Sep 28 2004, 11:43 PM
Buddha just asked me a relevant question I wanted to share with you all.
Everyone should be Elves. My assumption was that this would be obvious, but it may not.
If you really have a great story I may let you be a Night One, but there would only be one of those on the team.
Oh, and don't be excessive on the edges and flaws.
Sep 28 2004, 11:47 PM
It was stated in the first post, I believe. If not, then I'm good at assuming things.
Sep 29 2004, 06:00 AM
A question was asked:
Initiation allowed?
Yes to what ever 50 Karma will get you.
You can belong to whatever group you want, assuming their goals do not lay counter to the Tir military.
Ordeal? MetaTechniques?
Sure. Whatever Meta Techniques you want I guess.
Pay the 10 BP to be an elf?
Sep 29 2004, 06:26 AM
Well I am going to cover the Light weapons and B&E Expert.
I am going to cover Personal coms as well, unless battle tac is being perchased and we need reciever units.
May I suggest that we set aside money for some CC or SOTA Battle Tac.
This will help us tremendiously.
Small unit tactics are going to play an important role.
Shadow, basic training as far as everone is concerned. There should be a standard of weapons across the board. Unless there is we have our own discresion and become a deniable asset to Tir.
If thats a case we would have what restrictions on Military grade weapons and equipment?
Sep 29 2004, 06:41 AM
You can have any equipment you want as long as it fits availability.
In my limited experience with spec ops they often choose whatever weapon fits their role best .
Sep 29 2004, 06:57 AM
I am going to look at manual B&E.
etc Locks and electronic locks.
Digital Heroin
Sep 29 2004, 08:10 AM
I'm going to be making the leader sans SOTA 2064. Going to make a mundane, light cyber, highly trained. Going to focus on leadership and instruction, naturally. Aside from that the leader (as I may make a gal, for a change of pace) is going to have a strong soldiering background as well, which also makes sense.
Sep 29 2004, 08:20 AM
GGGRRRRR. Female Capt.
That would be a good idea Female survailance sniper.
Hey a whole female tac team...
Permenent PMS 24/7/365
Sep 29 2004, 11:34 AM
Just finished writing up my rigger.... it took AGES!! I just hopes its all ok!
Sep 29 2004, 11:36 AM
seems like someone made bad experiences @ Johnson

question for the Rigger: What kind of drones will be of use? And what kind of vehicle skills are in need?
We should definatly go for BattleTac and Small Unit Tactics.
@ Shadow: just for the notes: you forgot me at Decker/Infiltrator (2)
Digital Heroin
Sep 29 2004, 12:02 PM
You want crazy female leaders? I ran a RL game with ex-Desert Wars soldiers who were supposed to be on the same squad, and got recruited by a secret society to do some soft touch work. The leader walked around with a primed explosive in her hand whenever she was giving briefings, anyone talked trash she threatened to detonate it.
Then again that was the same team where I eventually got sick of the infighting and poor leadership, and let the sniper take out the leader.
Sep 29 2004, 12:56 PM
Johnson: Odd, that's what I built!
Female longrifle/surveillance expert is out. I'll be working on a Rigger as my backup (as there's a good show for heavy/demolitions).
Besides, what good Rigger could pass up 2mil in stuff?!
Sep 29 2004, 01:20 PM
Well I have made a rigger who has all the battletech stuff.... but then again I didnt take the full two million. I took 1,400,000 instead and still had to think how best to spend it all.... I dont think I would have been able to spend all 2 000 000 unless I bought a full on attack helicopter!!
Sep 29 2004, 02:14 PM
My Hermetic has been turned in. FYI to the Field Medic, the character does have a force 6 Heal, and a Force 3 Stabilize. So, you have a somewhat decent Backup, I hope.
Sep 29 2004, 02:23 PM
I was going to ask, Shadow, can we donate karma and resources?
If so, Sphynx (and any other mages), if I contributed resource and karma to a spell or sustaining focus or Nuyen for points for levitate, heal or stabilize (gurneys are hard to come by in the field) would it jack with your build?
I may not have leftovers since the doc has to also be a hth guy.
Just a thought.
To any Rigger - what vehicles are you getting? Probably we should have a back-up driver or more than one vehicle (big team).
Just in case, you know.
Sep 29 2004, 05:48 PM
Decker/Infiltrator submitted.
Sep 29 2004, 06:04 PM
@ Sparky,
No trading Karma, you are welcome to buy things you think other teamates could use but no outright giving it to them. Since the final list of players isn't out then that would be unfair.
Sep 29 2004, 06:22 PM
Interesting as it sounds,
Shadow, I don't think I have time to write up a full character, research into the Tir, and create an in-depth background for a game I might not even play in.
I'll be keeping an eye on the thread though, and I expect a good story
Sep 29 2004, 06:29 PM
I hope we don't disapoint Fenris.
Sep 29 2004, 06:40 PM
Shadow -- How old is the medic character and what rank? Also - the suggestion to purchase stuff for the Mage wasn't directed at anyone in particular, but offered to any Mage that spent BPs to cover the medic's back with stuff like Heal and Stabilize. If I do purchase foci they'll be heirlooms or something... Maybe. If I have piles of Nuyen laying about I've prolly done something wrong.

EDIT: And what rank are we using - Army? (Is this something I should know for knowing The Tir? Gotta hit the books...)
Sep 29 2004, 06:49 PM
Rank system: I am basing it off the Army.
The Medic is a Sergent.
Sep 29 2004, 08:30 PM
So far this is what I have for Character interest:
Team leader/Face (Captain)
-Digital Heroin (1)
-Ecclesiastes (1)
Light Weapons Expert/B&E (1st L.T)
-Johnson (1)
-Digital Heroin (2)
Heavy weapons expert/Demolitions (Staff Sergeant)
-Raiko (2)
-McQuillan (1)
-paul_HArkonen (1)
-tanka (2)
Long rifle/surveillance (Spec 4)
-Johnson (2)
-Aeon (2)
-Silverspur (2)
-Raiko (1)
-Ecclesiastes (2)
-Tanka (1) *submited*
-ES_Sparky (2)
- paul_HArkonen (2)
-Fenris (2)
Mage (Hermetic) (Warrant Officer 1)
-Sphynx (1) *submited*
- Buddha72 (2)
Whizbang (2)
Rigger/comm. expert (Warrant Officer 2)
-Aeon (1)
-Silverspur (1)
-Fenris (1)
Decker/Infiltration (Warrant Officer 2)
Buddha72 (3)
Whizbang (1) *submited*
-McQuillan (2)
Field Medic/Thowing Weapons
- Buddha72 (1)
-ES_Sparky (1)
-Aeon (2)
Sep 29 2004, 08:46 PM
Silverspur: I already asked if the Rigger would be the Tactician, he said no. Leader is Tactician. However, I'm assuming that the Rigger would have some BTacs for his drones (if he has any).
On vehicles: Since we're technically getting all of this through the military/government, do we pay military markup for all created vehicles or are we paying standard "street-level" markup?
Sep 29 2004, 08:56 PM
QUOTE (tanka) |
On vehicles: Since we're technically getting all of this through the military/government, do we pay military markup for all created vehicles or are we paying standard "street-level" markup? |
Whichever is more beneficial to you as the player.
Sep 29 2004, 08:57 PM
Oh really now...
More money good. And it makes some form of sense. (Well, except for the more rare things like... A chasis for a Thunderbird.)
Sep 29 2004, 09:01 PM
Shadow -- My second choice was First Lieutenant - I backed out of the race for sniper/scout.
I found a really great resource for today's
Armed Forces and thought I'd share, since all I can claim for a legit military background is being a navy brat...
This one is for the Army, but do a search there for United States Marines or United States Navy, etc. and you'll have more reading to do than you can shake a stick at.
Sep 29 2004, 09:08 PM
It's a .com, so I wouldn't trust it so much as if it was a .mil
Certain discrepencies can arise because of that little bit.
Sep 29 2004, 10:04 PM
So as not to start a new page every time I post it.
So far this is what I have for Character interest:
[ Spoiler ]
Team leader/Face (Captain)
-Digital Heroin (1)
-Ecclesiastes (1)
Light Weapons Expert/B&E (1st L.T)
-Johnson (1)
-Digital Heroin (2)
-ES_Sparky (2)
Heavy weapons expert/Demolitions (Staff Sergeant)
-Raiko (2)
-McQuillan (1)
-paul_HArkonen (1)
Long rifle/surveillance (Spec 4)
-Johnson (2)
-Aeon (2)
-Silverspur (2)
-Raiko (1)
-Ecclesiastes (2)
-Tanka (1) *submited*
-paul_HArkonen (2)
Mage (Hermetic) (Warrant Officer 1)
-Sphynx (1) *submited*
-Whizbang (2)
Rigger/comm. expert (Warrant Officer 2)
-Aeon (1)
-Silverspur (1)
-Fenris (1)
-tanka (2)
Decker/Infiltration (Warrant Officer 2)
-Whizbang (1) *submited*
-McQuillan (2)
Field Medic/Thowing Weapons
- Buddha72 (1)
-ES_Sparky (1)
-Aeon (2)
Sep 29 2004, 10:11 PM
Switch me to Rigger for choice 2. If I have time, I might throw a Heavy just in case, but I doubt it.
Sep 29 2004, 11:14 PM
QUOTE (tanka) |
It's a .com, so I wouldn't trust it so much as if it was a .mil
Certain discrepencies can arise because of that little bit. |
Anybody got any good .mil sites to share?
Sep 29 2004, 11:31 PM
Ghosts are trained to operate in small units of one or two men up to platoon strength of sixteen. However, they work best in squads of eight or fewer. Most missions are clandestine in nature, planned in exacting detail and executed with precision and swiftness. During peacetime, Ghosts find themselves with the same rigorous training as during war. Training remains strict to enforce the belief that the more you sweat in peacetime, the less you will bleed in war.
Whenever the Council of Princes needs a no-nonsense, decisive and lethal solution to a foreign policy problem, including counter-terrorism strike forces, the Tir Ghosts are the force of choice. |
This is a modified excerpt from the US Navy Seals comercial website.
Like I said earlier think Navy Seals / Spec Force when making your character.
Sep 29 2004, 11:36 PM
Whizbang asked me a question about how to improve his character. Now normally I do not like helping people with their character because they feel since I helped them, that they are somehow entitled to be in the game. This is not the case.
I took a look at his character and the first thing that struck me was that all his physical stats were 3 or less.
Now he submitted for a Decker and he was a superb Decker. Heres the thing though, no matter your specialty all Spec Force people have to meet a certain physical level of fitness.
So before you hit the send mail button ask yourself this.
If a helicopter dropped your character out in the ocean, five miles from shore, would he be able to swim in? Assuming you could use nothing but the power of your muscles.
Sep 29 2004, 11:39 PM
I hope that as part of those muscles are cyberware and other such stuff is included.
Sep 29 2004, 11:44 PM
My Rigger is sent. He'd probably die too if you drop him 5 miles off the coast into the ocean

One thing to add for all those who play magical chars: The ghosts have their own group called 'Ghost Circle' At least that's what the shadowtalk in the Tir Tairngire SB sais.
Digital Heroin
Sep 30 2004, 12:36 AM
That's definitly the deal. Spec Forces people may have the nowhow to operate all the toys in the world (literally, you need to be able to operate enemy gear as well), but you also need to be able to operate with absolutely nothing. Think McGuyver people. Knowledge is power, toys are secondary. Flexibility is prefered to specialty, though specialty is also valued.
Edit: As for the circles and such... for anyone interested who doesn't have access to the relevant materials I can write up a blurb on how the Tir Paladins (of which the Ghosts are a branch) work. Will do when I get off work today.
Sep 30 2004, 06:31 AM
Well I am going to submit the Light weapons and B&E As I said.
The Character should be out to you by Friday. Bio will be done I have to find the time for History and background.
Between Work and Packing up the house I am laking the time.
If there are any offer from the creative types who would like to submit a background History, you are welcome.
Sep 30 2004, 08:32 AM
Fingers Bio has beens sent.
Contacts, History and background to follow.
Sep 30 2004, 08:38 AM
The alterations to my rigger have been made and sent as requested.
but I do have one question for the group....
I "only" took 1.4 million as resources, bought the best cyberware money can buy as well as several fairly hard drones, A modified Ares mobmaster and a mildly modified chopper... with all this talk of tanks and things I am starting to think im fairly under eqiped! Should I really have gone out and bought a tank or attack helicopter?!
Digital Heroin
Sep 30 2004, 12:29 PM
QUOTE (Silverspur_2020) |
The alterations to my rigger have been made and sent as requested.
but I do have one question for the group....
I "only" took 1.4 million as resources, bought the best cyberware money can buy as well as several fairly hard drones, A modified Ares mobmaster and a mildly modified chopper... with all this talk of tanks and things I am starting to think im fairly under eqiped! Should I really have gone out and bought a tank or attack helicopter?! |
You did read the excerpt about the SEALS, right? Tanks and helos aren't clandestine... far, far from it.
Sep 30 2004, 12:33 PM
Perhaps an attack helicopter with some nice stealth modifications... would make getting out into the boondocks alot easier.
Sep 30 2004, 01:12 PM
nice idea with the helicopter, not that anyone could pay for that... at least I can't when you want me to have other useful stuff aswell. (like a few drones, comm equipment, a good rcd, etc
Sep 30 2004, 02:33 PM
Well this was my thought... I started with 1.4 and by the time I had bought my cyberware I was left with 800,000... minus the drones takes you down to about 300,000... so I outfited a mobmaster and a kept the chopper more or less standard. I think I got a point of armour for it and rigging adaption...thats more or less it. Although I am toying with the idea of taking the cannon off the mobmaster and fitting it to the chopper.
Sep 30 2004, 02:41 PM
are we going to be diversing in multi terrian or are we just going to land the ship on the back lawn and shoot our way in.
The way I see we are going to be dropped of at an LZ or a small landing strip and make our own way with other transport.
Sep 30 2004, 03:20 PM
I was thinking more of a drop-off and the Rigger sits back for the communications. Maybe send a few drones out to aid the longrifler with recon. I wouldn't say too much with combat, but a bit. Stealth is probably pretty key here, so it'd be best to have a high Signature and some good ECM/ECCM/ED/ECD and Sensors if possible.
I might make a Thunderbird and see how much I can throw in it starting. Probably not a whole lot, but it's worth a shot. If that fails, then I can just switch some skills around and go about another direction.
Sep 30 2004, 05:51 PM
Whoever is playing the Rigger, are you setting up your drones with BattleTac?
I'm building a submission for Leader right now. He is heavy on tactics (yay for 12 dice on a tactics roll with Aptitude). So everyone should try to pick up a BattleTac receiver, if not a cyberlink (cyberlink is way better). If you have any questions, let me know.
Sep 30 2004, 06:54 PM
OK, maybe not a TBird... If I do, it'll be bare-bones all the way and upgrades at a later date.
...And I was so hoping to fly one of those down the throats of our enemies. That would've been so much fun.
Sep 30 2004, 07:05 PM
I submitted a rigger... and yes, I THINK I sorted battletech out... I did buy the stuff for it... but not as the cyberware version
Sep 30 2004, 08:18 PM
You don't need the cyberware. You need the add-ons for your drones.
Sep 30 2004, 08:26 PM
I've submitted a 2nd option for a Hermetic Mage, if you don't receive it, let me know please.
Sep 30 2004, 09:38 PM
Yesterday and today find me moving into our new place so I will get back to you on the characters tomorow.
I realize I havent given a starting date, so I should probably set one now.
Sunday, Oct 10th is when the game starts. Final characters are due the Thursday before
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