Sep 25 2004, 05:16 AM
At home on a few hour reprive from work, heading out again before dawn. I don't immediately see my PHB. It has occured to me there was a passage in it that talks about the virtualness of HP. But apparently that book is still packed away (moved about 3 weeks ago).
I see nobody has posted an EN World link? Hmmm... make no claim about the current state of those forums. As I stated it's been a long time since i've been on them. And only then the same forums in name since it is under completely different management now.
Eyeless Blond
Sep 25 2004, 05:59 AM
I had this whole argument planned out in my head, explainning how the probabilities of the d20 system make it more usable for "Heroic-type" games, and the d6 system more suitable for grittier games, but in the end it comes down to this: I already *know* how to play d20, and I'm sick of it already. That was my main draw to SR, in fact, that it had a completely different dice mechanic to go with its completely different feel. If SR goes the way of the Borg--I mean d20--I'd be forced to go play something else like Call of Cthulu... oh, wait, then Deadlands... oh, wait....
Sep 25 2004, 02:01 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
hell, even cyberpunk 2020 uses "classes"... |
Cyberpunk was written in 1988 and even the still-current 2020 edition dates back to 1991...
Once (or if) Cyberpunk 3 is finally released it will use the class-less point-based Fuzion rules.
Regarding SR d20:
Who should produce that? FanPro has no relation to d20. None of their games uses these rules so they have no experience with them.
Standard SR is selling well (at least here in Europe) - why should they put manpower into developing a parallel line with different rules?
Sep 25 2004, 02:07 PM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
Then it's not d20.. d20 is a specific ruleset.
If you change all that then it's not d20 and the point is moot, whether or not it happenes with 20 sided dice. |
well i disagree with that thinking. the only thing about d20 is that you roll one d20 dice against a targetnumber, anything else is mutateable...
allso, noone if forceing anyone to use d20 for anything. dont like it, dont use it. but most of the arguments against useing it besides the fact that one is sick and tired of it (like say what eyeless writes) is flawed in so many ways. its kinda like the statement by the oracle in matrix:reloaded (i think it was there) that neos mind was allready made up, all the rest is just for convincing oneself that one is correct. and humans love being correct...
at one time i saw the d20 and the ogl as the big bad wolf, now im no longer as sure. i still say that existing games should not be ported over as they are modled around a dice system and trying to remold it around a diffrent one will change the feel of the game. but new games that dont allready have a dice system should examine the idea of useing a existing dice system as it will speed the development of the game.
Sep 25 2004, 03:09 PM
I'm not a fan of the OGL concept as I have traditionally viewed each individual game mechanic as having it's own personality rather than a generic set of core rules.
In some instances, it does make sense, but I never liked the generic idea of using the old Champions mechanic for anything non-super hero. It lacked a certain personality, in my humble opinion.
Sep 25 2004, 06:14 PM
and that i fully understand siege. ogl is mostly an effect of looking at open source projects and thinking "hmm, maybe if we are less stringent on allsowing people to produce addons then we can get stronger sales of the main books"
Cynic project
Sep 25 2004, 10:43 PM
I love the idea that most D20 fanboys have..Well, you don't have to use that rule in your game for it to be D20,you only have to use the D20. I stated in my last post that in the D20 games I have seen.
Also soft body armor will stop bullets more than they will stop knives. look back into the late mid to late 90's. The "bullet proof" vests did little to stop things like knives, and in england the one cop was killed, wile wearing a soft vest,and another lived wile wearing a "hard" vest.
Oh back to my point, yes you can strip away all the bad things from d20,and rebuild it. I know Frank,and I have heard his reasoning why D20 is good.But let's face it, I can see the work it will take to fix shadowrun rules,and the work it would take to fix D20. I can fix the rules in shadowrun on a few pages(maybe a chapter), it would a whole new book to fix d20. Hell maybe even a set of books.
Austere Emancipator
Sep 25 2004, 11:28 PM
QUOTE (Cynic project) |
Also soft body armor will stop bullets more than they will stop knives. |
Before the current push for stab and cut resistant body armor, that was true in most cases. However, you can now find a large number of soft armor vests on the market which are only tested to stop blades and not bullets at all, and several vests are tested against both.
SR3 was, of course, released before this became common.
Sep 25 2004, 11:28 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
and that i fully understand siege. ogl is mostly an effect of looking at open source projects and thinking "hmm, maybe if we are less stringent on allsowing people to produce addons then we can get stronger sales of the main books" |
Oh, granted - using the d20 system for the same type of fanasy doesn't bother me. It's not really any different from people writing new genres for the use with the SR mechanic.
d20 modern, d20 Cthulhu and so on...well...yeah, that makes me twitch.
Sep 25 2004, 11:36 PM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
QUOTE (Cynic project) | Also soft body armor will stop bullets more than they will stop knives. |
Before the current push for stab and cut resistant body armor, that was true in most cases. However, you can now find a large number of soft armor vests on the market which are only tested to stop blades and not bullets at all, and several vests are tested against both.
SR3 was, of course, released before this became common.
Prison guards actually have access to a form of body armor designed to defeat shanks and shivs, but will not stop bullets.
This was developed to meet the need of guards and the relevant threats they face - you're more likely to get stabbed in prison than you are shot.
Point Blank body armor systems-Siege
Sep 26 2004, 12:55 PM
Personally, I love OGL. I just don't like D20 for most of the systems people try to force into it. D&D works great with D20. Good that constantly gets better to the point that enemies that were hard to fight against are now no more than grass blades, unstoppingly powerful evil that becomes more and more in reach of being defeated using's perfect for that kind of game.
DBZ-style martial arts works well with D20. Characters become insanely powerful as they progress, fighting stronger and stronger enemies.
Anything else...doesn't really work. In the real world, anyone can kill anyone else if they have the desire and plan. A 9 year old kid can get a knife from the kitchen and slit the throat of a sleeping James Bond. You can't do that in D&D. It is nearly impossible for a 1st level character to kill an unwounded 20th level character in a single hit using only regular combat unless you use specific rules (1 = auto-failure, in which case you have a 5% chance of killing someone who is tied up and sleeping).
BTW, the only D20 game I've seen that had an even remotely Shadowrun-like magic system was the horrible under-sold and hard to find even though it's still in print The Slayers D20 book (as in the fantasy/comedy anime series The Slayers). You make a skill check to cast a spell you know and take damage depending on the result of that roll.
The Abstruse One
Sep 26 2004, 01:49 PM
and again i state that hitpoints and the powergrowth seen in D&D and the other d20 products comeing out of wotc isnt the only way that one can handle the game and still use d20 tests and skills. if you want deadly you can have deadly, its just a matter of setting the game up that way. allso, sr dont have rules for slitting a sleeping persons throat, and this have lead to discussion on how to handle it (some say just say they are dead, others go by the damagecode of the weapon). in D&D they have them to make sure that there are no confusion as to what happens from gm to gm.
basicly, what you people are argueing about is that sr should not be turned into d&d and that i fully support. but to say that the basic d20 mechanic only supports high fantasy is a totaly unsupported statement. its more like a defensive rallying cry then anything else.
Sep 26 2004, 08:58 PM
BTW, the only D20 game I've seen that had an even remotely Shadowrun-like magic system was the horrible under-sold and hard to find even though it's still in print The Slayers D20 book |
Wacky. I didn't know you had access to my employer's sales figures!
If you check out the author list for Slayers d20, you'll note some names familiar to Shadowrun fans.
Sep 26 2004, 09:05 PM
No, I just have access to the fact that Amazon has apparently hidden the page the book is sold on, the fact that when you do find it, it's one of the cheap we-threw-it-together-in-10-seconds pages with no info about the product, and that I can't find the damn thing ANYWHERE offline. Which really sucks because I like the way the magic system sounds (just going off a review here) and I LOVE Slayers.
Still, there are a LOT of things that keep D20 from working for Shadowrun, but I thought I'd throw that out for people who wanted to know. Plus, anything to plug a cool Slayers product and thus encourage companies to make more to suck up my paycheck

The Abstruse One
Sep 26 2004, 09:17 PM
It's ridiculously difficult for small publishers to get accurate information on Amazon - at the time Amazon wants solicitation information, most of the product details are so far from finalized it's less than useless, and getting that information updated later... well, there must be a magic trick to it that I've never learned.
You can order the book online at, or simply take the relevant product information to your local game or comic retailer and they should be able to order it without a problem.
Sep 26 2004, 09:25 PM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
If SR goes the way of the Borg--I mean d20--I'd be forced to go play something else like Call of Cthulu... oh, wait, then Deadlands... oh, wait.... |
You mean two of the many games that have had d20 System rules published for, but where the original version of the game is still being actively published and supported? Yeah, damn shame about d20 "killing" those systems off.. except, oh, wait, it didn't!
Sep 26 2004, 10:56 PM
Although it did make more inroads into RPGs than it's Magic counterpart.
Sep 27 2004, 01:13 AM
Too Funny. Slayers D20 = the Lyons family.
Gaming & Anime no figure....I couldn't see that coming. Games about anime ussually scare me. I think that's when CP 2020 started going mostly anime style that I lost interest in the game. Anime games just don't do it for me. Actually 99.999% of all roleplaying games don't do it for me. The only roleplaying game I really play or run is Shadowrun, Paranoia, or Call of Cthulu (msp?).
I spend way too much time on SR, I don't have time for anything else. Well there is booze. There's always time for booze and ummm well I'll stop there......
Sep 27 2004, 02:30 PM
isnt people complaining these days that sr is going the way of the anime?
Wounded Ronin
Sep 27 2004, 04:34 PM
I think that someone should make a d20 Hokuto No Ken game. That would rock. Fallout would have been better if you could Hokuto No Ken people.
Sep 27 2004, 05:19 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
isnt people complaining these days that sr is going the way of the anime? |
Only if your GM makes it go the way of anime.
Sep 27 2004, 06:05 PM
and the same argument can be said for any rpg, the gm and the players have the final say as to what feel the world have...
Herald of Verjigorm
Sep 27 2004, 06:11 PM
Based on my recent experiences trying to run a D20 based game through an on-line format, people who only pay D20 RPGs are idiots. Everyone has played the game before (except one) and the only one who actually has a character is the one who has never played before. One of them even had a concept perfectly established, but couldn't take the time to roll some virtual dice. The others can't even seem to follow simple instructions.
From this example: Current D20 trends breed idiocy.
Sep 27 2004, 09:08 PM
I've played SR (for about a years) and D&D (much longer), and conclusion is very clear- D&D can be fun, right, but I love SR- the rules, the magic system, the atmosphere! I can't find a single aspect, which are better in D&D than in SR (I have tried SR in a fantasy setting too)
SR as d20 is a very bad idea!
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