Aug 3 2004, 08:54 PM
Well my first time starting a thread here. I just had a interesting question. Are there things almost all your characters generally carry?
As for me, a multi-tool. Much like the Leatherman or Gerber tools you can get. You can get it more places then a weapons since it is a very small tool, but it can do almost anything. I have picked locks and got into a knife fight with one character when I first came up with it. Since then all my characters have one.
I also find duct tape is just as universal in 2063 as it has been since man invented it.
Luke Hardison
Aug 3 2004, 09:05 PM
My character (if I ever get to play him) is a bit of a preparedness nut, much like myself. His typical around - town gear includes:
Two pocket utility knives
EOD Multitool
Tactical Flashlight (despite having low light, thermo, and US vision; it's mostly to cause 'glare' for an attacker)
Flat roll of duct tape, small roll of electrical tape
Pocket Secretary
A nice pen and pad of paper, just in case the PS craps out
Typically one or more thermo smoke grenades
Skeletoned medkit supplies, without the kit
Oh, yeah, and in my vehicle there's an extra pistol, SA First Aid kit, survival kit, simple tools, blanket, and a well hidden assault rifle and half dozen thermo smoke grenades and a tactical ballistic shield.
Which is not to mention the two pistols (and three spare clips), taser, FFBA and long coat, shock glove, and, in certain heavy threat situations (by escelating threat): HV SMG, Carbine Assault Rifle (house rule about carbines), or even a collapsed LAW under the coat. I can't imagine the situation where I would need the LAW, or really the AR for around town stuff, but it's an option.
IMO, it's part of the fun of the game to a) be prepared or b) deal with your lack of preparedness.
Aug 3 2004, 09:14 PM
Well, its really situation dependent, but assuming its at a quality establishment:
-FFBA, gas mask and hood safely tucked away for emergency use.
-Spell locks
-Armored Executive suit or Long coat depending on the establishment
-sometimes a WW Infiltrator loaded with HI-c rounds or my RCD
If its a more seedy location I throw in a stacked Weapon/Power Focus, and maybe a White Phosphorous grenade, I also replace the HI-c rounds with Magnesium or APDS
Ol' Scratch
Aug 3 2004, 09:15 PM
As usual it depends entirely on the character. But I do usually include a few "miscellaneous items" on my equipment list for most of my characters. Some of the items include:
- At least 1,000 nuyen in local hard currency
- Alcohol Immunity Pills
- Assorted Rubber Bands and Paper Clips
- Bottle of Aspirin
- Bottle of Gorilla Glue
- Butane Lighter
- Cheap Magnifying Glass
- Compact Mirror filled with Cornstarch instead of Make-Up
- Dental Mirror (good for peeking around corners)
- External Transducer
- Flash-Pak (in the form of a Cigarette Case)
- Flask of Cheap (and highly flammable) Booze
- Little Black Book (full of random names, addresses, and cryptic notes; meant to be left behind on a crime scene as a red herring if things turn really ugly)
- Matchbooks (from various pubs and businesses, selected for the same reason as the Little Black Book)
- Mini-Can of WD-40
- Pack of Condoms
- Pack of Red Apples Cigarettes (people tend not to bother you less if you're just chilling out smoking rather than just milling around)
- Personal Comm Unit
- Pocket Flashlight
- Pocket Secretary
- Spritz Bottle of Ammonia (for non-mages, inspired by Boondock Saints [duh])
- Swiss Army Knife (dikoted)
- Ziplock Baggies
Aug 3 2004, 09:17 PM
Great Dragon ATGM and a welding torch.
Aug 3 2004, 10:06 PM
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein) |
[*] Pack of Red Apples Cigarettes (people tend not to bother you less if you're just chilling out smoking rather than just milling around) |
Excellent reference to Pulp Fiction (or any Quentin Tarantino movie for that matter). I've often had characters that carry smokes, but I never gave much thought to having a brand.
Moving on . . .the number one thing to bring to every meet (if capable) elementals on call!!!
Aug 3 2004, 10:23 PM
I like Doctor Funkensteins list for players a lot. Thats a great list of small, easily portable, easily concealed items. That, as far as I can tell, all of it is also legal is pretty damn cool.
Mr. Johnson, since I am the GM never a player, carries a sort of similar list, although much smaller:
- A roll of quarters. They fit nicely in your hands for an improvised sap, and if he needs it, he 10 dollars in change.
- Breath mints. Never know when you will need them.
- sunglasses. Even if your not paying attention to what they're saying it doesn't hurt to look like you are.
- Just enough cash or certified cred to pay for exspenses. (Cab rides, drinks, dinner, etc...)
Keep in mind this is my professional Johnsons.
I also have my Johnsons protected by a hidden security team. Usually they will pretend to be a part of the crowd, or couples having dinner-whatever is appropriate. Professional Johnsons know they are expendable, so these teams not only attempt to protect them, but if it becomes necassary they also put an end to them.
Mr. Johnson's team will usually attempt to discreetly take pictures, record -whatever to gather evidence on the runners.
Necro Tech
Aug 4 2004, 03:08 AM
QUOTE (psyberian) |
As for me, a multi-tool. Much like the Leatherman or Gerber tools you can get. You can get it more places then a weapons since it is a very small tool, but it can do almost anything. I have picked locks and got into a knife fight with one character when I first came up with it. |
Rant Begins.
You need two tools to pick a lock.
Rant Ends.
Ol' Scratch
Aug 4 2004, 03:11 AM
Not if the one tool is a Lockpick Gun.
Necro Tech
Aug 4 2004, 03:16 AM
Still need two. All pick guns come with tension wrenches made for them.
Ol' Scratch
Aug 4 2004, 03:30 AM
Eh. The description of the one in M&M suggests you just jam it in the lock and it does all the work. Failing that, a shotgun works nicely, too. Failing that, so does a troll.
Aug 4 2004, 03:42 AM
QUOTE (Necro Tech) |
Still need two. All pick guns come with tension wrenches made for them. |
At what point are two tools one tool? Example: scissors.
Aug 4 2004, 04:25 AM
Light pistol, concealed body armor, sensible shoes (able to run, if necessary), briefcase with pocket secretary, cell phone and car keys. (Never forget your keys).
Aug 4 2004, 04:45 AM
Not to derail the thread, but there are lots of past discussions on what characters carry on a daily basis versus to a meet versus hard or soft jobs.
Oh - trauma patch, anyone?

for a long time, i've limited my physad to carrying holdouts or other high-conceal weapons in public. no more. every time he gets ambushed, his dinky little weapon invariably turns out to lack enough punch--and everyone else he's with whips out regular pistols and small SMGs. screw it: from now on, it's Savalette or nothing.
Necro Tech
Aug 4 2004, 04:59 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
QUOTE (Necro Tech @ Aug 3 2004, 10:16 PM) | Still need two. All pick guns come with tension wrenches made for them. |
At what point are two tools one tool? Example: scissors.
Or knife, paper weight, nuclear weapon, etc. Two tools stay two tools when you need them to work at the same time on the same thing.
Don't mind me, just a specialist griping about fictionalizing (read Hollywooding) part of my trade. Damn realty intruding on my game.
Necro Tech
Aug 4 2004, 05:01 AM
To actually adress the thread, a pocket secretary. Its a phone, storage memory and a camera all in one. How fun is that. Plus what ever weapon I can sneak by the coat check girl.
Fygg Nuuton
Aug 4 2004, 05:09 AM
although ive never used a lockpick gun, i think its made to not need the second tool. normal lockpicks, however, ues 2 tools
EDIT: a quick search tells me im wrong, i could have sworn i saw some that didnt need a second hand though
Aug 4 2004, 05:26 AM
Well, tack on a concealed holster (+2 conc.) and a long coat (+50% conc.) and you can get away with sneaking in the heavy pistol of your choice.
Necro Tech
Aug 4 2004, 05:31 AM
Filthy MAD detectors and supra-genius door guards!! Theys hurts us and makes us give up our precious. Filthy, nasty sneaking bouncers!
Fygg Nuuton
Aug 4 2004, 05:39 AM
about MAD detectors. would there be anyway to technologically disrupt them?
Aug 4 2004, 05:46 AM
Besides decking? I find a couple of frag grenades tend to shut down most mad detectors. Also, you'll find that the guards aren't paying nearly as much attention to the monitors.
I suppose a powerful electromagnet located nearby (and powerful needn't mean large) would affect their field somewhat. Done right, you might be able to set the thing off on command. After enough false positives (particularly when some corporate bigwig is embarassed) they'll probably switch the thing off and call maintenance.
Fygg Nuuton
Aug 4 2004, 06:00 AM
hehe i mean, is there no material which blocks magnetic fields? kind of like lead blocks radiation?
i do not pretend to know anything about this kind of stuff, hence i ask.
maybe cray knows of something
the electro magnet does make me think however.
Necro Tech
Aug 4 2004, 06:09 AM
An electromagnet powerful enough to screw up a MAD detector at range would need a sizeable power supply. A MAD field is surprisingly localized. It has to be to work reliably and not go off when the guards toting firearms stand a foot from it. The traditional way to beat a detector is the old bait and switch. Walk through it with a bunch of ferrous metal items. When it goes off, drop some in the dish a go back through. When it goes off again, drop a few more items in the dish. Do this 4 or 5 times and they will pull you out of line and use a wand (if they haven't already). Because they probably think you are borderline retarded, when they go over you with the wand and find yet more metal in one spot, you give them the watch that you forgot about. You would be surprised at the large percentage of guards who then wont go over you again to make sure you only had one metal item in that pocket.
In shadowrun, carry two pistols. One in a shoulder holster, the other under your shoulder holster (or where ever you holster your weapon) Try to sneak in the gun, when they find it, sheepishly hand it over. Then walk in with your other gun.
Aug 4 2004, 07:52 AM
Every time this topic comes up I feel the urge to post, but this time you've pushed me over the edge.
I know a lot of police officers, and not a single one of them is stupid. You basically have to be cunning to be a police officer - it's part of the job description. Whether or not each individual item is concealable, if you have a long list of things you carry (including multiple spray bottles of liquid), duct tape and so on, someone will see that your pockets bulge in weird ways, and they will stop you. Whether they are a security guard guarding something worth guarding or a police officer, they will see you're carrying all this stuff and they will stop you.
You will also make clinging and swishing noises as you run around doing anything. You can forget stealth rolls, and you can forget carrying a weapon because so many people are going to stop you that you won't be able to carry much of a gun as you'll be stopped and searched anyway. As you go through scanners they will see you're carrying a massive quantity of barely-explainable property and they will haul you up. Whether you write on your character sheet "no, I've checked, all of this stuff is legal" or not, the security guards on any scanner will stop you and you'll need to explain yourself. You will need to make a Fast Talk roll to explain to the nice officer why you're walking into a high security area wearing an Armane suit carrying duct tape and a multitool. You will be out of place. You will stand out.
In my games, if I ever see a list of "stuff I normally carry" on a character sheet that goes beyond "clothes, a phone, a gun, a knife, and only the gun and the knife when I can get away with it" then there will be trouble, and the trouble will come with a yellow and blue uniform, a pistol, body armour and a mean inquisitive nature.
Shadowrunners should act like spies. They don't want to be noticed, they don't want to stand out, they just want to get the run done and get out with minimum notice. Sure, there are "collateral damage" runs but they just mean we want people to know it has happenned, rather than whodunnit.
So, an end to long lists of key equipment I say!!! Use your imagination, not your ability to copy equipment lists.
Aug 4 2004, 08:02 AM
For me, it's limited to the likes of..
A Big hand gun (Savlatte)
A Little hand gun (cezka, though Ruleswise a piece of crap)
A Pager
A Pocket Sec
Some Cred
A Phone
Body Armour (Suit plus FFBA for 5/3, depending on how you round)
And no more then 2 clips of spare ammo, Because roundabout now im getting short on pockets.
Aug 4 2004, 09:00 AM
I assume the characters in question that have a small shopping list of personal items have spent the time and effort to make the items easily carried and relatively concealable.
Now, if the characters just fill their pockets then yes, it can get comical fast.
Ol' Scratch
Aug 4 2004, 09:30 AM
I'm sure most of them are listing items at their disposal as opposed to carried with them 24/7.
Aug 4 2004, 10:03 AM
And don't forget the backpack/bookbag. I carried one for quite a while and you never knew what I was going to be able to pull out of it. My wife called it my 'man-purse'. Put a Boy Scout patch on it, and you have the excuse of always wanting to 'Be Prepared' as to why you have odds and ends in your backpack.
Aug 4 2004, 10:15 AM
I once visited courthouse due to the testimony of a friend of mine. I had my rucksack with me which contains a lot of stuff I found useful but didn't think about it. Well, MAD went crazy and I nearly had to leave the whole bag at the entrance. Swiss Knife, screwdrivers, airpump and tire-repair set, even my large key-ring was objected to. Took me 10 minutes to sort this out.
The guards were patient, my friend not nearly.
And it was a simple hearing on charges of false statement. Nothing violent or else.
Never was my rucksack lighter.
Aug 4 2004, 01:38 PM
Accel - exactly. I have run cases where the whole thing starts with a police officer saying "I saw this guy was carrying all this property for no reason, and he stood out" and end with "checks revealed five outstanding warrants for his arrest" and then move on to "upon analysis, his fingerprints matched outstanding crime report X, Y and Z - the defendant was refused bail and remanded in custody."
If you got stopped at the front of a court house, imagine what they'll do where (a) there is no obligation on them to let you in (ie a corporate facility), (b) they are better trained, more alert and better armed © the technology is far better and (d) they know that "today is the day of the secret unveilling" or "today the president of the corporation visits". Stores like gun stores can and will refuse entry to people based on "they're suspicious" and such suspicion starts with "he was carrying amonia, booze and a long, long list of property for no good reason".
Remember that this is the dark, dank future. Police have powers they can only dream of, and corporate guards have even more power. I see no problem with the following scenario - Policeman sees Person X. Person X clinks as he walks. Policeman stops Person X and asks him for a consensual search. Person X refuses. Policeman says "right, I suspect you're carrying some illicit gear" and searches him anyway with a large, violent police officer next to him, with a drawn stun-baton. Policeman finds a whole lot of property for which Person X's only explanation is "what, it's all legal - I've checked Act X and Criminal Code Y". Policeman detains Person X for "questioning" for forty-eight hours, records his details (fingerprints, voice print, DNA, "real name and contact details") and runs a decent-level SIN check. If it comes back as fake, Person X is stuffed. If he doesn't have a SIN, Policeman "forgets" to process Person X out of the watch house for as long as it takes Person X to come up with a decent explanation. If he does have a SIN which stands up to checks, then the policeman knows to keep an eye out for that guy from then on and tells all his friends.
Why on earth would any self-respecting runner, with enough professionalism to at least care how a run is done, bring attention of this kind on him/herself? How could such attention possibly be worth having all this gear?
Ol' Scratch
Aug 4 2004, 01:53 PM
Once again, Engima: Resources available vs. stuff carried 24/7. Equipment lists aren't what you have on you at all times. They're what you have available to take with you at any given time without having to waste time and money acquiring them later.
I usually buy three lifestyles, six firearms, a ton of ammo, several suits of armor and regular clothing, and various other items. Do you really think I wear and carry all of that 24/7, too? And how about you? I'm sure you own more than what you're wearing right this minute... but if you had to list your own resources, would you be foaming at the mouth about how stupid a runner *you* would be because you're toting around your sofa, refrigerator, oven, desktop computer, television set, entire wardrobe, and etc.?
Aug 4 2004, 01:59 PM
I understand the topic to be a list of what your character usually carries, not a list of what your character usually owns in total. Of course any characters I play have an equipment list, and obviously it's far more than they'll ever carry all at once. If I am off topic, then I appologise, but if I'm not, and people and describing the list of stuff they carry always (ie to the corner store, to the movies, on runs and so on), then my point is valid.
Ol' Scratch
Aug 4 2004, 02:01 PM
Considering my post is the one with the biggest list, I assumed you were ranting about mine. If so, read the two very first sentences of the very first post.
Aug 4 2004, 02:05 PM
You and I are arguing at cross-purposes, and I appologise for the confusion. I agree your first post clearly relates to what's on an equipment list. I think others have posted "stuff I always carry" and my comments are better directed towards them.
Aug 4 2004, 02:39 PM
I thought it was more "stuff I would bring to a meet with Mr. Johnson, a fixer, etc" not "stuff that is in my pockets when I go to stuffer shack." If you are going to a meet with a shady dude to complete some massively illegal transaction that are not going to wand you first and security had darned well better step aside. I mean can you imagine letting yourself through a MAD system before you meet with a guy who's already predisposed to screw you over? Any security at the site of a meet with Mr. Johnson should already be warned NOT to try to search you. Not only will that stop most runners from even attending, it might prompt a firefight and it will DARN well prompt complaints to whatever fixer set the deal up.
Aug 4 2004, 03:06 PM
Stuff I always carry: clothes.
Skeptical Clown
Aug 4 2004, 03:18 PM
Clothes? Man you're overthinking things. I don't bring ANYTHING to runs. It's not like the GM is going to have the Johnson kill me, there'd be no game!
Aug 4 2004, 03:35 PM
Depends on where you happen to be meeting the Johnson - in a crowded restaurant in Corp-town? Probably not the same kit you'd bring to a meet in the Barrens.
Different situations, different scenarios, different load-outs and different precautions.
Aug 4 2004, 03:43 PM
QUOTE (Clyde) |
I mean can you imagine letting yourself through a MAD system before you meet with a guy who's already predisposed to screw you over? |
Can you imagine any better place for a Johnson to meet you?
And don't forget that most clubs and restaurants will have door guards/bouncers. This may mean that they perform the "you are not cool enough" searches or that they keep a critical eye on everyone entering.
Also, can't speak for the future but I know the present, I know quite a few police officers that side as doormen/bouncers. Hell I know one strip club in Atlanta where the outside door guy is a uniformed APD officer, with sidearm.
I agree with Enigma that cops/guards/doormen/bouncers are not dumb. They will search you. If you get pissy they may do even more or just deny you entry. How whiz is your street sam then when he can't even get into the meet?
Aug 4 2004, 04:36 PM
And let's face it - if you're gonna get screwed in a public place, it won't be physically.
Well, unless you count snipers or magical hammers.
Aug 5 2004, 02:10 AM
Hence why places like Club Penumbra exist in seattle etc. Lonestar could have a field day in bonus pay with the amount of Illegal Cyberware and other drek that flows through those doors each night, but of course, they dont.
Aug 5 2004, 01:19 PM
Guns, lots of guns.
Aug 5 2004, 02:24 PM
QUOTE (Moirdryd) |
Hence why places like Club Penumbra exist in seattle etc. Lonestar could have a field day in bonus pay with the amount of Illegal Cyberware and other drek that flows through those doors each night, but of course, they dont. |
That's because their _boss_ is getting the 'bonus pay'.
Aug 5 2004, 02:37 PM
What I take to a meet:
Depends on the meet, doesn't it? And the character?
In general, you prepare for what you expect. I generally don't go to a meet loaded for bear. I'm trying to look professional. If the Johnson geeks his contact, he's not in biz for long, is he? Besides, I've got backup nearby. If he gacks me, he's not far behind.
Your whole group doesn't go to meet the Johnson, do they? It's smarter to just have one contact - bad Johnsons can do less damage to you that way. This is one of the places where the face has to take point and accept the risks of his job - the same way the sammies take risks for him during the run.
If I'm going to a high-class joint, I may have a hold-out. Or not. It might be smarter to try to get away if things go badly rather than try to shoot it out, cowboy style. If I'm in the barrens, I'll be equipped differently. I'll be armed well enough that the locals won't want to risk trouble, without being so heavily armed that it's worth the risk just to get my gear.
I don't need a duffelbag of MacGuyver gear everywhere I go. I'm not always on a run. My characters have lives. There's a limit to the amount of paranoia that is required for a reasonable shadow lifestyle.
Aug 5 2004, 03:55 PM
Speaking as Botch the runner, (a short fomori weighing in at 966lbs), equipment for most meets in order of danger as follows. Botch is a combat decker and spellslinger by profession so he generally doesn't take a gun unless he wants it to be found.
Poisoned re-tractable claws (surge)
Dikoted cyberfins
Mono-filament fingertip whip (sometimes removed)
Equipment - Always carried
Lightly armoured clothing
Low-grade cyberdeck with toolkit.
Certified cred-stick and local cash for expenses
Rolling tobacco and papers
Half-eaten pasty (can hide many things in a troll sized snack)
A softdrink bottle
Couple of slap patches
When nervous, a dose of cutters in a single shot delivery tube.
Bullet Barrier Spell Lock
Retribution Spell Lock
One of the following guns when I'm particularly nervous.
Troll modified light pistol
Ol' Scratch
Aug 5 2004, 03:58 PM
Do I even want to know what the custom Retribution spell is?
Aug 5 2004, 04:07 PM
I stopped wondering at the "dose of cutters" entry.
Luke Hardison
Aug 5 2004, 04:31 PM
QUOTE (Enigma) |
Whether or not each individual item is concealable, if you have a long list of things you carry (including multiple spray bottles of liquid), duct tape and so on, someone will see that your pockets bulge in weird ways, and they will stop you. Whether they are a security guard guarding something worth guarding or a police officer, they will see you're carrying all this stuff and they will stop you. |
That's a pretty ridiculous statement. I carry a little more on my person than I make my character carry, minus the second firearm. Not once have I ever been stopped to have someone ask me about any of it, except maybe to ask to handle a knife that I have out of a pocket and am using at the moment. My pockets don't "buldge" in Wranglers, much less in my baggy cargo pants that I love so much, and I don't even bother with the loose, concealing long coat. People don't get suspicious about duct tape and multi-tools, and if you do, you really need to see a therapist about your issues concerning conspiracy and paranoia. I'm guessing you are envisioning a huge roll of duct tape, instead of the pocket packs that most people have mentioned carrying, which are pretty invisible slipped into the back pocket, and I personally is never without.
Is duct tape on the illegal list for flying on an airplane now?
Aug 5 2004, 05:02 PM
Can't say anything for 2060's, but in 2004, I work in a government building, and hardly any of what you guys have listed would be allowed past the guard post. MADs and X-rays aside, all bags are thoroughly checked. When I first started, they took my multi-tool and metal butter knife away. It's crazy.