Nov 3 2019, 04:59 AM
Hail and well met strangers. Starting in about 1-2 months I'll be trying to restart an old campaign of mine using the 4th Edition ruleset of Shadowrun. The game will take place in Seattle set somewhere between the year 2072 and 2075. Haven't decided entirely upon which year and what time exactly but I think I'll figure something out. This might just be a one-shot mission or it might become an overarching campaign lasting about ten chapters or so. That depends entirely upon the players more or less.
The basic premise behind it involves a team of runners going against the machinations of a toxic cult, supposedly led by a mad dragon. Which consists of making harrowing journeys into Glow City, braving the worst of what Redmond has to offer. Rusted Stilettoes and Halloweener alike will seem humane in comparison to the horrors that lie at the heart of the city's blight-lands. That's not all however... Delve deep enough and you'll uncover the most racist and transhumanist plot that'll threaten all of the inhabitants of Seattle as a whole.
For character creation you'll be using the 4th Edition 20th Anniversary book of Shadowrun plus a few others as follows below. For the time being, only these afore mentioned books are game legal.
4th Edition Core Book
Digital Grimoire
Gun Heaven
Runner's Companion
Sim Dreams and Nightmares
Street Magic
Way of the Adept
Char-gen rules.
1. Special Attributes don't count towards the 50% BP/Karma Limit.
2. Free Contact points equal to Charisma X 2.
3. Free Knowledge Skill points equal to (Logic + Intuition) X 3
4. Essence loss only lowers maximum Magic/Resonance.
5. No Meta-Variants.
6. Outside of the above, all standard rules of Char-gen apply. (Max Avail is 12, Only 1 non-special Attribute can be raise to Metatype Maximum, Only 1 skill can be raised to 6 while the rest stay at a max of 4 or lower/ Only 2 skills can be raised to 5 while the rest stay at a max of 4 or lower)
House Rules. (So far)
1. Physical melee and ranged attacks will be defended against with Reaction + Dodge. (This includes Indirect Combat Spells)
2. Full Defense tests will be Reaction + Dodge + Dodge.
3. Physical Direct spells are defended against with Body + Body.
4. Mana Direct spells are defended against with Willpower + Willpower.
5. Elemental Combat spells have their Drain Code lowered by 2, making them F/2 +1 for single target and F/2 +3 for area effect.
6. Only two Magical Traditions are allowed at Char-gen, Hermetic and Shamanic.
7. Hermetic Magicians lose access to the Mentor Spirit Quality, but instead gain access to the Elemental Focus Quality. (see below)
8. Shamanic Magicians may take the Spirits of the Flame Quality. (see below)
9. Initiation/Submersion no longer increases the Maximum cap of Magic/Resonance. (Hard cap of 6 placed on both Magic and Resonance, determined by Essence)
Elemental Focus
Cost: 5 BP
Most mages take a balanced approach to the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. Others align themselves with a single element and become elemental mages, gaining +2 dice for spells and spirits of that element. The penalty for such specialization is that the mage suffers a -1 die for spells and spirits of the opposite element (fire opposes water, earth opposes air). A fire mage, for example, has +2 dice for combat spells and fire elementals, but applies -1 die for illusion spells and water elementals.
Elemental mages may develop personality traits commonly associated with their element. For example, earth mages are often characterized as materialistic and practical. Air mages are seen as cerebral and thoughtful. Fire mages are willful and aggressive, while water mages are intuitive and emotional. Though these are stereotypes, elemental mages will show these characteristics to some degree. Like a totem or mentor spirit, the alignment chosen for an elemental mage is permanent. Only a full hermetic magician can choose this quality.
Spirits of the Flame
Cost: 0 BP
Some shamans have learned to summon a type of nature spirit that represents the more active and primal element found throughout the natural world. Most commonly, these shamans are capable of conjuring spirits born of heat and fire known as salamanders, or spirits of the flame. This fundamental change can only happen at the cost of the ability to conjure spirits of man. Traditionally, flame spirits are known to dwell within places of great heat or fire, such as active volcanos or arid deserts, and in cultures where fire is especially honored, like the kahunas of Hawai'i or the elven magical paths of Tir na nOg. This quality is only available to full shamanic magicians.
Nov 3 2019, 05:42 PM
Welcome back friend!
Nov 3 2019, 07:25 PM
Yeah, been down and out close to 2 years now. Life has a way of throwing a monkey wrench into what plans you set into motion. Glad to see all is well for the most part.
Nov 4 2019, 11:03 PM
I'm provisionally interested. Would you like me to post a proposed sheet, or do you prefer private messages?
I can send a courier, but they cost extra.
Nov 5 2019, 12:27 AM
Either works it up to you. Also, you can use the BP System starting with 400 BP or the Priority System. I recommend using the 750 Karma Buy System since you get cheated less on the advancement costs and its the most flexible.
Nov 8 2019, 05:47 AM
Sorry it took so long, but I have a proposed character:
Summary and qualities
[ Spoiler ]
George "Robodoc" McCarthy
Race: Dwarf
Murky Link, Magic Resistance 4, Sensitive System, SINner, Analytical Mind, College Education
[ Spoiler ]
Body 3
Agility 3
Reaction 3
Strength 4
Charisma 2
Intuition 3
Logic 5
Willpower 5
Edge 1
Essence 6
Magic 0
[ Spoiler ]
Biotech Group 4
Electronics Group 4
Mechanic Group 4
Athletics Group 1
Cracking Group 1
Influence Group 1
Outdoors Group 1
[ Spoiler ]
Pistols 2
Longarms 2
Gunnery 2
Locksmith 2
Dodge 2
Pilot Ground Craft 2
Pilot Watercraft 2
Pilot Aircraft 2
Pilot Anthroform 2
Artisan (plumbing) 4
Armorer 3
Chemistry 3
[ Spoiler ]
Academic Knowledge (Engineering) 2
Academic Knowledge (Cybermedicine) 3
Professional knowledge (Engineering) 3
[ Spoiler ]
Comforts Low
Entertainment Low
Necessities High
Neighbourhood Low
Security High
Homegrown Farming
This isn't Big Bob's Autos
Monthly cost 5000
Facility type: Cyberclinic/ware/drone maintenance
Transport and Drones
[ Spoiler ]
Toyota Gopher 1
Shiawase Kanmushi quadruped 3
MCT Fly-spy 3
UW Faculty Group Contact
[ Spoiler ]
Low loyalty, but they're a group with varied knowledge and skills
Local street scum
The local scum don't want a no-questions-asked street doc to get hassled
The fixer knows he has skills and broad views on morality
Portable medical supplies
[ Spoiler ]
Biomonitor 3
Medkit 6 (2)
Medkit supplies (4)
Stim patch 3 (20)
Tranq patch 3 (25)
Trauma Patch (5)
Personal effects, weapons, clothing
[ Spoiler ]
Colt America L36 ( 2 )
Ruger Super Warhawk
Ruger 100
Remington 990
Bipod for the Ruger 100
Concealable Holster (2, for the Colts)
Imaging Scope for the Ruger 100
Quick-draw holster (for the Super Warhawk)
Speedloader (4, for the Super Warhawk)
Spare magazines (4, for the Colts)
Regular ammo, light pistol (500 rounds)
Regular ammo, heavy revolver (250 rounds)
Regular ammo, hunting rifle (250 rounds)
Regular ammo, shotgun (250 rounds)
Actioneer business clothes
Armour vest
Lined coat
Electronics and software
[ Spoiler ]
Meta Link (10)
Vector Xim (10)
AR Gloves (1)
Subvocal Microphone (1)
Datachip (100)
Analyse 1
Browse Data 1
Command 1
Edit 1
Encrypt 1
Agent 3 (3 copies)
Other gear and cash
[ Spoiler ]
Optical binoculars
Micro trid cameras (5)
Endoscope (2)
Goggles 6
+ Flare Compensation
+ Image Link
+ Ultrasound
Starting cash
Personal summary
[ Spoiler ]
George is outwardly a relatively upstanding citizen. He teaches occasionally as an adjunct at the UW, in the medical school's cyberware and bioware classes, or sometimes in the engineering school.
He learned early in life that he had a sensitive system, which is why he has no cyber. He also learned that he's not magical, and that magical medicine doesn't seem to work too well on him, so with that in mind, and fairly good native smarts, he set about learning about these things.
He has parlayed this interest into nontrivial knowledge of medicine as well as mechanics. He went to college, getting lots of courses in all the basics from anatomy to trauma management, before a few stints in various medical institutions doing internships and learning his chops. Lots of bodyshops and cyberclinics were happy to have an extra hand for a franchise, so it wasn't hard for him to pick up clinical hours.
Eventually, he got enough cash to build his own squat, and live his own vaguely antisocial life. He doesn't watch a lot of trid, except for things like machine shop instructional skills. His one hobby is urban farming, because the automation required for it without a lot of hands-on involvement is highly compatible with cyberware construction skills (pumps, filters, servos and so on). The fact that this also gets him fresh fruit, vegetables and animal protein is just a nice bonus. Unlike his early employers, he's not really interested in constantly swapping out eyeballs and joints, so instead he went into occasional adjunct work in academia, and does what a tax attorney might call unregistered charity work on the street. It pays more in kind than it does in cash, but that suits him fine too.
The local gangbangers know that he will patch up anyone with a minimum of questions asked, and install and repair cyberware with even fewer questions asked. His one rule is: his place is neutral ground, and anybody who doesn't like that can go bleed in the gutter. The fact that he'll also help birth the kids of the local girls, and do immunisations for a song and a dance helped make sure that the last slot to try ripping off his place got mysteriously vanished except for a recognisable head stuck on a chunk of rebar down the street, and so nobody got that stupid recently.
The one major annoyance is that somehow his place's ID is right alongside that of an autotaxi dispatching service. This ensures that his residential links mostly get ignored.
As a shadowrunner, he's mostly a hardware and wetware fixit man, but he has a lot of useful chops when it comes to planning runs, interpreting schematics, and running legwork. He knows perfectly well that he's not equipped to run with the big boys on the Matrix, so when he has to crack something he prefers to haul it away and bash at it at his leisure, using throwaway commlinks and AR. This is why he has plenty of tiny, cheap commlinks and datachips. He has a similar attitude to drones, but he's more inclined to customise them. He can't be a cranial plug rigger either, so instead he pilots things when he has to, and uses autopilot when he can.
The fact that he's occasional adjunct faculty means that he actually knows quite a few professors and other high muckamucks in the academic world, so while they have no real loyalty to him, they'll answer questions and generally give him the time of day out of professional courtesy.
Two weird things about which he picked up a good chunk of knowledge are locksmithing at a level something above a casual hobby - his introduction to it was small scale machining - and plumbing - to match his hobby farming habit, and fix his dwelling and facility in the bad end of town. In this cause, as well as medical and cybernetic purposes, he makes good use of his endoscopes and micro trid cameras.
He runs the shadows because he barely gives a rip for the rules of society. He's not quite an anarchist (or neo-A) but in his book society is a rotten system, and so the one real law is: don't get caught. If that means that he can help a team by planning an infiltration through plumbing systems and air ducts, wait by the extraction point with a rifle, help them tear apart some widget for Johnson, and help patch up a street sammy that got his chrome bent? As long as it pays, he's on board. Let's see the credstick, chummer.[/spoiler]
Nov 8 2019, 04:08 PM
I like the char concept of a Medic/Rigger but I feel like he's stretched a little to thin when it comes to both his Attributes and his Skills. Consider condensing his skill list a little more, that'll free up some BP/Karma. Also, he lacks any kind of Augmentations. Even something like a Control Rig, Datajack, Reaction Enhancers and maybe some Cybereyes will go a long way for him and really complement his Rigging potential.
For inspiration and a general guideline, look at the Drone Rigger and Smuggler sample characters in the SR4A core book.
Nov 8 2019, 06:04 PM
Cool, I'll build another character.
(Can't see adding major cyber to a guy with sensitive system, and without sensitive system I'm completely changing the concept, so might as well start fresh.)
I'll try to be a little faster this time.
Nov 8 2019, 06:17 PM
It's cool, no rush man. I noticed the Sensitive System quality and how that played a part in the guy's background, but in my opinion it's kinda of a trap quality similar to Bad Luck. It's a quality meant more so for Magicians, Adapts and Technomancers. The kind of Archetypes that don't need or would never use Cyberware and Bioware.
Nov 8 2019, 10:36 PM
Hey there!
It looks like you could still use new players here, so let me voice my interest to join. I would probably make a street shaman, most likely human or elf.
I do have a few questions.
1) Is Initiation okay during CharGen? I understand it won't help with Magic, but some of those metamagic techniques are pretty sweet.
2) "No Meta-Variants" -- does that mean only the standard five metatypes are available, or are some of the other options from Runner's Companion (that are not Meta-Variants) also valid?
3) House Rule #8 "Shamanic Spirits" -- is that set in stone? I really like Spirits of Man, and they also seem rather thematic for an urban shaman.

4) And last, but not least... since the little pretext sounds rather bleak... any insight about how much Background Count is to be expected?
Nov 9 2019, 01:27 AM
First off, welcome! Secondly, thanks for showing an interest.
1. Yes, but only once and you can't take an Ordeal to lessen the cost.
2. Just the standard 5 metatypes for the time being. Although, you may run the risk of becoming an Infected PC if fate wills it.
3. I'll make it more of a provisional rule in that case. Fire Spirits may replace Man/City/Hearth Spirits for Shamanic Magicians.
4. Expect a 1-4 Background Count, but only for certain rather... Nasty spots. I'm gonna rule BGC as a DP modifier for all Magic related tests and for Drain tests instead of a reduction in Force/Magic. Less annoying that way.
Nov 9 2019, 01:54 AM
I'm weighing options.
Can you explain the Elemental Focus quality?
Nov 9 2019, 04:12 AM
Cool, thank you!
As a follow-up question to 2): What about SURGE?
3. Physical Direct spells are defended against with Body + Body.
4. Mana Direct spells are defended against with Willpower + Willpower.
Is this just for Direct Combat spells?
Nov 9 2019, 05:01 AM
@Koekepan - Yeah, glad you asked.
Elemental Focus
Cost: 5 BP
Most mages take a balanced approach to the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. Others align themselves with a single element and become elemental mages, gaining +2 dice for spells and spirits of that element. The penalty for such specialization is that the mage suffers a -1 die for spells and spirits of the opposite element (fire opposes water, earth opposes air). A fire mage, for example, has +2 dice for combat spells and fire elementals, but applies -1 die for illusion spells and water elementals.
Elemental mages may develop personality traits commonly associated with their element. For example, earth mages are often characterized as materialistic and practical. Air mages are seen as cerebral and thoughtful. Fire mages are willful and aggressive, while water mages are intuitive and emotional. Though these are stereotypes, elemental mages will show these characteristics to some degree. Like a totem or mentor spirit, the alignment chosen for an elemental mage is permanent. Only a full hermetic magician can choose this quality.
Spirits of the Flame
Cost: 0 BP
Some shamans have learned to summon a type of nature spirit that represents the more active and primal element found throughout the natural world. Most commonly, these shamans are capable of conjuring spirits born of heat and fire known as salamanders, or spirits of the flame. This fundamental change can only happen at the cost of the ability to conjure spirits of man. Traditionally, flame spirits are known to dwell within places of great heat or fire, such as active volcanos or arid deserts, and in cultures where fire is especially honored, like the kahunas of Hawai'i or the elven magical paths of Tir na nOg. This quality is only available to full shamanic magicians.
1. I'm half and half on SURGE at the moment, but I might lean against it.
2. I'm not a big fan of single Attribute only tests so that rule will apply to most if not all Spell/Power Resistance Tests. Examples spells/powers being but not limited to - Manabolt, Powerball, Control Thoughts, Fear, etc. The second Attribute may vary depending on the Spell/Power in question. (at Gamemaster's Discretion)
Nov 9 2019, 05:32 AM
Thanks, Mulcarn.
OK, provisional plan (and I'd like Thanee's take on this as well):
I'm thinking a hermetic mage right now. I'm fifty-fifty on the elemental focus, because I'm still solidifying the concept. If I do, it might be earth or water, but no promises. I'm thinking dwarf again for no other reason than that I think our squat cousins don't get enough love, but human is still on the cards.
So, Thanee, should we be the magical Gimli/Legolas odd couple of Mulcarn's twisted Redmond nightmare? Until one of us dies horribly, of course.
Nov 9 2019, 07:18 AM
I don't plan on pulling my punches so much as telegraphing my blows. The Sixth World is a deadly and apathetic place. Between the soulless corporate machine of triple-A companies that govern the world combined with the existential threat posed by the dragons and metaplanar horrors, death is always right around the corner. Don't forget the seemingly endless amount of heartless criminals who'll gladly shoot you in the face for a quick buck.
That being said, I believe in fairness and balance when it comes to games like Shadowrun. I'm not going to try to intentionally kill you at every turn imaginable, nor will I go out of my way to save you for that matter. It's why I want to GM a game with the house rules I have in place so far. There is no right or wrong. No black and white. Only cause and effect. The takers and the taken. I'm only here to set the stage and put the actors in their place. The narrative, at least as I view it, will be written by you. More specifically, by the choices your characters make and the actions that follow suit.
So in essence, yeah, there is a chance you'll die horribly. Probably even in the first mission. But fret not, the challenges that presents themselves won't be impossible to overcome. Only just that, a challenge.
Nov 9 2019, 09:34 AM
QUOTE (Mulcarn @ Nov 9 2019, 06:01 AM)

1. I'm half and half on SURGE at the moment, but I might lean against it.
I will first have to come up with something more concrete, anyways. But it would likely not be too wild.

2. I'm not a big fan of single Attribute only tests so that rule will apply to most if not all Spell/Power Resistance Tests. Examples spells/powers being but not limited to - Manabolt, Powerball, Control Thoughts, Fear, etc. The second Attribute may vary depending on the Spell/Power in question. (at Gamemaster's Discretion)
Yeah, that is what I thought at first, but that "Direct" in there made me wonder.
Nov 10 2019, 04:28 AM
For further clarity, Spellcasting is subject to Visibility Modifiers for all line of sight based spells, including area effect spells. Poor visibility affects the spellcaster's ability to create the mystic link needed to channel mana into another person/point in space. Indirect Combat Spells are the only spells that can be used without LOS, but suffer the -6 Blind Fire penalty. Cover provides extra DP to the defender/target of a Combat Spell. (I think Cover applies to all spell defense/resistance tests but i'm not 100% sure atm)
For Direct Combat Spells, the target would roll Body/Willpower + Body/Willpower (+ Partial/Good Cover, Counterspelling if available) to resist the incoming attack.
For Indirect Combat Spells, the target would roll Reaction + Dodge (+Partial/Good Cover if available) to defend against the incoming attack, followed by Body + 1/2 Impact Armor (+Armor mods and Counterspelling if available) to resist the damage incase the defense test failed.
One work around for poor/zero visibility is to use Astral Perception to target your friends and/or foes.
Nov 10 2019, 02:17 PM
QUOTE (Koekepan @ Nov 9 2019, 06:32 AM)

So, Thanee, should we be the magical Gimli/Legolas odd couple of Mulcarn's twisted Redmond nightmare? Until one of us dies horribly, of course.
Sorry, havn't replied to this, yet.
If anything, my character will be more Tauriel than Legolas, just not as good with the bow...

Nov 10 2019, 07:12 PM
Outdated version of character
[ Spoiler ]
Kathy Gilroy - Dwarf - Female - 23 years old
- thermographic vision, +2 on tests to resist pathogens and toxins
- Talismonger (she works for him, informally)
- Fixer (she might work for him, deniably)
Positive qualities
- Astral Chameleon
- Murky Link
- Magician
Negative qualities
- Gremlins 4
- Body 4
- Agility 2
- Reaction 2
- Strength 3
- Charisma 2
- Intuition 3
- Logic 5
- Willpower 6
- Edge 1
- Initiative 5
- Essence 6
- Magic 6
Skill groups
- Conjuring 4
- Sorcery 4 (** see individual skills)
- Close combat 1
- Outdoors 1
- Stealth 1
Individual active skills
- Dodge 2
- Assensing 4
- Astral combat 4
- Arcana 4
- Enchanting 4
- Artisan (Fabric crafts) 4
- Spellcasting 6 (** raised from sorcery group with karma)
- English (Native)
Knowledge skills
- Music theory 1
- Games of chance 1
- Combat axe
- Knife
- Survival knife
- Leather jacket
- Clothing
- Commlink (Meta Link with Vector Xim OS)
- Glasses (with flare compensation and magnification)
- Industrial disposable earplugs (box of 500 pairs)
- Entertainment - Street
- Comforts - Squatter
- Neighbourhood - Squatter
- Security - Squatter
- Necessities - Low
- Lifestyle qualities
_ - Green Plan (solar panels, iffy delivery)
_ - Poor Condition (worn-out insulation and ill-fitting fixtures)
- Prepaid for 3 months
- Combat
_ - Powerbolt
_ - Stunball
- Detection
_ - Detect magic
- Illusion
_ - Invisibility
- Health
_ - Antidote
_ - Cure Disease
_ - Detox
_ - Heal
- Manipulation
_ - Magic Fingers
_ - Ignite
_ - Mana Barrier
_ - Armour
Kathy Gilroy is a dwarf hermetic mage from the streets. She was born to dwarf parents in the late '40s, back when a lot of politics made her parents think that dwarf separatism might be a thing. The practical result is that she's SINless. She doesn't really resent this, and is herself sympathetic to the distant notion of dwarf separatism, without it affecting her daily life much - she just doesn't feel as if she should be a UCAS citizen.
Her major gripe about the result of being SINless is that she lives in a disused coffin hotel, and it's a gripe because the other inhabitants are skeezy, and there's no maintenance that the inhabitants themselves don't supply. On the other hand, a dwarf girl with her own combat axe and knives can definitely make her preference for personal space known, and a dwarf girl with a decent line in magic usually gets as much privacy as she asks for. Her way of life is modest, but so are her tastes. Her education hasn't been terribly varied, but she gets by. Early in life she was spotted as having magical talent, so a local talismonger let her work in his shop for modest cash, plus all the knowledge she could absorb. For him, it's a hell of a deal. A full mage as a talismonger's shop assistant? Excellent. For her it's a hell of a deal too, because she got a practical education far beyond what some other slots pay for, and pay big.
It might have sounded like a setup for him to catch some hot dwarf action, but that was never on the cards. She likes dwarf men because she can look them in the eyes and hug them without ribs cracking, and he likes tall, leggy waifs. It's strictly biz. Well, maybe friendlier than that, because who else you gonna chitchat with when biz is slow? But that's all.
In terms of her magic, besides a broad base of skills in things like enchanting, she picked up formulae for a wide range but concentrating on healing and manipulation as just being the most useful. In terms of conjuring, her favourite choice is watchers. They're an easy, fun augmentation to personal security.
Contrary to the dwarven stereotype, she and technology just do not get along. The practical result in her eyes is that she spends less on fancy crap than everyone else. Her combination of ultravision and a dwelling with patchy access to electricity means that she has found occupations that keep her entertained without it. This has led to her creating her personal grimoire in a scroll of cloth, written in cross-stitch. As a result, it's waterproof, which is useful in this landscape. Her commlink is usually in a pocket of her cargo pants, but almost invariably off. She generally only even turns it on when checking for messages when things are really slow.
Kathy runs the shadows as an extension of her street-oriented life, around talismonging. Politically, she's friendly with the rather scattered remnants of the neo-anarchists in her area, but didn't sign on to any movement or anything like that. In another place and time she might as easily have been a homesteader, a gun-totin' survivalist, or a goldbug. Her personal style is pretty basic, with stylishly short hair, boots, cargo pants, flannel shirts and a leather jacket. Her axe goes pretty much everywhere that she does, for reasons cultural as much as practical. Against the weather, she likes broad-brimmed hats. Between her baggy clothes, hat and glasses, it's hard for facial recognition cams to draw a bead on her, but in these days of gait recognition that probably makes less difference than one might think.
Nov 10 2019, 08:09 PM
You might want to think about a Sustaining Focus for Manipulation, so you can get that armor or barrier up without hindering yourself too much.
Also, I think, getting Edge to at least 2 or 3 is not very expensive and highly useful (for those times, that surely will come, when you
really botch some important rolls

Nov 10 2019, 09:20 PM
Adding on to what Thanee had said, I'll make a numerical list of things to drop/add (if you want to that is

1. Strength and Agility can be dumped entirely.
2. Astral Combat and Banishing aren't bad per se, just entirely obviated by direct combat spells like Manabolt and Stunbolt. Consider only leveling Counterspelling, Spellcasting, Summoning and Binding to free up some extra BP/Karma.
3. Close Combat, Outdoors and Stealth can all be dropped. Grab Improved Invisibility to replace Invisibility to sneak past metahumans and sensors.
4. Drop Detect Magic and Ignite to pick up any of the following spells, (all are good so it doesn't matter) Firebolt, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Ball Lightning, Combat Sense, Mind Probe, Analyze Truth, Increase Reflexes, Influence, Control Thoughts, Physical Barrier and Levitate.
5. Cram and Psyche are a magician's best friend. Really strong and good drug cocktail.
Nov 11 2019, 12:37 AM
My thinking was that Strength and Agility have some use when the mage at least has to keep up with others to some extent - and this goes double for short-legged dwarves.
Banishing has its uses when dealing less violently with things you don't exactly want to tackle head-on. I definitely also want ritual spellcasting to keep options open. Besides, it makes sense that someone who learned by way of a de facto apprenticeship in a talismongery would have learned those skills as a part of the business.
I could drop stealth and outdoors I suppose, but I think that a street dwarf with a difficult relationship with technology would definitely have some rough-and-tumble, slash-and-stab skills if only at the basic level.
Detect magic is way too useful. Ignite I could drop, improved invisibility is OK (but again, more drain). I could switch around combat spell choices, but I don't see that getting the whole collection buys me much. Mind probe and analyze truth were on my shortlist, so that's worth considering. I just ended up running against the chargen limits of how many I could use.
I'll reread the sheet and see where makes sense to drop and add things. I might be able to do a little shuffling. I realise belatedly that I forgot to roll for her cash on hand anyway.
Nov 11 2019, 01:02 AM
Not sure if a DP of 3 for melee and Stealth tests will be worth the early game resource sink. While I do agree that ritual sorcery can do some neat things, for char-gen purposes I'd say dropping it for now. You also don't have any rituals learned 😉. For combat spells, you only need 1 direct and 1 indirect, anything beyond that is more icing than anything (except in the case of combat spec based spellcaster).
Consider learning a spell in limited form to help deal with Drain.
Levitate coupled with Imp. Invisibility will supplement most if not all obstacles a shadowrunning mage/shaman might face. They entirely replace the need for the Athletics and Stealth skill group (more or less).
Anyway, it's all food for thought. Play the Character you want to play.
Nov 11 2019, 03:10 AM
OK, I did some adjustments to sort things out.
(I think you meant not having a lodge, rather than not having memorised rituals? Anyway...)
I added sensitive system to this character as well for the points (what the hell, this time it's a mage anyway) as well as some other tweaks. I'd really have liked to get more spells, but I'm already hard up against the limit. For combat, I have one plausibly lethal and one non-lethal, so as a less combat oriented mage, that works for me. Anyway, here goes...
[ Spoiler ]
Kathy "Can Opener" Gilroy, Female dwarf, 23
Thermographic vision, +2 on tests vs toxins and pathogens
[ Spoiler ]
Talismonger employer
[ Spoiler ]
Astral chameleon
Murky link
Sensitive system
Gremlins 4
[ Spoiler ]
Combat axe
survival knife
leather jacket
Meta Link with Vector Xim
glasses with flare compensation and magnification
A big ol' box of industrial earplugs
40NY in her pocket.
[ Spoiler ]
Squatter level, except Low necessities and Street entertainment.
Green plan (unreliable solar power)
Poor condition (the breeze blows through and leaks drip)
300NY/month, prepaid for three months.
[ Spoiler ]
Magic fingers
Mana Barrier
Cure Disease
Detect Magic
Analyse Truth
Improved Invisibility
[ Spoiler ]
Body 4
Agility 2
Reaction 2
Strength 3
Charisma 2
Intuition 3
Willpower 6
Edge 2
Initiative 5
Essence 6
Magic 6
Skill groups:
[ Spoiler ]
Conjuring 4
Sorcery 4
Close combat 1
[ Spoiler ]
English (native), Wiz lingo specialisation
Active skills:
[ Spoiler ]
Dodge 2
Assensing 4
Astral combat 4
Arcana 4
Enchanting 4
Spellcasting 6
Artisan (fabric crafts) 2
Artisan (brewing) 1
Etiquette (commercial) 3
[ Spoiler ]
Music theory 2
Games of chance 2
History 2
Literature 1
Philosophy 1
Sixth world politics 3
Current affairs 3
Reagent sources 4
Parazoology 4
Parageology 4
Astral environment 3
UCAS magical groups 3
Magical threats 2
Magical traditions 2
Magical goods suppliers 2
Mage poseur aesthetics 2
General commentary
[ Spoiler ]
Kathy Gilroy is a dwarf hermetic mage from the streets. She was born to dwarf parents in the late '40s, back when a lot of politics made her parents think that dwarf separatism might be a thing. The practical result is that she's SINless. She doesn't really resent this, and is herself sympathetic to the distant notion of dwarf separatism, without it affecting her daily life much - she just doesn't feel as if she should be a UCAS citizen.
Her major gripe about the result of being SINless is that she lives in a disused coffin hotel, and it's a gripe because the other inhabitants are skeezy, and there's no maintenance that the inhabitants themselves don't supply. On the other hand, a dwarf girl with her own combat axe and knives can definitely make her preference for personal space known, and a dwarf girl with a decent line in magic usually gets as much privacy as she asks for. Her way of life is modest, but so are her tastes. Her education hasn't been terribly varied, but she gets by. Early in life she was spotted as having magical talent, so a local talismonger let her work in his shop for modest cash, plus all the knowledge she could absorb. For him, it's a hell of a deal. A full mage as a talismonger's shop assistant? Excellent. For her it's a hell of a deal too, because she got a practical education far beyond what some other slots pay for, and pay big.
It might have sounded like a setup for him to catch some hot dwarf action, but that was never on the cards. She likes dwarf men because she can look them in the eyes and hug them without ribs cracking, and he likes tall, leggy waifs. It's strictly biz. Well, maybe friendlier than that, because who else you gonna chitchat with when biz is slow? But that's all.
In terms of her magic, besides a broad base of skills in things like enchanting, she picked up formulae for a wide range but concentrating on healing and manipulation as just being the most useful. In terms of conjuring, her favourite choice is watchers. They're an easy, fun augmentation to personal security.
Contrary to the dwarven stereotype, she and technology just do not get along. The practical result in her eyes is that she spends less on fancy crap than everyone else. Her combination of ultravision and a dwelling with patchy access to electricity means that she has found occupations that keep her entertained without it. This has led to her creating her personal grimoire in a scroll of cloth, written in cross-stitch. As a result, it's waterproof, which is useful in this landscape. Her commlink is usually in a pocket of her cargo pants, but almost invariably off. She generally only even turns it on when checking for messages when things are really slow.
Kathy runs the shadows as an extension of her street-oriented life, around talismonging. Politically, she's friendly with the rather scattered remnants of the neo-anarchists in her area, but didn't sign on to any movement or anything like that. In another place and time she might as easily have been a homesteader, a gun-totin' survivalist, or a goldbug. Her personal style is pretty basic, with stylishly short hair, boots, cargo pants, flannel shirts and a leather jacket. Her axe goes pretty much everywhere that she does, for reasons cultural as much as practical. Against the weather, she likes broad-brimmed hats. Between her baggy clothes, hat and glasses, it's hard for facial recognition cams to draw a bead on her, but in these days of gait recognition that probably makes less difference than one might think.
No substantial text changes, but she's a better rounded individual with a slight change to chosen spells, a little more edge, and the background to make better sense of her place in the world and the world's activities around her.
Nov 11 2019, 04:46 AM
Alright, last thing every runner needs is an alias, a moniker or street handle if you will.
Edit: Yeah my bad about the rituals comment. Thought Ritual Spells had to be individually purchased and learnt in this edition.
Nov 11 2019, 08:00 AM
Kathy "Can Opener" Gilroy.
Whether it's because she looks inclined to open the legendary can of hoop-whuppin', or whether it's a reference to her axe, the world may never know.
Nov 11 2019, 08:08 AM
I was expecting something cheesy like Kathy "Griffin" Gilroy.
Nov 11 2019, 08:15 AM
Thinking about a few possible directions, one of which likely needs your consent.

That would be taking the Ally Conjuration Metamagic and have an Ally Spirit.
Would that be an acceptable choice (assuming, it even works out with the pretty steep costs)?
Nov 11 2019, 08:29 AM
Not saying no, (at least not right away) but wouldn't that require a massive karma sink?
Nov 11 2019, 08:31 AM
It does. Which is part of the reason why I am thinking about it, since this is likely the only time, where you would have that amount of Karma at your disposal.

It might turn out to be not feasible due to the cost, not sure about that, yet.
Nov 11 2019, 08:46 AM
Ummmmmm, sure, you can. But you most follow all rules of the Ally Spirit Conjuration minus the actual dice rolling parts.
That includes the Magical Lodge Materials, Spirit Binding Materials, the Karma for the Initiation coupled with the Karma cost of the desired spirit. Don't forget to pay for the skills needed for the use of its powers. And it's home metaplane must coincide with one of the 6 usual metaplanes (air, beasts, earth, fire, man and water).
Nov 11 2019, 09:15 AM
Yes, obviously.

Nov 11 2019, 03:22 PM
I have something put together, just needs some finishing touches (like getting rid of 123 Karma worth of stuff

EDIT: Getting closer... still 50 to go.

Nov 12 2019, 07:06 AM
So far its just the three of us. Know anybody else whom might be interested?
Nov 12 2019, 09:27 PM
No, afraid not.

Nov 13 2019, 12:29 AM
LFG: Face, Decker, Sammy, Rigger. Apply within. Mister Johnson has cookies.
Nov 13 2019, 09:43 PM
I've been away from Dumpshock and Shadowrun for about 3 years. Life took a funny turn, and then I ended up going to the Andes a couple of times, looking for an ancient settlement in the forest. Been there, done that, now looking for some virtual adventure.
I left while playing and Dming 4th edition. Missed 5th all together. I have the 6th edition core book, and must admit it is a bit of a chore figuring things out. A 4th edition game would be a nice return. I could dig all my source books out of the storage locker.
You interested in an old guy coming out of retirement? If so, what do you think the team needs?
EDIT: Seeing the previous post, I could do a sammie. I have filed away somewhere Oro, the Unstoppable, a troll from Kazakhstan who worked his way East through the Russian army and a couple of circuses, or Quick Willie, a dumpster diver who got lucky and pumped himself full of enhancements.
Nov 14 2019, 01:37 AM
Hey, welcome! Technically all roles are open. I don't mind running a group of all Magic users it would just give me an evil excuse to throw more magical based opposition at you guys

Jokes asides, a Street Sam or Phys Adept would be a nifty addition. That or some kind of Tech Specialist like a Hacker, Rigger or Technomancer. Play what you are the most comfortable with, no pressure.
Nov 14 2019, 05:58 AM
Well, I think there should be -one- PC who isn't screwed over by Background Count. So, here's a possibility. I dug this up from old files, so I believe the stats are OK. I used 400 BP to generate him, but might look at the karmagen to see if I can mold him a little better.
Quick Willie vignette:
[ Spoiler ]
“So what the fuck is it? Whadda ya wanna show me?”
“Not here, dickwad. Around the corner, in the alley, so’s no one can see.”
The two Halloweeners duck into the darkness behind the bar where both had drunk their fill. The smaller one, Skank, scans both ways up and down the street to be sure no one is near. Satisfied, he reaches into his jacket and pulls out a small rod that reflects the street lights with a metallic glint. “Check it out, Lance.” He whispers. “It’s a platinum credstick!”
“Fuck off, Skank. Where would you get sumpin like that?”
“I’m cuttin’ through the back of one of them fancy restaurants downtown when this old guy in a white suit steps out and starts pissin’ on the wall. Beats me why he didn’t use the bathroom, but he’s havin’ a grand old time till I decides to shiv him and check for his watch and stuff. That’s when I found this! I booked it outta there right away and checked it out a couple a blocks later. And know what I found?”
“One hundred and seventy five fuckin’ thousand nuyen! That’s what. This thing is a gold mine!” Skank can’t contain his glee and starts hopping from one leg to the other.
Lance twirls and pumps his arms wildly. “You lucky sonofabitch! Party time!”
“Damn right, Lance. But you’re sayin’ it to the wrong guy,” a voice from the dumpster behind them exclaims. Mouths agape the two gangers turn to meet, face on, two bursts of automatic fire. The Halloweeners fetch up against the dirty brick wall and spoil the graffiti with their blood.
Before they finish slumping to the ground, Willie snatches up the credstick and, still chewing on the fried chicken leg he found a moment ago, dials up the street doc he met yesterday.
“What’d I tell ya, doc? Somethin’ came up, and I’m ready to deal. See ya in half an hour.”
Quick Willie description and stats:
[ Spoiler ]
Quick Willie (400 BP, Availability

Willie earned his moniker more for his temper than for his reflexes. He is not the smartest kid on the block, and compensates for it by getting angry if anyone makes fun of his intelligence, tries to pull one over on him (and Willie actually catches on), or acts superior in any way. He has tried hard to learn how to act in public, but still on occasion farts, picks his nose, or somehow offends those around him. He has tried so hard because proper behaviour has made his life easier, particularly with women, though he does not understand why people care so much.
Willie stumbled upon a Halloweener ganger bragging to a fellow ganger about the credstick he stole. Willie surprised them and killed them both, paying for his augmentations with the cash on the credstick.
Willie loves to go fast.
Ork [20]
low-light vision
Qualities [-15]
Restricted Gear (5) – hot sim module
Restricted Gear (5) – Wired Reflexes Rating 2
Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins (10)
Vindictive (-10)
Uncouth (-20)
SINner (-5)
Attributes [200]
BOD 4 + 4 = 8
AGI 1 + 3 = 4 (5)
REA 1 + 4 = 5 (7)
STR 3 + 2 = 5 (6)
CHA 1 + 1 = 2
INT 1 + 2 = 3
LOG 1 +1 = 2
WIL 1 + 3 = 4
INI = 8 (10) (3 IP)
Special Attributes [40]
ESS 6 – 4 = 2
MAG 0 = 0
EDG 1 + 4 = 5
Contacts [14] + (6)
Street doc 3 connection / 2 loyalty
- the one who augmented QW after his big score
Mechanic 2 connection / 1 loyalty
- works on QW’s vehicles
ID fabricator (hacker) 3 connection/ 1 loyalty
- source of fake SINs
Combat Bike promoter 3 connection/ 1 loyalty
- has entertained QW’s requests for info and a chance for a tryout
- says will call QW “when the circumstances are right”
Fixer 4 connection / 1 loyalty
- this may be the way to link QW to the others?
ActiveSkills [112]
Dice Pool
Perception 3 [12] INT 6 (+3 {+2} auditory, +3 vision)
Etiquette 1 * [8] CHA 3
Con 1 * [8] CHA 3
Dodge 3 [12] REA ranged 7 / full defense ranged 12 /
(ranged combat) (+2) [2] melee 10 / full defense melee 13
Unarmed Combat 2 [8] AGI 7
Automatics 3 [12] AGI 8 / 10 (+2 with smartlink)
(subm. guns) (+2) [2]
Pilot Groundcraft 5 [20] REA 12 / 14 (+2 with control rig)
(bike) (+2) [2]
Pilot Watercraft 1 [4] REA 8 (+2 with control rig)
Running 1 [4] STR 7
Infiltration 1 [4] AGI 6
Survival 3 [12] WIL 7 / 9
(urban) (+2) [2]
Knowledge Skills (15 pts.) + [2]
Seattle street gangs 3
Sports trivia 1
Combat Bike circuit 2
Seattle water smuggling routes 2
Moonshine production 1
Orksploitation trideo 2
West Coast Beers 1
Ork Underground entry points 2
Goblin Rock 3
GEAR [27] 135,000 nuyen
Augmentations 72,250 nuyen
Wired Reflexes (2) essence 3.0 cyber/ 0.0 bio 32,000 nuyen
Muscle Augmentation (1) 0.0/0.2 7,000
Muscle Toner (1) 0.0/0.2 8,000
Sim module 0.2/0.0 5,000
Control Rig 0.5/0.0 10,000
Data Jack 0.1/0.0 500
Cybereyes (4) 1,500
- smartlink 1,000
- vision enhancement (3) 4,500
- vision magnification 1,000
- flare compensation 750
- thermographic vision 1,000
- low-light 1,000
- eye recording unit *
- imagelink *
- eyelight system 750
Other Gear 59,800 nuyen (2,950 nuyen unspent)
Suzuki Mirage Bike (control rig adaptation) 9,000 (+2 Handling)
- anti-theft system 1,200 (associated with Fake SIN A)
SC Otter Boat (control rig adaptation) 15,000 (+1 Handling)
Marina slip rental X 1 year 600 (associated with Fake SIN A)
Honda Spirit subcompact (control rig adaptation) 12,500 (+1 Handling)
(associated with Fake SIN B)
Middle lifestyle X 1 month 5,000
Fake SIN A (4) 4,000
Fake SIN B (4) 4,000
AK-97 carbine submachine gun 400
- regular ammo clips (30) X 4 240
- internal smartgun system 400
- gas-vent (3) 400
- foregrip 100
Armor Jacket (8/6) 900
FF Full-body Suit (6/2) 1,600
Bike racing helmet (+1/+2) 200
Securetech PPPsystem 900
- forearm guards (+0/+1)
- leg and arm casings (+1/+1)
- shin guards (+0/+1)
- vitals protector (+1/+1)
Armour: 17/14 (encumbrance 14/13)
Damage Resistance Pool: 25/22
Commlink for Fake SIN A: Novatech Airware Resp. 3 / Sig. 3 1,250
OS: Iris Orb Firewall 3 / Sys. 3 1,000
Commlink for Fake SIN B: CMT Clip Resp. 1 / Sig. 3 300
OS: Redcap Nix Firewall 1 / Sys. 2 400
Earbuds 10
- audio enhancement (3) 300
- spatial recognizer 100
Let me know if he would fit.
Nov 14 2019, 06:28 AM
Solid Character. Fairly well rounded and performs his role as a close quarters fire support specialist and tank. I'd recommend rebuilding him using Karmagen whilst using his BP-gen as a blueprint. Not mandatory though but I consider it to be superior to the BP system.
Edit: In case it was missed, all PCs get Charisma x 2 free contact points.
Nov 14 2019, 07:08 AM

Was that character created under stricter equipment limits than normal?
Just wondering, since you have Restricted Gear for Wired Reflexes 2, which has an AV of 12R, and Hot Sim, which is AV 4F. Neither requires the quality.
Nov 14 2019, 03:25 PM
Oh, yeah. In the campaign for which I created him (but which never got off the ground) there were stricter limits than the book. I'll fix that when I take a karmagen look at him. One challenge for me will be to play a character who doesn't come up with the ideas all the time. It's tough to shut off my idea engine. Or my mouth.
And if I don't need Restricted Gear, I have more points! Min-max Min-max Min-max Min-max Min-max Min-max!
Hey! I was the 5000th member to join after Thanee!
Nov 14 2019, 05:29 PM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Nov 14 2019, 04:25 PM)

Hey! I was the 5000th member to join after Thanee!

Nov 14 2019, 06:01 PM
If the team needs more flexibility, I can shelve Can Opener and go back to Robodoc. Whatever his issues are, flexibility isn't one.
Nov 14 2019, 07:53 PM
I'd wait for Thanee's char sheet before scraping or shelving anything yet.
Nov 14 2019, 07:57 PM
Shouldn't be too long...
I delliberately tried to not have too much overlap with Kathy.

Nov 14 2019, 08:31 PM
Mages and Shamans have a bit of a natural overlap as it is. The same way Gunslinger Adepts and Street Samurais kinda do. Typically, in an almost stereotypical manner, Mages tends to be more offensive oriented when it comes to their preferred spelled and shamans are more defensive with theirs. Although, a Dragonslayer Shaman and an Earth Mage might disagree with that very sentiment

Nov 14 2019, 08:39 PM
NON-CANONICAL.... three months ago ...
[ Spoiler ]
Kathy sighed as she shoved the footstool another two feet along the floor, then got up on it to dust the top shelves. Little crystal gewgaws twinkled and clinked while the synthetic fibres collected dust and crud from their surfaces.
A dwarf one inch high manifested, sitting on the edge of the top shelf, and looking down at Kathy while sharpening an axe. Of course - it was one of Kathy's watchers that she'd summoned out of sheer boredom. "Hey, boss, customer incoming."
Sure enough, a second later, the door opened. Kathy was already getting down, and peering through the shelving. She got a view of a shirt, and a midriff. Judging by what she could see, she already knew what to expect; an elf with delusions of being magical, and another elf fawning on him and using him as a wallet for pretty, pretty things. Kathy was well familiar with their auras, and knew perfectly well that both were just as mundane as the footstool that she'd been standing on a minute ago. But money is money, so she stepped out from behind the shelving and said: "Magickal folk, welcome to Aeolwyn's Talismongery! The master is out, but I'm happy to fetch you whatever mysteries you seek."
[ Spoiler ]
George looked impassively at the rich kid standing at the lab bench, and the puddle of vomit on the floor.
"Look, kid, I can't make you dissect this piglet. Nobody can. All I can do is give you a failing grade on this class. The piglet is already dead, understand? But if you don't understand basic anatomy, how the frag do you expect to be plumping up the breasts of elven simstars?"
The rich kid's eyes widened, and he started to stammer something.
George held up a broad hand. "Save it. I saw your bragging on the 'trix. Working on flesh is not like whatever sim you think you ran through your trodes. All that stuff is sanitised for morons. You wanna plump up boobies? You have to know where to put the needles. That means you have to understand it yourself. And that starts with anatomy."
"But ... but this piglet was killed for no other reason than ... than ..."
"Than you learning to be a good enough meat mechanic so that you help more people than you kill." George turned away and started walking down the line of benches, where other students were hacking out bits, identifying them, and filling their charts. "Oh, and clean up your vomit before you get started. And all your tools. Never work with dirty tools."
Nov 14 2019, 10:24 PM
Well, I just recalculated Quick Willie as he is (minus the Restricted Gear Qualities he doesn't need) in Karmagen not BP, and as-is he comes to 450 karma points. I've checked it twice. I'll check it some more, but this leaves 300 points to spend!
If this is right, he can afford what he has dreamed about since they first called him "dumb trog": a Cerebral Booster!
And a bit more BOD (to soak even more damage!)
And more STR!
And more Skills!
Oh! Oh! and a -really- fast bike!!