Sep 28 2004, 10:05 AM
The last few games I have run I put up a lengthy set of rules about character creation and sorts. I find that no one tends to read them so I am going to forgo this here. What I am looking for is preliminary level of interest. This game is not a go. If there is enough people interested then I will run it.
The idea:
Tir Ghosts. That's right. You are the elite of the elite. The Seals Team Six of the Tir. You are Ghost Team 1.
Obviously you would all be elves. I will do character acceptance a little different then I have in the past. You will not be applying for the game, but a role in the game. Like actors in a part. You will of course get to make the characters, but you will make them for a specific role. Without further a due, here they are.
Team leader/Face (Captain)
Light Weapons Expert/B&E (1st L.T)
Heavy weapons expert/Demolitions (Staff Sergeant)
Longrifle/surveillance (Spec 4)
Mage (Hermetic) (Warrant Officer 1)
Rigger/comm. expert (Warrant Officer 2)
Decker/Infiltration (Warrant Officer 2)
I don't want anything wonky, no albino elves. Every character must have a thorough background explaining how they rose up through the Tir military ranks to achieve Ghost status. No ex shadowruners, or criminals, these are all strait shooters.
I am harking back to the days of yor when I was in the army and I am going for as realistic military feeling as I can.
The officers (LT and Capitan) should be no older than 22 and 28. The warrant officers should be no older than 30. The Spec 4 no older than 22 and the Staff Sergeant no older than 26.
One last thing, whoever applies for the team leader will not only be scrutinized for their character but also them as a player. I will need someone who is willing to take a serious role in this and help keep the game alive.
Sep 28 2004, 10:24 AM
I would be interested inthe following in order of priority.
1. Light Weapons Expert/B&E (1st L.T)
2. Longrifle/surveilence (Spec 4)
3.Heavy weapons expert/Demolitions (Staff Sergeant)
4.Mage (Hermetic) (Warrant Officer 1).
What would you request from me.
Spent 2 years in Angola War Specialized in Sniper support for Squad.
Doubled as LMG Gunner and Assistant.
Trained in Small arms, Sniper Rifles and LMG and Small unit tactic through to Hostile zone Patrol.
Sep 28 2004, 10:35 AM
@ Johnson,
nothing yet, just start bouncing around character ideas. If enough people express interest I will toss out the Character Creation Rules™
Sep 28 2004, 10:58 AM
Well You have my ideas.
I am interested
Sep 28 2004, 10:58 AM
sounds interesting.
been part of the military myself and didn't really like it, but hey it's a game so we can have fun with all the stuff sane ppl would never do.
As Johnson started the priority thingie I'll put in mine as well.
1. Rigger/comm. expert (Warrant Officer 2)
2. Decker/Infiltration (Warrant Officer 2)
3. Longrifle/surveilence (Spec 4)
4. Heavy weapons expert/Demolitions (Staff Sergeant)
Do you want background ideas sent by mail or posted here?
I hope you got access to the TT sourcebook, since SoNA is not really filling you in on much details of the Tir
Sep 28 2004, 11:22 AM
Again, I am really interested in this one,and as we all seem to be doing a priority thing here with who is what... here are my prefernaces:
1. Rigger/Comms expert (Warrent officer 2)
2. Longrifle/surveilence (Spec 4)
3. Heavy weopons/Demolitions (Staff sergent)
I dont have any military experiance, I currently work in a prison... but I will give it my all! As for how we are in regard to dumpshock, I have been playing on here for a while... run several different missions (one which has just finished) and have taken part in others. I generally play riggers as they are charecters which I seem to understand alot, but I am more then happy to have a change of pace and take on one of the other roles.
Sep 28 2004, 11:47 AM
I'd be interested in:
Mage (Hermetic) (Warrant Officer 1)
Ghost: Although born with the name Axand'sylph, Ghost has forsaken the name and goes only by his nickname of Ghost. Although skilled in weaponry and other military required knowledges, Ghost has made a name for himself amongst the elite for his Astral endeavors. He is, to his elite team, the epitome of the Astral Guardian, able to blast through barriers and hoardes of spirits with little more than an after thought. His blade stays with him on the Astral Plane, and he is rarely seen physically on a mission, prefering to pave the way for his team on the Astral side of things. The spirit world belongs to the Elves, and Ghost does his damnest to make sure that any opposition knows that very well.
Born to a noble family, Ghost was destined for the greater things in life, and it was expected that he would endear some time in the service before marrying some elven maiden who shared his Courtier status. Much to his mother's dismay, Ghost took no interest at all in social aspects of life, living almost entirely for the military that he's married to. However his father beams with great pride knowing that one of his sons is so highly honored, bringing much glory to his household. Ghost has no love at all for the other races, but sees them more as weaker versions of the true race, therefore he also has no enmity for the other races. They're just there, and if some die, no big loss.
Ghost is a young elf for having achieved so much attention, his hair is a dark brown, and tied into a ponytail which he usually holds together from the high-rear part of his head in a topknot fashion. He never wears heavy clothing or armours, prefering the look and feel of silks, loose shirts, and baggy camouflage pants made of the finest cottons. Many suggest he may have read one too many fairy tales by his manner of dressing, which even includes a silk sash, but to him its about comfort, since on the Astral Plane he appears quite differently. On the Astral he is a warrior personified. His appearance is that of a medieval knight from some elven fantasy piece of literature. His armour a fine mesh of chainmail and talberds with long ribbons flowing from the top of his knightly helm, in coincidentaly, the exact location of his topknot. Although he's rarely ever seen with Elementals at his side, he has been known to summon them on occasion, but prefers to do things on his own.
Anyhows, that's the idea I have in mind for a new character, I only talked of his military experience, not his Ghosts experiences because I'm not sure how the setting will look. If he would interest you as well, I'd love to build this character.

Digital Heroin
Sep 28 2004, 11:59 AM
I'm putting a bid in.
Team leader/Face (Captain) if no one else is going for it (planning an Adept using SOTA 2064);
Light Weapons Expert/B&E (1st L.T) another Adept planned; and
Heavy weapons/Demolitions (Staff sergent) I have a character I can adapt.
Edit: Was at work, still am, when tossed up the first bid post.
Sep 28 2004, 12:59 PM
I'd like to join in.
These are my preferences:
1. Longrifle/surveilence (Spec 4)
2. Heavy weapons/Demolitions (Staff sergent)
3. Light Weapons Expert/B&E (1st L.T)
Sep 28 2004, 02:18 PM
I'd be interested and would really like to play the part of the Demo/Heavy Weapons man. Just an FYI, this would be my first forum game.
Sep 28 2004, 04:12 PM
Looks interesting. My preference would be:
1) Mage (Warrant Officer 1)
2) Light Weapons Expert/ B&E (1st LT)
3) Decker/Infiltration (Warrant Officer 2)
I have very litte real world experience with military structures so I might need a littlw coaching now and then.
Sep 28 2004, 04:27 PM
I'm so down. My prefs are:
1. Team leader/Face (Captain)
3. Light Weapons Expert/B&E (1st L.T)
4. Heavy weapons expert/Demolitions (Staff Sergeant)
2. Longrifle/surveilence (Spec 4)
7. Mage (Hermetic) (Warrant Officer 1)
6. Rigger/comm. expert (Warrant Officer 2)
5. Decker/Infiltration (Warrant Officer 2)
Sep 28 2004, 04:38 PM
None too many interested in the Rigger, it seems...
1) Longrifle/surveilence (Spec 4)
2) Heavy Weapons Expert/Demolitions (Staff Sergeant)
3) Rigger/Communications Expert (Warrant Officer 2)
Sep 28 2004, 05:40 PM
I'm interested.
--Heavy Weapons (it's been so long since I've gotten to be the brick)
--Long Rifle
--Light Weapons
Sep 28 2004, 06:46 PM
I'm not picky in what part I get...though longrifle was what struck my fancy right off. If not that, then the decker or the mage.
Sep 28 2004, 08:17 PM
"My name is Brand McClellan. My rank is First Lieutenant. My number is zero-niner-zero-zero-two."
At a nod from his superior a uniformed man raises his rifle and slams the butt of it into the lean elf's jaw and a voice floats out of the shadows, "Come now, Lt. McClellan. It's not much that we ask, really. Be reasonable."
The young, noble face is bruised and cut in a dozen places, eyes tired and impassive. The elf spits blood and a few tooth fragments. He grates again through clenched teeth, "My name is Brand McClellan. My rank is..."
1. Light Weapons Expert/B&E (B&R?)
2. Long Rifle/Surveilance
3. Heavy Weapons/Demolitions
4. Hermetic Mage
5. Rigger/Comms Expert
6. Decker/Infiltration
7. Team Leader/Face
Where's the medic!? Unless B&E
is supposed to be B&R and extends to a crew of heavily cybered metahumans.

I'm new to the forums and new-ish to SR3. I have the main rulebook, CC and M&M, with MitS, SotA 64 and SC on the way.
Sep 28 2004, 08:23 PM
B&E is Breaking and Entering (so chief skills would, most likely, be Electronics B/R, Athletics, Stealth).
I'm assuming that Chief Tactician would go to the Rigger/Comm Expert as well? Or would that be more for the TL/F?
Sep 28 2004, 08:36 PM
I'd like to join this ( to keep with the pattern) interest in order of preference:
1. Heavy weapons expert/Demolitions (Staff Sergeant)
2. Longrifle/surveilence (Spec 4)
3. Mage (Hermetic) (Warrant Officer 1)
Those are my preferences, I have exactly no military experiance in real life, but I think I can pull that off, I tend to do military style characters anyway.
Sep 28 2004, 08:37 PM
The mage will likely wind up doubling as a medic...heal is a handy spell
Sep 28 2004, 08:42 PM
If we make a new position of just field medic, I would make that my number 1 and then bump the rest down from there. Would be easy to play the Dr. McCoy and fun.
Sep 28 2004, 09:01 PM
QUOTE (tanka) |
I'm assuming that Chief Tactician would go to the Rigger/Comm Expert as well? Or would that be more for the TL/F? |
Tactician would be the domain of the Leader.
Sep 28 2004, 09:04 PM
Fair enough.
Sep 28 2004, 09:06 PM
Aha... I thought B&E would be the domain of the Decker/Infiltrator.
So then, if B&E is B&E, who's the techie? The Rigger? Spread out amongst everyone?
Heal is indeed a handy spell, but relying only on magic seems way too risky.
Sep 28 2004, 09:07 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky @ Sep 28 2004, 12:17 PM) |
Where's the medic!? |
I cannot belive I forgot the medic. But he can't just be a medic.
So add Field
Medic/Hand to Hand expertWow lots of interest I see. Ok character creation rules as follows:
Priorities only (no beks, no sum to ten) 125 BP
Once you have that add 50 karma and one million Nuyen. That's right ONE MILLION nuyen.
The 1 mil represent the money the Tir Gov. has sunk in to you. Use to buy guns, cyber ware, magical trinkets or vehicles. This represents what you would get from the armory as well. So if you don't buy it,
you don't get it. Can it be converted to karma? No.
If you are asking what you can spend two million on as a mage... last I heard foci are pretty expensive. For the purposes of bonding foci only, you can use nuyen in place of karma.
1 Karma point = 10,000
Sep 28 2004, 09:09 PM
availability caps?
Sep 28 2004, 09:12 PM
Priorities or 125BP? Fair enough. Pay for the 1mil, then get another mil... Very nice.
I'm assuming regular avail/rating, right? Also; buy our own shops/facilities if possible or can we rely on the government for those things?
Sep 28 2004, 09:12 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky @ Sep 28 2004, 01:06 PM) |
Aha... I thought B&E would be the domain of the Decker/Infiltrator.
So then, if B&E is B&E, who's the techie? The Rigger? Spread out amongst everyone?
My definition of infiltrator would be the guy who infiltrated enemy units dressed as one of their own. Not the guy who uses stealth to pick locks.
Three characters here should have knowledge of tech, but in three different areas. The B&E guy would no maglocks, the Rigger vehicle and drone tech, and the infiltrator computer tech.
So far this is what I have for Character interest:
Team leader/Face (Captain)
-Digital Heroin (1)
-Ecclesiastes (1)
Light Weapons Expert/B&E (1st L.T)
-Johnson (1)
-Digital Heroin (2)
Heavy weapons expert/Demolitions (Staff Sergeant)
-Raiko (2)
-McQuillan (1)
-paul_HArkonen (1)
-tanka (2)
Long rifle/surveillance (Spec 4)
-Johnson (2)
-Aeon (2)
-Silverspur (2)
-Raiko (1)
-Ecclesiastes (2)
-Tanka (1) *submited*
-McQuillan (2)
-ES_Sparky (2)
- paul_HArkonen (2)
-Fenris (2)
Mage (Hermetic) (Warrant Officer 1)
-Sphynx (1)
- Buddha72 (2)
Whizbang (2)
Rigger/comm. expert (Warrant Officer 2)
-Aeon (1)
-Silverspur (1)
-Fenris (1)
Decker/Infiltration (Warrant Officer 2)
Buddha72 (3)
Whizbang (1)
Field Medic/Thowing Weapons
- Buddha72 (1)
-ES_Sparky (1)
-Aeon (2)
Sep 28 2004, 09:13 PM
QUOTE (paul_HArkonen) |
availability caps? |
Ratin 10/ Avail 14
Sep 28 2004, 09:15 PM
Addendum: What ratings of 'ware are you allowing? (Alpha/Beta/Delta/Cultured.) Any house rules we should be aware of outside of the creation rules? Books?
Sep 28 2004, 09:15 PM
QUOTE (tanka) |
Also; buy our own shops/facilities if possible or can we rely on the government for those things? |
Yes. What you purchase with your money represents what your team has access to. So if you buy a vehicle shop you can use it to customize a vehicle.
I would like it if everyone made their primary but had a good solid idea for the backup character.
I wish everyone could play but i am going to have to cut it down to 7 or 8 characters.
Sep 28 2004, 09:16 PM
thank you, all us gun toating nuts are now extremely happy.
And I assume beta and the like are acceptable presuming they are under the cap.
Sep 28 2004, 09:20 PM
QUOTE (tanka @ Sep 28 2004, 01:15 PM) |
Addendum: What ratings of 'ware are you allowing? (Alpha/Beta/Delta/Cultured.) Any house rules we should be aware of outside of the creation rules? Books? |
You can have whatever you can afford ware wise. Assuming it is under 14 avail.
I do not have many house rules I tend to use what is in the books. You may use weapons from Rayguns site (the link is in my sig) but not rules.
Here is what I have access to:
However, if you want to use something else please feel free, though I will probably ask you to explain it to me and give me a page reference.
I almost forgot. Please do not send me HTML character sheets from the NSRCG. The XML is fine (I prefer the last one on the list).
send completed characters with a FULL background to kelvaris(at)shadowgames(dot)us
Sep 28 2004, 09:21 PM
What books are allowed?
Ah...a mindreader...answered my question while I was posting it
Sep 28 2004, 09:24 PM
No CC, does this mean gun-creation is out or just that we have to put every aspect down?
Sep 28 2004, 09:27 PM
Sorry, I do have CC, and yes gun creation is out. You can customize your standard firearms and call them whatever you want. But no gun creation from the ground up.
Sep 28 2004, 09:28 PM
Fair enough. Will make things a bit more interesting compared to the Riggers and Deckers of the group.
Sep 28 2004, 09:51 PM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
Light Weapons Expert/B&E (1st L.T) -Johnson (1) -Digital Heroin (2) - ES_Sparky (1)
Field Medic/Thowing Weapons - Buddha72 (1) |
Please modify these to...
Light Weapons Expert/B&E (1st L.T)-Johnson (1)
-Digital Heroin (2)
- ES_Sparky (2)
Field Medic/Thowing Weapons- Buddha72 (1)
-ES_Sparky (1)
Dropping out of the hotly contested running for the sniper/scout and going mano y mano with Buddha72 - take that Lotus boy!
Sep 28 2004, 09:55 PM
I'm thinking the team should chip in for a base of operations. Could include a garage, weapons shop, hermetic library all that jazz. Sweet. This sounds so freaking cool.
Oh! Do we get a Miss Moneypenny?!!
Sep 28 2004, 09:58 PM
changes made.
Sep 28 2004, 10:00 PM
Think Navy Seals not Ian Flemming.
You will all be asigned to a Naval base on the Oregon coast, I don't have Tir sourcebook so I will be making it up as I go along. You do have a base, and it will include whatever you guys buy, If the Rigger buys a shop or facility the base will have it etc.
Digital Heroin
Sep 28 2004, 10:21 PM
When are you looking to have characters by?
Sep 28 2004, 10:41 PM
When buying gear are we paying street index? I was wondering since we work for a nation.
So are we deciding what role first then making characters?
Sep 28 2004, 10:43 PM
I'm going to make both a Leader and a B&E character to submit.
Sep 28 2004, 10:51 PM
Shadow - Interested. Order of priority would be:
1.) Rigger
2.) Longrifle
3.) Heavy Weapons
Question: If I'm understanding this, you want full characters before you decide who's in the game, correct? And you want a primary and secondary character?
Sep 28 2004, 10:52 PM
QUOTE (Fenris @ Sep 28 2004, 02:41 PM) |
When buying gear are we paying street index? I was wondering since we work for a nation.
So are we deciding what role first then making characters? |
Good point. I am going to say you do not pay SI. Since you would be getting all your gear from the Govt.
As for your second question. You decide what role you want to play, and then send me a character that fits the role. I posted who was interested in what so people would have an idea of what role was the most sot after. I know that for myself if everyone is going after B&E I would make some other kind of character.
Sep 28 2004, 10:53 PM
QUOTE (Fenris) |
Shadow - Interested. Order of priority would be:
1.) Rigger 2.) Longrifle 3.) Heavy Weapons
Question: If I'm understanding this, you want full characters before you decide who's in the game, correct? And you want a primary and secondary character? |
I want your primary, and then have a good concept ready to go with your secondary. Just in case.
Sep 28 2004, 10:55 PM
Ok I am going to work on the Medic/Throwing expert then. Is it alright if we decide amongst ourselves what roles to fill? I dont't have enough time to create multiple fleshed out characters.
Sep 28 2004, 11:06 PM
I'm assuming our Fearless Leader is going to nab a BattleTac, so I went ahead and bought a cybered version up. If FL isn't going to have one, then I've got an extra 60k to spend, so let us know.
(Hint hint, it would be a great idea to have one. Hint hint.)
Sep 28 2004, 11:08 PM
Hmm...I'm aiming for the decker/infiltraton spec, with lots of knowsoft, and charisma out the wahzoo. (exceptional attribute(cha), culture tailored pheromes... end result of Cha 10(14))
Oh yeah...and is the not paying street index on the initial money from char generation, or just on the additional 1 mil?
Sep 28 2004, 11:26 PM
all of it
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