, 09:25 AM
@Jack I will require some explosives roll to rigg a bomb.
Sep 18 2017, 09:54 AM
No bombs - bundles. Just a bunch of flashbangs bound together with tape.
Or do you mean the Molotov cocktails?
4d6t5 2[4d6t5=2, 3, 5, 5]
Sep 18 2017, 11:16 AM
@Gilga I was wondering about that but your NPC seems to really underestimate Ant spirits, even those specialised in bug exterminations. Do you play a nerfed down version compared to the books? Because I almost lost some of my PC in a game I made thanks to their nasty acid damage.
Just asking for myself because either way Wheely won't know much about them.
Sep 18 2017, 11:27 AM
I made them up - they have no advantage over regular people. Unless you consider being telepathically linked an advantage.
Sep 18 2017, 11:39 AM
Page 95 of Street Grimoire will give some more indepth details on Ant Spirits. In case anyone needs a quick page reference.
Sep 18 2017, 11:42 AM
those are nasty fuckers.
Sep 18 2017, 11:47 AM
Fortunatelly only the soldiers and scouts and queens get natural weapon. So only 3 out of the 6 insect varients will have caustic mandibles.
Sep 18 2017, 12:10 PM
Nope, the text actually says:
"Unique Qualities: All physical damage done by ant spirits is also considered acid damage "
It doesn't have to be damage from natural weapons. Called shot with unarmed attack turns into acid that way.
Also, Workers have a venom attack.
Sep 18 2017, 12:53 PM
Well that's worse than I originally had imagined. That means if you get stung/biten you start melting from the inside out. Damn thats cool.
Sep 18 2017, 01:11 PM
Ok as I thought, a weaker version. That explain why the Insect exterminator was so lenient about them contrary to Kynos.
And yeah to have tried them out on my group a couple of ant warrior spirit force 5 took down 2 mages and a troll (they were beginner though). It's hard not to let them close to you if you fight in an Ant-hill.
Sep 18 2017, 01:21 PM
Jupp, area denial through fire and explosives combined with APDS full auto fire is the tactic that Kynos would suggest.
Sep 18 2017, 01:31 PM
I feel like he would suggest the same tactic against a zombie attack, an ork invasion, a lawyer meeting or an alien swarm, and he would be damn right!
Sep 18 2017, 02:32 PM
Where can I find the original version?
Sep 18 2017, 02:38 PM
Street Grimoire p.95
Sep 18 2017, 03:16 PM
Looks like I have some back reading to do, anyone want to fill me in? Last I was reading We were about to deal with the vamps then some corp shows up. I'm still going to read it but a synopsis would be nice.
Sep 18 2017, 04:13 PM
Basically, we were paid by the vampires for some pixies (everyone got 21.000 Nuyen), the previous owners of the farm sent a negotiator, the negotiations fell through since their only offer was for us to betray the mafia. The Finnegans did come to an agreement with the previous owners that now delays our payment. Instead the Finnegans want us to acquire Strawberry to work for the farm so it will turn a profit more quickly.
To get to her Kynos tried to fish for information with her previous employer Andu from the Yakuza. It turned out that Andu is crazy and was behind the whole bug-spirit conspiracy that Strawberry started and allegedly plans to invade the bug spirit home plane for some crazy reason.
Meanwhile Nyx followed a trail to Strawberry through her two girlfriends Nagisa and Minnie and is in the process of talking to the crazy dryad.
It turned out that Ayato is a double agent for the Yakuza and he abducted Sovereign, delivered him into the ant spirits underground base where the mage is currently talking to Strawberry's Spirit friend of the same name and appearance.
While Nyx talks to the real Strawberry, Kynos and the rest are preparing an attack on the ants to get Sovereign back (since we don't know yet that he isn't in acute danger right now).
As far as I understood, Irris is currently inside the boot of a car - probably Ayato's or one of the Yakuza as she was with Sovereign at the safe house when he was abducted.
We haven't yet formally signed on for this mission with the mafia and have no other payment received.
Sep 19 2017, 01:55 PM
Oh shit! I hope Wheely will have the opportunity to add EM64 to his friend list, how cool would it be to hook up for some Dawn of Atlantis with a spirit!
Sep 19 2017, 07:01 PM
Matrix games threshold 3 and you already know her... but not that she is a spirit. Just a slightly odd gamer.
Sep 19 2017, 07:08 PM
Matrix Games:
5d6t5 2Well Wheely is a bit rusty, haven't played seriously in a while what with trying to survive and stuff. So yeah looks like he hasn't been up on the community either.
Sep 19 2017, 07:16 PM
Well spirits do not sleep I think.
Sep 20 2017, 03:53 AM
Send me an IM or something when you get close to introducing me back in so I can keep an eye out.
Sep 20 2017, 05:57 AM
Check out page 13, post 318 when you get the chance. Maybe you can do something clever until a search party is formed.
Sep 20 2017, 06:01 AM
Sep 21 2017, 03:16 AM
@Gilga - I loaned my spirit a point of edge to reroll failures in my IC post.
Sep 21 2017, 07:21 AM
Normally I think that you declare edge before the opponent resists but I'll let it go for now. (Especially as I did both roles).
Edge reroll:
9d6t5 3 okay she is terrified alright. 10 hits to her 8. You won't see any terror on her face, she'll just dematerialize and bail back to her room.
Sep 21 2017, 10:59 PM
I check ar for any icons and make a connection to my deck if its inlllwith my gear. If I need a perception check I can roll that when I get home I also rolled an escape artist to see about getting unbound
Matrix perception; Escape artist:
9d6t5 3 8d6t5 4
Always Overkill
Sep 22 2017, 07:33 AM
Her is Overkill info for the next chapter. Glad to be a part of the game!
Character Name: Garret Dramen
Alias: Drave, Overkill, Mr. Steiner
Archetype: Decker
Race: Elf
[ Spoiler ]
Drave is 6'3" about 185lbs with long black hair and a lithe, agile appearance. He wears dark shades, with the faint green glow visible behind them much like
that of the stone age computers of the 1970-80s, along with a long grey wool trenchcoat or a lighter black leather duster for warmer weather, black undershirt,
and black leather pants and boots. He has a number of shiny tech devices; commlinks, scanners, jammers, etc., mounted to a tactical harness he wears under his coat.
Character Sheet:
[ Spoiler ]
Body: 3 (+15 k)
Agility: 4 (5)
Reaction: 5 (6)
Strength: 2 (+10 k)
Willpower: 3
Logic 6 (-8- )
Intuition: 3
Charisma: 3
Essense: 1.65
Physical: 5
Mental: 7
Social: 4
Electronics Skill Group: 5
Hacking: 6
Electronic Warfare: 6
Cybercombat: 6
Perception: 4
Automatics: 4
Unarmed Combat: 2
Sneaking: 2
Con: 1 ( 2k)
Gymnastics: 2
Groundcraft: 2
Aircraft: 2
Knowledge Skills:
German (N)
English: 4
Japanese: 1
Sperethiel: 1
Black Market: 1
Corp Politics: 1
Corp Security: 3
Street Knowledge: 2
Matrix Security: 4
International Politics: 1
Analytical Mind -5
Codeslinger (Hack on the Fly) -10
Negative Qualities:
Prejudice (Corporate Mercenaries): +5
Code of Honor (Soldiers Code) +15
Allergy: Wild Grass (Uncommon, Mild) +5
Wired Reflexes 1
Cerebral Booster 2
Bone Augmentation 2
Muscle Toner 1
Cybereyes 3 w- Low-Light, Thermo, Smart Link, Vision Enhancement 2, Flare Comp, Image Link, Vision Magnification.
Shock Hand
Datajack w-Simrig
Hermes Ikon Commlink x2 (One integrated)
Gear: ( +8 k= 16,000 + 450,000= 466,000
Proteus-AG Blitzfurhen "Lightning Drive" Cyberdeck (Renraku Tsurugi)
-All Common and Hacking programs, Agent 4
-Mapsoft- Denver
Armor Jacket
SCK Model 100 w- Gas-Vent 2
-200 Rounds of Explosive Ammo
-100 Rounds of Stick and Shock
-100 Rounds of Standard Ammo
Ares Crusader 2 w- Suppressor
-200 Rounds of Explosive Ammo
-200 Rounds of Stick and Shock Ammo
-100 Rounds of Standard Ammo
Streetline Special
-100 Rounds of Standard Ammo
Earbud- Audio Enhancement 1, Spatial Recognizer
Fake Sin 4 (Wilhelm Krieg- A Dutch Immigrant and freelance contractor who works Matrix Security in the tech industry.)
-Cybernetic Augmentations
-Bioware Augmentations
-Firearms & Ammo (to possess them)
-Firearms & Ammo (to carry them)
-Cyberdecks & Programs
-Communications Devices
BMW Falke-72 "Falcon" (Suzuki Mirage)
Lifestyle: low (Extra Secure, Difficult to Find)
Docwagon: Basic
Fliegegeheimagent x1 (Fly Spy)
Bug Scanner 5
Head Jammer 5
Tag Eraser
Area Jammer 3
Directional Jammer 5
Flash Pak x2
Trauma Patches x2
Stim Patches 3 x4
Tomas Muller- Black Market Smuggler/Fence: 1/4- A former comrade in the BADF during the Seige of Berlin who helped get Drave out of Europe to North America.
Jared Chomsky- Community Leader 2/2- A young idealist who Drave has come to respect and work with since coming to Denver. (See Amy Jennings Background)
Chapel- Human Fixer 4/2- See your notes
Standard Slaved Devices (Slaved to Proteus-AG Cyberdeck): Datajack, Hermes Ikon Commlink, Cybereyes, Earbud Audio Enhancement
Also can be slaved given the situation: Ares Crusader II, SCK Model 100, Bug Scanner, Sequencer 3, Area Jammer 3, Directional Jammer 5, Fliegegeheimagent (FlySpy)
800 Nuyen Left
[ Spoiler ]
Drave was born in 2038 in Berlin to human parents, another example of UGE. His father was a professor of sociology and a leader in the Independant German Socialist Party who merged with the Anarchist Movement that managed to take control of Berlin in 2039. Drave was raised there in relative peace, studying IT and Matrix Security at the Berlin Free Academy until 2055, when the Allied German States contracted the Megacorps to retake the city from the Anarchs in 2055. Despite great losses in the opening weeks of the conflict, the Berlin Anarchist Defense Force regrouped and struck back. Even though they were greatly out-manned and out-gunned; and massive corp efforts to achieve a hastened victory were attempted regularly, the Anarchs held out against the odds, fighting on for over 5 years in the war-torn city. When a truce was signed between the AGS/Megacorps and the last stubborn anarchists still holding out, bottled up in the far eastern section of Berlin, Drave knew his home was gone forever.
He knew he had to get out of the city; being a stubborn hold-out resistance fighter against the Megacorps in a well-publicized conflict puts you on a lot ofhit lists. He went underground, faking his own death alongside many BADF fighters who survived to the end of the Seige in Betrieb Weihnachtsgeschenk Überraschung (Operation Christmas Present Surprise.) Once he was out of Berlin, he used his connections to leave Europe for North America to help leave a cold trail for any who
might follow. He is now working as a Shadowrunner in Denver, taking whatever jobs he can find to give some grief to the Megacorps who destroyed his home.
Sep 23 2017, 04:08 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Sep 21 2017, 08:45 PM)
When you arrive Nyx says "Valentina said she'll be here in an hour. She asked for you can go to your room if you wish, or you can join me for some quality Whiskey at the bar and explain to me what exactly happened in that insane asylom of a safe house."
Pretty sure it's not Nyx doing the saying ^^
So I'll assume you meant Finnestra.
Sep 24 2017, 03:38 AM
Sep 24 2017, 04:20 PM
QUOTE (Ennui @ Sep 21 2017, 10:59 PM)
I check ar for any icons and make a connection to my deck if its inlllwith my gear. If I need a perception check I can roll that when I get home I also rolled an escape artist to see about getting unbound
Matrix perception; Escape artist:
9d6t5 3 8d6t5 4In case this was missed.
Sep 24 2017, 04:31 PM
You are unbound alright! in a trunk of a car driving in auto pilot with no other matrix icons within 100 meters.
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