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I hold that GMs get to pick when karma refreshes and it shouldn't always be entirely predictable. But in this particular case I'm refreshing Karma at the start of the next mission.
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Aug 29 2024, 09:27 PM) *
In the meantime, he investigates the locations of talismongers and magic schools. He is getting more and more interested in the higher mysteries of Initiation. There has to be someone in town who can help him get started.

Should I roll something for this?
Any progress on the rating of that fake SIN Brewster provided?
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Nov 15 2024, 04:54 AM) *
Any progress on the rating of that fake SIN Brewster provided?

I believe those were R4. If you are talking about the ones we all got in the beginning.

Frank nods and heads up.

Damn, how did he get there?! biggrin.gif

(OOC: She could push through the wards again. Though if she isn't trying to be stealthy I think ally spirits can still use the extraplaner shortcut right?)

Good question. I suppose they can, as they still follow the rules for summoned / bound spirits.

QUOTE (Thanee @ Nov 15 2024, 01:54 AM) *
I believe those were R4. If you are talking about the ones we all got in the beginning.


That's what I remember. I'm worried some of that might be in PMs instead of here. One other detail is that common licenses like a drivers license are included.

For permits for things like magic and guns the myriad bureaucratic things are clustered and treated as one.(so you pay for one fake license for "firearms" or "magic" .
QUOTE (Thanee @ Nov 15 2024, 01:58 AM) *
Damn, how did he get there?! biggrin.gif


*sigh* I assure you Selina would notice if they really were the same people....
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Nov 14 2024, 10:38 PM) *
Should I roll something for this?

FYI for the gear Brewster can get it well enough in time. Some used to avoid markups, and Brewster gives a lower markup than typical. Still It's 3020 for two mags regular, two mags, APDS,cougar long (little used) and a memory blade new in box.

There is a roll for finding magical groups, but maybe I'll combine that with your search for musicians and Bongo finds very strong rumors about a magical group with a musical bent. They get in enough trouble that they keep a low profile somewhere in the tunnels of Federal Hill (literally an underground group). Tubesnake has some inroads there if Bongo thinks to ask him.
As for learning stuff... I think, I will just learn one new spell for now (Low-Light Cryptesthesia, extended range; Formula is 500¥ and 4R, which should be easy enough to come by).

Oh, I figure a belt that can hide the memory blade would be good. I guess 17 nuyen should cover that and bring Quick Willie's current balance to a round number. Or 67?

I'll role play Bongo doing some research once he bids Rose goodbye for now.
QUOTE (Thanee @ Nov 15 2024, 04:19 AM) *
As for learning stuff... I think, I will just learn one new spell for now (Low-Light Cryptesthesia, extended range; Formula is 500¥ and 4R, which should be easy enough to come by).


Just to be clear that's technically using the spell design rules to apply a modification, and RAW would take months of using your arcane skill. Both that and the Crypthesthesia spell itself are in sections with a lot of "GM discretion" warnings and flags.

However I'd be willing to consider that a common enough spell and option to still fall under the main rulebook section you're using for that cost and availability.

Also I'm somewhat flattered and take it as a good sign when players opt for stuff like that. So that helps. smile.gif
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Nov 15 2024, 04:44 PM) *
Oh, I figure a belt that can hide the memory blade would be good. I guess 17 nuyen should cover that and bring Quick Willie's current balance to a round number. Or 67?

I'll role play Bongo doing some research once he bids Rose goodbye for now.

It's described as being able to be used that way. I think it's just a question of how fashionable a belt Bongo wants and how he wants to get ahold of the floppy handle. I'm sure he could get something for 17.
QUOTE (Koekepan @ Nov 13 2024, 11:52 AM) *
I figure 9 dice in a pool - 5 from Logic, and 4 from his mechanic group, doing industrial mechanic skill.

Fabricating the hatch: 9d6o6 63

Results 9d6o6: 63 9d6o6=19, 17, 11, 1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 4

This is akin to any pressure vessel inspection hatch; fitted hatch panel, and dogs/bolts to hold it in place. A pretty standard outcome.

If I'm reading the roll right, Paul would have done a heck of a job hacking in 3rd edition. But still good quality work. I'm pretty sure he could wrangle some bonuses with technology. But Paul is played as eschewing a lot of that, so it's fine. I might give him a bonus sometime for "knowing" things other modern practitioners might not. Like someone who drives without using GPS might, except this would be in terms of the Baltimore pipes and such.

And with that I think I'm caught up on all dangling questions and replies.
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Nov 16 2024, 06:57 AM) *
Just to be clear that's technically using the spell design rules to apply a modification, and RAW would take months of using your arcane skill.

Detection spells are special in that regard. The "extended range" modifier is a standard option there.

QUOTE (SR4A @ p. 206)
Range: The standard sensory range for a Detection spell is the spell’s Force x Magic in meters. For extended range Detection spells, the effective range of the new sense is Force x Magic x 10 meters.
Note that any of the standard range spells listed below may be learned with an extended range instead (adding +2 DV).

QUOTE (Street Magic @ p. 165)
To turn any basic Detection spell into an extended range version, increase the DV by +2. This increases the range of the sense to (Force x Magic x 10) meters.

Both that and the Crypthesthesia spell itself are in sections with a lot of "GM discretion" warnings and flags.

Really? It's just a clairvoyance spell with low-light (I suppose, you could take some crazier senses there, though). Doesn't seem that wild. Although, clairvoyance spells are very useful, obviously. smile.gif

QUOTE (sunnyside @ Nov 16 2024, 10:16 AM) *
If I'm reading the roll right, Paul would have done a heck of a job hacking in 3rd edition. But still good quality work. I'm pretty sure he could wrangle some bonuses with technology. But Paul is played as eschewing a lot of that, so it's fine. I might give him a bonus sometime for "knowing" things other modern practitioners might not. Like someone who drives without using GPS might, except this would be in terms of the Baltimore pipes and such.

That roll gives him four successes - I just used the usual Shadowrun roll template which might be outdated. In any case, that should be enough for a workmanlike job, with an
inner flange mating with the outer on a sealing gasket that then locks in place with dogs all around the perimeter. Tight as a nut.
FYI some info on Federal Hill, and an angle Tubesnake could potentially use, are in:

QUOTE (Thanee @ Nov 16 2024, 05:44 AM) *
Doesn't seem that wild.

Well, that's why I was fine assuming it was simply available the same as basic rulebook spells.

While not the original intent, I think this in between runs stuff will merit little karma once we get through it. But you'll have to wait till next time to spend it.
The van is mostly industrial white, more notable for things like the racks for ladders and pipes than any particular markings. There are union stickers on the back, but not any huge fancy vinyls or adhesive displays. The back is all solid panels, but there are clear windows in the front, give or take ordinary anti-glare coatings and a fine layer of grit.
So, I thought I would toss a few ideas out for your consideration, sunnyside now, to give you time to think through the ramifications. I've been re-reading Enthralling Performance, and some ideas came to me.

1) I've picked Percussion as the artistic skill to which EP applies. My original imaginings considered it to be an auditory effect, but now I think it would work if the percussion were tactile. Let's keep it PG and say Bongo is holding someone's hand and taps a rhythm on their wrist, calling up the Magic. I believe that should work for the 'hypnotic effect'. Do you concur?

2) Does the EP effect on Perception allow one to sneak a question or two in that the target might perceive as something they normally don't want to answer?

3) The Power description says the Power can be taken more than once, for different performance skills. One suggestion, which seems right down Bongo's alley now that I think about it, is (the optional subject to GM's approval) Con (Impersonation). But, EP affects Perception Tests, while Con is a test of Con + Intuition opposed by the target's Con or Negotiation + Intuition. If this application were to be allowed by you (later, after much karma, Initiation and Magic improvement) how would the EP effect apply?
Pursuant to my previous post, I got thinking about Con (Impersonation). Interestingly, the main book has no specific modifiers for Con, unlike the other Charisma-linked Skills.

Bongo actually is built to perform Impersonation, given that he has the Voice Control Adept Power and the Disguise Skill. Neither of these is described as modifying Con (Impersonation). But surely they must.

1) Con Skill is an Opposed Test, Bongo's Con +CHA vs target's (Con or Negotiation) + CHA

2) a) Disguise Skill is Bongo's Disguise + INT vs target's Perception + INT

2) b) Nanopaste and Latex Facemask both modify this, adding dice equal to a Computer + Edit Test (max = Disguise Skill rating)

3) Voice Control is an Opposed test Bongo's Con + CHA vs target's ( or targets') Perception + INT

Here's how I think it would work:

Disguise modifier (Md) = net hits on Disguise Test (which could be affected by Enthralling Performance which affects target Perception)
Voice modifier (Mv) = net hits on Voice Control Test (which could be affected by Enthralling Performance which affects target Perception)
Enthralling Performance (Impersonation) would certainly work, but Enthralling Performance (Percussion) could under the right circumstances

Con (Impersonation) Skill test, then, would be : Bongo Con + CHA + Md + Mv vs. target (Con or Negotiation) + CHA

Does that work, sunnyside?
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