What do I bring to a Meet with Mr. Johnson?Appropriate to the Meet site and client.
Corporate/Government/WealthyWeapons: Shock Gloves (Improved Concealability ???)
Hi-C Plastic Knife
Choice of Heavy Pistol with Customizations (Signature Weapon): Conceal.
1. ARES Viper Slivergun (Silencer, Laser Sight, etc..) 6 (
2. Browning Ultra-Power (Improved Gas Vent-2, Laser Sight, etc...) 6 (
3. ARES Protector 10/3
Customizations (all Pistols):1. Ceramic Components-3 (cc74) FCU +60%
2. Improved Concealability-2 (cc76) FCU +40%
3. Personalized Grip (cc82)
Special Note: all equipment is “Sterilized” to prevent Chemical Detection
Ammunition: (average 3 Regular Clips, and 1 Clip of everything else)
Capsule Rounds (Gamma-Scopolamine)-10
Gel Rounds (Stun Damage)-10
Hi-C Plastic Rounds (Power -1)-10
Regular Rounds -30 (+50 in Brief Case)
Armour (with Modifications): B 7+spec. /I 6+spec. Coneal. B/I
1. Forearm & Shin Guards 12 I+1
2. Form Fitting Body Armour (Full-body suit) 12 B4/I1
3. Rapid Transit Heavy Jumpsuit (Motorcycle Gear) 6 B2/I4
4. Motorcycle Helmet - I+2
5. Rapid Transit Hardliner Gloves (or Shock Gloves) - I+1
6. Secure Long Coat (with Concealable Holsters and Pouches) 10 B4/I2
Modifications: 1. Chemical Seal - #2 (3), #3 (3)
2. Fire Resistant - #3 (3), #6 (3)
3. Non-Conductive - #2 (2), #6 (3)
Gear: Clothing Tres Chic (Current Fashion GQ Corporate Power Suit)
Spare Clips/Magazines x5 (+5 Clips in Brief Case)
Silencer (Browning Ultra-Power)
Holster, Quick-Draw Concealable x2
Compounds: (#1 either/or #2 Capsule Rounds)
1. DMSO/Gamma-Scopolamine
2. DMSO/Neuro-Stun X
3. Antibac/Binder/Zeta Interpheron (for #1 & #2 enough Doses the Team)
Slap Patches: (Long Coat)
1. Antidote Patch-8 (for Tranq, Antibac/Binder/Zeta Interpheron, etc...)
2. Stimulant Patch-6
3. Tranq Patch-3-10
4. Trauma Patch-6
CamGoggles (Conceal. 13)
Sterilization/Solvent Spray/Fogger
Bug Scanner (Brief Case)
Jammer (Brief Case)
White Noise Generator (Brief Case)
Light, Flashlight Pocket (Super Flash Pack/ChemSpray) (hip pouch)
Wire Clippers (Brief Case)
Restraints Key (Lone Star) (Hidden in shirt cuff)
Pocket Secretary (Long Coat)
Scanner ??? (Brief Case)
Telecomm, Portable Hands Free
Armoured Courier Case (spec.)ChemSuit (spec.) (Brief Case)
Climbing Gear (spec.)
Gas Detection Gear (Brief Case)
Gas Mask and Air Tank (Motorcycle Helmet)
Micro Torch (Brief Case)
Microtronics Tool Kit (Brief Case)
Respirator (Brief Case)
Solvent Tool Kit (Brief Case)
Mask*** (Brief Case)
Sterilization Tool Kit (Brief Case)
Vehicle: Harley Davidson Diablo (use stats from BMW Blitzen)
More Later
P.S.: Yes, he's a paranoid and a cloths horse.
Edited to the Nth degree